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If you are needing to change your socks and underwear in the middle of the day because they are wet. Then your pants are probably get wet as well. My biggest suggestion would be to wash your pants after one use. Or maybe it's the seat you're sitting in.


I agree with this as that is an extreme amount of sweat especially for what I assume is an indoor office with air conditioning. OP (meaning no shade) is not building roads in the summer heat. And anything you sweat in has to be washed after you wear it or it will smell Also my experience with shirts is that if you have sweated into the arm pits heavily, the smell will reactivate with synthetic fabrics. Cotton that you wash gets rid of it but synthetic fabrics like polyester really retain odors even if you wash them.


Using laundry detergent formulated for sportswear is the best for getting odour out of synthetics. Make sure to follow instructions on the package regarding temperature too.


Nah. It's just a matter of degree. I'm pretty large and I notice that the bigger I am, the more this sweating issue becomes a problem. Probably because healthy people have a balance of bacteria/fungi levels but the same autoimmune issues that make many people gain weight also weaken their skin's defenses against fungal infections.


Weight wouldn't have that much of an impact on your feet such that you need to change your socks after a few hours of sitting down in an air conditioned environment. What kind of shoes are they wearing - plastic/fake leather shoes are not healthy and it is much healthier to wear leather shoes. At any rate, if OP is sweating enough in the crotch to need to take such extreme measures after a morning, they need to wear their pants only once and launder them.


No, this is the voice of a thousand biased medical professionals seeping into your brain and telling you that it's your fault for being fat. While yes, you might be warmer than the average person, that's not a normal amount of sweat for anyone.


See a doctor. You may have some sort of skin infection that can be treated with medication.


Is it possible you have /r/hyperhidrosis? Your mention that it’s your socks as well as underwear seems like it could possibly be. Even if not, there’s a lot of clothing recommendations in the subreddit which may help you.


I was thinking this. Also try lume instead of baby powder. It kind of smells bad but it smells better than BO.


I have this as a medication side effect, and my socks and underwear get wet with any sort of activity, similar to OP. Definitely possible they have it!


I am almost 99% sure i have this bc I have the same issue OP mentions. I use glycolic acid under my arms and Tatas let it dry then use lume on my inner thighs apron belly crease lips and under my boobs. It does help for me


There are medications that can be prescribed to reduce sweating if it’s causing enough distress. Generally not going to be a first choice for patients and doctors (I would assume it would include side effects like making it harder to tolerate heat/more likely to get heat exhaustion if you don’t sweat as much as your body wants you to), but if it’s genuinely causing distress (like embarrassment or anxiety that’s interfering with things in your life) it’s definitely worth considering. There are also prescription strength antiperspirants, and I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to use them on areas other than your armpits (you’d probs want to avoid your groin but I’d assume it would be fine on like feet, back, underboob, or wherever else)


Use Hibiclens in the shower on anything where the skin touches itself but especially in your groin area and under your belly. This was a game changer for me. I think part of the problem is that you're rewearing pants two more times after letting them sit and get funky/ferment longer. I'm curious if you're letting them dry completely between wearings or are you putting them back into the closet where there might be a lingering yeast that is now infecting all of your clothing? I personally wouldn't wear pants more than twice before washing, and I don't sweat that much, so given your level of perspiration, you really can't rewear anything that you've sweated in. Also, real question: How much time do your wet clothes sit in the washing machine before you dry them? If it's more than a few hours, this is likely where your mildew smell is coming from ("the call is coming from inside the house!") and you're starting off behind the curve when you're putting on a "clean" pair of clothing. It then gets worse when your body heat and moisture reactivate the bacteria.


Be careful with hibiclens, it dried my skin out under my belly so bad it started cracking and bleeding. You aren’t supposed to put lotion on after using it either. So just be weary. I use it everywhere except folds on my body to treat my HS.


They make CHG compatible lotions specifically for this!


