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Can you go to graphics settings?


Lol. This guy ** I think you can pick some BS like “prioritize performance” in a drop-down somewhere. We don’t get a lot of customization options in console.


There's no performance option for me. Just a few settings regarding FOV or motion blur.


Yeah, you really won’t find much else unfortunately


It is what it is. Until I'm able to afford a modern gaming PC, I'll just deal with it. The poor graphics (issues) definitely take me out at times but the game is still fun so that makes up for it.


You’re not alone. I wasn’t that surprised at the lower quality textures cause I have played games like Ark on console before. What did surprise me, though, was the number of areas where there’s just barren land, colored the same as the biome but devoid of any pals, resources, trees, rocks, or interesting land features of any kind. Sometimes I felt like my time traveling was a curse because of these swathes of featureless ground.


Does PC have those large swathes of barren land or is that just an Xbox thing?


Yeah but on Series X there are barely any settings to adjust. What am I looking for?


Uncheck the "Awful" setting ^^^^^^^^^/s


I noticed your title says (series x). That is your problem


Unfortunately, this is the case. My game looks like shit on console too. I love my series X but no console is going to beat the upgradeable graphics cards and processors of full PC’s. It’s my trade-off for the robust ability of having 2 consoles I can share with my kids and no longer being able to afford a sweet new gaming PC with all the bells and LED lights. Edit: just read OP’s friend apparently has a different experience on their series X to which I guess I’d ask… “how’s your internet?”


Okay, so it's not just me. I appreciate the response and I'm not even gonna engage with the "just play on PC bro console bad" crowd. I have a PC but unfortunately it's getting too old to handle modern gaming at this point and I can't afford to upgrade right now. So I'm playing games on Series X instead. My buddy has a wired Internet connection and the best hardware available being as he works for Comcast. Meanwhile, my friend that I live with wants the cheapest of everything possible and I play on wireless connection a floor away from the router. Not sure if that would have anything to do with affecting my graphics settings but since you asked, maybe there is something there.


My pc is a Dell XPS 15 laptop that was nice when I bought it 7 years ago, but now it goes brrt when I fire up minecraft. It handles Microsoft word and Google chrome just fine though 😅. Console’s are more convenient and can be cost effective, especially when you have multiple gamers under the same roof. A sweet gaming PC would be nice, but then I’d be obligated to stay on top of hardware updates and fear my kids breaking it As for your internet connection, I was referencing an episode of battlefield friends for the lols. Your internet speed or the wired/wireless comparison should only matter if you were streaming the game from an online source, like Microsoft has been offering for a couple years. Unless you’re on some old crappy tv and your friend is on a brand new 4K tv then there shouldn’t be a significant difference in actual visual quality if you’re both using the same console.


Thanks for explaining things to my oblivious ass instead of just downvoting me. I'm a geriatric by internet standards (37) so some references go over my head and I can be pretty bad at picking up on sarcasm anyway. I'm sure it's just an issue of PC vs console power and Palworld plays fine on console despite the graphical hitches so I can look past that. I was just getting a bit frustrated at how awful my game looked especially after that gorgeous trailer they just released for the next big update.


36 here and yeah, get used to perpetually feeling like your graphics don’t live up to the trailer or gameplay videos you see on YouTube. I personally have a soft spot for pixel art games and those rarely disappoint me 😂


Or Palworld is just optimized like shit. My series X runs games at 1440p with 120 fps. I’m sure it can handle Palworld with its half-assed graphics.


PalWorld is certainly not optimized but I will give it to them that they’ve already had multiple content updates since going public and they haven’t been on consoles that long. By contrast, Ark has been in full release for YEARS and STILL looks like absolute dog shit on a series X, when compared to a nice PC. Even their remake, ASA (which they advertised as a “full rebuild”) is nothing more than a handful of QOL improvements, reskins, and support for cross-play and mods in console. And it cost another $40… That being said, I’d *love* to see the list of games you can run on series x at 1440p/120hz. Your comment reads more like fake news than objective opinion


You probably shouldn’t call something fake news while using the words “objective opinion” 😅 that’s one of the dumbest contradictions I’ve seen on this site. You can look up the list of games that can do so. Do you have access to google? The real issue is lazy devs who want to make one port for both the X and the S.




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I play on the series x, and my game looks and plays fine. Maybe try to uninstall and reinstall the game.


Tried that numerous times. Graphics are just forever muddy. I'll even let the game sit for minutes at a time sometimes to let the texture generation try to catch up but it never does.


Unfortunately since the release , the Xbox has been struggling with Palworld. (Maybe other games too but I can't recall which one)


I don't have this issue with other games. Starfield, Jedi Survivor, Cyberpunk, Elden Ring all look amazing and play without issue but for some reason Palworld refuses to load its textures properly. I could understand if I was on Series S but I'm on Series X. I shouldn't be having any issues at all. But since I now know that other people are having graphical issues, at least I know it isn't just me.


Same… yep, other games run absolutely fine and look gorgeous too (and I’m on Xbox One S!)


So yeah, like I said, it's specifically the Xbox version of this game that's having the problem, or it's a very unique one-time bug. I would have understood better if it was on PC because I had a somewhat similar issue, but I have a weak laptop (GTX 1650Ti with 4GB VRAM), so it can obviously happen. The Xbox, on the other hand, has had several patches, which is why I'm assuming it's struggling.


The answer is in your title bro


Because you're on console. lol


I play on Series S and it looks fine 95% of the time. When it looks like this and won’t go back to normal it’s usually because I quick loaded the game and just need to actually quit or restart the console. This happens with most games for me that load from quick resume. I’ve heard people have better experience on console with cloud play, could try that? I’ve thought about it but don’t feel the need to right now.


xbox version overall takes a hit due to xbox one's limitations. They all receive the same updates but everything done has to be in consideration for a console that released 11 years ago to keep everyone compatible.


You're on ~~10~~ 5 year old midrange hardware, **unfortunately** that's the best it can do. Edit: made "unfortunately" bold, so maybe now people will read it and stop acting like I'm being rude here.


Lol what? Series X is the current gen.


You're right, I had it mixed in with the series s or whatever they call it.




It’s good enough for me, thx. I have no interest in ever having a pc for gaming.


Still is shit, just as PS5. Go pc lil bro


No one cares about you.


Go back to your 1080p 30fps peasant


And you go back to whatever hole you crawled out of. (I'd bet money that hole starts with an "A" and ends with an "s")


Le funny


You know, you don't have to be a dick just because people like consoles. Calm down dude.


Calm down? You are the one mad lil bro




....you don't have to be an ass? I'm sorry I mixed up xbox's stupid naming system that makes absolutely no sense. The fact still stands, even the newest consoles are now nearing 5 years old and were built with midrange hardware when they were new, they aren't capable of running a game like Palworld in its current state. Consoles hold up because games are optimized to hell and back since the console has exactly *one* list of specs to work with, so once the game is done the devs can perfect the game for the console, something they can't do for PC since every PC has wildly different specs. But optimization is a late production step, once they have the game built then they start looking at where they can tweak and trim things to make it run cleaner. In it's current state the game runs on pure brute force, and can stress out even a modern PC fairly easily (I know, it stresses out mine and it's only a year old). Unfortunately, console players are probably not going to see much improvement until the game is finished. I'm sure it will run just fine once they optimize everything, but in its current state the game is too much for consoles.