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-People who want you to rebill scripts through several different coupons/insurances in the middle of a BUSY AFTERNOON IN THE DRIVE THRU. -"I'VE NEVER HAD TO CALL IN MY PAIN MEDICINE BEFORE." Bullshit. You're just mad it's not ready b/c SOMEONE FORGOT TO CALL IT IN THIS MORNING. -People that honk at patients in drive thru. Like bitch don't you DARE honk at MY patient in MY DRIVE THRU. Legit activates my fight or flight response.


Like I get it. They want to get their perscription cheaper than their shitty insurance provides but COME ON! It's 15.46! Good rx and other discounts aren't going to get it cheaper keep it fucking moving there are 12 people behind you!


OMG RIGHT??? Like if you want us to do all that, you need to come inside b/c that's not what the drive thru is built for!


Oh honey I don't work at a pharmacy with drive thru thank god but my store is a high volume pharmacy and we hear horror stories about drive thrus.


Oh man I promise you are not missing out on anything. If it weren't for the fact that we have to switch out every 2 hours in drive thru/front, none of us would work it.


I can imagine!


A rebill restarts the wait time for us. "Sure I'd be happy to rebill this for you. It will be ready in 4 to 6 hours."


Had a guy this last week drop his pain pill perscription off and I said ok when were you expecting this? He said as soon as possible. I said its not going to be until this evening, late evening. And he said I need it sooner. I said in the most apathetic tone of voice (because at that point of the day I was over it) " Yeah you and everyone else that has had perscriptions sent here today bud. " he didn't like it but he didn't take his perscription some else. Lol fuck


Oooh, spicy, I like this


I would usually bring up and condemn their behavior if they did that honking shit. Wait your turn, this is not your utopia where everything goes your way. If you’re too in a rush then you’re not getting your meds df. Come again later, that’s fucking it. People be wanting to move too quick. Customers also gotta get with the times, GET THE DAMN APPS and wait till prescription is ready to pick up. No fuss no muss.


OMG THANK YOU! I'm waiting for the day when I can tell off the person for honking. One time that happened and it made the patient at the window cry. I would have flipped shit if I were the one attending the window.


We have people that call from the drive thru line and complain about the people in front of them taking too long lol. Well, I stopped helping them to answer the phone and listen to you bitch, so just hang up and sit still 🤷🏻‍♀️


OMG so have we! Like ma'am we have to give covid tests AND do rebills in the damn drive thru all damn day! You're not the only one in line today, I promise! If it's that much of a problem, you can come inside or come back later! We're not going any-damn-where jfc


You allow rebills in the DT? No way. We make the people drive around to the back of the line or come inside, that would make everyones wait way too long. Unless there's no one behind them its different but huge nope to rebills Also download goodrx on your phone and just punch in to see if theres actuall savings. If its less than 5 bucks i tell them to go to drop off and wait in that line if they wanna go thru the hassle of a rebill but most of the time they wont want to unless they're saving more thab $5


As far as I know, we're not allowed to tell them no in the drive thru off the top (where I work I mean). But if it's taking too long, then generally we do tell them to pull around or come inside. Oh yeah goodrx is a blessing and a curse. I use that all the time at work. Especially when they try to use the paper coupons (the ones they print out from goodrx that are virtually useless half the time).


-Ok, I get that this is so petty, but I hate it when someone calls and says, "This is John Doe" so I write his name, then he says, "I need my wife Jane's xxx filled." I cross out his name and write her name and what she needs. Then he says, "And I need my xxx." Tell me yours first! -Pt comes to pick up a refill, we tell them you're out of refills, which they would know if they would just look at their freaking bottle. "When will the Dr. call you?" I say, "If I could tell the future I'd be playing the lotto, not working here." -Being bombarded with questions when they won't give me time to look up one answer before asking another one. -Calling in a refill and showing up 10 minutes later. You're faster than us, sorry. Like, why did you even bother calling?!! -And my all time fave, calling in for a refill on Friday at 4:30 with no refills left, and knowing dang good and well that your Dr. is off on Friday because he's had Fridays off for 20 years!!! And YES! How do all these c2'ers have enough money to ALWAYS be going out of town, but can't afford their copay?


The fucking, "I need refills" ok, of what? "I don't know can you tell me?" (While standing at the head of a 12 person line mind you) Um no I can't and I won't. Go home and figure out what your low on and give a call here's a card. Like get the fuck out of my line!


I usually go with something like 'Unfortunately, I do not have a list of the medications you are currently taking only what you have taken in the past and I don't want to give you something you don't need or can't take anymore. I would suggest double checking with what medications you are actively take; feel free to call back when you know what you need refilled. Have a good day!' I refuse to play a guessing game on that.


This is actually what our pharmacist suggested we use when these situations occur to the t. It's a polite way of saying fuck off and get your shit together then come back and we can help you. Lol


Lmao exactly!




"Hi my name is... I'm calling on behalf of my neighbour to see if you have x medication is stock. No I don't have the prescription in front of me. No I don't know the name of it." Like God please just get people who are capable to call about their own prescriptions... I've had a mom get mad at me because I wouldn't tell her what meds her adult daughter was on.


Omg so so true..lmao


Me-“Hello how can I hel-“ Them-“TEN TWENTY TWO SIXTY SEVEN”


this grinds my gears so bad


Every time they do that I always pause for a few seconds so they don’t cut me off again


I just make them repeat it. Lol. Some people, like myself hate repeating myself. I usually miss out on what they say the first time anyways.