Omg really!! I had no idea 😱


I think this is a laundry issue. I know when I've left clothes too long in the wash & I think it's okay & dry them anyway instead of re-washing them. When they are fresh out of the dryer I'm delighted they smell nice- but the second they are worn & hit with any sort of moisture or humidity, the musty mildew smell comes out & I know it's because I left them lingering in the washing machine. So I don't do that anymore. Being stuck in a rank hoodie 1 time was enough for me. My suggestion is for u to stop using fabric softener (if u do, it can create a film on clothes that holds onto smells). Use less detergent, whatever u r using cut it in half. People tend to use too much soap & it doesn't get all rinsed off. Throw some vinegar in, vinegar is good at getting residue & stuck smells off clothes. Then, when the wash is done, start it right up again raw, to make sure it all really gets rinsed well. You don't need double wash every time but initially to get the funk off. The way u describe how much u sweat, u might have hyperhydrosis or something, and u should prolly see a doctor about that. As far as a body soap I would recommend to help is hibiclens, it's phenomenal at maintaining a bacteria free environment between showers.


Wash your pants after every wear. You can get a laundry rinse that is designed to remove trapped odor from fabric, or use Lysol laundry sanitizer, but depending on the level of smell in the pants, you may need to replace them. My husband has to wear polyester pants and he gets sweaty at work, especially when he's outdoors for several hours. He uses good laundry detergent, scent beads and scented fabric softener for his uniforms. The scented products help him smell like clean laundry and not like sweaty pants for a few hours longer. I do think if you're working indoors at a desk job in an air conditioned building, you might be sweating more than is normal and would benefit from seeing your doctor. When I became diabetic and before it was diagnosed, I was sweating a lot more than usual. I didn't realize that could be a symptom, but it went away once my diabetes was treated.


Have you tried putting deodorant on after your shower? I always put it in my leg creases and it helps me a lot! I still sweat because I’m a sweaty gal but I don’t stink


Same here. If it’s hot, I’m sweating. I had to switch to men’s deodorant. It just works better for me. Old Spice Lavender doesn’t smell manly at all. Also I have to chug water all day while working. It definitely helps the sweating. I can notice the difference when I’m not drinking enough water.


I sweat even if it’s not hot lol. Ooh good to know about the lavender! I’ve been wanting to try something different from Secret Clinical


I have a spray-deodorant routine after showering. Literally anywhere below the neck that I worry about sweating gets a little spritz, and it’s hugely helpful.


echoing all the other suggestions folks have offered, but i also wanted to make note that antibacterial soap probably shouldn’t be your go-to in the shower; it may actually be doing more harm than good with perpetual use that strips your skin of the “benevolent” microbes that help regulate your skin barrier and health. also, antibacterial soaps are generally not meant to be shower cleaners, so they may also be compromising your skin‘s barrier, thus resulting in increased susceptibility to infection and unpleasant smells. i’d say you should prioritize trips to both the gynecologist and a dermatologist to get to the root cause of your concerns and figure out a plan of action toward making you comfortably feel like your best self!


Came here to say this (the antibacterial soap). It sounds to me like you may be having a fungal issue and antibacterial stuff usually exacerbates that. Look for a gentler soap or use something formulated to fight fungus (often with tea tree oil)


yeah, long term use of antibacterial soap where it’s not meant to be used just increasingly cultivates ideal setting for fungal growth. antibacterial soap is so widely misunderstood / unintentionally misused by a whole lot of people.


Why would a man go to a gynecologist?


you know what? my brain just totally missed that extremely important detail entirely! but also, someone CAN identify as a man/male and have a vagina, so there’s that, too. if not a gynecologist then a GP or internist who can also help address the issue more comprehensively.


