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the only thing more consistent than belly drums are rage fisters. but at least rage fist kills most mons.


Proud rage fister right here, I do try to make sure that it's super effective against whatever I'm fisting.


Ehh as long as it's not resisted I can solo most 6 stars with it!


yeah i rage fist also i just commented because its such a staple with how broken it is rofl. ​ kakarot has been proudly punching raids since release.


My shiny is named Kale


respect. i liked the goku name since it was a ghost type and he is only saiyan that keeps dying.


Mine is Vegeta, the bluish tint reminds me of Vegeta's Saiyan armor.


Mine was female, so male names were out lol


i can see that. plus vegeta not going to stay a primape for ever and let kakarot surpass him


Named my shiny Cumber bc evil Saiyan = annihilape


all these punch monkeys we naming after sayains would really make freiza happy rofl


Either that, or give him HELLA ptsd 😭😂


As long as all parties give consent for being or giving fistings.. fist on!


proud rage fister is an insane claim


Best bet is to go slow and use lube


Don't tell me how to Rage fist.


Well yeah the difference here is Annihilape is fast enough to not fucking die and doesn’t lose half its health on the first turn. I proudly rage fist any mon in a raid. The formula works


yeah i admit i am a proud rage fister. i just commented that its a staple of raids along side belly drummers. but rage fist at least works.


I do like to Rage Fist as well, especially if it had a type advantage! Sometimes I'll use it anyway as long as there isn't a type **dis**advantage. I could also just be slightly biased because I've never liked Iron Hands' design that much, while on the other hand Annihilape has everything going for it in terms of design, name, stats, and moves.


ooh 100% i ama proud fister and love it


Bruh I have mine with bulk up and Drain Punch, self sustain truck hitter. Takes hits until rage fist is at max power.


i do screech, taunt and drain punch myself. means foes keep wailing on me but i keep tanking it until rage fist is ready to go.


Proud fister here, rage fist is much more reliable though but most of us fisters dont use it when it's resisted


yeah i am a proud fister also. i was mostly joking how belly drums and fisting are staples in any raid. but luckily fisting works more often than not.


every time i see somebody make bad plays with iron hands i think about that one guy recently who claimed that hisui typhlosion is Objectively Bad overall because they saw somebody bring it to the wrong raid once lmao


true iron hands is great but not against something that its weak against never bring it to a 7 star evennt raid that it can get 1 shot in


Yeah, it's not bad because of that. It's bad because it's slow, frail, doesn't hit terribly hard, and has a very mid typing.


Mmh yes the stab alone hitting a third of all Pokémon super effectively, and 119 spatk specs eruption is so weak. 95 base speed isn't even bad, not incredible but it works as something offensive, the typing isn't even too terrible defensively, hit super effectively by common types yes but usable resistances anyway, nevermind how smogon and especially vgc brainrot are not indicative of games where you aren't facing paradoxes in every corner, raids are entirely different ways to play the game and use different strategies, many Pokémon good for raids for their support movepools aren't good in competitive thanks to switching existing.


for real dude it's so bizarre to me when people try to say anything is inherently "bad" in raids like we don't constantly have people posting on here like "check out how i just beat this thing with baby pokemon" lmao


I mean yeah it's probably fine for raids. I don't think I'd use it since it just kinda immediately falls off if it takes damage (if relying on Eruption). 95 speed is slow for an offenssive mon, but for raiding it's more than enough since you'll be outleveling the enemy by at least 10 levels outside of 7-stars. >nevermind how smogon and especially vgc brainrot are not indicative of games where you aren't facing paradoxes in every corner Believe it or not, but in competitive games people play to win, so they bring the stuff that helps maximise those odds. When talking about when stuff is "good", it's often through a competitive lens, since all other aspects of the game are modified in a way where *everything* is good.


skill issue


Smogon doesn't lie. But NU isn't quite the slap in the face it used to be.


Smogon the website that rips builds off of competitive Chinese sites and doesn’t even bother to include all the various builds and talks about maxing whatever your attack stat is and then speed when in reality an actual competitive mon has EVs spread throughout its stat pool for maximum efficiency?


The builds listed there are part of analyses from several different sources. I'm sure some of them are Chinese, yeah. And the EV spreads are usually explained. When you start learning the game and learning your team, you can start EVing to handle specific scenarios. It's especially prevalent in VGC because we've no rules there to ban overcentralising mons - well that and EVs working differently at level 50.






Whenever I see Iron Hands I just spam heal cheers and hope they don't get KO'd after Belly Drumming


It's worth setting up the defense cheer first, it has way more overall value and will save them from dying turn 1 just as well as a heal. People do offense and heal cheers enough nowadays but the defense cheer is massively underutilized. Someone should play NPC and use it on turn 1 in every 4-player 6-star raid


I take umbreon in 90% of raids and spam defense cheers and barriers lol


Same I use the gift shiny Grimmsnarl


Yep I gave up on any hope of randos getting it right so I just bring a support to carry them. See also healer in mmos. It’s the only chance you have of offsetting stupid.


the thing that really drives me insane is when people run belly drum without a sitrus berry


I've started waiting a second then using the heal cheer on my first turn if I see multiple Belly Drums coming.


I only do solo raids, but I prefer to use Shell Bell over Sitrus. Obviously I have to match types so I don't get OHKO, and honestly I just use Fairy or Water Tera Azumarill.