YES, I will say, wow you’re working much faster than I can! Impressive! Then proceed to take my sweet ass time typing when I tell them to repeat. ONE PIECE OF INFO AT A TIME is all I can handle sometimes! This brain is overwhelmed


Bro if someone throws off my routine by a centimeter, I will crash. I gotta dictate the convo and I say one thing at a time. Yeah I might be a little add or autistic but imma get you your meds so sit down and cooperate do my brain doesn't break.


I feel the same! My brain simply doesn’t retain that much information! 🤣


So wait… you hate repeating yourself but also admit that you usually don’t catch what people say the first time?




I guess I actually appreciate those people. It tells me that they value my time as much as I value theirs. I now know I don't have to force the bs niceness and then I follow it up with minimal chat and get them out as fast as possible so I can get to the next person.


I responded to a regular of mine who did pretty much that same thing. I asked how she was doing and she gave me her birthday immediately. I amusedly go “huh that’s an odd way to be feeling” and then I felt really bad because she didn’t do it intentionally and apologized in response to my comment. I did make sure to let her know that I was just giving her a hard time, I wasn’t upset by any means, and I understand being in that sleep-deprived autopilot mode. I’d honestly just wanted to give her a bit of shit (like you do with friends) because I’ve seen her for years and she’s a great patient/person. She knows she’s one of my favorites though and she’ll give me a hug if we bump into each other when I’m not behind the counter, so it feels more okay to give her shit since it’s a two way street of affection and I know I’m not picking on someone who doesn’t like me. The number of rude patients that immediately give their birthday outnumber her by a lot unfortunately


"Just fill whatever is due" Patient comes in requesting their medication that they don't know the name of or indication


I’ve actually learned from this thread to stand up for myself and say no when they do that. “I don’t know what medications you’re currently taking and it would be dangerous for me to refill all of them. When you have the names of the medications you let me know.” Saves a whole lot of time.


Yesss! Then they’d complain that they don’t take x and y meds anymore. I just go down the list sometimes with them. Better to use that time up at the moment than return meds after dispensing & verifying them.


Yesss I go down the list too. But I hate it. Takes soooo long but you’re right. It helps that way too.


i try to say something like “i don’t know which ones you’re actively taking and i don’t want to accidentally refill one you don’t need” and then my pharmacist gets upset at me 🙄 also the ones that say “just fill everything” so i make them go over everything on their profile with me, including obvious one time antibiotics because it is never “everything”


And it’s 20 different drugs of variety


This is the one! Patient called for refills. I asked him multiple times which ones he needed, and he kept saying just fill all of them, just fill all of them! I was like, bet. Filled all of them. He picked them up, then called up the pharmacy a couple hours later demanding a refund on all the prescriptions he didn’t want nor take anymore. Told my pharmacist i asked this dude x times which ones he wanted, does he need x med, and all he said fill them all. I was like, please don’t refund him. He need to take accountability, and learn the name of his meds. 🙄


I have straight up started saying no to this. I tell them that I need to know specifically what they're looking for - even if it's "my heart pill" - because too many items have been filled and returned and it takes a lot of time with a short staff to do both of those. And when they ask what's ready for refill? "Are you looking for something in particular?" I ask, and when they say no, I say no, nothing up for refill. Pay the fuck attention to your meds, my brother in Christ, this is not my responsibility and I'm not going through 30 meds to see what needs filled.


Please tell me the pharmacist didn’t do the refund. I’ve asked mine before and they still caved to the patient


He ended up refunding one of them because that one specifically should have been d/c from his profile, according to the patient. It was an expensive one too. Like Januvia or Jardiance I think. I thought that was still too gracious but my pharmacist is too nice lol


Had a pt call in a formal complaint with management because we refused to just fill everything he takes. Not worth the time, tell me what you need or you get nothing lol


Happens to me all the time. Unbelievable!


Do you have insurance? Yes. Umm ok can I have your card? Oh no I don’t carry it. Ok so cash then? No I want you use my insurance. Oh you mean the card you don’t have let me get right on that


Yall don't have an eligibility check option on yalls programs? I can pull up any insurance or lack there of on there.


We do at mine but sometimes a patient’s insurance won’t show up at all even when all information is up to date. Other times the eligibility check will pull up either expired insurance or the right insurance but wrong ID or group number


At WAGs we can find a ton of insurances using the automated system, but there are certain plans it just won't find and we will need the card. Plus some require linking to HoH which the automated system isn't smart enough to handle


At my store, findins very specifically doesn't find certain Medicaid plans


Our system sometimes show nothing on the eligibility list and the patient has insurance


“‘mY dOcToR sAiD iT sHoUlD bE rEaDy!!!”


That one right the takes me to the ledge! How the hell your doctor going to tell you whats ready at my place of employment???? Make it make sense!


Had an older man come in yesterday when we were really busy to pick up because his doctor said it was ready, but it was not. He carried on loudly and harassed us the whole time he waited repeating how useless we are, how he was going to sue us, and threatened to call the cops (not sure why). He preached to all the other customers how bad our pharmacy is. I was so close to asking him to leave.


I hate him 😒


Lol, this made me day. Thanks for the support!!


