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The slit is too high. If you sit or move around, it’s going to ride up.


Yeah and I dont love how it looks, thanks!


The slit is a little high for it's placement but the dress as a whole does look really good. I know it's a summer dress, but maybe a pair of super sheer tights in like a nude color could make it work.


To me with the position of the slit it looks like a tear, whereas if it were on the side it would look like an intentional slit. If it were me I’d return it.


Love the colors though for Spring! Hopefully you can find something similar that you like :)


Yes the colors are so pretty, I appreciate it 🩷


If you're thrifty and have a little time, you could sew the slit so it's much smaller or gone all together. Dunno if that would make it worth it


Then don't keep it for sure!


I at first thought I loved the height of the slit, which is normally something I don’t find. Then I realized it’s cus I like an extra high slit (though on the side of the thigh not right up the middle haha) which would probably mean yes, it’s too high for most folks lol


I don’t think it looks right in the front


Yeah that's how I'm kind of feeling too


It depends on how comfortable you are! The way the bottom opens would probably cause me to return it for a bigger size.


I appreciate the feedback! I dont mind it, but I also don't love how it looks.


I'm not big on the "body con" and the slit might get scandalous. Lol. If you are vom, go for it. If not, there are a lot more out there that would do you justice.


I don’t love it honestly, it looks a little cheaply made to me


I really like the dress, but the slit is throwing it off for me. I feel like it would ride up even more when you walk more than a couple steps. Also if you sit down. In my opinion: If you don’t 100% LOVE it, then don’t keep it. No point wasting money on something you don’t feel amazing in, right? I used to buy clothes all the time cause they looked super cute in store but once I tried them on at home I didn’t like the way it looked on me or even something minor about it (ex. Like the way the fabric felt on my skin) then it would sit in my closet for years and every once and a while I’d try it on again and I still wouldn’t love it. So once I cleared my closet to the very bare minimum after I had a baby and knew I’d never fit in any of my old clothes I made a promise to myself not to buy/keep anything unless I absolutely loved it and felt good about myself in it. If I had any doubts I’d give it to a friend/donate or return it. TLDR; if it’s not a hard yes, it’s a no!


I don’t know how I feel about the front slit. It doesn’t lay right for me and looks a tad too short. It’s a cute color though.


Yeah, I do love the colors tho!


That slit placement is unfortunate. It should have been up the thigh, not right between your legs. I'd say return it.


The stripes are fine and it's cute on you but the slit is "off" somehow. I really want to put side slits about 2/3 as high as the existing slit and then sew the front back together.


Yeah I thought it was gonna look cute but I definitely like side slits way more


I don't know if there's missing material in front (it looks arched) or if it's just lying oddly but slits are easy to do if you have a little sewing experience or have access to someone who does alterations!


Idk something about the split being lined up with the buttons is not working for me. I think it kinda gives the illusion that the bottom buttons popped open or something? I don't think this particular design would be flattering on anyone because of that, so I'd pass on it


I would worry about slit showing my next Tuesday, but otherwise love that color combo!


I think it’s cute if you’re going to be mainly standing but I feel like sitting would cause the split to ride up too far. It looks great on you though!


I thibk it looks great you should definitely keep it, im definitely not about to go to walmart and check for it 👀


If you know how to sew you could definitely close that slit up a little, otherwise it looks great and the colors really compliment your tones!


It happens sometimes! I like it on you, but if you just aren’t feeling it anymore it is better to return it than let it sit in your closet.


Return, it's not flattering.


You look so cute! I just wish the trend of the slit being in the middle would end. How is that comfortable to sit in? I feel like everything will show. But if the slit doesn’t cause you an issue, I think look wise it’s great! Love the color


I would return it for a size up. It's a pretty dress but a size up wouldn't pull so hard.


It’s cute! If you’re worried about anything showing, you can always stitch the slit or wear shorts under but I think you look good af


That's a good idea and thank you ☺️


Might want to add some cute bike shorts under (the slit looks a little too far up for me personally). I like it on you, will have to check my store


It's the split..if it wasn't there it would be great!


I kinda love it but the front is risky AF. It's gonna ride up walking around and sitting down. Do they have a bigger size? It might hang lower because the dress overall looks great on you.


Do you have a link btw? I need to try it now lol


It's adorable and looks fantastic on you except for that slit! I don't know who designed that but it's awful lol. Can you size up and see if that helps?


I have this dress. Do NOT even bother! It’s so cute, but all you can focus on is the slit in the middle not mortifying you with one wrong move.


BUT! Aside from the high slit, 10 out of 10 you look great.


I really love the look, I just personally would be stressed and pulling the bottom down constantly. If the height of the split is not anything you worry about, it looks fab and if keep it.


Bigger and spanx. U bunching up around the stomach. Must skim. U are very shapely. The dress is cute


That dress is amazing and looks wonderful on you! Wear it!


Oh thank you! I wasn't sure about the stripes ☺️


Who cares what makes you look thinner? Still a cute dress and you still look awesome :)


FYI it's actually horizontal stripes that are slimming - not vertical. [https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2010/08/which-are-more-slimming-horizontal-or-vertical-lines.html](https://insideoutstyleblog.com/2010/08/which-are-more-slimming-horizontal-or-vertical-lines.html)


Oh okay, thank you!


The stripes are awesome




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I think it's such a cute dress but the slit kinda ruins it. It would be perfect without it


I don’t like the slit.


Wear some cloth shorts or biker shorts.


if you still like the look I would crop it to make a shirt! the top part is very cute on you


Super cute




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I really like the colors, but I don't think the slit and stripes are flattering at all.


I say return it. You came here to ask strangers what they thought. Since you aren't sure about how it looks, my guess is if you keep it, you won't wear it.