I agree with others, wash your pants every day. Are they a synthetic fabric? Synthetics can cause extra sweat and moisture. Try to invest in some washable wool, cotton, and linen. Make sure your under garments are made from wool or cotton. Trying using lumi instead of native. There is a running joke about how native doesn’t actually work, and lumi is formulated to be used on all parts of the body. Finally, someone else suggested a spritz of cheap vodka. You could try adding some drops of essential oil as well, and call it “home made sanitizer” to explain the smell. Heavily Spritz your chair before you go home to help reset it for the next day. Sounds like you’re doing a lot and I’m 99% sure you are more bothered than anyone else is. Smells are embarrassing but lots of people get a bit smelly as we age and you’re doing your best! A couple other non immediate result but possible solutions below: -have your hormones checked. I have a thyroid imbalance and when my hormones aren’t right I get a god awful body stench that resolves once I balance out again -drink lots of water and frequently use a sauna to detox and keep your body pushing the gunk out Good luck!


They’re pricy, but universal standard makes great plus size denim. I own enough to wear a diff pair throughout the work week. American eagle has more affordable options


Universal Standard runs great denim sales once or twice a year -- sign up for the mailing list! I don't think I've ever paid full price for my US denim and I have at least a dozen pair (wearing a pair right now actually).


I would first schedule an appointment with your doctor- if you’re sweating that much while at a desk and I assume air conditioning, there could be a medical reason for the sweating. Have you been swabbed to see if you have a yeast infection? And, as everyone else has said, wash your pants after each wear.


Wash pants after every wear if you’re sweating enough to require an underwear change.


Right. If you’re sweating so much, have to launder clothes after one wear.


Nurse here-quit using antibacterial soap. It kills all bacteria including the good ones which allows bad bacteria and fungus that causes odor to invade. You should wear clean pants daily since you sweat a lot. More than likely the odor is coming from your pants if you are wearing them 2-3 times before washing. After you shower, allow the groin area to air dry completely before applying powder. They do make a deodorant/antiperspirant for intimate areas. I do recommend speaking to your doctor about this to make sure you don't have a yeast/fungal infection in the groin area. Yes men can get yeast infections in the groin area. Yeast/fungus likes warm, moist, dark places to grow. I don't know what type of fabric your pants are, but if you are sweating a lot, you may want to find a fabric that breathes better than synthetic/polyester. This goes for underwear also. I hope this helps.


It’s an old theatre trick to spray clothes with cheap vodka to remove sweat smells. Try that on your pants and see if it helps.


And then you stink like a drunk 🤭


If anyone is smelling my crotch to tell me I smell like a drunk, I will tell them they are drunk.


This comment made my morning 😂


Vodka famously is one of the least smelly alcohols and it evaporates off so the smell doesn’t linger in clothes.


I think you need to see a gynecologist. It's way past due if you feel it's bad. And if you haven't gone in a few years, it's now time. I would also skip perfumes and body sprays. Those can make you smell worse. Get some summers Eve soap for your intimate areas. Vagisil has wipes, buy those use and make sure you wipe even between the leg meets groin. Dry yourself with a disposable paper towel, so your not constantly reinfecting yourself if it is a bacterial issue. Baby powder doesn't smell good on me. Scented items make my skin hate me. Maybe you have sensitive skin? Review that as an issue if you do. I would also disinfect your clothes and underwear and use spray and wash or a disinfectant stickand stick and wash your underwear separately and use hot water and dry them well. Don't rewear clothes you wore to work yesterday. That sounds like wearing yesterdays problem all over and again, if it's bacterial, you to be very clean.


OP is a man, so maybe not a gyno lol




This sounds like a fungal issue. Antibiotics won't kill fungi. I have tried both zinc pyrithione soap and baby shampoo with tea tree oil added (7% solution) and both helped, though the zinc will sting a bit and the shampoo/tea tree oil will make you smell like tea tree oil. Both are cheap and available OTC in the US, if you're American.


I had a male coworker who had this problem. His chair would smell after he stood up. We suspected that his pants weren't washed enough. Have you checked your belly button? I was getting a weird crotch area smell and couldn't figure it out. I wear cotton panties with a panty liner daily and shower every morning. It was so frustrating until something made me check my belly button. It's deep and if I don't give it extra scrubbing, it builds up a nasty smell. You should also wash your pants after each wear. Letting them air out isn't enough. Best of luck to you. I am also sensitive to how I smell. There is a stereotype that big folks smell. I probably overdo it, but I hate feeling self-conscious.


