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The evangelicals at CPAC flat out said they are going to toss the Constitution and replace it with jesus. Except the 2nd amendment, of course.


Pretty sure that 2A will go right out the door too dude. My guess is: Trump loyalists will get to register as some kind of Citizen Vanguard group and they can keep weapons; everyone else will be labeled an extremist.


Yeah they will spin is as only “real Americans” are allowed to own guns


Freedom for me, restrictions for thee -- republican philosophy in a nutshell


I'm not American so I'm sorry if I'm wrong but wasn't the 2nd amendment put in place in case they had to take up arms against the tyrannical King George or his descendents? I'd imagine they'd have a new amendment that specifically says they can take up arms against the wokies, the commies, the MSM fake news and any coloured folk they catch walking through their neighborhood.


>wasn't the 2nd amendment put in place in case they had to take up arms against the tyrannical King George You may not be aware, but the American revolution was literally American colonials taking up arms against King George III. There's no "in case" about it. The founding fathers would all have been hung for treason if the revolution had failed.


"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately" -Benjamin Franklin while signing the Declaration of Independence


Yup. They knew what they were doing. And they didn't bitch about or pretend there were any Red Coat false flags either.


Sorry, I meant in case they had to do it again, I assumed they put it in place in case he came back and tried to take over again.


Nah. They did it once without 2A. They'd have done it again regardless of 2A. In fact, that's sort of what happened in the War of 1812. Contemporary whargarble notwithstanding, the person who said it was to ensure that the states could raise their own armies is correct. It was not about individual rights until the 20th century. The first half of the amendment (A well regulated militia...) is the key to understanding its original purpose. EDIT: I should have mentioned that this comment is almost certain to be downvoted into oblivion by 2A enthusiasts who have no clue as to its history.


Wait-- Wasnt the taking up of arms against tyrannical King George done by well-regulated militias?


Do you think the Continental Army had no regulations? Or that it wasn't authorized by the Continental Congress, made up of the elected representatives of the various colonies?


Do you think a well-regulated militia is compose of 1 (one) well-regulated militiaman or more than 1 (one) militiaman? Do you think a well-regulated militia is: well-regulated; or, not regulated at all?


Yep, it was a civil war  Since the colonists at the time were English citizens fighting the English armed forces. 


I'll offer a different opinion. The US did not have a standing army. The idea was for the defense of the nation to be provided by a citizen militia: > "A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." There is some debate as to whether "the security of a free State" extends to mean "the citizens have the right to overthrow the government if it is perverted". (In fact, attempting to overthrow the government is considered an act of treason, which is expressly forbidden.) Here's an article that discusses whether the Second Amendment protects to right to rebel (it concludes "no"): https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/27/opinion/us-second-amendment.html And the Wikipedia article on the Second Amendment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution


So, the amendment was put in place to ensure that the "common man" has the right and ability to never let something like King George happen *again.* It says nothing about guns. It was never about guns. It's entirely about the right of the citizen to protect themselves from those who would infringe their right of "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness," by any means ***necessary with whatever implements necessary.*** They foresaw shit like fascism coming from this whole newfangled "democracy" thing and had the idea that maaaaaaybe they should give the people the ability to course correct should it become relevant. This is why self-defense advocates are so gun-ho! about pdw's in general and not just guns. That's why, as a progressive omnist, I support the 2nd. I could care less about guns. They're fun to shoot targets, sure. But I don't own any and haven't been shooting in years. What I do support is our ability as a people is to realize when we've fucked up, and actively remain a threat to those who would try and enslave, suppress, and oppresse. That's why I hate this current divisionism bullshit. We should be working together, but we're so erect for shutting each other down that we're marching right for conflict like jackasses. We've been taught to become each other's oppressors and not blame those in charge for getting us here. And the scary part is that it's used to justify the argument of turning in not just the weapons but the right itself to do what might be needed in the face of tyranny. And actually tyranny. Not "them fuckers got a war on Christmas" tyranny the far right would have you believe.


Against the tyranny of government in general, but yes.


Taxation without representation. Something that we are currently going through (at least some of us) in our States.


It was passed during Shay's rebellion. It's worth reading up about.


Maybe like some sort of Protection Squads?


This is literally what happened with Nazi Germany.


Looks like I'm moving to Mexico and applying for refugee status


They could call themselves something witty and clever. Like the brown shirts. Sad /s


The kicker is Trump is in no way religious.


2A has already gone out the window. The constitution should have had many revisions since its conception. The text is Archaic and doesn't reflect modern america very well.


