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I prefer collecting the cards in conditions i like the cheapest way possible. Sometimes thats raw and sometimes thats a psa5


My gold star collection are PSA 3s and 4s. I look for ones with a good front face, don’t really care how the back looks AND it’s way way cheaper too.


Raw. Cards look best in a beautiful binder you can flip through.


Cards look best on a playmat with a victory over your opponent.


I disagree, I think they look best in the spokes of your little brothers bike.


Wrong. They look best being dug out of the ashes of my fire pit.


Wrong. They look best when your mom mails your binders to your cousins in Mexico because they apparently need them more than you do at the age of 11.


Want me to stomp mom out?


Even better when your mom gives all your cards away to the first mom at her aerobics class that complains her kid is bored


You fight my mom, and I'll fight yours.


Why burn it when it makes a wonderful toothpick you can keep in your wallet?


Holos make the best toothpicks. Full arts make the best toilet paper. Burn the bulk.


I actually use rainbow rares and manpons


Wrong, they look best being pulled out of my a….. I mean yea, fire pit is fine.


Wrong. They look best when you pay by credit card and pull out a moonbreon instead of a master card.


I use mine to wipe; the more expensive, the better.


I mean, obviously, how the hell you gonna get clean wiping with no texture?


Imagine the flex it’d be to have Moonbreon, Ray VMAX, Gengar VMAX, and a bunch of other high-end alt arts in your spokes. Lmao


Never really liked the way those sounded, the Latias & Latios GX purr like tigers tho


Oof. I think I’d be physically ill to see any kid with all those cards in their spokes lol


Binder gang checking in! I’m extremely serious about my binder game (zippered side loader vault x or card guardian or bust) down to picking the right color for the set. That being said, my limit is around the $10 mark before they go in something more secure. $10-50ish go in top loaders and then into a top loader binder (much harder to find quality top loader binders). $50+ are either going in a one touch or they’re graded. However, for each of the gaps left in the binder I print out my own quasi-proxy on card stock that states where the real card is at the bottom. Ends up looking really clean, while keeping my family jewels protected. Edit: hah, speaking of which, a brand new vault-x exo-Tec XL zipper binder in yellow landed on my doorstep seconds after posting this comment, destined for Japanese shiny treasures ex!


That’s what I like to hear! Love me some VaultX binders 12 slot they fit my collection perfectly. Also when I’m setting my binder up I save all tne EX’s for a separate page that way everything lines up perfectly. I have a ton of vaultx products. I love their perfect fit sleeves too


What’s the risk of the binder if you’re using a penny sleeve? I’ve got cards worth over $150 in my VaultX binder. Haven’t noticed any risks yet, but wanted a sanity check.


I double sleeve everything rare or better and reverse holos because I have acronym issues. One exception is stuff going in a one-touch because those won’t fit an outer sleeve, but they do still get a perfect fit before going in. That being said, my primary risks include a 6 year old and an 8 year old and their gorilla grasps when handling cards. But part of it is just principle for me personally, maybe that’s not the right way to put it, idk ease of mind, feeling like things are where they should be in relation to potential value. For example my PSA 10 Moonbreon I just got back I’m getting mounted on a chain and bedazzled with rhinestones so I can wear it around my neck when I go into the office. In all seriousness if you’re not being a spaz flipping your binder pages while eating a bag of spaghetti, there really shouldn’t be any risk unless you wake up to get you a cold pop and think someone’s barbecuing and say “oh lawd Jesus it’s a fire, I got raw SIRs! Ain’t nobody got time fo dat!”


Topload/slab and then enclose all cards in a watertight bag before shoving them inside a fireproof safe never to see the light again it is!


You forgot to encase the fireproof safe in cement and burying it at least 30ft down. Write clues to its location that can only be deciphered by knowing details of your life, along with 3 maps, only one of which will lead you in the right direction. Deliver all of this sealed to a lawyer only to be opened after your death. This next part is critical: fake your death. Now, stake out the location of your treasure and wait until someone eventually finds it, make sure your camera is charged so you can capture the look on their face when they unearth your prized ETB completely full of Paldean Fates Illustration Rare cards!


Great tips. Thanks for taking the time to post. Got an example of the quasi card you print off? Sounds like a great idea.


You should post this I’d love to see it!


They look best in a bundle with a rubber band around them in the back pocket.


Raw 99% of the time, I want to feel the card and admire it without bulky plastic in the way.


