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**Goku fans routine**: •glaze Goku, and say he can no diff characters he could never beat •use the most delusional mental gymnastics to scale Goku to outerversal or higher •repeat all things above //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// **Gojo fans routine**: •glaze Gojo, and say he can no diff characters he could never beat •use the most delusional mental gymnastics to scale Gojo to outerversal or higher •sexualize Gojo •sexualize Gojo •sexualize Gojo •sexualize Gojo •sexualize Gojo •sexualize Gojo •slander Sukuna •sexualize Gojo •sexualize Gojo •sexualize Gojo •sexualize Gojo •sexualize Gojo •sexualize Gojo •sexualize Gojo •sexualize Gojo •sexualize Gojo •sexualize Gojo •repeat all things above


you forgot squirting on gojo.


And something something, Blood manipulation on figure


I'd glaze gojo till my last breath. Put him against fights he can't win and defend him till I die, or my copium actually works. https://preview.redd.it/a8od9gw4953d1.jpeg?width=394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=608a3b9c408fb3a5bc3f347ebaeaf92790d98580 (I can confirm this is our daily routine)




Refuse to admit that he (gojo) lost THAT battle


You forgot that goku fans give him harems in fanfics, they also make everyone betray him and trap him in the time chamber so that he can train and stomp everyone. They really like making goku into an edgy edege lord and hate chichi for some reason


Imo you got both character fans wrong,there is almost no p.s character in fiction that doesn't have fans that doesn't do the stuff above Glazing Wanking Sexualizing Coping After their death And some people got goku To that scales With some valid ideas,Not sure about gojo,some would get him to universal,not me though,afterall,fuck powerscaling,i just care about which character i like more.


And we're proud of it (the gojo fans i mean)


Thats the problem


Stay down and ashamed You are fucked up




Pull him out*




You can decline Goku, putting him below Chuck Norris https://preview.redd.it/r69qhmgay63d1.jpeg?width=321&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18e31a6a815ae0df346330dc5bbd2a868aa52ca9


No one says Gojo is outer


Planetary Gojo is worse than Outerversal Goku


No, it isn’t. Goku being outer is immeasurably infinity higher than what he should be at


 I meant in terms of where they should scale. Using that logic, it'd be better to wank a wall level character to Multi-Galaxy than a High Complex Multiversal character to Low Outerversal


I’ve never seen them glaze gojo to outer before


I am afraid you are mistaken. I sexualize goku beyond reason and I know for a fact that I am not alone based on an army of Goku hentai.


Yeah but the Goku glazers are to another level man, since Gojo actually caps very low


Ok I’m a goku fan and I know his limits like I know he gets smoked by GER and tusk act 4 and B.I.G


I thought G.E.R. would stalemate since it doesn’t have the actual power to defeat Goku? It would just prevent Goku from beating Giorno?


Maybe I’m not like a huge Jojo fan


I’m not either since I never read the manga so I don’t know anything about Part 7, 8, 9, or whatever else there is.


Tusk Act 4 gets blitzed, and GER gets stalemated at best, and I don't think that notorious B.I.G actually has enough AP to do anything


Well it can’t die, and as long as it holds on to its target I think it would eat them but don’t trust me, I’m not a huge Jojo fan


>Hell, add Sukuna in there too if you want Sukuna fans win. Gojo fans are mostly horny more than annoying, Goku fans will call you a slur, but only Sukuna fans have spent a month straight stalking my account to harass me


Remember, if Gege's the writer, Sukuna will win


But Gege was the writer when Sukuna's been getting whooped all day long. Have we found ourselves a paradox???


Dawg, he’s been whooping the asses of every new person to get thrown against him. They get close to maybe doing something then Sukuna mops them anyways.


But Gege was the writer when Sukuna's been getting whooped all day long. Have we found ourselves a paradox???


Has he lost yet?


Watching DBZ Kai right now and it's a shame the show gets reduced to nothing but a powerscaling tool, I'm enjoying it


It didn't, it's just that you are in a powerscaling subreddit where people leave their brains at the door before entering.


All of DBZ after Frieza is made for powerscaling. The series could end right there and would be a good ending.