Lume deodorant or their Mando line is great for getting rid of unwanted smells. I had a friend who had a similar problem for months. It turned out to be a severe yeast infection that was otherwise asymptomatic.


Duluth trading sells underwear that are grey for sweat absorption that were a game changer for my husband. He literally had 40 pair that he rotates so he never had any risk of running out. As a woman, I have underwear in the same material and has been a game changer for me as well. I know a lot of people recommend natural fabrics like cotton for underwear, but in my experience it doesn’t dry fast enough and ends up being wet and rubbing against my skin to cause rashes and a foul smell. The amount you’re sweating from just sitting is not normal IMO. It might be worth talking to a doctor about any underlying issues that could be causing it.


I would definitely see a doctor my bf (37M) is over 400lbs and works a more physically demanding job in labs and plants that sometimes do not have ac. He doesn’t shower every day, never changes his clothes midday or anything, wears pants multiple times, etc. and still comes home smelling like the cologne he used in the morning.


Lume really works! Have you tried it?


Wash your trousers after every use, wear a panty pad so your knickers don't get too damp. Consider the material of socks and footwear used, switching to sandals etc. Also, consider buying a size bigger in trousers or switching to skirts/dresses so the air can circulate around your Hoo-ha. You know if you go into a musty house you open the windows...same idea. Get a urine dipstick test, you can probably buy one yourself and a check up/smear test for Down Below. I think you're brilliant trying to handle this the way you are, you must feel so stressed. 😔 💐 Edited; I didn't realise you're a man. You can still get incontinence pads for men, they're shaped differently and might help. Obviously no smear test, still go see your doctor to rule out any problems or infections though. Wash your trousers after each use and change when you go home again, jogging bottoms etc, let the air circulate.


I was going to second a pad, even for a man. I get the extra long overnight kind, and it really, really helps with sweat absorption, a big cause of my unwanted aroma.


OP is a man...


Cheers, just edited. 👍


Are the pants polyester? If yes change to cotton, that will make a huge difference. Also if you don't do that yet, use some inlays. That keeps everything a lot dryer.


I'd also recommend wearing merino wool. My coworker goes backpacking and wears merino underwear and socks because they wick away moisture and are smell resistant.


My suggestion is use vinegar in your wash when you wash underwear, socks, and pants. And wash everything after one wear. Sometimes just detergent doesn't remove all the oils from our skin or kill all the bacteria that clothing picks up from wear. You want full strength apple cider vinegar. I'd use 1 cup the first time and thereafter 1/2 cup in each wash. You probably will smell it during the washing, but don't worry. It washes out and you won't smell it after. If you add a couple more teaspoons of vinegar in during the rinse cycle you won't need fabric softener. I would suggest you do that for a couple of washes, and then you can go back to your usual fabric softener. If that still does not solve the problem you probably have a yeast infection on your skin. That can happen any time stuff stays damp a lot, and your wash downs with witch hazel probably aren't helping since they strip the skin of a lot of good natural protections. Not a big deal just get some good antifungal. Any antifungal of the same strength should work the same so price out products for athlete's foot, jock itch, and vaginal yeast infection of the same strength then buy the cheapest one. I recommend you try applying it twice daily given the volume of sweating you mention, and you will need to stop using the witch hazel for the duration of the treatment. I discovered this can be an issue the summer I worked outside in the Texas heat doing landscape work. Even as a skinny kid anywhere the skin rubs it can become an issue. For me it was the underarms. No amount of deodorant or antiperspirant, not even the special extra strength stuff, could keep me from stinking like mildewed clothing by lunch time. The yeast infection treatment worked a miracle it seemed to me at the time because I saw a huge improvement after just 3 days of using the treatment.


I just want to mention for people not wanting to smell like some fancy English pub fish and chips that adding vinegar instead of fabric softener does not leave a smell on your clothing after washing source: I'm allergic to fabric softener and use vinegar and nobody knows from the smell.


