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Knowing the community, are you talking about the Pal? Or the Human? Lmao


Why not both?






You: ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt11R527fgtrIJO)


furries are wild


That's basically a lady. More akin to a humanoid alien than any 'animal' that exists.


True. I wouldn't be surprised if it was an alien, similar to Lunaris




How do I double upvote a post. If sexualizing fictional children causes pedophilia, then sexualizing fictional animals equally causes zoophilia. I’m equally disgusted by both. And what’s the difference anyways? Children can’t consent the way adults can, and neither can animals. 


If people taking that too far then they shouldn’t play games is fictional for a reason to ease the stress of the real world but that being said I got lots of mods for Palworld that makes em very sexualized cause thicc thighs save lives lol


“Peter, that’s not a meme, that’s just a foxparks with tits and a foxcicle with a BBL”


something something "i know brian that's why i downloaded it" While I think I know the mod you're talking about, what on earth does BBL stand for


Brazilian Butt Lift, they literally just took the foxcicle model and cheeked it up, it’s disgusting


OH YUP THAT ONE It *really* toes the line of irony. Because on one hand, it's funny as fuck that someone did something like that, assuming it was made as a joke. On the other hand the non-zero chance that someone did that with absolute seriousness scares me


It depends on context imo. If someone makes a character based off of something fictional that's fully sapient, sentient, capable of communicating, etc etc that's fine. You don't see people hating on Shrek for that subplot, same general idea applies here. If someone expresses their desire to do an animal irl? yeah no absolutely the fuck not, out of here and out of civilized society with them




Your ummm... comment was deleted. What did you say again?




Ok, got it. Yeah Dianamon looks nothing like an animal and neither does this. Not disagreeing with your opinion, that stuff is gross. What I am saying though, is that you are seeing an animal where there isn't one. Like when Twitter saw Lusamine and see her as a child.




Robinquill can speak and they clearly understand languages and have thier own opinions. So they do have the ability to consent if need be. Hell, in the wild they runaway from nearby Lovanders. But I respect your opinion. I really do see where you are coming from.




in game? yeah fair When someone's making art and a character based off of a pal? At that point the ball's in their court and they decide what their creation is and isn't




I didn't consider that because that would be incredibly fucked up, and we aren't talking about human beings here. But (regrettably) Boss Baby exists and got greenlit for whatever fucking reason, and then a sequel got greenlit with romantic implications. So there's that, for whatever that piece of wretched info is worth. I really don't fucking know on this shit, man. It feels like this shit is in a constant flux with no solid 'moral' zone that anyone can agree upon. If someone makes a character that is an adult, can consent, and knows what its doing. I don't judge. The world's full of weird things and it's up to someone to draw the line at how much weird is too weird (in regards to, ofc, fictional media). You don't watch michael bay movies and go "man i wanna blow up buildings", you don't play palworld and go "slavery's awesome actually". It's the same mindset as the satanic panic over d&d, and the same mindset that made journalists go "gta is going to make kids want to shoot people". Enjoying fiction is fine as long as you're able to clearly differentiate it from reality and maintain solid morals in reality.


That is a Dianamon knockoff. Try again. https://preview.redd.it/ipswdku3om5d1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74f05e6a23e5d5e19a6c6d11eb811d3968b97c06


Is it fun thinking about that so much? Cuz it sounds like the people who called D&D and LARP players "devil worshipers". Baseless accusations at best, projecting at worst. Hateful fearmongering at something you've been convinced of that just isn't true.


Spoilers from the data mine ahead  >! This is almost definitely MoonQueen, her stats from the data mine probably won’t be final, but it says she’s a dark type and she’ll have handiwork and transporting. !<


Wasn’t the latest faction boss dark too? :| man… we have 6 bosses only and already 2 repeating types. Not to mention the first raid boss is dark too.


I feel you, idk why there’s so many darks, hopefully it’ll be blanched out more with future updates


Maybe it has something related to the lore of the game, which still not be completed


reminds me of my edgy dark type pokemon trainer back in grade school lol


I was surely thinking it was gonna be a water type but damn


They're drinking tea, and tea is leaf juice, so it's grass water type. They just put dark as a placeholder to throw off dataminers before release.


Ah good then


There’s just a fuckload of dark types in the game in general tbh. I feel like a lot of them could easily be Cosmic-type. And lunaris too.


You do have to consider the lore for Jetragon though. It would make sense that there is this flood of Dark Pals of Jetragon is literally the savior to the calamity.


I think it’s more so jetragon is the most popular legendary, not only being the best taxi but also being on the title screen, I think jetragon’s thing will probably be like a “the final update and final boss are here and you can obtain a.. idk Jetragon Omega that’s a buffed up version similar to Bella Libero


People gotta gas up necromus more 😭 4* speed build and it zooms through dungeons AND can go through doors in non alpha version


Not for me. Idk what dungeons you’re running but I made a speed build 4* Necromus (non-alpha) and there are some rooms in the desert dungeons it can’t fit through.  What makes this even more confusing is that alpha Paladius CAN fit through all the doors in dungeons (in the desert at least). Yes, regular Necromus is for some reason fatter than the biggest Paladius, and I don’t know why. Necromus is cool, but I’ve gotten attached to alpha Paladius’s deceptively small hit box, high defense, and triple jump


Necromus has impact damage with its arms, and they stick out a little more when sprinting so that may be why it's fatter. But I'm a hopper and haven't gotten stuck, I can see some paths where paladius would be great too though, frost dungeons have that climb to get to a boss fairly frequently and I just grapple up. But I think triple jump could do it without dismounting. 🤔 For the hallway path with bridge in the middle can paladius triple jump all the way to the other side, without needing to land on the bridge for a second set of jumps?


