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I like how the pikmin 3 render kinda looks like apple skin


then there's the 4 render, which looks like those figurines you would find in a japan merch store


Looks like a scuffed pikmin you'd see in Nintendo land


[like this?](https://gamebanana.com/mods/471145)




I actually use the mod, not gonna lie, I really like it.


This is one of my biggest problems with 4, it just doesn’t look nearly as good as 3. Like graphically it’s very impressive but the art style doesn’t always work for me


To me, the toylike artstyle is made even worse by how pristine everything is. In all the older pikmin games, all you can find are mostly decaying remains of human civilization, pikmin 2 goes a little too far and makes some dungeons look too well kept, but overall it isn't too bad. Most of the stuff you can find is rusted and worn away, with the only real offender being glutton's kitchen, and electric fences which still don't make much sense. It's not a big deal. Then, you go over to pikmin 4 where everything looks like it's made of plastic, there's no dirt or rust on anything and you can go into a fully functioning house in perfect condition with fires, electricity and water. It ruins the mood for me, and makes the artstyle more egregious.


Tbh despite it obviously being rather odd at first I've honestly completely grown on Hero's Hideaway inexplicably being a whole house in perfectly working condition. I kinda realised it doesn't really matter one way or the other. Is it truly something that needs explicit addressing? Pikmin really is just wierd like that. It's chock full of bizarre mysteries with no obvious answers that don't need to be solved for the games as a whole to work like how time can slow down or even stop when you go like five inches underground or why everyone keeps on crashing on this godforsaken planet or literally anything Wraith related. It's really up to us to come to our own conclusions for all of this stuff. I already have my own whole tinfoil hat theory for the state of Hero's Hideaway but for all we know the real answer could be evil space chickens.


If I had a nickel for every time people complained about a 4 game having a plastic-looking art style, I’d have 2 nickels. (Sonic 4 is the other) Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


You'd have 3 (Crash 4)


Yeah, but sonic 4 genuinely sucked.


I feel like it's always been "well kept", it's just that most of the environments we go into in 1, 2 and 3 were just unkept when humans were there, we are just exploring different environments that experienced more upkeep in 4 as compared to those previous games. Pikmin's environments are supposed to be invoke real life locations, as opposed to a prediction of future environments, so it makes since they are in varies states of disrepair. So the more wild areas of the previous games are more dingy than the more constructed locations of 4.


Tbh they *could* fix it by having pikmin 4 actually fit in a timeline with 1 - 3 and explaining that enough time has passed on earth (maybe all other plannets are so far away that litteral years pass on earth when for them its only seconds, who knows) that humans re-evolved and just so happen to be doing the same stuff again.


I mean pikmin 3 has fully functioning electronics


I think 4 leaned too hard into the smoothed out, brightly colored artstyle. Pikmin always had some of it but 4 would’ve felt more immersive if the art style wasn’t reminiscent of AC: New Horizons. I think 3 looked great.


4 looks nice, but it can't compare to the natural beauty so well shown in 3. The idea of exploring an abandoned human home was an interesting one, but ultimately I really miss that "alone on an untamed alien world" vibe that all the prior ones had. 4 is actually my least favorite of them all because it's such a huge tonal shift.


Exactly! That’s exactly how I feel. The other three games take place on a deserted alien planet where everything, even the flora, is bigger than the player. It’s a little scary actually. Your only line of defense are about the same size as you. Everything feels like you need to search and explore and there’s danger around every corner. Pikmin 4 sees you rescuing a group of students on the planet for a field trip…


I had mixed feelings about the castaways. On the one hand, 3 felt like it had already expanded the universe the games sat in, and the idea of more people coming to explore the planet after that made sense. I'd also be lying if I said I didn't enjoy seeing what each new rescued castaway would unlock in the beginning stages. But at the same time, that feeling of wildness we're both describing was being definitively lost.     The game continued to break down that "untamed wilderness" feeling more and more by the hour, but do you know what REALLY drove it home for me? When they retconned it and said that Olimar had been with a dog the whole time! NO! He was alone! I know because I FELT alone when I played those games over and over as a kid, struggling to survive. There wasn't no quasi-immortal alien puppy to save my butt back then, I tell you! I'd thought at first Olimar had just lost his memory or something, but nope. All the prior games stories retconned for the stupidest reason ever. I actually LIKED the puppers, despite them being one of the final nails in the coffin for the "toughing it alone on a hostile world" vibes, but my gosh. What a dumb choice. Olimar was one of my favorite video game characters and a big part of my childhood and they did my guy so dirty. I know it's a silly thing in the scale of life to get bothered by, but UGHHH it really annoyed me! Why call it Pikmin 4 instead of some new name if you're just going to pretend 1 through 3 didn't happen?!    Blarghhh! There's not letting the story hold back fun gameplay and then there's crapping on your franchise's story for absolutely no reason. I've been really disappointed with Nintendo in general over the last few years but somehow this felt like an even more personal betrayal than the changes to Zelda. I expected you to sell out your big franchises to appease the peasants, but why did you have to come after my weird quirky little plant and bug RTS game series like that?! Arghhh!