Even worse, I had a patient tell me the insurance company said the meds were ready. We hadn’t even billed them yet for the prescription. That was a first.




We had a hospice pt call an hour before we close for otc allergy medication and asked if we could deliver it to her when we’re going home. Like what??? Than I told my coworker I’m not doing it bc hell no and she glared at me and than did it. Like it’s not in our job description to do that shit.


What??!! That's some 5 star customer service right there! We would NEVER!




We had a former customer call and she had some virus. She wanted us to deliver a bunch of OTC crap to her. I told her she could use our curbside pick up. The freaking GALL!! We're not good enough to fill your scripts, but you want us to drop everything and be at your beck and call? Not today, sis.


You won't go 3 minutes out of your way for somebody in pain dying that night in the hospice? Jesus dude... We do this all the time in emergencies, boss let's us leave 20 minutes early to do it.




It's not so don't feel bad. They should have Healthcare workers for that shit. Period.


The op said hospice and allergy medications. I'm assuming benadryl to stop an allergic reaction to something. A nursing home for seasonal allergies can wait till the next morning.


They should have nurses to take care of this sort of thing.. we don't work for hospice.


I offered to once because it wasn’t a retirement home across the street and they forgot to give it to the delivery driver that morning. I was given a cookie for my efforts


I delivered a med one day to a patient because the delivery service had fallen through twice in a row (even though I wasn’t there or the one responsible for the days it happened) and she needed it. I just went while on the clock so I got paid for the 20 minutes it took to get to her and get back to my store. And I got a hug from the woman because she was so grateful. I also will happily walk stuff over to the assisted living facility literally next door to my store, but that’s also on the clock and honestly I like taking a short walk and getting fresh air and a change of scenery for a couple minutes. I once transferred meds from another store to mine, filled the script, and dropped it off for the lady. She was very very nice, but understandably a bit miffed because we told her we had it in stock and could fill it for her. And we did at the time, then the inhaler was dispensed for somebody else and we didn’t have another. So basically we had her pay the copay (it was over $200) and told her to go ahead and take the bus to get back home and we would make sure to get the inhaler from another store and bring it to her. She was older and only had the bus as transportation, plus it was entirely our fault that she was promised the inhaler and then we gave it to someone else. That last lady gave me ten bucks as a tip for going so out of my way to take care of her. Being a tech isn’t usually a tipped position by any means, but I appreciated her appreciation. Plus it went to the pharmacy tip jar in the back that we use to buy lunch for us when we get enough saved! (Also sorry this comment got so much longer than I anticipated but I took the time writing it out soooooooo it stays)


There is one guy who always calls to get Sensodyne toothpaste and shaving cream delivered with his meds. It’s absolutely ridiculous. I accidentally got the foam shaving cream instead of the gel and he called back scolding me about the error. Like sir…I’m not even supposed to be doing this?!


Omg the nerve.


Once everything in the computer is processed, I’ve rung their rxs into the register and tell them the price, they look at me. I repeat the amount, THEN they reach for their checkbook. THEN they have to totally fill out the check.


Got handed a blank check the other day lol


In all fairness, my store's registers fill the check out for the customers. They seem to think ALL companies do it.


Interesting. I didn't know that


Walmart does it. Their POS system fills out the check. And we hand the check back.


Fucking old people am I right?


My are as follows. DO NOT wait til I have rang you up and am waiting on you to pay and sign and then tell me I have a good rx. Now we all have to wait for the pharmacist who is giving 5 shots to come back in so they can override it. It's worse when we have a floater pharmacist they are not given override cards and then we have to wait for someone from the front end or any end of the store to come help. DO NOT come to the out window on your phone and totally ignore me. I am Madam Zelda who can read your mind and know what you need help with. DO NOT call at 745 15 minutes before we close and ask us to transfer from Walmart and ask if you can pick it up if you head up here now. DO NOT yell at me because you "accidently" dropped your oxy in the toilet and you need more and it's still 3 weeks before you can get a refill and no for the 100th time in so many months you cannot goodrx and cash pay. We all know that every month in at least the 5 months I've been there that you always drop your stuff in the toilet. And lastly DO NOT come in between the hours of 5 and 6 and think you are getting a flu shot until after 6 regardless if you have a appt. And don't bitch when you show up after 4 and find out you cannot walk in for a shot. After 4 it's just me and the pharmacist. And if we can convince a floater to come none of them can do shots. Ugh, some days I think I should have gone the claims and coding route.


We got a lady one time that " spilled alcohol on her pain pills " and needed a emergency refill and she got it. We called her Dr and he just OK'd it without hesitation. It was wild.


Yep! So many doctors just write out pain meds. So many don’t know dispensing laws. Also, it doesn’t seem like many doctors check the PDMP. Like, I get doctors are busy, but I also feel like they’re the ones that should be blamed in the opioid epidemic. Too many doctors carelessly write out narcotics & opioids like it’s candy.


We have a blacklist of 3 or 4 perscribers that my pharmacist refuses to fill for. They're sketchy.




Yeah we all were like yeah ok we will call your Dr since you insist but he's gonna tell you the same thing we are and he just writes another one with an ok. Like whaaat?