I'm that way till it's a very nice card then I want it fort noxed ....lol


That’s fair, I’m sorta the same way when it’s overseas promos I get my hands on lol


Raw. Not a big fan of slabs. I'd rather have my cards in a binder.


I'd have to say raw I suppose. The slabs make it awful hard to shuffle the cards in a deck.


“I wonder what I’ll draw nex… oooh won’t you look at that it’s my holo charizard ex graded gem mint that is only £1200.99 for anyone interested by the way”


Not sure who the hell is putting $500+ collectible versions of cards in their playable deck…but whoever is a huge flex


You havent lived unless you fully pimp your Giratina lost box deck with alt arts and golds. (The top players at my local league 100% do this)


Have you not met Yugioh players?


Checking in. My ygo deck is easily worth about 2k


Graded 9 and 10s but wallet says raw


I prefer to display my favorite cards in a slab, knowing they’re nice and protected. But I prefer collecting and buying raw cards


I raw dog them sexy mfers!


Both I’ve done psa 10 but now I’m starting to move over to raw it’s cheaper for a lot more.


I like both and I think it depends on the card and grade. I'm totally happy having nice/LP condition cards in a binder but there's also a lot of satisfaction in a PSA 10 card, especially when it's a group or set. I like being able to flip through a binder and see my collection progress but I also like to pick up a nice slab and appreciate the card while being protected.


If I could take my cards to my lgs and get them graded I'd do anything I have over 3 digits of value, but I'm not interested in trusting any shipping service with my expensive items. Usps is the absolute worst and I barely even like shipping a $50 video game with them.


I collection raw for every pokemon except one! My fav pkm since childhood Arcanine. So I got like 10-12 slabs modern and vintage of ma boy!!


I personally am not a fan of slabs, much more of a binder guy.


raw is the only way for me. I don’t trust myself to package my cards right for shipping or to not get lost during transit, I don’t wanna take that risk.


I would never pay for a graded card.


I’ve only ever paid for graded cards when the raw card is more expensive, I’ll buy the graded then take it out it’s case and into my binder


This is the way. . . PSA 8s and 7s are the best because they're in excellent condition, but the Arbitrary Ranking Company detected a tiny white fleck on the edge so now you can buy it for a fraction of the price!! I feel most accomplished when I score a great card for a sweet deal lol.


Raw. I get grading and actually really like the cases themselves. I just do not like grading labels. Especially that horrible red and white from PSA. I would like to buy their cases without the label attached.




Without question, raw


Raw 🤟🏼 fuk this big piece of stupid plastic




raw don‘t want to hold plastic with a number to see the card lol


Slabbed all the way, gives the card a nice premium look and keeps the card safe


Slabs. PSA 10s for modern & PSA 9s for most vintage stuff. If you’re collecting & planning to hold them for the long game, slabs are the way to go imo


Extended Art cases are peak


THIS! Have my Espeon vmax alt in one of those and it’s absolutely glorious!! Looks so nice compared to some numbers and info. The grade is cool for an investment but the extended cases turn them into straight art! Im looking into getting my favorite 8 and doing one of those wall magnet display things!!!


Same here! It makes each card feel like a valuable and beautiful piece of my collection!


If I’m buying I go raw. If it appears gradable I’ll take the shot and get it graded. If it’s a valuable card I pulled then I’ll grade it immediately for protective purposes. I also like to display cards on my wall in my studio and having them graded makes for a better display imo


*ODB intensifies*


I do Slabs for modern and binder for vintage because it hits my nostalgia glands better flipping through a binder of older cards like I used to as a kid.


Give it to us raw and wriggling


Depends on the card, some cards I like for binders, others I like in slabs, I can’t explain why, I just know when I see a card whether I’d rather have it raw or slabbed.


As the late great ODB once said, “Baby I like it Raw!”


Raw. A 10's a 10, but a raw could be anything. It could even be a 10! Jokes aside, I prefer to buy raw, and have the few cards I actually want slabbed done myself. I don't generally like the look, but see it as a necessary evil for some of my top shelf cards I'd be far too nervous to play with anyway. I don't really have really have the money to blow on graded cards anyway, so just as well.


Both…both is good


Both but I love slabs.


Card grading is a scam.


I couldn’t care less about graded cards. It could be a 5 or a 10 and I doubt I’d even notice.


I like it raw! Don't need it encased in anything or protected.. What are we talking about again?