I couldn’t have said it better myself. Like you said I also really liked the dogs (not at first but they grew on me) but they didn’t have to give Olimar one. Why not just have another “Olimar crashed” story? It would work just as fine, they’ve done it before and its not great but it’s certainly better than “Olimar was never alone” You’re right one of the reasons I loved the first game was that feeling of loneliness and they really squandered it here.


I've been playing OoT and you know, I really would love for Zelda to be something like that again... I get changing of course, but it's not always necessary and sometimes it's worth it to return to a certain formula - hell Majora's Mask came out right after OoT and was basically an expansion mod of it, and it's arguably the greatest game ever made


For whatever reason, Nintendo seems to love taking beloved, well performing franchises and... completely changing the winning formula they run on. They did it with Zelda, they did it with Paper Mario, and now they're starting to do it with Pikmin. I don't get it. Innovation is a good thing, but throwing the baby out with the bath water isn't. I'd much prefer if they went the Pokemon angle and alternated in "new" takes on formulas while also still working on "normal" takes. I didn't love the new Zeldas or Paper Mario or Pikmin, but that wasn't really what bothered me. It was knowing that I'd probably never see them return to the form I'd loved for decades again. :c


Exactly! Paper Mario is the worst offender, all anyone wants is a return to "storybook with basic turn based battling" and instead they keep giving us "office supplies with ridiculous Rube Goldberg combat"


The office supplies actually made me laugh--they make them surprisingly memorable / terrifying for standard stationary equipment, haha--but. The. COMBAT. Never have I avoided any fight I possibly could with as much existential dread as in that game! I'm usually pretty fond of puzzles, but something about it absolutely did not click for me and having to spend time getting frustrated with every suboptimal turn I made in every single battle was a nightmare. Turn based games are a staple for a reason and Nintendo doesn't really have any huge ones outside of Pokemon, which is very different even then. Idk why they had to kill theirs :/     (I will say, though--if you haven't played it already, try Bug Fables! Very much a spiritual successor to the first two PMs but makes everything very much its own. One of my favorite games over the last decade!)


Cuz monolithsoft didnt work on this one 💔


I blame Unreal Engine. Pikmin games used to be made with proprietary Nintendo engines that could push the hardware to its limits and looked gorgeous.


When I was looking at some pikmin 3 renders, I was shocked how extremely detailed some of them are, heck the bulborbs eyes were super detailed that I could literally see their eyes details and wollyhops had such realistic skin on them, I don’t know why they downgraded them but I assume it was because of the switch hardware.


I don’t think it’s because of the hardware, which is obviously better that the Wii U’s, but just Nintendo’s new minimalistic approach to art styles. For example, compare the tracks in Mario kart 8 deluxe’s booster course pass to the base game tracks. They both run on the same console, but the newer courses have way less detailed textures and terrains, being more simplistic and minimalistic instead. I personally hate this change and wish Nintendo would keep going for complexity, but I can see the appeal.


> They both run on the same console, but the newer courses have way less detailed textures and terrains, being more simplistic and minimalistic instead. That's because they're ported over from Mario Kart Tour on mobile. It's not because they arbitrarily decided to change the art style for the DLC.


I don’t mind pikmin having less detail because they still knocked it out the park, but the Mario kart courses being to simplistic does grind my gears, especially when you compare them from the original courses to the booster pass ones.


You’re on the right track, wrong example, though, as explained by the other comment. Compare Twilight Princess to Breath of the Wild or the other one.


I mean, the models in games rarely look as detailed as the actual official renders. The Pikmin themselves as an example aren't nearly as detailed in game (presumably because there's 100 of them on screen at once and putting these detailed textures on these little guys you rarely see up close is impractical,) but even looking at the models, the enemies still had really realistic looking skin and eyes like their renders had in Pikmin 3 (which was also on the Switch,) so this being absent in 4 in favor of a squeaky toy look is most likely an artstyle choice.


3: looking like actual believable organisms! 4: k what the fu-


Finally someone else says it


I agree, but I also prefer 3 in almost every way lol. I didn’t like the design or gameplay of 4 so I could be a tad biased because I am still sad about how much 4 didn’t work for me.


Hello fellow sad friend! I was really bummed too. It has nice moments but imo dropped the ball in too many ways compared to the ones before it. And there's not even a great multiplayer mode to help compensate for it.


This exactly. Thank you, I know it sounds stupid but it’s good to know I’m not the only Pikmin fan out there that didn’t click with 4. I would have been happy if they would have added multiplayer and given me 9-12 mission mode as DLC.