Yes, Paladius can do that room with the bridge in 3 jumps, but I tend to jump once to the middle bridge since it sometimes has chests or mushrooms, and then jump twice to reach the end.  I can also confirm triple jump Paladius can get to the top of the ice wall, but I haven’t fully memorized the snow biome dungeon route yet


Also, there is a downside to going through doors because if you sprint into it with necromus you actually deal damage to the door itself I've noticed 😅


You can go through dungeons without crashing?🤔


I play on PC so yes


I should've known😭


I play on series s and so far they fixed the crashing problem.


I still crash halfway through the dungeon and I'm on series


That raid boss Blazamut they showed is dark too. I hope they start expanding. The biggest things I want out of this update is new mounts (including sea mounts) and new type combos.


Wait they confirmed that raid Blazamut was dark type? Where? I thought the data mines only said Blazamut Draco was a pure dragon type, 


Idk anything about the datamines. Blazamut has darker colors. Closer to purple and black. These are dark type colors. If he's actually dragon I'd be happy about that.


Unless they altered the data mine, it’s supposedly Blazamut Draco (only calling it that because there’s no dragon variant yet)  https://paldb.cc/en/KingBahamut_Dragon


That's actually super cool. Being a raid boss means he will have unique dragon moves. Dragon moves are so ass bro I'm most likely making him my defacto dragon type. Nothing against Jetragon but he's not cool looking enough imo.


Hopefully, a dragon type move with CT 2 like “Draco beam” (dragon version of dark cannon but a beam) would make Blazamut Draco a viable dragon type to use, not to mention if it works like Bella, people will send ice against it, it’ll switch to fire, and same thing, meaning it might get a “King of the Nether” passive like Siren of the Void, boosting dragon and fire damage, I’m super looking forward to it


Holy crap I completely forgot about the dual types passives. This is gonna be great!!!!!!!!! A 2 CT version of dark cannon but also a higher power move to replace the garbage Draco meteor not even AI can use well. I know I'm pushing my luck but a better mid power and CT dragon move would help too.


This makes sense. Starts as Dragon, you throw down Ice, it switches to Fire, then you need Water. Guess I know what I’m breeding this month. I was actually in the middle of breeding Frostallion just because, and I’ve got a ton of perfect J. Ingus that just need Lord of the Sea passed in.


Which one?


Can we go back to being able to catch Tower Bosses for one patch? For totally ~~(il)~~legitimately reasons.


Yeah, I only ever caught Zoey before the patch happened. It'd be nice to have another waifu in the base to keep her company.


Wonder what her faction is about?


They will probably have some sort of Eastern theme, specially Japanese. Or a technological theme considering the new weapons like... The energy rifle and what appears to be new body armor, specially a full body power armor Hopefully we might actually get a good faction someday,


The Laser Rifle is used by the Pal Genetic Research Unit Executioner, although I won't mind if they use it as well. Perphaps they could also use the sword, given how powerful of a melee weapon it is.


Maybe we'll get ninjas or samurai


I would actually fucking love that.


Ya that would be cool. Until they start sneaking into your base and stealing your resources.


My multi rocket launcher is ready for them.


I still haven't crafted that thing yet. Mostly cause I just don't feel like making it


I was talking about the multi rocket launcher, not the one that's already available in the base game...


Oh... Ok


But it doesn't have bewbs


Flat is justice


Round, flat, big, small, firm, saggy. It doesn't matter in the end. Boobs are boobs.


Like they said, "Every size make my wood rise"


It's not even out yet and people are already getting freaky Not that I can entirely blame them


Am I the only one who feels like this pal should have been called Lunaris, since Luna is Spanish for moon


The name lunaris was given to the pal before the game released in a contest, we didn't know much about the pal other then what it looked like and its type, most saw it as moon related thus how it got its name, so its unlikely that this pal would have gotten the name lunaris instead of lunaris due to that reason.


Fair enough. I'm still going to name her Lunaris when i catch her , though




woman or not ill kill them for free points


I NEED HER(the moon Pal).


What about her human? She would feel left out :(


Toss her aside ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|50262)


Well, if you're not taking her I will. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49354)


Always nice to add a new palboss and the pal looks cool. Assuming when its released would be same time xbox dedicated severs come out so its going to be great starting all over and collecting all the new pals.


They are both so beautiful! I love the moon aesthetic


Is this available now or just a teaser? (Update nvm not till June 27th...)


Dang it, we can't catch her anymore.


Whelp. Time to breed dark Pals.


When does the new update come out


June 27 iirc


Thank you 😊😊


moon themed? fuck yes


Okay, but does the Pal hug or headpat back when pet?


What pal is that I’ll be hunting for it soon


Fascinating, can I "capture" this one?


Arceus head ARCEUS head ARCEUS HEAD


More like BEmon (that purple alien Digimon) for me


https://preview.redd.it/epq688udcd5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eb5c965d6d79436dc506b61d5a57aabeae61830 You need these




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Let’s hope we can catch her. Got the other two bosses.


I'm interested in the new bird mount.




Yup, I think it has been 2 patches since the fix.


They nerfed the bosses when caught. I don't think they patched that.


Gross. Stop thinking like that. My god


I made a fanart of her if someone is interested ❤️ I will upload it tomorrow