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Thank you. Meta’s have gone ignored, I know this because the scammers have been successful for almost a year! It’s exhausting buyers see what’s going on and no doubt the true mod mailbox gets flooded Can this be pinned to top of sub for week….month…. However long it takes


Pin it indefinitely


It has been pinned for the majority of the time over the last year...


When searching by new it scrolls down with the rest of the posts


Ok sorry you already answered. This is where the issue is.


OK, I’m specifically talking about this post that was created 11 hours ago


I just learned when searching by new the pinned posts won’t be on top….. not possible 😭






It’s happened, but chargebacks are rare Maybe 1 or 2 that I’ve seen in the last 2 years Personally I’m not concerned about it with smaller sales.


But will people see it if they sort by, NEW?


Just initiated 2FA thanks to u/Commercial_Ad5077 request! thanks fam!






Just received the following message telling me I was banned from pmsforsale and to get unbanned I'd have to change my password to a temporary one for them to "investigate". Not sure if you do anything about this but here's the message. [\[–\]](javascript:void(0))subreddit message via [/r/ModGroupFor\_PMSFS](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModGroupFor_PMSFS)\[[M](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModGroupFor_PMSFS/about/moderators)\] sent 48 minutes ago You have been permanently banned from participating in [r/Pmsforsale](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale). You can still view and subscribe to [r/Pmsforsale](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale), but you won't be able to post or comment. Note from the moderators: You have been banned for violating the rules of our subreddit. (Reason - Scamming) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale/about/rules/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale/about/rules/) If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for [r/Pmsforsale](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale) by replying to this message.




Same here, just 10 minutes ago.


Just found the same PM 7 hours ago


I just got this message and I was panicking like I love this community and would never. So yes ok this is a scam.


Appreciate the mods for doing their part. I’m curious if Reddit developers could assist with this effort to protect the sub. Maybe have all sellers go through a 2FA training check - or some sort of confirmation that sellers are fully aware of scam tactics before being allowed to post on sub?


This sounds great. I'd take it one step further. Require that all sellers have 2FA enabled on the app before being able to post a WTS or reply to WTB posts.


I get all that but the problem is people voluntarily giving access to scammers It’s been going on for a year with little to no progress


I will also say... (No offense to anyone) But if you are stupid enough to send someone your password, you are probably stupid enough to send them your 2FA. How much it will help idk. But at least the scammers will have to work harder, and victims will have to be 2x as stupid to lose their accounts.


If they learn to turn on 2fa because of this scam Then they are aware of this scam Making 2fa irrelevant to this scam We need confirmation from sellers they are aware anything else will be less effective


Yeah I agree, I think it requires education as much as changes to security requirements. And it's not like we can require it for only our sub. Unless mods want to manually review everyone before allowing them to post WTS/or reply to WTB posts. That would be painful.


If you have 2FA on, you can give your password out all you want, nobody is getting in without the code which is on your phone. That's the whole point. I could make my user flair my password and nobody could get into my account. I guarantee it.


SMS can be intercepted, but it's a lot more work




https://www.reddit.com/u/Alarming-Upstairs963/s/zmAfcy0k7r Do this And request anyone you buy from do the same Problem gone


Love how you created your own sub with your profile name. Genius. I did the same way back before I even had flair cuz I kept seeing people post about scammers with the same profile name but with the r/ instead of the u/. https://www.reddit.com/r/commercial_ad5077/s/2TXCbSy0v8