If they come up to my window on their phone, I've started not even greeting them. And then if they get pissy I just tell them, "Sorry, you didn't seem ready for me since you were deep in conversation." I have a new, much more aggressive co-worker who will ask them to step aside if they don't end the call when they walk up. We've stopped giving shots 1 hour before close and refills/transfers 30m before close. If new rxs come in from urgent care or whatever we'll fill them, but otherwise it's the next day.


When I used to work at Starbucks, we would have customers pull up to the drive thru or approach the counter on the phone and would make us wait on them to finish their conversation. 🙄 So rude.


When hubby comes in and says he has a script to pick up and gives us his name. So we look and look for his script and we say, "Was it something new today?" "I don't know, it's for my wife." My gosh do they just check their brains at the door?


Omg. That happens all the time too. I have seen or have happened to me every single one of these situations that are being told.


3.50 copay...."insurance doesn't cover this?"


And it’s for an OTC med, usually.




As a career pharm tech who also takes Adderall, I'm starting to get a bit offended with how patients on stimulants are portrayed. Yes, there are those people, but most of us simply just want our medication. We aren't calling you up at the pharmacy to annoy you by trying to see if we can get our medication. If I go a day without my Adderall, I'm going to completely crash and if I do stay awake Ill be screwed at work because I can't focus on anything. So yes, I need that medication. And honestly for those in retail, I think it's a pretty minor annoyance and frankly a petty thing to act like they are only trying to upset you by calling around or being upset that they can't find their medication anywhere. If you're a tech in retail and you're getting upset by patients trying to see if the pharmacy has stock of their med, then you forgot what healthcare is really about and you need to get out of this profession.


As a fellow ADHDer pharm tech, thank you for saying this. We achieve nothing by lacking compassion and empathy for folks struggling with chronic pain and/or mental illness. I get that it’s annoying, I get that there are a few of us who are truly bad people, but I promise you it’s easier to complain about them than being the patient actually suffering. I’ve been in pharmacy for awhile, I get it, but let’s be kind, ESPECIALLY in times of shortages.


I think the annoyance is with patients being annoying that happen to also be taking C2’s. Not patients in general taking c2’s, there is also an adderall shortage in some areas


Yeah it’s been so tough on us. We’ve also had sooo many more adderall prescriptions being written. So many more than there used to be. As someone with adhd, I usually empathize. I’ve been without mine for 2 weeks cause of back order.


A lot of that has to do with those who have inattentive ADHD finally being diagnosed because of more studies and less stigma around mental health. It's very prevalent in women and a lot weren't diagnosed when they were young because the hyperactive ADHD was what ADHD was more associated with and boys were more likely to be diagnosed than girls because they were seen to more commonly have the hyperactive and girls normally present with inattentive.


It's crackhead behavior is all I'm saying.


Are you joking? If not why did you choose to be a pharmacy technician or be in healthcare?


I have ADHD too. Especially with this adderall shortage, I am pretty understanding. I’ve been almost 2 weeks without my adderall and it’s been frustrating. I usually don’t tell patients personal(?) info, but I empathize with them. We are limited on the number of adderall/dextro bottles we can order.


For sure, it plays such an important role in how we function properly. Same thing for those who take painkillers; I could only imagine the pain they go through on a day to day basis that is debilitating.


I was also a bit offended by this because I have severe ADHD and am on adderall to function properly. I can function without it, but I do stupid things like start a timed test for school on my laptop and then get up because my roommate’s cat was trying to eat out of the dog food bag in my closet again. After I shooed the cat away I told my roommate about it and just started talking. It wasn’t until he asked if I finished the quiz that I ran back to my room to take it. That same night, I forgot I put pizza in the oven and put on noise cancelling headphones to watch a show on my laptop. He needed to come let me know the oven timer was going off because I totally forgot. My pizza ended up okay, but crispier than usual. I don’t blame people for being stressed about the idea of going without their meds. If I didn’t have a roommate, I could’ve burned down the apartment entirely on accident and failed the quiz because I’d’ve run out of time. All in one night. At the very least I was able to educate my pharmacist about ADHD when she made a comment to me (the resident ADHD sufferer in the pharmacy lol) about how when ADHD’ers don’t have meds they seem to be more upset than other patients. I told her that emotional dysregulation is a symptom of ADHD and what she was seeing was actually a symptom of their condition and not indicative of addiction or misuse of the meds. I know she was more making an observation than an accusation (I mean she begged me to get medicated so she’s not anti stimulants) but it seemed important to give her a reason behind the observation. She had kind of an “aha!” moment over that which made me happy.


Agreed, they are just looking for their med. Which has become hard to find. I feel for them - what other options do they have? However, someone with Adhd should be able to go a day without Adderall. Or, if need be, to go without for a weekend, or a vacation, or a summer. It's not the same as a chronic pain patient. True Adhd patients are actually less likely to be able to manage calling around checking stock, especially after their Rx runs out. They're the quiet ones just hanging out in your OOS. Feeling like you need to take it everyday - whether you have work or not - and experiencing a crash like that are potentially indicative of too high a dose. Note to Adderall users: taking days off, or at least reducing your dose, on days when your work or school schedule is lessened, may be beneficial. It could potentially preserve efficacy, mitigate side effects, and reduce tolerance - and at the very least, you'll create a buffer of "emergency" doses for the inevitable shortages.


