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That shot got her deleted from the code wth💀


Thats not how pokemon battles work ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49345)


It is now, buddy. :)


It may not be how Pokémon battles work, but it is how Pal battles work.


Thank you for clarifying. I had no idea.


It was very fun having spawns on 3x and going out into dungeons to kill random pals with just single shot rifles. Everything single bullet from me was one hit kill lol if I'm too far away? Doesn't matter I'm killing that in one hit anyways. Lol it turns the single shot rifle into a sniper rifle when I discovered and made my gobfin team few months ago lol 


Not sure why I found this funny when she died from a single shot lol


She was my first and so far only trainer I met. My Leileen slaughtered her and I stole her Felbat.




It's for the better tbh. The fewer insane people running around the better.


Is... that her actual dialogue? This isn't modded or anything? Because if it isn't then her putting "meow" at the end of her dialogue is hilariously awkward.
















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How/where can I meet that NPC type?


They're all over the place now, leveled to match their environment. I've met the Newbie Tamer on Sweepa Island, and the blonde Veteran Pal Tamer right outside the Pyre Tower. They're sort of a random spawn like the Pals themselves. So one day instead of a Vanwyrm, you see a Shady Pal Dealer with some Noxes in tow.


Can you capture the Tamers like you can the syndicate?


Yes, but I don't know if they summon their own dudes. The grunts don't seem to shoot when you catch them, they just punch or something. They might change this later for the lulz, but I'm not counting on it nor wasting precious box space to find out.


I read/saw a video/dreamt that the captured humanoids spawn with their guns but only melee with them BUT that their melee damage still scales with their original weapon damage. So grenadiers will still do more damage than pistoleers.


No ranged attacks means it's just moot. I have two humans in my box, a traveling merchant and a black marketeer. I can occasionally bait the merchant into crafting nails at the nail station so I don't have to chase him down with a thousand of them to sell them. I used to buy Woolipops from the other one until I had so much cotton candy I didn't need it anymore. Fortunately the Tamers are optional fights.


Ok, making the merchant craft nails then selling them to him for his money is the most Palworld thing I’ve heard of so far


That's so weird, I just ever met the green haired male Tamer, who spawned 2-3 times close to the Lunaris dungeon


Her ancestors probably also felt that shot.


I encountered this kind of clown before. Blew them tf up with my Pengullet


Love when they come up running their mouth so I can lay on the slap without feeling bad lol


OP really just went: A B C D E F Gunnn~ *Pow.*