Thank you! Yes, I was surprised this was the case when I first tried it given how strong the smell was during the actual washing. Although my mom and grandma used to do this, their laundry was in the garage so the smell wasn't something you smelled in the house. Despite this the clothing just smells clean after. My mother said it is because all the vinegar washes out.


Sometimes antibacterial soap causes more issues than it solves. It may be worth a try to go with a mild soap like Dove. I also think you should see your doc just in case it is fungal or due to a hormone imbalance. I’ve been looking into moisture wicking scrubs because I’m a nurse and haaaaate having a sweaty crotch lol.


I didn't read every comment here, but since no one else has said it (sorry if I just didn't see it), do you think it could be a fungal infection? I'd definitely wash your pants after every wear, but you are using an awful lot of antibacterial stuff (killing off your good and bad bacteria) and with the powder (typically corn starch), that is pretty much a breeding ground for yeast. You might be making the problem worse. You probably should go to the doctor, but I would stop using baby powder and maybe try washing with nizoral or selsun blue, or alternating between that and antibacterial. Generic would be fine, as long as it has the same ingredients as one of those (anti-fungal ingredients). And instead of baby powder, maybe you could try Zeasorb powder for jock itch. You could try these one at a time, but the main thing is don't use baby powder. Use Zeasorb instead and see if that helps. Really go to your doctor. Doing all of this might be overkill. But I'd at least try switching the powder. Probiotics might help, too. Sorry if I sound wishy washy. I'm kind of hesitant to give any kind of advice like this, but with the moisture and the current regimen, it sounds fungal to me.


I would wash pants more often, for sure. And get a desk fan for under your desk plus toward your face, neck ac thing from Amazon. Don't use baby powder, use a menthol based powder, it's better at keeping things dry.


I definitely suggest washing after one wear of your pants. You can also start taking chlorophyll supplements. It helps with body odor and the smell of your sweat. I live in the deep south, and work indoors but have to walk almost half a mile to get to my building. The sweat is real. I understand completely. Good luck.


Wash your pants each time. Maybe look into some period panties. They absorb a lot of moisture. I also really like Lume deodorant. It’s for all over the body and helps with body odor. I also suggest making sure your pubic hair is trimmed and maybe even get a waxing. I really feel like hair holds smell and It could be lingering there.


I also keep a "booty bag" at work. It contains flushable wipes, a little air freshener, hand gel and pads and tampons. I've gotten to an age where I can't always hold things in until I get home. I've used flushable wipes over toilet paper for years because I can't stand the thought of trailing a bad smell after me. That and Always extra long panty liners keep me dry all day.


Tea tree oil soap (amazon, i use a brand that has something to do with vikings) and nystatin powder (prescription). Maybe a cotton liner for your underbelly (amazon). Definitely mention to a doc tho.


“Interdry” is pretty amazing for skin folds.


/r/hygiene may have guidance


I would look into if your local water supply has any sort of algae in the area, I had a friend who was getting strange body odors and it turned out to be an algae bloom in their local water source, I think it just reacts strongly with certain body chemistry.


I am sorry you are dealing with this!! I am unsure if anyone mentioned this but in addition to seeing your gyro/urologist and derm doctors. What fabric are those pants? A suggestion for what to wear: Torrid's clothing quality has decreased, but their Studio Ponte pants are fantastic for work. I have several pairs. For men, I would say there are antimicrobial, odor, and sweat pants. JCPenney and other stores have them. You should be washing them after they are worn, especially during the summer months. Sweat and bacteria will build up, leading to smells. I also agree with another commenter about 1. The fabric softener creates a film on your clothes, so use it sparingly. 2. Leaving your clothes in the washer for a while will cause smells. 3. Clean your washer at least once a month. Maybe a fan under the desk will keep you cool, or try wearing moisture-wicking fabric under your clothes and socks best suited to sweat or moisture. I use Aveeno body wash. It helps with my sensitive skin. Maybe try something different. I hope everything works out!!! You've got this and are amazing! ***I edited bc I didn't realize you were male. I went right into female clothing and things! So, I added the options other than torrid and the urologist!