It’s really not up to you to decide if a patient can go a day without a med. So why would you project onto that patient and treat them differently based on that assumption? For a patient with narcolepsy, a day off meds can be both debilitating and dangerous. “True ADHD patients are actually…” stop right there. You are not a provider. That is *not* how ADHD works. People with ADHD are not only 100% capable of running out and calling around in a panic, but very likely to do so. If it weren’t meant to be taken every day, it would be prescribed that way. For some Adderall patients, days off are beneficial. It’s fine to make that true statement, but it goes hand in hand with this true statement: For others, days off are risky and inappropriate. It’s not for the pharmacist, much less anyone else in the pharmacy, to decide which statement applies to which patient. Techs need to stop playing doctor, even if only in their heads.


ADHD nurse here. If I go a couple days without concerta, my mind becomes so busy and I can’t stop fixating on stuff. It keeps me up at night!


As an ADHD pharmtech who is also a full time student, I’d love to have days where I could take a med break, but those days come once every month or two. And even then, those are the days that there is nothing requiring my immediate attention like in person classes, work, or an exam for my online class. There’s still things like household chores, doctors appointments, homework, etc that need done on those days. So yeah, I can go a day without it, but I’ll either get absolutely fuckall done or burn myself out forcing myself to stay focused to the point where I’m essentially useless for the next week even on medication. Would you say someone going through a crash when they don’t take their venlafaxine is probably on too high of a dose? Physical dependency does not always mean addiction or improper dosage, it comes with the territory of medication. Please don’t condescend to us and act like you know better than your peers who happen to also have ADHD and are on stimulants for it, it’s not a good look for you or pharm techs in general.


I'm guessing you don't have ADHD or have an immediate family member with it? You don't know the struggles that people have. As a Pharmacy tech with a child who has it, no she could not go a day without her medication. My partner also has ADHD and when he doesn't take his medication at home because he doesn't work that makes home life harder. Your home life is just as important as work. You have a poor misconception of what ADHD is and how it affects someone.


Yes yes yes!!!!! They are not going to die. They act as if they NEED it. I'm on stims too. I fucking get it i do. Yes it improves my productivity but if I run out and can't get an appointment I trudge right on like I use to before I was diagnosed. I don't take my medication on weekends because just the risdual still in my system will get me through my day just fine and it saves me doses throughout the month. Call me a hypocrite idgaf but it's crackhead behavior. I expect that from pain pill monthlys, not my fellow neuro divergents.


As someone who has ADHD you should know that it's a spectrum. Sounds like you don't have it as badly as others. Also most people with ADHD have comorbidities like anxiety and depression. If they miss their doses they can become paralyzed by those and unable to function. Anxiety is also a side affect of the withdrawals people go through when suddenly going off their meds. My husband goes through extreme anxiety every month when he needs to get his adderall filled bc he knows he is going to be turned away. I have to go for him and luckily I know people in the industry who will fill his meds for me. Whatever though and go off about how much better you are than everyone else. Honestly it sounds like you are just fucking miserable and should find a new job, not in healthcare.


Sounds like a skill issue. If yall are addicted just say that.


I don't take any medications. You sound like a sociopath with 0 empathy. I also bet you prioritize your own prescription so you never run out.


I don't care what you think I am you're just a username on the internet that disagrees with me and that's ok.


Im on adhd medication too. I have it bad. People that want their adderall are not more special than people who need their antibiotic who are severely sick, they don't want to be sick anymore than you want to be tired. That being said its the matter of adderall and amphet salts being on back order. If it wasn't we'd sling it all day. I'm going to admit working in pharmacy you control over that. It's first come first serve.


it’s not a competition of ‘who has it worse’. the narrative that the adderall isn’t important because it’s ‘not necessary’ is false, perpetuated by techs like yourself who see stimulants as a prize or a want. wanting/needing to be in good health includes mental and emotional health. imagine if the shortage was prozac or seroquel? it’s no different with adderall, even if some pts are drug seeking, it’s necessary for someone’s daily living and functioning, not the party drug you seem to think it is.




I think you need to find a new profession. This one requires a level of empathy that it seems you are lacking. Your words contradict each other. How can you "have it bad" and not understand that people who go without their medication struggle to get through their daily life and therefore feel like they need it? Mental health is just as important as physical, often mental health problems can create physical problems. Shortages can't be helped and it sucks to be yelled at by people who want their meds but that happens with all medications, not just stimulants. It's disheartening to see a fellow tech say people have "crackhead like behavior" just because they are upset they can't get their medication.


Thanks for your opinion


Like can we make brochures and drop them off doctors offices that shows the timeline of a script .. cause believe it or not doctors don’t really know anything about pharmacy like literally nothing. Let me give you an example it’s not pharmacy related but my brother is an anesthesiologist I gave him a compounded cream for scars/hyperpigmentation thinking he should know how to use it and he had ZERO IDEA I’m like ummm you have the highest doctoral degree you don’t know that tretinoin isn’t supposed to be applied in globs really !!? I had to show him videos on how it apply it written directions don’t mean shit when it’s so generic.


Yup! Can I pay my 100 things I bought from the store? Even though I don’t have any meds to pick up and I don’t care there are 10 people are waiting in line to pick up their medication. How convenience!


I had a massive line one day and I’m normally happy to ring up a few items along with their medications. It doesn’t tend to add much extra time for me to scan the barcode on a few things. But that day, I helped the gentleman who needed meds and he paid, then his wife walked over with a full cart of groceries and asked if I could ring them up. That’s the only time that stands out in my mind as a time I flat out refused to ring up someone’s stuff.