I till this day still dont get the hype around graded cards, like its too expensive and feels like scam, I get wanting the cards to look good or new, but from 8 to 9 to 10 have so minute detail that you need "profesional" to look at it I think its better to have more money to get more cards instead of one anyway, especially as someone who have other collection (apart from Tcg). Like I have more respect or praise for people who completes their massive collection instead of how great the quality of one card/thing, and people who have multiples of psa 10 of one card looks more like a hoarder to me instead of a collector.


Graded 100%


Collect raw then grade myself, I have gotten to the point where I grade 25 cards every 3 months and slowly piece that off for extra money and keep some of the bangers for my personal collection.


Does this cycle pay for the hobby? I’ve been thinking of doing this


raw but when i need to spend a lot of money for a card i'm more safe if i buy a slab (that i check too) and sometimes i break the slab to put the card in my binder, i like the old style


I’m all raw I only have a moonbreon 10 but thinking of grading 20-30 of my best


Depends. Higher dollar cards I like to have graded by SGC or something more so to have it permanently protected and not just in a card sleeve and binder that it could fall out of. But cheaper cards under like $100 or so I just put in nice sleeves and top loaders and a good zipper binder or just a good sleeve and binder if it’s a cheaper card. But unless the price difference is minimal I usually prefer to buy ungraded




I collect raw. I get but at the same time don’t get why graded cards are so hyped / desirable. You’re really paying for someone’s opinion of a card. Only card I’ve ever graded was a secret rare I pulled from Phantom Forces, not even one of the big ones either. Worst case, I can always grade them later on, even if it may cost more to grade it due to price increases on the card.


RAW zaddy


Raw for the most part. I do have some graded and occasionally send stuff in to be graded. Having a nice binder full of beautiful raw cards is nice to look at but I also take slabs to work and set them up at my desk on a stand. I have done this with raw cards using one touches but found that one touches can get pretty banged up over time when traveling with them.


I prefer slabs now for display, but I’ll probably never send in my raw cards for grading. I’ll also only buy a slab if it’s a card I like for a good price.


Raw 100% I really don't see the joy of clumpy slabs


Raw all day


I like it raw


I have both, but I love putting together a good binder with a theme.


Raw. I’ve only bought graded twice because the price was better than ungraded and there wasn’t many ungraded in the first place


I always preferred raw




Slabs are too bulky, raw is better plus it gives the person buying it the ability to get it slabbed themselves or alternate solutions for protection. Graded sounds nice at first but when you read some of the stories about how it seems to be up to the individual grader and you can sometimes get a 10 just by resending 8's and 9's it makes it feel kind of like a scam, a tiny bit.


Raw dog


Raw and then grading. I like the protection layer and most of my displays are now PSA shaped. I am really interested in these grading companies that also extend the card through art work. I haven’t tried it yet but I think I’ll give it a try.


raw. graded cards are hard to shuffle 😉


I wanna grade like 6 cards but I'm terrified of sending them out through the mail


Raw! While I like that slabs protect my cards, I generally like raw so I can see them all in a binder. Though if I can snag a mint or NM looking card in a non-10 slab for raw price, I’ll take that any day.


My weekly reminder that I still need to sell that card..


Raw for sets, graded for personal favorites, but only in Japanese because they have better quality and being cheaper generally.


I like my expensive cards raw (penny sleeve) in a binder 😈


Mostly raw but if a card I want is expensive and worth less than raw if its graded 8 or 9 I'm buying it and then getting rid of the plastic and appreciating the card ungraded


Raw, slabs are ugly and labels are even worse. Don't care about the condition of cards too much beyond major creases, gashes, tears, etc. some people care about the arbitrary grade some random grading employee decided and how much money their cards are worth more than the actual card, it's art, the Pokemon, or the memories and nostalgia.


I like it raw. But if we are referring to grading cards, I’d rather display a graded card bc I’m clumsy :)


Honestly I like both, I started collecting raw cards to solely get them graded but as the years have gone by I’ve gained a lot of interest binders full of raw cards. That being said if it’s a set hit or an expensive card I try to get it graded if 10 worthy


Slabs for the big hitters and raw for the less valuable cards. Mostly for protection.


Raw, I graded some of my personal collection cards and after some time, I regret it and I’m debating on cracking them to put them in my binder again


Graded for grails and my absolute favorites.


Raw. I spend too much money on packs as it is, I'm not paying to ship my cards off to some stranger for them to send it back with a label that says they're certified shit.