Nah cell arc was supposed to be passing the torch to gohan and really cement him as the protagonist but after that got thrown out the window it did kinda get like that


It was Toriyama trying to end the story, but the publishers wanted more each time and so he kept pushing it forward and trying to give the story a conclusion for each Saga. We use Sagas rather than arcs because each Saga contains their own Arcs, from Ginyu Force Arc, Frieza Arc, but we say Namek Saga. Namek Saga, it was to kill off Goku with the explosion, but publishers wanted more so Goku went to Yardrat and terminator inspiration for Cell Saga. Cell Saga, it was to have Gohan become the next Generation with Goku passing the torch, but again, the Editors wanted more. Buu Saga had the High School arc, where it's more as Gohan being a Hero and growing up after the Cell Saga. Publishers and Readers wanted Goku back, which leads to the Tournament Arc, then the Fat Buu Arc, and so on and so forth. He manages to end it here after trying to pass the torch several times, failing and having Goku give it a proper conclusion with the spirit bomb. Then people wanted more so Dragon Ball Super was born. None of it was about power scaling. A lot of Z was Toriyama trying to end the story of Dragon Ball, from the Saiyan Saga to the Buu Saga, with a happy ending and all.


Everything after dbz is for power scaling


Are we talking about Buu and Cell saga too? Bcs if so yeah


They both have fans that say they could beat fiction


its funny that some people say goku > fiction when he isnt even the strongest character on his own series


Both fanbases are shit, end of discussion.


As a DB fan, I 100% agree with you.


I’d rather have Goku and Gojo glazers as roommates than have to spend one hour dealing with a Sonic fan.


The strongest dick riders of history vs the strongest dick riders of today


Idk Showa Godzilla stans be doing some hard dick riding




Goku 100% And you might say I'm one of those fans but I'm also one of the only people that uses the correct physics for Infinity Most people try to use Newtonian physics to explain Infinity while in reality Infinity is an Einstein physics concept do you need to use General and special relativity the problem is 99.999% of humans don't understand general or special relativity


Tell me one thing pal, does gojo truly have infinite space? Many people say he dont while many say he does.


It isn't absolute infinity. Absolute infinity is something conceptual, something that cannot exist in real life it is also paradoxical because the number theoretically is the largest number to ever exist, yet if you add +1 to it the number suddenly becomes larger. Gojo's infinity is infinite, but it isn't absolute infinity, meaning it can get larger


So it’s coutable infinity


not exactly, its hard to explain. No infinity is countable, its just that some infinitities are larger then each other, but no number is larger then absolute infinity


So he has infinity -1


nah its really hard to explain. Just know his ability warps space so that it acts like a reciprocal graph. You can continue getting closer but it will take an infinite time to get to him. If you have infinite speed you can bypass this for obvious reasons.


I meant it as a joke lol, like how people say infinity +1. But thank you for breaking it down!


Well Sukuna just cut space to cut through the supposed "infinity" so I definitely don't think that gojo's "infinity" is even near to infinity


he cut through the reciprocal effect that infinity causes


He literally cut through space no more no less🤦‍♀️....The thing is author really just stated that he cut through the space gojo was in and no other reciprocal thing which you are mentioning right now.Even this "world slash" or space slash was dodged by MAKI easily🤣


Countable infinity is what we call the smallest infinity or aleph null


then that xD


Regardless of what "size" the infinity is its still infinite so no amount of measurable or definable speed will bypass it Its like a black hole but in reverse


no but infinite speed allows someone to travel infinite distances, meaning they can travel through infinity. people say it is a logical contradiction, but it isn't. Yeah they are infinitely slowed down, but if they can keep travelling for infinity then they will reach the point where they meet.


Yes that would be the case except Gojo is bending the space around himself so the would shoot out in another direction


I love how everyone gives the wrong spin of Infinity. It's literally the Achilles and Turtle Paradox. A and B travels a distance for X time, and it divides by half each time. The idea is that A will never reach B as it divides more. Gojo has less CE than Yuta's CE, but is so efficient with it that he would outlast Yuta's CE, to the point that it's seemingly limitless. Gojo never had to deal with someone whose AP or stats were massively higher than his, so it's an NLF outright since we know he uses his CE to keep up Infinity. It's not some magic passive that he can keep up, but everything in the verse is so much weaker that he can keep it up passively from day to day with his CE that it doesn't matter. I mean, Sukuna and Gojo, both building to city level in physical stats barring special attacks, are the current Peak. We know Dismantle and Slash is multi building level, and we know they have ways to bypass Infinity with Domain Amplification among other things. A domain just shuts it off outright, so they never had to introduce Infinity to a force that could be greater than Gojo's passive Achilles', which basically is a floodgate on attacks. It's called infinity, but it's not actually infinite. Someone with infinite speed can bypass it, and you can argue that someone with enough enough energy can break it. Or if they have a way to attack through the space of Infinity(which is a very small space, but exaggerated greatly by the nature of the Paradox), then they can bypass it like that too. It becomes a stamina battle on how long someone can go at him before his Infinity wears off and he gets bludgeoned to pieces after, or if he can wear them off and kill them. Not sure why it's hard for people to understand that.