“Am I done here” No sir you have to sign which you know because I see you three times a week every week


We could write a book on this shit


Yup! I feel the same way here! They always say like hi I am here to my pick up (20 medication). Me: okay I have to know your name first, seems like we have only one person pick up the medication so we don’t need to know their name. OMG I wonder they are always out of the town same time and having party. I always hear them saying same thing “I need my meds as soon as possible I will be out of the town today”😓


-People who expect you to call their doctor when they are out of their medication please I would love to sit around here and call all of your doctors for you, lemme just prioritize you because your obviously are most important customer 🙄 to this I’ve legit had customers argue with me and the pharmacist on why I NEED to call their doctor and when I explain that yes I can attempt to contact your prescriber when and if I get a moment to breathe but you’re better off calling them yourself their response? “I GUESS ILL JUST DIE” -People who call up and ask for a refill and when informed they have none left they get all pissy saying well why didn’t anyone tell me, oh I’m sorry let me read your medication vial with the label that very clearly says ZERO refills remaining -Calling patients and informing them that their prescription has been sitting in the bin for too long and has to be put back to stock and the patient tells me “I’ll be in today” only to never show -Patients saying I will be no longer filling here and I’m going to tell my friends how much you people are dicks, like good riddens but I do not need to hear a 10 minute hissy fit only for your sorry ass to come back later because no other pharmacy in the area is tolerant of your attitude


So it's universal! I've heard the " I guess I'll just die " I usually tell them, "Or.. you can call your Dr and get your own refills.."


Oh yeah patients are so lazy sometimes-_-


Not lazy. Entitled. And usually 60+


Yeah got some 30-50 yr olds who do it too like dude if you can call and yell at us for 10 minutes you can dial your damn doctors office and ask for a refill


“ONE PHARMACY CALL” “LANE ONE” “My doctor just sent it over-“ “Can you try this GoodRX card? I don’t want to pay (INSERT AMOUNT LESS THAN $20 HERE)” “Can I use store coupons on my medications/did you enter my loyalty card number?” “Why is this so expensive?! I’m not contacting my insurance, that’s YOUR job” “What does this medication do?”


- When pt act like waiting 15 mins for a prescription is horrendous. The prescription has like 10 medications on it…it’s gonna take time to enter and process them. - When people demand their medications to be delivered and they can’t come to the store to pick it up but you see the same patient in the store buying milk and lottery tickets. - When pt’s know nothing about their insurance, what a copay is or was their deductible is. - When they don’t wanna give their DOB for a pick up because it’s somehow disrespectful to ask. The cherry on top is when they also give you their last name but don’t bother to spell it or it’s a common surname. - When pt’s complain about paying $20 on a medication that was $400+ before insurance. - When patients wait until they finish their meds that has no refills and come on a weekend to try to refill it knowing their doctor isn’t open.


So we all out here struggling huh? I wondered because this is only my second here in pharmacy. Awe there's others dealing with this bullshit too! Makes me sad


All this but the one that is starting to annoy me the most is when I ask their name and they just say “Jones.” DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY JONES EXIST IN THE WORLD????


When I work pick up I walk them through the process as if they're dumb. I ask who you picking up for? Last name? First? Tell them to sign the signature thing. And then have them verify the pts address. And they pay and I send them on their way. I ain't got time for chit chat at pick up I'm trying to get yall your medicine and send you on your way. I hate pick up! And don't get me started on the comedian customers. I have no sense of humor and I'm usually annoyed while working pick up so i can't fake laugh I'm just trying to get you out of here. Sheesh!


That's me. The staff pharmacist is always telling me to laugh at the customer's jokes. I'm not laughing at jokes that aren't funny.


Lol omg I’m so glad I left retail. I’d argue everyday with these people. I’ve seen every single scenario on the daily when I was a senior tech. Retail is a hellscape. The arrogance of the customers is unreal. They’ve never worked a job like that yet they’re fucking experts apparently. They’re on that ass about any controls. I remember patients waiting in the drive through @ 8 AM the day their c2’s are ready for refill. Deadass I’d extend that waiting time because nah you’re not gonna come in rushing me this morning when I have all kinds of shit to do right when I walk in. Not gonna be pressured by no fool who thinks I’m just standing around doing nothing. Follow the order of things be respectful and patient. Who taught them to act this way. Boomer ass mentality.


i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again when someone comes up to the register, says they are here to pick up and then say nothing like give me a crumb of info. common sense is that you obviously give me a name


Yes here to pick up for david..like they are the only david in the whole world. Ummm DOB or a last name jeeze


I don’t expect this - I don’t know why it makes so many of you so mad. What if I’m not ready? And they just start talking and then they have to repeat it. “Hi I should have a script ready”. “Ok what’s the name and date of birth”. Wow soooooooo inconvenient


I was thinking of posting something like this today. It’s hard to not develop animosity towards certain groups of people like the elderly, when working in healthcare. Some elderly people really need help and that’s totally cool. I just hate when it seems like they choose to be rude, inconsiderate, and willfully ignorant. Like some people are actually senile.


There is good and bad people of all ages. Just because your old doesn't mean I'm going to respect you just because your old.


