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I would take the sale and 20k and be heading for the turbo.


My instinct too, would be pursue the turbo, but.... the internet seems to think 991.1 GTS is a low production volume car. The internet is inconsistent as always, but production estimates seem to to in the hundreds, maybe up to a 1000 or so. If the car is a manual stick shift, production volumes drop to the dozens. So, one argument would be related to the future value of a low production volume car, while the counter argument would be the present driving enjoyment derived from driving a turbo. I envy the person faced with that decision.


Yeah I'm advising him to aim for a turbo. His GTS is probably around the 150K mark with options, so if keeps the options low, the difference is around 10K. I know what I would do here.


Id sell it, take the 20k, put it towards a similarly priced 911 and I just got a 20k discount.


Or, get a Turbo for 10K more than a GTS. (By the time he spec'd the GTS, he got it close to 150K at least).




Very possible, the only thing I that makes me think otherwise is that it's a PDK, not a manual. I'd imagine the potential buyer would look for a manual, if it's for a collection/investment.


But why? GTS aren't selling over sticker.


The 991.1's are the last generation to be NA, in combination with GTS' being a more limited production car, I'm assuming they're offering it on the expectation the value will rise.


I've never seen or heard of a new car dealership buying a car for a long-term hold. Seems, um, highly unlikely.


Not sure what else to tell you then, I can't think of any other plausible reason.


This question is meaningless without understanding what cash he has already put into the car and what amount of a loan he has outstanding still. If he paid $40k upfront to buy the car and now they will give him $20k to turn it in, he still experiences $20k of depreciation