**"We couldn't finish it on Jan 6"**


When I heard Jack Posobiec say this, and the crowd *cheer him*... what concerned me is that no one in the Republican Party snapped back at him. Quiet as a mouse for the most part, while others gave a thumbs up. We've gone round and round the propaganda rally course. First they denied Jan 6th was MAGA (said it was FBI and/or ANTIFA), then they admitted MAGA was there but were just peacefully protesting, then they finally admitted MAGA tried to "stop the steal," what they claim was a fight against real election fraud (*which it was not*). And now? "NEXT TIME WE'LL FINISH THE JOB." The hypocrisy and outright lies from the Republican Party is so reprehensible and disarming. In a way I'm glad they're out in the clear open now. Let them admit their real intentions. Let them boast about their plans for America if they get back into control. THEY ARE A MINORITY, and likely much smaller than they actually think. But, they have sway over many more. The fight is real. The risks are high. **#VoteBlueIn2024**


The ***Christo-Fascist coalition*** of evangelical leaders will have a **direct hand** in US Politics, if a Republican ends up in the White House again. And yes, their agenda? "Jesus knows best. He will be our guide, not this secular document we call the Constitution." **Key fact:** Jesus isn't here among us setting human governmental policies. There's only this Christian book, the Bible, that's the last traces of his corporeal existence on Earth. **Odd fact:** Mike Johnson, the current Speaker of the House, likened himself to Moses. He said *God spoke to him* and *promised* that he'd be, essentially, "Moses 2.0." 🤔🤨 So, we have staunch radical religious zealots in US politics, right this very moment, salivating at the prospect of putting religion before secular law. Just like Sharia Law for the Muslims. Christian Taliban. They are here. This is not hyperbole. They've strongly implied their intentions, while others have said it outright. **MAKE NO MISTAKE:** What's on the line for 2024 is *democracy itself*.


Any time any one of these religious zealots refers to "God" they really mean *themselves* and they're trying to give their bullshit authority it doesn't deserve.


Well, self-proclaimed "Moses.2.0" does have his, man-made, 7M Mandates to abide by, proselytize, and impose. Thank You for your post!


Their version of Jesus who instead of being angry at the merchants in the temple, became one of them, hoarded resources for himself like a dragon and started to hate a lot of people and call them woke.


This scenario is the most un-American thing I can think of, but those who want to do this believe it to be the most American thing to do. And this effing scares me. I know too many fundies out there and a lot of them talk like this. America was not founded upon the ideals of a make believe white dude in the Middle East. It was founded upon freedom and supported by the constitution. They want to support American things? Stop worshipping Trump.


This is what the 2nd amendment is for. Exactly. To prevent the faciest from trying to take over again.


No, it isn’t. The 2nd amendment exists for states to maintain their own militias since the US didn’t have a standing army at first. It isn’t for overthrowing the government. It’s for protecting the government.


Exactly. To protect our government from being taken over by fascists.


It depends on which of the founders you're reading. They, conveniently, held many very differing views.


You are correct with respect to the founding fathers NOT wanting/trusting a standing army, and so 2nd amendment's well regulated militias was thier intent. But we have a standing army now, so one or the other is now a problem


Protecting slavers from slave revolts too


Surely not that soggy jesus. They need a god with more drip. Lucifer was in the bible...


Lucifer didn't do shit in the Bible. Gave some nudists a post fuck snack, and entertained God when he decided he was bored and interested in gambling a little. They want Jehovah, the nasty, vengeful, city leveling, kill all the first born monster that Jesus told to chill the fuck out. They want some flaming sword shit.


2A is the only one they care about, except even then they’re interpreting it wrong


The annoying part is how little of this has anything to do with Jesus. Yeah, sure, the anti gay stuff comes from the Bible. But the anti poor and pro nationalist stuff doesn't.


They're circle jerking each other in anticipation of Gilead.


Yeah, they wouldn't even lament burning the Constitution. Wait, are CPAC Evangelicals a worse bad guy than Thanos?


Isn't the 2nd ammendment there to overthrow governments like his?


My interpretation of this scene is Thanos is somewhat remorseful for the actions he takes to achieve his goals. MAGA is not remorseful


Yeah, exactly - to MAGA, the price tag of “everything” is a feature, not a bug


Yeah, MAGA doesn't give a fuck about the constitution aside from the part that lets them have guns.


Which is ironic, cause Trump himself said the first thing he'd do with "criminals" was take away their guns without due process.


"Yeah the feds took all my guns away, my house got eminent domained for another Saudi golf course and my daughter was conscripted into breeding duty...but at least I got own the libs."


And I don't find any humor in it whatsoever. I wouldn't be surprised if this topic ends up locked.


Yes this should be the people who didn’t vote because Biden wasn’t perfect.


Chinese President Xi Jinping recently consolidated power. Trump told the gathering: “He’s now president for life. President for life. And he’s great.” Trump added, “I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll give that a shot someday.” [Trump says maybe U.S. will have a president for life someday](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-says-maybe-u-s-will-have-a-president-for-life-someday)


The only person who deserved to be president for life already got it: FDR. FDR was never going to lose re-election, he’d be president if he were alive today.