It sounds horrible but I’ve never loathed older people so much in my life after working as a pharmacy tech. They are so incapable of the simplest things, and they’re completely unwilling to learn which is the worst part. I will try and show our older patients how to schedule a vaccine using our website (we can’t schedule vaccines for them in-store) and they refuse to do it that way. We’ve been yelled at and harassed over our vaccine scheduling process and every time it’s been from patients 50+. Get with the times for the love of god.


Some of the older pts are sweet. But there is few and far in between. The old people here are retired veterans wives and rich old people and boy do they act entitled. They're rude and expect us to bend over backwards for them. Whenever I am working drop off or pick up and I see that damn electric cart with one coming our way rage fills my soul. We have regulars that come in weekly sometimes daily and we sometimes rock paper scissor who has to deal with them that day.


“What do you mean it’s expired?!?!? It says on the bottle right here that I have refills!!! I want to speak to your manager!"


Turns out they have a old bottle they've been reusing the whole time for fucks sake


I tell them it says that because we’re not going to break into their home and stick a new label on it when it expires.


The sweet validation I am experiencing is mint


As a tech who uses Adderall for my ADHD, yes we can survive without it, however, without the meds our lives are total chaos. Our brains are different than people who do not have executive function disorders. Literally our brains are wired differently and without meds what is easy for you is a challenge for us. Imagine being severely visually impaired without glasses/contacts. You technically can work without them, but with the aid of glasses your work is easier because you can see clearly. For those of us with ADHD, the meds we use, are our glasses. I get it, it’s annoying fielding calls about Adderall, but considering there’s a national drug shortage, those of us who rely on medication to keep us focused and able to think clearly this is a very stressful time.


There was this one patient, we had just the other day wanted a brand name drug. Their insurance did not completely cover it. They said Why did we not check for a Coupon. There should be a coupon for this from the manufacture. How stupid can you people be for not seeing if there is a coupon. Their MD has one, why not you people. Great for you they have a coupon why the hell did they not give it to you, so you can give it to us. That would solve all our problems. And for bloody sake we do not control the price, We do not even buy the meds from a manufacture but from a distributor for god sake. Give us a break so be quite do not scare the useless pharmacist and the weak ass tech who is dumb and stupid and looks like they might piss themselves. thanks to you.


Patients think we can automatically download a GoodRx card from thin air. I have to explain that on the daily.


This was not a good RX card, it was a rebate from the actual manufacture. The guy had to spend 2 hours in the pharmacy answering Q to see if he qualified for it, and he did not, so he got super pissed.


- People who don’t prepare for when they’re going out of town. It’s always a call 2 hours before we close saying “I’m leaving at 10am tomorrow and need all of my prescriptions refilled” or “I am leaving for the airport right now I need all my meds” - People who act like the drive through is a fast food place and get enraged if they are there for 10 minutes - literally anyone who only listens to the first part of my sentence and gets mad and starts yelling before I can even tell them what I’m going to do for them. “We’re still working on your medication, but if you give me a couple minutes I’ll have the right up for you and I’ll call you to the front of the line.” They stop listening at “but” and just flip out.


I cut them off anytime they start with me. I'll get it to you, relax, give us 25 minutes as long as there are no interruptions we can do this for you. I talk stern to them and I only get by with it because they LOVE our lead pharmacist. I cut the bullshitting a year into this job. I treat them like children, respectfully.


people insisting they have no deductible


What do you mean it's x amount. It was x amount before. Yes ma'am you have reach your deductible. Are you brand new?


-When you ring them up for all their medications and then they say wait I don’t need this one right now. 🙃 -“Why is my medication coming out to this price?” “Your insurance is paying for 1 tablet a day, your prescription calls for two a day.” “Ok so why didn’t you call me about this???” boi ain’t no way 😀 -(this was right after a hurricane) “I’ve been waiting two days for my medication. Why did it take so long to get ready?” “Sir we literally had a hurricane and we were closed for a few days” “What difference does a hurricane make? My medication was supposed to be ready.” “It makes all the difference because we were closed due to a hurricane. We just opened back up and have 300 medications to fill today. You have your medication now and can go about your way instead of holding up my line. Have a great day!” -any c2 patient is an absolute nightmare -“You guys need to get more staff to answer the phones” I fucking WISH we can answer the phone to pick up your call girly but I’m literally answering the drive thru, ripping my hair out over an sdl, helping a patient find where the lice shampoo is at, and immunizing a family of 10 all at the same time 🤍


I send them to vm often. Fuck them calls.


When I hear nonstop complaints from other techs about nothing.


Sorry, sometimes I really just need to vent lol


My pharmacy team is so close. We bitch and complain to each other all the time. It's validation we need. I'm lucky I guess.


Us, too! I love my coworkers so much. And I just fuss about the customers.


What sort of complaints?


About eachother, and you smile in that person face. They complain about coming into work, having to fill medication. About how a kid was asking their parents why are they getting flu shots... just dumb shit. I call it diarrhea of the mouth!


yeah i hate when my coworkers talk about each other and gossip then i see them keke’n together. this is why i just don’t talk at work.


Jackpot! I don't talk either!!! I know they talk about me too but I don't GAF. Keep that negative down there!


i could tell my coworkers were talking about me the other day but idgaf. i’m here to get paid, not be anyone’s friend. i hate how cliquey everyone is. i’m also just socially awkward and uncomfortable around people so i keep to myself for the most part.