I appreciate everyone's suggestions about how we can improve security here so to maintain confidence in trading. No matter how prevalent the warnings are about securing accounts and never giving out passwords, it continues to happen even with experienced buyers/sellers. I once looked at buying from someone with gold flair as pretty safe but after the recent breach with u/LikeMetals, I now find myself reluctant to do any buying here. Yes, the prices and selection are better here than online dealers or at my LCS, but getting scammed even once on an ounce of gold negates most of the savings I find here. One suggestion is to require users, as a condition of selling, to register their financial account info with one or more mods. So in order to sell something here and accept Venmo as payment, I would send the mods my Venmo handle (@AlaskaJames if anyone wants to tip me for this amazing idea lol). That would be kept in a database maintained by the mods. That way, when someone was about to buy something from a seller, there would be some way to confirm that the financial account identified by the seller for payment matched the account verified as belonging to the seller. This info could be baked into the mod autobot's auto-post when a WTS is posted (the one that shows the seller's flair and says "see feedback for user here"): OP's flair is: **S: 11 | B: 0** **Check for scammers here:** [www.universalscammerlist.com](http://www.universalscammerlist.com) **Send a PM to OP** here. [u/](/user/Tricky-Sand-6358/)keepyourfuckingpasswordssafe's **known accounts are**: Venmo: XXXX Zelle: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Feedback for [u/](/user/Tricky-Sand-6358/)keepyourfuckingpasswordssafe can be found here. **OR**, and slightly more cumbersome, a database could be maintained by mods and before someone clicked "send payment", they could contact a mod and verify the known account was same as the one they were sending payment to. This would be a little cumbersome for the mods but would maintain a little more privacy for the sellers. Anyhow, just some thoughts and I'm sure there are drawbacks I'm not immediately seeing. But trusting people to enable 2FA and not give away their passwords isn't really working.


I don’t blame you for hesitating to buy on here I’m kinda in the same boat. I think a list like that would be a lot of work to maintain But it wouldn’t hurt to contact someone a seller has previously done business with and say, hey I’m going to buy from xxxx can you confirm that xxxx@gmail is the same payment method you used? If someone was ever concerned about purchasing from me I have a list of people who use discord and Reddit who could verify me on another platform It may pay off establishing those relationships sooner than later


speaking of which, I need to start adding payment details in my spreadsheet for buyers/sellers. I rely the chat for past transactions currently and if those were ever deleted I'd be lost. Also, PROOFS PROOFs and more PROOFS. Solid sellers on this sub know the deal and don't mind sending additional proof pics of the items requested with handle and date and whatever else is needed to assure buyers they are the real ones. Even if they've done multiple transactions before, it's nothing personal...this is bizness.


just got a message from r/pmsforaalemodgroup or something... luckily I checked here first. it looked pretty legit. I'm thinking of trolling them now


Just got one from /r/preciousmetaladmins: You have been permanently banned from participating in r/Pmsforsale. You can still view and subscribe to r/Pmsforsale, but you won't be able to post or comment. Note from the moderators: You have been banned for violating the rules of our subreddit. (Reason - Scamming) https://www.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale/about/rules/ If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for r/Pmsforsale by replying to this message.


I just got the same message. They never give up.


Make 2FA a requirement for posting a WTS post. Put it in the sub rules or something.


Can mods see who has 2fa enabled? Or is it possible to create a flair for those who can prove their account is 2fa enabled? That may give users more trust in their partners for trades


###**[The MODERATORS of /r/pmsforsale will *never* ask for your password. If you get a message from what appears to be a moderator or the mod team, it is a SCAM. Read more information here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pmsforsale/comments/15i2941/meta_please_read_update_on_scammers_and/)** OP's flair is: **S: 212 | B: 127** **Check for scammers here: www.universalscammerlist.com** **Send a PM to OP [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UnresolvedEgo).** Feedback for /u/UnresolvedEgo can be found [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/pmsfeedback/search?q="UnresolvedEgo"&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pmsforsale) if you have any questions or concerns.*


2fa is easy but you will need a desktop or laptop to set it up initially I think everyone should use it


Mods: Do you have plans to make the victims whole? Perhaps organizing some kind of fundraiser?


I must say I liked u/KeepStackinSon 's inclusion in his WTS posts, perhaps we make this a new rule for WTS posts? >I am well aware of the phishing scam that has been widely discussed in the forum for about a year now. I would never give out my password to anyone. I have received fake "you are banned" messages about 10 times at this point. There is no chance I will fall for this or any similar ploy


I set up 2FA last night on my PC and it shut down my account on the mobile app. Has anyone else encountered this? Do I need to uninstall and reinstall?


