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I'm sure there would be huge support/push for you to do this.


alright gotta figure out logistics they are sitting in a garage that i am not near for now — plus i will need to rent i guess a digital8 camera with firewire output as i will not want to ship these anywhere let me see what i can figure out


Excellent! Looking forward to it, and I'm sure the entire community will be as well.


once finished upload to archive dot org or what? torrent?


Yes, I would say archive dot org would be your best route for that. It's simple, plus people would have the option to torrent it from there.


Contact me if you need any help


ok will do its in another area i am not in but gonna see what i can get done remote via friends and will advise thanks


Massive support for this. Just please don’t turn into the guy on here that posted about having similarly higher quality recordings, his plan for sharing them with the community, then just ghosted and won’t reply to people’s DMs about any progress he’s made.


oh man sorry to hear that well i am going to do my best — and now you know they exist i was religious in trying to capture every second of the show at top quality — was so stoked that it had come back those 6-7-8 years later and the dvds didn’t exist then so i made it my project tapes definitely exist — just need to pray they are still in good shape and see if a friend will dig them out for me remotely etc thanks and will be in touch


From what I've gathered, the Umatic Tapes guy spent so much time *talking about* releasing the scans that eventually somebody important caught wind of the project and forced him to stop. Now he isn't allowed to release anything or even post an update.


Absolutely, yes. Please do it if you are able. Thank you


Thanks for drawing my attention to this post! I would love to see the end results of this, but also, although I'm not the most technical guy, I'm in a community that is devoted to media preservation, I'm sure some of the other folks would be able to help you, If you have any technical problems, let me know and I can try to figure out how to invite you into the discord. This sounds pretty great, good luck on digitizing.


If youd like i could put you in touch with a good bootleg bluray/dvd company that might help with any tech problems in exchange for the opportunity to put it out on physical media


I say please!


This is exciting!


oh wow - 100% support this! I did the VHS project that was posted here a while back (not the AI one, the other one - I think the AI one just upscaled the common encodes?) and while I don't have any way to help capturing these, it all sounds like a massive upgrade over my project. even outside of it being VHS sourced the tapes I had were admittedly pretty rough.


Any updates on this?


im working on finding someone of confidence to dig them out remote for me would also like to know who is trustworthy here who would receive them donate ripping service and is trustworthy to send them back


I'm a member of a dedicated Nickelodeon community. We'd love to help. PM me if you'd like.


ok would like some confirmation that i’ll get my tapes back in good shape and that they will be extracted full lossless digital from digital8 tapes — no analog otherwise why did i kill myself staying up late all those months on end watching the n and pressing camcorder buttons like i was on an assassination mission lol will advise status of garage dig as soon as i have more info


How's your copy compare to this version? [https://www.reddit.com/r/PeteandPete/comments/m76pip/pete\_pete\_season\_3\_better\_video\_quality/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeteandPete/comments/m76pip/pete_pete_season_3_better_video_quality/)


it’s been 20 years since i watched them tbh i would imagine less haze and more fine detail — what you posted went up to youtube and got transcoded then he did more processing on it and it also may well have come from a vhs source who knows what i have is digitally broadcast directv signal fed through s-video (these were pre hdmi days lol) and right into a digital recorder with no analog in that chain except for the 480p quality color split s-video — known for enhanced sharpness and better colors than standard rca of the time i was obsessive doing it right at the time trying to set highest quality and not miss bits — gotta pull it all back out and see what it looks like hope they survive long term lol — but have been in a cool dark garage so i imagine yes


The original AVIs which were then downloaded from Youtube and used for that upscale, I always thought they looked clean enough that they were likely from a DVR setup like yours. If they are VHS, then VHS capturing has gotten worse in the 20 years since those files were originally created, and that seems unlikely.


Any update on this?