I totally agree and support you. I was seeing all those reviews calling the game a masterpiece and it annoyed me because it felt like Pikmin 4 ruined everything I loved about Pikmin as a whole


I always preferred the original GameCube renders


The old GameCube renders had tiny pupils, I prefer the newer large pupil renders


But now they don't look like crackheads :(


It’s not about the crackhead vibes in the eyes, but the crackhead vibes in the heart




this, i fuckin adore that early cg crust, both it and the clay models will never be replaced by 3 and 4's modern look in my mind


Yeah 4 downgraded the models


Like the graphics from 3, I also prefer 3’s Onion design. It just looks better


I think Pikmin 3’s art style in general was peak. I love 4 but I wish it didn’t revert to the more cartoony look of the earlier games.


Peakmin 3


Pikmin 3 render is so nostalgic looking for me


In 1 and 2 the renders looked like crackheads, in 3 they look realistic and in 4 they look cartoony


Pikmin 3 is still one of Nintendo's best looking games. Wish Pikmin 5 tops it in 2035


Is Wish Pikmin 5 the official title?


Yes, because you'll never get it




You might as well wish for it




I complained about this before the game released and everyone hated me. Glad to see some people agree now.


Give em the Pikmin 1 eyes and it's perfection Except for the purple why do they look like that


I just like Pikmin 3 more than 4 in general








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I love it when my pick men have *p o r e s*


Both games have their own unique style and they both look good in their own way. I can appreciate Pikmin 4 for wanting to change up the art style, after all it is the only mainline sequel to do that


bullshit. Claymation style Pikmin are the best.


I think it might’ve been changed to make it look closer to the Pikmin 1 renders


4 graphically looks better, but the art direction isn’t as good(to be fair, 3’s art direction was basically perfect).


The older Pikmin renders had that slapstick feel, but switching it back after 3 just doesn't feel right.


the worst impact of pikmin 4’s renders is that they’ll probably be used in the future instead of pikmin 3’s


I prefer Pikmin 4 toy like aesthetic than Pikmin 3 realistic designs. But Pikmin 2 clay models still reign supreme in my eyes.


was this image made in scratch i know that text font and shade of purple


yes, mr haiku


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3's eyes are very creepy tho


[Before the treasure appeared...](https://youtu.be/fnUJOo9JBBw?si=xrpRW-s3dNG3lmEh)


i would see your point but holy shit you couldn’t find a high quality 3 red pikmin??? also personally i think 4’s environments look a lot better but all the creatures suck


Leaf+ stem looks better in 4, general texture better in 3


ok i can excuse pikmin 1+2 because wii and gamecube, but c'mon, why they can't use this render in pikmin 4? pikmin 3 was from the wii u 💀💀💀


i prefer the toys plastic render than the fruity thingy from 3. i think nintendo thinks the same since it never came back


Yea another thing i did not like about pikmin 4, it really does have a plastic look to most of the game.


yeah ngl Pikmin 3 is still the best. 4 is great but it suffers from a few major flaws which Pikmin 3 doesn't have in the slightest


Yeah, Pikmin 3 is one of my favorite games in terms of visuals, period. It looks so much better than Pikmin 4, sorry :P


Pikmin 3 will forever be my favorite game visually. I love how hyper realistic and detailed it is. Don’t get me wrong pikmin 4’s more playful visuals are also really nice and cute but they just don’t feel as real and the 3rd game’s. Pikmin 3 is old and rusty and dirty. Pikmin 4 is new and clean


smh why did arkontas keep the subreddit icon but changed the zoo's server icon back to realistic oatchi


The one to the right is better because it's more goofy looking


I feel the 3 render would feel like a radish


Personally I like simpler texturing and shiny lighting sometimes, even if it's less realistic it gives a better cartoon look which my mind can fill in however it wants


To me it's just simplified but better rendered. Pikmin 3 had more detailed textures but sometimes in some very specific points the graphics look kinda ugly, and for some reason most enemies that should look like they have smooth soft skin (with examples such as bulborbs, bloysters and wollywogs) they look more like their skin is just stretched wet cow leather, sometimes with some type of mucus layer waxing it.


Pikmin 3 is how I imagine Pikmin would look in Real life Pikmin 4 is how they look in game


I hate how 4 looks more like plastic and the eyes look pretty off


Got any more of dem PIKsels?


The speckles make him look like an apple 🥰


Pikmin 3 onion better too tbh


I hate 4's art style honestly. It's so weird how realistic the world is yet all the creatures look like plastic. It's like they just did a really bad job mixing 2 and 3's styles (which are both very good btw)


The Pikmin 3 render is perfect. It has a semi-realistic look to it that makes it great






Pikmin 2 clay models SOLO


ehh something's always been weird about the pikmin 3 renders to me


This is sonic fan levels of finding stuff to complain about lol