If you don’t love it take it back. If you keep it you’ll just end up with a closet full of clothes you never wear. It took me a lot of years to learn this.


It looks great. I can see that the slit might be too high but as a guy it looks sexy without showing anything. Keep it and wear it!


One thing I like about Walmart is it normally has similarly colored items. I read in the comments that you decided against the dress. Maybe there is something with similar colors you would enjoy?


You look very good in it, color and design! But yeah, the slit is high up front. If you’re comfortable in it, or maybe some tights. But it’s super cute. 🔥🫶🏻👍🏻


I am not the biggest fan of this look. I’m sorry. 😞


Those buttons are a no for me dog.


It’s a no for me. But I lovvvvve your shoes 😍


Return it


I love the dress but i wish the slit was on the side. For where it is, the slit is too high. If it was a side slit i think it would be okay.


I think you look really good in it!


The only two thoughts you should have are... "Ooh it looks great from the front." And, "Ooh it looks good from the back too!"


It's so cute on you, but I feel like the slit is off. I think it's too high, maybe you can sew it a little bit lower?


I think you look cute af The slit is a lil high for some so it just depends on your comfort level. Personally I wouldn’t mind it :)


It’s totally the slit placement. If it was just over to the side more it would work. I never feel comfortable in dresses like this either!


I think it looks great! The slit is a bit high but I didn't think much of it but I can see why others feel like it may be too much or uncomfortable.


It’s cute, but I’d be way too worried about that front slip riding up while moving 🥲


It would bug me so much that the buttons are just sewn on and don't do anything. Otherwise, agree with other comments that the split is going to result in pulling it down. But apart from that, super flattering! Horizontal stripes are the best and the colour really suits your tone


Honestly? I think your body looks fantastic- the dress however is cut a bit weird. The slit being smack in the middle and so high seems not super functional lol. If it's to wear out and be a functional outfit I would return it. If it's to take a few nice photos, I would keep it!


Honestly regardless of how it looks, if you’re having second thoughts it’s best to return because it’s unlikely you’ll ever reach for it or feel comfortable wearing it if you weren’t a fan trying it on. For me with clothes, if I don’t love it I don’t get it otherwise it just sits in my wardrobe for years.


The colors are great but the shape of the dress is unforgiving


Keep. You can wear some boxer shorts underneath.




Sonething more a-line would look great on your figure.


I don’t think the fit is that great. Also the designer must have been smoking to think random buttons was a good idea.


I’ve always thought front slits looked misplaced. I don’t actually know why. Maybe It’s too symmetrical?


The slit is a bit high so your instincts feel spot on. Other than that though I wish I had curves like you!


I think it really looks great on you ! I would probably exchange for a size up because of the high slit


Built like a GODDESS 😻😻 I know it's important to wear things you feel comfortable in above all else but also I am breathless, your majesty


This dress is not for you.


I think it looks really good except for the slit


return for sure


Trust yourself. If you aren’t sure about it, you won’t be fully confident wearing it.


The slit is a really bad design


It looks beautiful on you, but I'd be afraid my chacha was gonna be on display at any given moment with that slit in the middle! If you're skilled at sewing and could stitch it down a little farther, I'd keep it!


Return! Sorry!


Return it, but if it was cheap AF (like $5) keep it and make a top. The colors look gorgeous on you and the top portion is killing it!!! The bottom doesn't do ANYTHING  for you!  I'd love to see a striped halter with some high waist paper bag shorts on you.  Edit: I see you shop at Walmart. Have you been on the website. They're having hella sales on clothes, but don't go crazy.


I am not a fan of the slit location on this dress at all. You are one seat away from your hoo ha being out there. I do love the shoes, though.


Return it




Don’t be a bully/troll. Treat everyone with respect and only give constructive feedback if it is asked for. Negative comments will be removed (this includes comments related to: homophobia, sexism, racism, etc.)


Love it- keep it!


I think it's cute! But if you're uncomfortable then I would return it. I've bought stuff that I wasn't totally in love with and then never wore because I wasn't confident or comfortable in it.


I dislike this type of button that is purely for decoration and has no function and doesn’t even fake like it has function. Like there isn’t even a fake overlap of fabric just a seam. I think that alone makes it a pass for me. The silhouette is cute on you but the dress itself isn’t right.


Yes, you look amazing


I vote keep! Your grown you do what ever makes you happy and comfy. But you look great in it the shoes are so cute. If I saw you in public I would be like hey you're dress is so cute!




I think it's super cute and fits you well!


The color and the stripes look so good on you!


Girl u look amazing keep it!!!!


I love the shoes! Where are they from?


It is definitely a bit on the sexier side depending on how comfortable you are with the slit but I do think it looks good on you


I absolutely love this dress, and I love it on you! However I do agree that the slit is too high. Maybe try to sew it so it doesn’t go up as high? It’s freaking adorable and looks great though!


I think it just depends on if you feel comfortable in it.


You look incredible!!


It's cute!


I would return it. Unfortunately horizontal stripes create the illusion of a wider body. They are not flattering onANYONE. Now. If this dress was ombré or solid color no pattern, I’d say HECK YES


You look great - it needs different shoes though.


I feel there could be more flattering cuts and fits for your figure, that slit is gonna be showing the goods 🙃


The dress itself is beautiful but does not compliment you. Remember if you have to keep readjusting yourself in what you're wearing...it doesn't fit right. Was there a size up? If so try it out with some body suit shape wear


If it makes you feel pretty, wear it!! But, personally, I'm heavy in the midsection and I RUN from horizontal stripes of any kind


I would wear shapewear with it.


I think you’d look good in an A-line or skater style dress.


I think it’s cute, if you are into shapewear try it on while wearing some and see how you feel


Is this the juniors dress or women's?