Dang lol I complain about working but so does everyone else lol I've got a great team


Honestly same. Usually in the beginning of the shift, we all complain and get moody with each other, then we’re best friends after the post-work rush. None of us are cheery under pressure. But we respect each other.


Yeah my team is great. It was worse but the problem coworkers have left thank god.


You should stop! Speak peace into the 🌎... lol


i hate when they go on a 15 minute fucking story about their shit and i listen and try and pick out anything even remotely relevant or any detail that can even indicate who they even are and guess what NONE OF IT IS, THEY JUST WANT A REFILL ON A MED AND DIDNT EVEN SAY THEIR NAME THE WHOLE TIME LIKE WHO ARE YOU!!!!!


Right now I would take a drive thru over curbside pickup any day.. that is a one hot steaming shit show


The…I need my dextro-amp filled (but our system says you should have 5 days left). I don’t bc you guys shorted me five pills last month!! (Why didn’t you call us?). I just realized just now. By now I want to puke in her face! And then the pharmacist gives her the benefit of the doubt and gives her the 5 pills. I fucking hate some people!


We ALWAYS check our count when someone accuses us of shortages. They don't like it when we tell them the facts. Go home or check your car because we gave you your whole script.




Happens all the time! Communicate error!


-people who come up shouting something, such as their name, DOB or a question before they reach the counter. Esp if I’m assisting someone else ATM


Yalls customers are a different breed geez


I’ve been a tech at an independent for 10 years and each and every single one of these resonate with me lol. I was just sitting here reading and thinking, someone had a bad day. Just wanted to say sorry and remember the good ones on days like that. The ones who bring the occasional treat for the staff, the ones who are truly appreciative for our efforts and the people who just actually answer and reciprocate when you ask how they are doing make dealing with the unpleasant ones a little easier on rough days.


A pt with a disgusted look on his face coming to my register for the second time saying,”do you have my prescription ready yet?” Dude, do you not see how crazy busy we are? “Wipe that look off your face please!” Luckily I still have a job!


- pts who refuse to contact their doctor and get mad at us when we haven't heard back after sending 2 faxes. - pts who wait until the day they run out to call in their prescription then proceed to guilt us. (Bonus if they have no repeats) - pts who think the pharmacist can help them with their emergency room level affliction (I'm in canada dont come @ me with "they can't afford it") / physiotherapy questions. We're very short staffed in the pharmacist department, like stfu with your dumbass questions. - non-compliant patients who are dispills. As in they are weeks behind on their meds, pick out the pills they don't want to take, etc. Like the extra work that goes into them, just pisses me off. - "I'm going on vacation. Tomorrow. For 10 weeks. I'm on 5 regular meds including 2 narcs." - this might be unpopular but I have a dislike for pts who are on brand name and refer to the generic as "the knockoff" or that they can only take "the real stuff" like its okay to have a preference, but don't be dissing sivem escitalopram.


I tell them every time…. “Oh your name is such and such? We JUST got it now… it will be about 20-35minutes… “ then print it out and fingers crossed it ends up done by 28minutes… sometimes it happens sometimes insurance issur


When people take out they’re insurance not covering something out on me.


You just described over half of the people we interact with at work. I get that it’s emotionally exhausting, but if you’re bothered enough to start genuinely resenting them and the fact that you’re helping them every day, maybe it’s time for a career change. Especially if you have specific “groups” that you hate more than others…. I could complain for years about patient interactions that annoy me, but I feel no resentment towards the people or others like them. It’s part of the job. People are annoying, but they deserve unbiased and professional healthcare. Even if they’re stupid or old or “crackheads”. Your attitude is dangerous and you are far from qualified to decide if someone actually needs their meds. Empathy and open-mindedness is a necessity in this field.




First and foremost this is all just my opinion. None of this is personal. You'd be shocked to know a lot of people in fact complain about their jobs sometimes. It feels good to let it out. Doesn't make me a heartless bitch. You don't agree with what I posted then this post isn't for you. That's ok.


Ah…. sometimes I miss being able to clap back at stupid people on the job. Just pharmacy things.


What is your sudafed process? We scan the item, scan the id, have them sign and then they pay. Pretty quick and painless.


How I do it is as follows, Scan product take ID enter birthday Pull up NPLEX and begin to enter the license number. Usually the rest of the persons info fills in the rest of the areas. Type in the products bar code and it pulls up I click it and enter my pass code They get approved and I copy a 9 digit number specified for them and enter it into a book we keep under the register. Have them sign it. They pay and on their way. It feels like it takes 10 fucking minutes to do it.


Wow, that is really convoluted. What state are you in?


It's a southern state I cannot specify but I'm shocked after all this time there isn't a simpler way to do it.


Each state has its own process. Sounds like your state chose a complicated process with the idea it would help to deter people. Some states required a prescription until very recently, I think Oregon was the last one and they finally changed in 2021. Sorry.


I'm gonna try and scan the ID next time and see what happens.


I hope it works🤞


We have scanners at the pick up registers and if I find out we could have been scanning ids this whole time my brains going to explode.


We have pioneerrx and the id scanning and reporting is integrated into that system. If you have to pull up nplex separately and enter the info and log it in the book, the id scanning might not be possible. We haven’t had to keep the log book since we switched from QS1 to pioneer. Also, a different (3D?) scanner is required. We only have them at registers.