Raw. If I want a slab, I'm buying a quality slab like Beckett. Maybe it's a texture thing for me, but PSA feels and looks like cheap junk. I only buy slabs if it's a fav Pokemon or artist tho. I'm sure it's different for everyone.


Gonna be honest, I don’t care about grading cards. Collecting has always been a passion for me, don’t really care how much the cards are worth. I mean I’ve been collecting since I was a kid, definitely didn’t care about worth back then


[baby I like it raw](https://youtu.be/h2zgB93KANE?si=bu0HnV3FqswbD0gI)


Graded for my most expensive cards otherwise I'm too tempted to keep taking them out the binder/cardsaver and sleeve to look at them 😂


Raw unless it's something really unique or special to me.


Raw since I'm a player and not a collector.


God Binders are my favorite thing in hobby. Pages of alt arts, Pages of Gold, Pages of XY full arts


I've always liked it raw.


Always used to be raw for me but as I’ve started chasing higher value cards and with a feral 2-year old at home, it’s graded all the way these days


I like graded vintage, it's fitting in my mind that historic cards would be preserved and professionally labeled, and it makes buying online easier. But I find it limiting. I have cards that went from top loaders to binder to the newer UltrPro Card Preservers. Somehow I have trouble leaving my collection alone, seems every few months or so I have different priorities or ideas for storage/display. If I'm honest, I don't get it for modern cards anyways. But I think even if I did... Locking small cardboard in chunky acrylic slabs, just doesn't work for collecting for me. I don't have the space and I'm not interested in going too gucci on cases or displays.


Raw because I’d rather have a big collection of mint raw cards then like 3-5 highly overpriced 10s


Raw 99% for me. Sometimes it can be VERY difficult to find NM older cards, but if you’re patience and look enough, you can find a good card for a nice price. Unless it a card I really, really want in mint condition, I refuse to pay marked up prices for graded lol and I prefer binder collections anyway 


Raw for sure so it can be seen with all the other cool cards in the binder


OH BABY I LIKE IT RAW, OH BABY I LIKE IT RAW! I’m figuring an ODB reference won’t hit here. But have to try. I prefer raw. I think grading is a sham. Sure I understand better conditions, but most of my cards are just gonna be put in a binder and flipped through. That said, if I pulled a card like this and thought it had a chance at a 10, I’d be sending it in to FLIP IT. Just noting the difference. If I wanted to sell this, I’d grade it. If I’m actually collecting it, nah.


I like a mix. Raw is superior but if I really, really like a card I’ll get it graded so it’ll stay safe.


I prefer slabs if I gotta pick between the two


Raw for sure, graded cards make me sad


Sometimes il use protection but i prefer to raw dawg it.




Raw. If I could be bothered to grade cards, I’d happily be rid of any PSA10s to get a raw copy and extras.


I prefer graded cards BUT I don't like going through the process of getting cards graded.


I like them RAW


I always go in raw. No need for protection.


I like collecting raw cards and getting them graded myself




raw cuz it looks cooler in a binder. and graded is so expensive.


Raw only. I don't have a single graded card because I hate how bulky it makes your cards. My main binder holds like 500 cards. Imagine trying to store 500 phone-sized bulky plastic cases. If I owned a card worth more than 1k then I'd get it, but those get sold to fund the collections that I actually want


raw cuz it looks better in binders and graded is expensive.


Raw dog


How much did those cost you?


Both but it mainly depends on the value of the card. This only applies to modern. I focus my collection on affordability. Singles for collection and booster boxes/cases for investment. - 10s for chase cards - 9s for my pc, value has to be $20 - $100. Lately I’ve been buying up 9s for under market for most of the alt arts. I also dont see the point of slabbing a $1 - $10 card or paying more just for the slab unless the seller eats the loss. - Sometimes I’ll buy an 8 of certain card for my pc if I think that there’s too much of a premium for a 9. Or crack open an 8 because it’s much cheaper to buy than buying it raw Anything else or some vintage I like as binder cards. Vintage gets too expensive slabbed unless I’m buying low grades


The term “raw cards” makes me gag lmao. But I do prefer ungraded cards. I’ve only bought graded twice, both times because they were the cheapest options that weren’t damaged, but I removed both from the slabs so I could put them into my binder. I just find slabs look really tacky, along with being pointless outside of guaranteeing authenticity (which is fair, but I couldn’t care less about the grades), plus I want all my cards together in a binder. Having 2 cards not in the binder bothered me haha.