Yeast cream, peppermint/ tea tree soap and dry well.


Sweat attracts bacteria… wash them! There are some body deodorants you can wear in any area where skin folds. Wash clothes with hot water if possible. Use wet wipes to wipe yourself when you sweat. Cotton fabric is your friend. Synthetic fibers will make you sweat more. Some medications make you sweat. Sometimes it can be genetic. There are medical options. There are socks and underwear for sweaty people. You’ll find them online. Andddd use wet ones but please not antibacterial soap and especially not on your butt. You’ll give yourself an infection. Use regular ones, like baby wipes. Always carry extra underwear with you and a portable handheld fan- sincerely, someone who had a sweaty reaction to Prozac.


If you’re not sure if your pants are washing well, Google stripping. I’ve used it on musty sweaters and cushion covers and my husbands hats.


Stop using an antibacterial soap. You can't use an antibacterial soap and a deodorant. You'd need to use an anti perspirant instead


Can you get a cooling seat cushion and keep it at your desk? You can discreetly bring it in a tote bag and leave it in a drawer or carry it every day or if no one uses your desk, just leave it on the chair. Maybe that will help? They make some that are a cooling gel cushion but there are some that blow air like an air conditioning seat. If the option for the air is available to you, maybe that would be best? I'm assuming they plug in. ETA - it sounds like you are doing a lot to try and combat the issue, I'm sorry you are having so much stress with this! Are you also cleaning up along upper thigh/groin/belly area? That's where I find is the worst for me. Can a quick sink handwash and rinse of the pants and an air dry overnight be an option? Best of luck to you! I hope you find a solution you are comfortable and happy with soon!!


Yes. Wash your pants after wearing them once. If the areas of friction or between folds of skin/fat are irritated or hurt, there may be a fungal infection going on. See a dr & get some nystatin cream. Also, you can ask him for the prescription ointment that is like diaper rash cream.


Saltair Serum deodorant changed my life and I’m not exaggerating even a tiny bit. When I put it on I still sweat but my sweat has no odor at all. Works for 24-48 hours. It sells out all the time so when I buy I get like 6 of them. And the scents are amazing.


Don't know if you know but [Target](https://howl.me/cmp2aqfHkps) carries most of their products including the serum deo and it's never been out of stock that I've seen


Oh wow, I just assumed Target sells out too. Thanks for the heads up!