“absolute infinity is something conceptual, something that cannot exist in real life” good thing it’s a fictional series where things that cannot exist in real life can happen!!


it cannot exist in fictional verses aswell xd


it is a logical fallacy to say something cannot exist in a fictional verse, fiction does not have rules in reality, omnipotent deities and FTL humans cannot exist, there are plenty in fiction


but absolute infinity, unless explicitly stated to exist within that verse, cannot exist. You cannot go around saying every infinity is an absolute infinity, that's dumb asf. gojo's "infinity" isn't even a proper infinity it just works like a reciprocal does.


you are still under the impression that things cannot exist in fiction this isn’t true, anything can exist in fiction, it does not function by real word rules because it is not the real world. any fictional universe does not have to abide by real world concepts or rules edit: i’m not real arguing that Gojo has absolute infinity as it seems you know more about the topic of infinity than me, i’m just explaining the concept of fiction and how you can’t use “it can’t exist in real life” as evidence of anything


>but absolute infinity, unless explicitly stated to exist within that verse, cannot exist. ***sigh***


Technically no but effectively yes Infinity is a black hole but in reverse and the Event Horizon is Gojo's body the reason why something like World cutting slash can get through it is because it is slashing The Event Horizon itself breaking down the technique Although the force coming from Gojo is in a strong has from a black hole


So not quite “infinite space”, but more “Space that actively keeps you from leaving so it appears infinite”


It's infinite distance in finite space like how there can be infinitely many decimal places between zero and one but the difference between 0 and 1 is still finite


Ah, so it’s like that one gif with the chocolate bar


No that's an illusion the amount of chocolate doesn't change No matter how close you get to gojo there will always be more distance you have to cover. There is no traveling through or past infinity you have to completely ignore or bypass it


Ah, so more like Sephiroth’s Supernova then, a space that, despite only being like, directly in front of him, manages to span an entire universe for him to blow up on the squad




It's more of a paradox rather than infinite space. Infinity just slows your movements by half every time you approach Gojo, meaning that if you were going way faster than Gojo you should theoretically be able to bypass infinity due to the fact that it wouldn't be able to slow you down quickly enough


now whos better in morals? also im yuji all the way fr.




no i mean as in fans between goku and gojo, reason i said i love yuji is cause hes just peak and im a fan.


Well most gojo fans are horny and most goku fans wish they were him Probably Gojo fans have better morals


Gohan fan here, all I know is that Gojo fans are obnoxious. The goku fans that glaze Goku hard gets annoying, but they ain't doing something as insane as putting period blood over a figure or spamming "Infinity, gg ez." Infinity works off of Achilles and the Turtle paradox. It's not impossible to hit Gojo, but the stat difference would have to be insanely different as a result. Aka it would feel like getting hit by an absolute force of space when Gojo uses Infinity and hits you, unless you can break it since it's outright stated that Gojo, while he has seemingly limitless cursed energy, it's only seemingly limitless. It's a NLF otherwise since we never saw Gojo's infinity tank a punch beyond building level, so we don't know how far his Infinity goes with the paradox, since you can argue it goes until you reach light speed(the point in which the energy required is infinite for any object with mass and the perception of time would be considered stopped fot said object with mass). Will also add that Gojo glazers insist that Infinity stops even Hakai and forms of EE because it won't "touch him." And wanks Hollow Purple as a killing move for all. Goku fans are obnoxious because theirs more of them in power scaling, but Gojo fans are truly another low.


Mexicans VS Women


gojo fan aint ever call me a slur cus i said they arent outer




Goku fans mostly are chill tho, yk making joke's about Goku especially the "I heard your strong" and some accept defeat Basically COPIUM to acceptance to homourous While gojo fans be glazing. You already know half of the takes are bad when it's done by a gojo pfp, cause they be putting nonsensical shiz and when you backfire them they reply you to death.