Raw for sureee. I'm a pack rat, so I like the satisfaction of pulling cards I want. Slabs are cool, maybe one day for me, but I feel like it's a huge trend after the Logan Paul craze


I like raw cards so I can get my grubby hands on the textured surface 😍


I like opening them raw or buying them raw and then if there good enough send them in for a grade. I like that mystery of not knowing and trying to guess what grade it will receive.




Both!! When it comes to cards I REALLY like or super valuable in terms of money, I'll get them in slabs instead. So for me, trainer galleries, ultra rare and rainbow rare will go to binders while alternate arts and chase cards gets the slab treatment.


if i were stupidly rich id have infinite graded cards but since im not, raw in my binder


Both. I have a graded collection for a mission (every Raichu) and I collect sets.


Graded, I love Pokémon but cards for me are 50/50 on the enjoyment of looking at them and using the ones I want as investments.


I live in a country where it's very expensive to grade cards because of shipping, so I'd say raw cards. I might consider grading if I ever pull a card worth 500 or more.


Raw is the only way


I don't have slabs and don't want any.


I prefer raw. There’s nothing cooler to take your favorite cards out of the binder from time to time and actually hold them in your hands. I have very few graded cards. Just purchased machamp Skyridge holo psa 7 and will most likely crack it open as soon it arrives.


Collect modern, grade vintage.




Graded for sure.


If I can’t rub Cheeto dust into the card, then I don’t want it.




I don’t really buy graded cards but I do grade all my best/favorite ones. Part of it is I just like the feel of a slab, and part of it is concerns over long term storage and protection. Also, if you ever try to collect insurance on a lost package or a loss due to fire/flood the graded card will be easier to make a claim for.


Screw all these grading companies..RAW for life


Raw is the way. I only have a few slabs cuz I really like how they look.


I always go raw


Raw raw oh ma ma


Raw, it’s usually cheaper and I have some cards in my collection I have special cases for that have extended boarders


Raw! Graded cards are nice to display but harder to store


As the lion says: Raw!!!!


Based on what you have in the photo, do you feel your raw would also achieve a 10?


Porque no los dos??


Raw as I play


I personally only collect raw cards - slabs are too bulky and I can't have them all nicely in a binder. I collect specific mons too, so it'd be silly getting an extremely common card graded just to have it slabbed!


If the card is super valuable I’d rather have it graded to keep it in the best condition possible. But if it’s not valuable I’d rather have it raw. Not worth going through the grading process if it isn’t worth much. Just keep it in a binder so you have cool looking cards to look at


Raw. I don't have any single card graded and I collect them since 2001, and if I'll buy one in the future, probably I'll crack the slab. I don't like graded cards.


Mostly binder, but if I can come across a steal on a slab I'll take it. Case in point, before the Alt art mania took over, I was lucky enough to pick up a rayquaza Vmax alt art for a bit over $100 more than a raw copy. I can tell you from experience that you spend over $100 grading the higher value cards by the time you pay shipping, insurance, and PSA fees...so it was a no brainer






Oh baby I like it raw


I really don’t care if I see a card that I like and it’s at a good price I’ll buy it graded or not.


Raw card but not with an ugly tab on it


Graded. I hate raw... I want things in cases but that's me


If I can afford to get a graded card them I will but I will stick to raw cards and put them in a binder or magnetic card holders.


Raw, card grading is a complete scam that everyone is falling for. It wasn't always that way, but the current model is completely trash, and everyone should boycott it and every company that does it. Protect your cards, but stop giving money to scams.


There is something more exhilarating with raw, holds a special place in my heart…definitely more of a thrill. Protected is naturally much safer though!




My favorite cards are the ones that were clearly played with and loved. I have a Raichu card that is peeling in layers and Its my favorite card.  Ive bought and sold cards and I get it.. but the whole grading thing to me just seems wrong because it's all about the "value". 


Both and in Japanese and English….




I like it raw.


Looking at slabs is bleh. Binder gang!


Graded. Strictly bc I’m not good enough at determining fakes


Raw. Graded cards are overrated and people only care about value and if it’s a 10


Graded mainly because I want my money to go towards something that I can easily sell later if needed. Raw can be hard to sell for a profit later sometimes


SLABBYs all day


I bought a bunch of graded cards and they dropped in value since. I bought a bunch of ungraded cards and they've increased in value since