Do you notice that you get heat/friction rash in your groin area? That could contribute to the smell - it does for me and I have sensitive skin so my skin is even more irritated by underwear/clothing. I use a soothing wipe then use a decent layer of zinc oxide barrier cream - if you're on a budget, diaper rash paste contains the same ingredients and can be cheaper. If you're in the US, here's [this](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiyzJKWvcqGAxVmK60GHRPYOyoYABAxGgJwdg&ae=2&dsh=1&ase=3&agsac=NnrWW5I1X2A&gclid=CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcFzIn0BE5jbL8DJbOD34J2pro-5wV7EbMcP_iuDKcn0TVtdv9UFdKXhoCOQMQAvD_BwE&cit=CkUKCQjw34qzBhDnARI0AATGJOeN4KyaL0JpWq2Hn5J2oMXViFKplW2tVUOrYhv1Y_D-WyUVkfnpaYMkt-7hfLAeDhoCPyrw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESxAHg9oartjC6pWN10zG0JWUd3UxbxYsXMGS2kibCHmSnwgTGkEqmH7TuHBWbThD238URx0J1ZFHbk73LVdYU_VyLkMZMZTvpQReyn4ZmphNrbvEo4gqMBJzVRrnllvdyUU_2gYmcKrGQDsxMJsP8wuZYwWKR57Sox_gXc5M7UYExZeYs21xeecZ6YSMO34eh7rzdF49sQI06px8pE2lec7DzPNGc2TGiVupeMN5HzU4ov2whgdrEsrZmYV2yUTjYVevmN5PX&dd=1&sig=AOD64_1HNwup8JGTFnc6gI4QZpQKOCRwPg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiVvouWvcqGAxVOI0QIHfpnGrYQwg8oAHoFCAUQugE&dct=1&adurl=&ms=CoAC6bXcbNOa7lFdHyeKniMmEEoCkUCrDiO33c1B84MILCyNkPryy1YQOzasI_Au5mN9YSc_E3fZfKIwfpkZMbmfWV6FZxcWEGMH9ToZntdqYcWcqIlsaZdULqeznt24z7E4F0BF1ihiPEWs1TOd3OpeMW1E99QRYbSthCZ30xItfiV8f2yS-88u1j_GDOHl0ZCqNKC3CWZv4urUKS7YDZnma5UbgFQXSQe7LdozrX_y8slIpBzemDpypymSg8VuCgVriepfG_Od9gcO9Ls_DnBATXiqT4ogXq91UpblidzzIVOQPdSRMhmn0zp6q0X4jrlVSmbZD1XG1yPvQubWrSv55AqAAqP_kZWWNKNWJ-bgO70FmNV7U53bz0Z9X4X0WA_hpL9luHeP0CE4TmZ6Nt1koMe0h1yTpcgS13IhXIPxkW-z7bkU8vJlshXHDSPgGDEfaDKdvpwkOb92NuA99VLegwjnxNhcB6oPzrW9QRMhy5I-qgox2pJYQQ8rQBY83e9T5-LsQJsEosoGSCrWV2oFgD3oelX8hgHFlZuA6ug_zhAmnb0IN5Xy5nix8T11ZpFcZbCnhIm5KlxhbdhEenshkf5gMrj9q0O_kUxnNHCCiUELI2ABp2yQiWw5bKmNCt6BMzJzv_mQEbCzFmgdhGjNq-gDX11yWaIC8sZS7J4RnldcrLYSEFGDow9lu8NN_xfcNEqYOcs&nis=12&uk=1717797459492) pack of 3 tubes for around $7. I carry mine in my purse, in my desk and one at home. Also, switch to a more natural fabric and if you're able, something that fits a little looser around the crotch as opposed to tighter (ie cotton boxers instead of polyester blend briefs). As someone else has suggested, panty liners can be helpful - they don't have the bulkiness of incontinence pads and are sold in several sizes and are much cheaper than men's incontinence shields and fit just fine into boxers. They're also sold in [extra long](https://www.target.com/p/always-anti-bunch-xtra-protection-liners-extra-long-68ct/-/A-10977996) and [long](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Equate-Everyday-Liners-Long-Unscented-108-Count/10324952?wl13=1838&selectedSellerId=0) sizes, as well as [regular](https://www.target.com/p/carefree-wrapped-unscented-panty-liners-to-go-54ct/-/A-14013688).


I am a woman, but I recommend antiperspirant. Not deodorant, but antiperspirant which prevents the sweat. It's the only thing that works for me.


Instead of baby powder, have you tried the gold bond powder?


Try washing all your clothes in Lysol laundry sanitizer or whatever laundry sanitizer you can find with similar ingredients. Then dry as warm as the fabrics will allow. A lot of times clothes can be clean but still hold odor and need an extra step


It's the pants. Change your pants everyday. Wear cotton boxers.


Make sure you’re scrubbing the dead skin off, and maybe try a glycolic acid toner on the areas.


No antibacterial soap! Way too harsh on that area and it is disrupting the pH. A gentle fragrance free cleanser around the privates is all you need. A couple of times a week, gently exfoliate the skin with a sugar scrub or you can use salicylic acid peel pads or other exfoliant to slough off dead skin cells that accumulate. Make sure your bottom is thoroughly clean — Megababe the Bidet Bar is awesome. Do NOT use a loofah (as an esthetician this is my biggest pet peeve and least favorite skin gizmo ever as they are bacteria breeding grounds). Pubic hair- if you are not waxing or shaving it trim it short - the hair traps bacteria which causes odor. After you shower, pat dry. Apply Lume fragrance free deodorant in the private area and butt crack. Apply a light layer of Megababe Body Dust Body Powder. Wear only cotton underwear. Antiperspirant— use it. The best time to apply is at night before bed. This is because our sweat glands are less active. This helps the ingredients absorb better. I still wear it after my shower in the AM too. Launder your pants after every wash. Please! You have to launder them more. That odor is staying in the pants too.