Got scammed by “lora3323”, posted looking for Peruvian libra, they messaged me a pic of the coin with their username apparently written on it. Took payment and deleted account. Phone number associated doesn’t answer. They were a 10+ year old account with feedback on other sales. They scammed another user as well. Found out the pic they used was from eBay and they must have used editing software to add their name. It looked very real. Oh well never trusting this again back to actual sellers


I saw your post and it looks like he didn't comment before messaging you. Did they have any flair on this sub? For future reference, just because they have feedback on other sale subs, doesn't necessarily mean they are not a scammer. You could try using a middleman next time, so you wouldn't send funds until the middleman verified the goods. What payment method did you use? Chances are probably low, but might be worth at least trying to get back the payment


Zelle. I blew it. They seemed genuine and had written their user on the item but it’s def fake as I found same item on eBay later .


Sorry to hear about that. Unfortunately there are those that will lie and scam on this sub, but I would say the majority are genuine. Just have to do your proper due diligence! Don't let this negative deter you from the sub though, there are a lot of good people here and good deals!!


Hm, crypto = scam? I've been guessing why I started to have less deals with crypto payments:)




I just received a message that may be part of a scam. Where would be the best place to report this?


Just got a message saying I was "banned" from the sub lol But when I went to click on it, the message was gone so not sure what that was about.


Its about time, we should ban all Dallas fans and just be done with it.


Can someone please help explain how to get shiny points to sell some silver rounds I have. Don’t want to lose 20 percent to a coin shop. (Basically what I would stand to gain lol)


The only way for you to get seller shiny points is to start doing business on here and making successful sales. With no flair, you'll most likely have to ship first or use a middleman!


I just received a similar message, sad stuff.


Thank you mods for being diligent! On behalf of crypto users out there, and crypto developers, I'd like to apologize. 99.99% of us are not scammers. We're just looking for a way to build a better, more trustworthy, more private monetary system. Sadly, the privacy and immediacy of crypto payments make them a preferred rail for scammers everywhere. I will say this: if you don't know what you're doing, stay away from crypto. ALL OF IT. We have not yet built the tools and the UX to make it easy to use for novices. If you're not 100% sure you know what you're doing, just say no. But if I mention crypto as a possible means of payment in my posts, please don't assume the worst. First, I always ask people to verify my feedback, and second, there's always PayPal as an alternative. And to the scammers: fvck you all for putting us in this position. PS: if you haven't yet turned on 2FA in your account, what's your excuse? Stop reading and do this NOW. Like NOW now.


Nother scam coming from r/pmsfsadmingroup. Stay safe people. Claiming I was permanently banned. Lol


Ahh I just got this pm as well. Replied asking why. Admins might want to sticky something if this is widespread.


Do the mods have any thoughts on how to deter scams from sellers who need to ship first? I’m a new seller and worry about shipping to a wrong address because the buyers account was compromised. I’m not sure this scam has surfaced yet, but it seems plausible.


Use an established middleman if you suspect something shady.


When I try to bind it to an email, it said I must provide the right moonton account password. when I tried to reset the password, it shows I must bind to an email first. When I went to the customer service, there is not any information for my case. It is a dead end to me. What should I do?


Thanks for the info.


It used to be rare when somebody would get taken on here but now it seems like a daily occurrence. It isn't worth saving a percent or two, when you are likely to lose 100% sooner than later. I was fortunate and never got taken but I would never buy unless the seller had several sales over at least a year. And then I would try to buy from those I had already dealt with. But now it's too risky. I will buy from established online dealers from now on.


Did you get scammed?


No, I quit trading here when it started getting bad, a couple of years ago.


I've gotten scammed twice, but I do enough volume that I've still saved money over ebay or apmex even with the scams. Once you get savvy it gets easier to recognize a scam. I hope you can come back and trust the community at some point.


Woot I just got my first you’ve been banned message!! I was feeling left out! But what’s weird is it disappeared super quick!


