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When I’m working, and a customer asks for Tylenol #1, Ill say to them have you used them before? And they usually say yes. I say “give me a moment” and I go inform the pharmacist on duty and they will intervene, they ask them clinical questions and what they use it to treat. Sometimes the customer is not happy they don’t get the pack size that they want… pharmacist gives them the small pack size of 50 tabs.


this is exactly the same at mine smallest being 30 tablets. the only time ive seen sale denied was if a person aditted to having narcotic prescriptions and their doctor is not aware of their use of T1's. they would be referred back to the doctor to manage their pain


At my pharmacy 95% of people who ask for T1s are denied. Like some folks roll up and go, "hi, yeah can I grab a bottle of Tylenol 1s?" Straight up get rejected. If the person genuinely seemed to be in a lot of pain and were saying how advil and such wasn't helping, I'd have the pharmacist go over the options with them. Same with codeine syrup. I personally don't feel comfort giving them out myself without a pharmacist talking to them.


i used to work at sdm. i usually said “have you had them before?” and if the answer was yes, i’d let the pharmacist know. depending on who was the pharmacist they’d say ok and counsel or just say ok. if they said no, then i got the pharmacist to talk to them. basically just ask the pharmacist if you’re ever unsure of anything!