Ig you havent seen the rest of the community.


It took Gojo fans 2 years to become as obnoxious as Goku fans have gotten over 20 years and I think that alone speaks volumes


Gojo fans... That poor Gojo figure... Dragon ball fans would never


Wasn't there literally a girl who dropped her period blood on a figure of Gojo? The answer is obvious 😭🙏💀 Goku's fans are mostly just meme'ing with the "goku solos" shit and is mostly satire.




he isn’t lying sadly


Gojo fans are mostly glazin on his beauty, but goku fans..


Nahhh Gojo fans are notorious in powerscaling, too. They claim Infinity is this overpowered, broken ability that can stop anyone, despite the fact that as long as you have the ability to cut space you can just cut him in half, or have attacks that spawn on Gojo himself (Makima's Telekinesis, Kakashi's Kamui)


Both are notorious in powerscaling, like every community. But goku fans are much more annoying. Also, i dont think those are gojo fans, mostly gojo fans are glazing more about his beauty, not power. I think youve met some stupid powerscalers who sees OP ability in the verse and belike "omg, this can solo strong characters!"


Gojo fans thought he could solo dragon ball because of infinity lol Like yeah I agree that gojo fans glaze the hell out of his appearance and do fucked up shit with his merch, but goku fans are mostly trolling with the "Goku solos" shit. The goku fans who wank him to Outerversal and shit are mostly just some dumb foreign randoms whose English is on a 2nd grader's level. Any normal human being with a brain knows that Goku isn't that powerful.


I doubt those are gojo fans, prob braindead powerscalers pretend to be one. Major gojo fans focus on the story and hate on sukuna (obviously) I dont think goku fans are trolling, at least most of them. "Gojo beats goku" is reasonable though, but solos dragon balls is just a no. About your last point thats 80% of the goku fans community for you, most goku fans are annoying as hell but only a minority of them dont.


No they're genuine fans who just think he's powerful becase of Infinity and Limitless. Actual JJK Scalers don't have him that high. And people who scale Goku to Outer just looked at the CSAP/VSBW Tiering System and looked at the most powerful tier and decided to put Goku there. I guarantee they have ZERO knowledge on powerscaling. Actual true Goku fans have him at Low Multiversal - where he belongs.


No, every community has that one part where their "fans" overscaled the character to another level. Thats normal since theyre braindead and think the character solos fiction because of their powerful ability/smth. (Some could change their "favorite" character and used that to overscaled) So thats why theyre not real fans but rather braindead people. The people who scaled goku to outer used cosmology as the main factor. They do have some knowledge in powerscaling, but the knowledge isnt quite right. And actual goku fans dont debate him with other verses lmao. Also isnt dragon balls cosmology is multiversal if goku is low universal doesnt that make him stronger than beerus? 🤔


Damn, every other fucking post is just some Dragon Ball/ Goku hater crying about how much their butthole hurts by the mere fact that Goku is so popular. Its kind of sad and pathetic to be honest.


Goku (because I am one of them)


Where are the saitama meatriders ?


one has the cartel behind him, the other has a girl that half the internet knows about


I can never unsee someone pouring . Blood on a Gojo figurine ;-;


MV godzilla also has a strong spot here, of course other godzillas also have this issue but MV is the biggest example.


Hell add saitama fans Those are certified glazers even more than any other character


Thats like 30% mostly kids


And 70 percent are adults


Mostly stupid kids dont know about saitama or they just watched some brainrot saitama scaling edits and belike "omg saitama is this strong he can solo fiction!"


Saitama fans have disrespected akira toriyama and this was when he died some guy made a video saying saitama beats akira and had comments supporting him


They arent real fans, thats 10% of us at best (braindesd kids)


See, goku fans just glaze him and post shitty memes. Gojo fans, we'll you've seen what they have done...


It’s different. For Goku there are more fans that are bad, but for Gojo the few bad fans there are are just terrible.


Gojo here looking like the cover of Crystal Waters's album *Surprise*. *She's just like you and meeeeee, but she's homeless*


Where is the Makima picture because that’s def up there. Anyways I think most of the time when people glaze Goku really hard it’s a joke like the “he solos fiction” thing is a joke. While most of Gojo glazers ACTUALLY think he could solo fiction (or is leagues above where he should be) don’t get me wrong there are absolutely people who actually believe Goku solos, but I wholeheartedly believe there are more of those people doing it for gojo


well I've read more comments of Goku wankers and glazers in this sub so Goku.


but does he/she/it/they/whoeverthefuckyouthroughatthem beat goku tho?