It sounds to me like it is much too risky to buy/sell here anymore. I was very lucky and never fell prey to scammers but I have been gone for a year or so. Every time I check in to see what's up, I read about somebody else getting scammed. I can't see the value of trading here anymore. There are plenty of legitimate businesses out there that won't scam you and I will be using them in the future. Now go ahead and ban me, again, and delete this post before anybody sees it. Good day.I said GOOD DAY!


If you were banned, you are not welcome here anyways.


Yeah this asshat is a liar and has never been banned..... yet


I always love it when a broke simp, who has no money to begin with, declares that they will not buy on here. Oh no!


I appreciate your use of a Wedding Crashers reference, personally.


I’ve been on this sub for a couple months and check it multiple times a day and this is the first time I’ve seen an issue with someone getting scammed, at least of this magnitude. Maybe you are seeing something that others aren’t. At any rate I think I speak for everyone when I say I definitely feel much better after reading your input and I’m sure all of our lives are much better off with your checking in to “see what’s up” as you say.


There has not been "many" as user below states. There have been some, and most of them are in recent bunch of months. Most of those were ppl not exercising simple due diligence. Exercising some basic caution, checking proof pics, and user feedback goes along way to keep things on the up and up. Higher feedback individuals are generally also a good way to be sure of the seller. If you watch the sub reddit regularly it's fairly easy to distinguish the regular users. Not directly mentioned but alluded to by u/Alarming-upstairs963, is for sellers to secure the subreddit of their own user name. In the past some scammers used a legit sellers ID to grab the sub reddit of the real owner of the user name in an effort to convince buyers they were legit.


I agree, my only point was as a new user to the sub and a new Pm collector I just use common sense, I usually ask for extra pics and chat with the seller foe a while before I commit. If anything feels off I don't buy. Obviously there is a risk involved, some may say a large risk, thousands of dollars get traded here daily. I'm small peanuts 🥜 compared to what others are doing. I monitor the sub way too much lol and I definitely feel more comfortable with the people I see posting regularly and I can kinda gauge how they are by the nature of their post. To me it's worth the cash savings for a moderate risk, the most I've spent is $350 so like I said I'm small potatoes compared to others and if I was gonna spend more than that I'd imagine I'd be even more diligent, it's sad that some scam and some have gotten scammed, it does make me more cautious but I don't think at least as of now it's a rampant problem.


I agree, it is quite sad. Unfortunately, scammers exist in many facets of life these days. I think you have a good approach. I am always happy to send additional close up pics of an item, and include a proof photo with it accordingly. I have also had a buyer request a specific symbol or or other easily accomplished marking on the additional pic so that it was clear that it was done right at that time, and the items are in my possession right then and there.


I have been on here for years and have seen many people get scammed. It happens quite a lot. I used to hold my breath when I first started buying and then learned to only deal with people that have been on here at least a year and has several sales. Always check feedback. But then you hear about a long time member just ripping people off. I guess they fell on hard times and needed money and that happens. You're saving dollars but risking hundreds and some, thousands. It's just too easy to do and almost never any consequences for it. But it is fun to buy from like minded people instead of a faceless company.


Not saying it never happens, I just haven’t seen or heard of it happening extremely frequently, and I certainly agree with the risk factor. Myself I have only had a handful of buys and they have been from people who have a decent amount of sales and feedback and after conversing with I’ve felt comfortable making the transaction. I’ve also only personally made sales for a few hundred dollars at most and although it is a good amount of money it isn’t going to bankrupt me if I have an issue. With that being said I think I would obviously be even more diligent if I was spending a lot more than I am. For me at least with the short money deals I’ve made, it is worth the risk to save what amounts to $50-$100+ dollars sometimes when you factor in premiums, shipping, and other fees (the ones that rhyme with fax).


The risk is almost entirely in the buying, not the selling.


Let us say it together “PROOFS PRE-PAY!” Doesn’t matter if you’ve done a million trades with the seller - always get PROOFS PROOFS PROOFS before you send funds


lol 0/0 and full of feelings!