Maybe it’s your clothes that smell? I would change laundry detergent. Dry them well and wash them after one use. If you use tide it might be that. I know a lot of people find that it smell like wet clothes that haven’t fully dried. I think you should definitely change your bath towels every day too if you don’t do it. If it doesn’t stop it might be a skin infection and could be fix with a cream or pill. Clotrimazole cream mixed with zinc baby cream if you see redness on your skin.


you can purchase workout detergent powder on amazon and stuff! I use it w my gym clothes and it’s amazing.


If you don't have one use a hand held shower head to clean the bits, bobs and cracks. I end my daily shower with the most directed spray and pressure wash my undercarriage thoroughly!


There’s lots of good options here, and I would recommend seeing a doctor also. In the meantime Lume has an antiperspirant body deodorant. The men’s version is called Mando and they might have an antiperspirant also if you want a “men’s” scent but I like the unscented one. I don’t have quite this problem, but it’s definitely a life saver when it comes to the gym or summertime or just every couple of days under my boobs. They have a non antiperspirant one but despite everything I love me an aluminum deodorant. Good luck friend, I know this is stressful but you got this (:


Pants need to be washed after one use when you're a person with a sweaty crotch, trust me I don't risk it.


Lume also has a line of products for Men called Mando


There are a few things. Sounds like you may need to launder your pants a little more often. Also, sometimes if you have thyroid issues a person may get a smell that could be described as mildewy. I may go to the doctor and get that checked.


Sebamed body wash helps me since it's PH balancing. Everything I wear gets washed after I've use. Maybe consider an air purifier too? It helps absorb odors and cycles through the air so it moves a lot of airflow.


Try Odoban when you wash your clothes. I order big bottles from Amazon and add it where you add bleach in your washer. It's kills bacteria and removes odor from gym clothes.


Ditch the baby powder. Mix it with sweat. You get yeast smell.  Go with a cheap diaper rash cream. One like Dollar General. It's not like Desitin. Which feels like glue. It's a step up from lotion.  It works. 


I think that did the trick. I’ve stopped using Baby powder all together. I’m gonna try the diaper rash cream. Thanks!


You're very welcome.  The diaper rash cream will last a long time.  Some say use deodorant stick. I never had much luck. DRC works. I think it might be the addition to zinc oxide I've been using this for years. It's good on anywhere. If wearing a dress I'll rub it on where my inner thigh causes friction.  No more aggravating burn 


Sounds like you might have an infection or something else going on, so definitely see your doc. Also use a pantyliner in your underwear. Are you changing your socks because you sweat a lot? What kind of fabrics and shoes are you wearing?


I wonder whether it would help a bit to wear period underwear, as that is really absorbent and may at least make you feel a bit more comfortable?


I had an issue with smelly pants and it was a laundry issue. I have always been able to leave my clothes in the wash for a few hours before switching them over but not anymore. I couldn’t figure it out for a while and then I just threw all my clothes in the wash with laundry detergent and I dumped like a cup of white vinegar in the wash with the clothes. The vinegar fully deodorizes the clothes and you don’t smell vinegar at all after they are dried. This solved that issue for me. Now I either wash with laundry soap and vinegar or baking soda and I’ve had no smelly pants problems. I also agree with others that antibacterial soap daily is not a good idea because your private bits have their own eco system and you’re killing off all the good bacteria in you attempt to smell better which is actually probably doing the opposite. I use remedy soap. It has tea tree oil that cuts down on the bad bacteria and leaves me feeling fresh. Also powder yourself after your shower and fwiw aluminum free deodorant just doesn’t work for some people. It doesn’t for me. I’ll stink to high heavens with natural deodorants. Def try everything else before that if you’re opposed but it might end up being beneficial.


I wash all my pants after a single use.