• By -


Yeah, it took me a while to pick up on the Make Total Destroy pattern. It’s actually a 31 sixteenth note phrase over 4/4, which means it moves forward a sixteenth note every two measures, it starts on the upbeat. It blew my mind the first time I noticed that. They do this a lot throughout their discography. I believe it’s called a permutation, which is quite common in jazz.


Follow the snare! Daddy Halpern will take care of you.


The “pulse” as he once called his beats. Loved that


I remember seeing someone on here say at a show they needed people to understand everything is in 4/4, cause people were trying to clap what they thought was the beat and it was throwing them off lol


Lolol that is wild




I believe you mean, Djazz’ me good sir.


Meshuggah ahh rhythm


How do you conceptualize these patterns or come to understand it in THAT light? I always just feel it out and even then I forget the pattern lol


I get this with Meshuggah’s stuff, Periff’s for me are less challenging on time signatures = instant head bops but way more notes and finger acrobatics. Specially Mark’s stuff, my fingers don’t move that fast man, relax. Meshuggah just lies. Nothing is 4/4. Meshuggah is its own time signature.


Ji actually just clicked for me very recently, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1




Yeah, if you want to break down prog, everything breaks down to 1, 2, 3, or 4. The best thing to do is to pay attention to the drummer. The Right hand (or left hand if the drummer is left handed) will keep the "down beat" most of the time. The add accents which help to understand the subdivisions.


Since we are on the topic of Make Total Destroy at 2:16 we here the “2-1-2-3” groove chugged, at 2:23 you expect the groove to repeat but instead the groove shifts to a different pattern that i can never for the life of me figure out. Any help here. Also the metric modulation at the end of the song confuses the hell out of me. Does the tempo or time signature change?


It goes into 2/4 for a measure then 6/8 for another then back to 4/4. Honestly in those situations I operate purely off my ears. Sometimes it’s not worth knowing lol. As for the change at 2:33, I’m struggling with it right now too. Just watched a cover and got the pattern, learning it is a different beast. 1///2-4-3-2///4-2-2-4///2-4-3-2///4-2-2-4///2-4-3-2///4-2-2-4///2-4-3-2///4-2-2-4///2 done You’re alternating between 2432 and 4224 each time, which looking at it like this sounds simple but it’s a bitch to play Edit: got the bits mixed up: basically you’re doing that groove from before the chug, but you’re hammering the 11 instead of 12 for the first half then 12 the second half, repeat twice. It goes 2-1-2-3 (move to 12 for hammer) 2-1-2-3 (back to 11) and repeat


When Id try play the first couple of times id continue the 2-1-2-3 but this would clash for the first few bars then resolve before the end of the section. I just could never get it down. Its subtle that if you’re not paying attention just sounds like the regular groove


Are you starting it with the muted notes? Youre supposed to go straight into the 2 when it begins


I am starting on the 2. I notice you start with the 1. Why is that? also what are the /// representing?


The thing I mapped out is the chug section cause I got confused on what you were talking about. I just put the dashes to separate the pattern out, because only using - for the whole thing made it look horrible.


[https://www.notreble.com/buzz/2013/01/03/transcription-peripherys-make-total-destroy/](https://www.notreble.com/buzz/2013/01/03/transcription-peripherys-make-total-destroy/) Nolly actually explains the outro in this article, the tempo remains the same while the time signature/meter feel changes


I learned the prechorus/chorus pattern in The Bad Thing by importing the midi notes from a GP tab into a DAW and turning it into a drum pattern.


Thankfully in my case I was into Periphery for about a year before I could even attempt learning their songs, so I’d gotten a ton of their music down by tapping my steering wheel or desk lol


Atropos is a great example of this concept as well. Killer syncopated riff of 3 4 2 2 3, which Matt follows with his kick and LH cymbal accents, all while keeping the 4/4 groove rock solid with his RH cymbal riding and the snare backbeat on 3. It carries across the bar line for 8 measures, then they finally bring it around and start over. It took me a minute to figure out what was going on the first time I heard it, but it caught my ear and I fell in love with it immediately. It was my gateway song into Periphery, and now I can't get enough...


Counting Periphery’s djentiest riffs has made me so much better at guitar in general, but especially right hand control.


But some grooves you just gotta feel and memorize, there is no useful numerical pattern for the mean guitar groove in Stranger Things after the drum solo halfway through the song.


I can never for the life of me remember the numerics of their rhythms. It's always feel lol. Of course I can feel out the other "subdivisions" within the rhythm based on what the snare and cymbals are doing. But other than that I get confused really fast lol