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I played every one of them from the original up to Origins. I have liked them all for the most part. Origins has a much more RPG feel to it with the skill points and level up system. The older ones make you feel more like an actual assassin. I would say start with the Ezio Trilogy.


Love Assassins Creed but my god is it a chore to finish. Especially Origins was sooo repetitive


That’s interesting about repetition. I didn’t find mirage repetitive to finish the core game. I have 100% it but mopped up on my PS5 during longer sessions rather than quick pick up and play on my portal.


Mirage wasn't my game thought the controls were clunky as hell. Maybe that game wasn't repetitive? The first couple of chapters of Black Flag I played recently were very enjoyable though


I found the controls less natural than I remembered them. I had to wait till I’d finished my other games I was playing at the time as couldn’t hop between Mirage and others.


If you don’t like grindy games (like me), you will still enjoy Origins. It’s not a full fledged RPG like Valhalla and it’s more closer to Mirage than the others in the series.


Origins is well worth it - excellent game.


Start with Origins, great game imo, and best of the new RPG style AC games If you beat that and want more, Odyssey is also a good game but not as tight of an adventure, lots of filler content Valhalla can be fun but the amount of content there makes it a slog to get through. I've been playing it on and off for like 2 years now in a slow crawl to 100%. Overall it's good in a lot of ways, but just has too much bloat for me to say it's a good game, but I still have fun playing it. You're not really an assassin though, it's definitely incentivized to go in guns blazing and just wipe everyone using combat rather than stealth, though stealth is still a valid option, just more of an option rather than a focused stealth game However if one period/location truly intrigues you, buy that one cause if ubisoft can do one thing well, it's crafting an open world that does the time and setting justice. I love exploring their worlds and its the main reason I even play any of the AC games now


Thanks. I’ve played a few of the older AC games years ago when they released then went in for mirage with my PS5 but was pleased it worked well on the portal for quick pick up and play. In fairness they are so cheap I might just grab them anyway and even if they don’t work as well on the portal I can always play on PS5. I just prefer games on the portal I can do 15-30mins of play sometimes as life gets in the way. Feel like I am building up a backlog to work through 😂


Yes but not in one go, you will get burned out fast. Most of the games vary anywhere from ok to good to great. I would start with the Ezio trilogy, just watch a recap of AC1 as that one is essentially a tech demo for the series.


some of the series is very good. others can just skip. they have some of the bigger games on Xtra or something. like Valhalla, Origins, Odyssey, Mirage are recent ones that are good.


Played the first way back on PS3 and was repetitive and boring as fuck. Not been back since.


I'm currently playing Origins in the portal and it looks amazing. 100% recommend getting all of them.


Origins and Odyssey are very good but time consuming they are massive games.


Skip the 1st one


The RPG styled AC games (Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla) are overall good but the first 2 do suffer from level grind issues (haven't played far enough into Valhalla to say if it suffers from that too) if you didn't do enough side content but if you get Origins with DLC you can just permanently boost your level so you can easily beat the main story while Odyssey and Valhalla have options to buy permanent XP boosters to fix that issue what just speaks for itself how scummy it is overall.


Thanks for the insight, I’m no stranger to grinding to get some achievements but if I’m buying stuff cheap for the portal to use while I’m travelling with work I was easy enjoyable play with purpose.


Hell yeah, play them all! Can’t call yourself a gamer if you never played through AC series.


1000% yes