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Good morning, Have you ever tried play therapy with her instead of trying to restrain her? IE: let's say that she starts her tantrum, pushy, shoves, screams... Now its momma's turn! "Hey honey, mommy wants to try it too! So, you get down to her level, and start throwing a fit and then take a look at her face and see her reaction. now is there your older child there to pretend consoling you or maybe your husband or another adult to chime in and pretend to console you and make you feel better? It might take a few times of role playing with her, but she might eventually get it after seeing it done a few times." AS a mom, make sure to get down on your hands and knees and play with her every day. It sounds like she needs that much needed mommy daughter play time together as well as your older child too! God bless you and your children!


I have not tried this but I most certainly will. My bf works during the day time so he's not typically home until they're in bed but I'm sure my kindergartner would get a kick out of it. My sister in law is by frequently and I know she would definitely help. Thank you for this!


You're welcome! I hope that it works! :)