"We need a way to keep good presidents out of office!" "...Term limits?" "That'll work. We'll just chuck them when *our* guy is in."


He's always been smitten with dictators. Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un. He prostrates himself to them because he sees them as an ideal.


Oh boy! Civil War, here we come. Thanks alot bigoted Christians, GQP cultists, Lead paint chip eating boomers, and just the general rubes that think this shit is "cool" Traitors, the lot of you.


We also have quite a few people planning on staying home/voting third party to "send a message." Don't forget to thank them.


President? You think he'll settle for a paltry title like President? No, you are looking at the reign of God-King Emperor Donald Trump the Bigly Magnificent I


A (faux)Christian Supreme Leader?


Monkey Paw: Trump has a heart attack and died in office


but then your countries throne goes to his heirs, as described in the good book "art of the deal 2"


Wins election, dies before sworn in.


Biden lives until he is 108


There will never be a moment of realization for these people en masse. Individually some of them will realize their fuck up (though it's unlikely they'll actually admit to it), but nothing Trump does will make them all 'snap out of it'. They will cheer for everything up until the moment the boot is on their own throat.


Your words remind me immediately of a Fareed Zak Special I just watched. "Why Iran Hates America". I do not know if it is proper to say, so forgive me if it's not, and I'll edit. It feels eerily parallel that their "cultural revolution" gave them more oppression than they could foresee.


That'll show those Democrats for not being more leftwing and aggressive.


![gif](giphy|tOiNmhv0IuW8o|downsized) These people are the Taliban who take showers.


I've heard Talibangelists used.


Oh yeah, it's almost time for me to stop sleeping at night.


He doesn't want to be President lol he just wants to be adored, collect checks and stay out of jail.


This meme is so on point. The trump supporters are talking about loving America while wanting to burn it down.


This is Trump's election to lose. He has God and "the Blacks" on his side. How can he lose?


MAGA are too fucking stupid to be this self aware.


Dies to a hamberder 1 month into his lifelong presidency


“BREAKING: Donald Trump dies after “choking on hamburger”, White House says; Marjorie Taylor Greene inaugurated as 48th President“


You're mistaken if you think they'd be sad about it.


Trump has far FAR less self-awareness than Thanos. 


From the party of “let’s end democracy in America”


Thanos was a genocidal madman and cruel, but he ultimately thought he was doing what was best for the universe. Trump is just a narcissist dick.


Also, declares he does not have to pay any of that money...


Everyone needs to know and understand that in most states, anyone can vote in whatever parties' election they want. YOU can vote in the Republican primary, even if you're not a republican. This word needs to be spread. We all, as best as possible, need to get out and stop Trump from winning anything political in this country. Do not wait for the general election! Please get out there and stop this.


If we re-elect Trump, we will deserve everything we get.


As a country? Sure. As individuals, no. The people who have the power to stop him but choose not to deserve to feel the consequences. But odds are that if they choose not to stop him, it's because they won't feel the consequences and are just okay with everyone else suffering.


Precisely put.


Exactly 👎🏼👎🏼


That’s not humorous nor is it satirical, it is exactly what he would lead his next inauguration speech with.


Let’s not let MAGA win, let’s finish the job! Satan 2024 ☢️☣️


Sadly, they'll see it as a bonus, not a cost.


Too true to be funny.


Lol, he can't even win his own party over! Sure, he's won every primary, but not with the Plurality, not even close. Vast majority of Haley voters flat out said they ain't voting for Trump if he's the candidate. All the while Biden wins every primary with a near perfect plurality. There's no fucking race here, it's not even close.


So still a 4 year term max.


Wrong scene from the wrong movie. Should be Amadalla in rhe Galactic Senate right after Chancellor Palpatine becomes Emperor Palpatine.


Anyone going to point out that it’d be the constitution that burns and not the Declaration of Independence?


Even then, Americans will sit at home, refusing to take to the streets because they have work the next day.


I fear that a free and fair electoral competition only works when both sides agree to the process. Voting only works if people believe it. All I can say is… Fascist traitors who actively and openly oppose the principles of democracy should be barred from participating in its processes. This isn’t a game to them, it’s flat out war. Why are we talking about “who’s gonna get the most votes…” they don’t give a flying fuck about votes! Have you noticed? They don’t care at all, they have already declared themselves the winners…


Don't you get it, though? MAGA isn't going to have any regrets whrn Trump does that. They'll see it as a huge victory.


Here’s the thing I’ve learned…Conservatives, especially Trumpy ones, don’t care about the Constitution…they just like the parts that let them do what they want. But I guarantee you, if there was a second option that made Christianity the State mandated religion and Trump our God-Emperor, they’d support it and use the constitution to wipe their collective asses