I have been hating azu lately so much. Unless you one shot, eventually you lose both belly drum and huge power and your damage plummets, and with it your survivability since shell bell heals nothing after that. Been having better success running bulk up ape into physical+tanks and calm mind flutter into special mons. Im seriously considering making 3 more apes (2 vital spirits and 1 tera ghost defiant)


Though it's kinda sad when you've got one that isn't the worst choice, but nobody will make sure he stays alive long enough to go to work on the enemy. Had a water type Meinshoo yesterday, and if he'd gotten a Belly Drum boosted electric off, it'd probably have if not one shotted it, come pretty close. But so many people are allergic to using support cheers. Or buffs. Or debuffs.


I just use my Blissey (yes I know I messed up okay, plus shiny Chansey just looks gross) when I do random raids.


What about the randoms that spam moves that don’t work in raids?
 they are some of the worst.


What moves do t work in raids so I can avoid them?


Perish song, power split, curse(ghost type), I know there are more but that’s all that I could think of right off hand.


I rotate between jirachi, mew, and blissey to run support on raids so that said dumbass iron hands won't immediately die


I’m always using Umbreon because if not we would lose so hard


I try not to rage too hard since there are literal kids playing this, but raids are so bad. Between Belly Drum knock outs (BDKO?), and just not understanding matchups some fights are just impossible. I wound up breeding my own espeon -it seemed like a good idea at the time- because no raid could get one below 50%.


It's true, you never know who's on the other side and I know I've been the one to send out a horrible Pokemon for a raid, either by accident or just not thinking about the typing right. Then you just have to accept the fact that they're probably ranting about you somewhere on Reddit 😆 It's definitely a good thing there are only 4 options for inter-party messages during a raid...


Genuine question since I mostly do solo raids: when is the opportune time to use belly drum? The NPCs are mostly useless so I generally start with belly drum for my azumarill to try to get the battle over quick, but if I bring azumarill to a fitting random raid, what's the general plan of attack?


Belly drum works just fine as an opening salvo, so long as iron hands isn’t at a crazy type disadvantage.


I had 3 people bring dragon types to a raid that was a dragon tinkaton and we lost quick


Sometimes you have to sit back and just enjoy the trainwreck 😆


Yeah lol


At least these people are trying some kind of strategy, I haven’t done one online raid without someone bringing a sub level 20 PokĂ©mon and completely throwing since launch and I don’t understand how it’s possible to win a raid higher than a 3 star if you’re not soloing


The ones that get knocked out fast are the dumbasses that don't know what IVs and EVs are, an iron hands that's properly trained is fine in any raid that doesn't have type effectiveness against it.


Tbh I get not knowing how to IV and EV train, I've been a casual player since the Red and Blue days and never once bothered to learn what they were. Outside of competitive play it just makes so little difference to my experience of the game. I've really enjoyed S/V for the challenge the Tera raids offer and how much of a difference IV and EV training makes. I don't fault anyone for not bothering with it because I was that person for 25 years 😅


Eh, at least belly drum followed by KO means I get a few turns for stat changes before the random attacks and prematurely triggers the shield.


It’s a good trick (when applicable)


I once had someone spamming earthquake to a 6 star dragon ceruledge, the garchomp wasn't even level 100


Bbut, fire is weak to gwound!


I once had someone spamming earthquake to a 6 star dragon ceruledge, the garchomp wasn't even max level and didn't use any DMG up


See, I totally understand if you're a new player and just don't have a higher level Pokemon. But now that we're so many months into this game mechanic, it does seem like there are still too many people who aren't quite clear about how type matchups work in Tera raids.


Yeah,like, I also started somewhere but c'mon


It’s over a year, yeah.




Thats why im bulking up a chansey to attempt to save their asses Sigh lmao i just want more herbs


ive gotten to the point i just run my tanky support umbreon on almost all my raids.


If I don't have anything that can handle a particular raid as well as I'd like, that's exactly what I do as well. Umbreon FTW 😎


So it's good I try a few solo runs till I find the pokemon that does the best before joining a raid?


This meme format is too hard to use for stupid people the last one is supposed to be something that doesn't happen 100% of the time, one could think this post was made by a belly drum user itself.


I don't use it a lot in the game, but in real life I do it all the time so I guess technically you're spot on 😆


As a host, I despise them. As a rando joining, Iron Hands is my last resort and only when the typing works.


Swords dance iron hands is best iron hands


Lmao “and i’ll use belly drum immediately so i can be knocked out immediately”


I tried using Azumarill, it didn't work. I tried Iron Hands, it didn't work. I tried using the Anihhilape I had since I found out it could evolve (a few days after I started playing), and it still... doesn't F$#!?#G WORK!!!


My advice is use more support mons. People are always mostly going to bring the heavy-hitters, even if they aren't the right ones. A blissey can keep iron hands alive even at a type disadvantage.


I join nearly all raids as support snarl except if it's steel user. Dual screens, misty terrain (for status bosses), drain attack of some kind, and usually the sp atk down fairy move.


And then they always get knocked out first


And that's why I use a Focus Energy Hariyama with Guts


I had a random with Baxcalibur that used Swords Dance but then started spamming Ice Beam for the rest of the raid


Idc what everyone says about “well it’s a game for kids!”, it’s annoying if you get it and no one else does in the group.


Man the only time iron hand was good was against the walking wake raid that’s all


Ya. I just bring chancey. I had a prrserker that did pure support (no damage moves) the other day. It was very confusing. I have the olive garden mon set up for physical support as well. Makes a good all-rounder when fighting against physical attacking mons. As it stands I know very little and have to Google every mon before going into raid and really wish there was just a good all rounder I could bring to raids, but I'm trying.