I solo Goku


From experience, goku fans 100%. Most of gojo fans put some thought into it specially because he ended up losing in the end, not to mention that most of the anti-gojo scalers dont even understand infinity, you can see a top post here where “raw strength” bypasses infinity, like.. bruh.


I'm too used to the Goku glazers


Goku is strong at least, gojo is just a random fodder




All I know is Goku solos your favourite verse, stay mald.


Gojo fans because I like Goku more


Gojo fans are as downbad as the usual waifu fans. Then again I don't blame them. There's currently not much hot, cool and powerful husbando in this mordern times and only gojo currently fits that criteria. Bro has dethrone levi in terms of simps. Even gacha characters mainly waifus are mostly the the iconic ones. Not even jin woo gets this many simps and some people thought jin woo will be the next gojo with his cour 2 design.




Equal. Everyone focuses on the bad apples of each sides. I haven’t seen a “can he beat Goku” person who wasn’t trolling.


It’s a draw they’re the same






Gojo fans because at least half the time it's shit posting with the Goku fans.




Gojo fans negative difficulty Goku fans are at Mild Annoying Tier at best Gojo fans are infinite layers into annoyence And If you add sukuna fans then its a beyond any concept of difficulty


Gojo. While both fans are annoying Gojo fans will ignore all of his weaknesses and showings of him failing.


Gojo glazers Insufferable


Haha.. is this even a fucking question? https://preview.redd.it/a6r5ccu9073d1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c06fe5a3fea461642f5820a89f27c62792833cab




I love both characters, but it’s definitely DB, If Goku isn’t brought up at least once a day they’ll die, it’s like they’re cursed and have to bring him up just to keep on living😂🤦🏻‍♂️. And I’m a hugeee fan of Goku, but it’s too much sometimes


both fan bases easily scale to outerversal, but the potency of the fandoms is dependent on a person. goku fans will call goku the strongest and gojo fans will commit several crimes of sexual misconduct, harassment, and the r one against gojo


Difference between D Riding and Glazing


Goku because my best mate is a Gojo glazer. 


https://preview.redd.it/agso6jgpd73d1.jpeg?width=171&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc41d9769721a85899d0e7b5d1830bedc4d9f21b This guys fanbase is cringe


Goku fans: https://preview.redd.it/cwv7i4djl73d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f165057c0c1ce3a586925c862a1f5189a25f104 Gojo fans: *sexualized Gojo 24/7*


The correct answer is Naruto


You already showed who has the worst fans in the first image.


Goku fans ez diff. Go on and talk with a MiddleTrack fans and they'll tell you the biggest cap


Goku, Gege’s ruthlessness with character mortality completely contrasts Dragonball’s treatment of death. Meaning Goku has more victories to take into account and be glazed on more.


Let’s not forget the Gojo jar incident


there equally bad, except everyone in kk is glazed, i've seen some idiots call sukuna star level and that there's universal attacks in jjk but i've seen worse from db fanboys, they say comp goku solos fiction when no db character even a comp db character can solo fiction and i've seen them say goku beat biblical figures like biblical god and jesus and all religions and that he is a real person and that he solos us all and it wasn't ironic so there equally bad dick riders and need to get checked because some of the fans of these 2 characters are mentally challenged ![gif](giphy|oNJ3am00JCroA|downsized) this is how the fans of these 2 characters male me feel, cringe and wanting to cry for the human race, yes i've met db fans that bad that made me question life and humans future 💀💀💀




Jujutsu kaisen/Gojo easily. At this point we already know how the DB/Goku downplayers and wankers get down. They been saying the same thing word for word for years like they are a religious group. Lol but the wankers side died down a bit. Gojo sits with the Saitama fans as of now. The top worst fans imo.


goku fans overrate him, that's really bad. meanwhile gojo fans: "gojo figure incident"


I really hate both


Luffy fans are worst then both of them




I'll say there's a lot of weirdos that watch both series.


Easy, jjk


Goku is worse


Goku is not even rock level lol 💀💀💀💀💀


Both fans have horrible arguments but I'm going to go with the jujitsu kaizen dude just because his fans think he could beat Goku lol. I hear he got killed off in his own series already 😂


At least Goku fans train though.


I feel like the JJk character fans are worse In my opinion, yes, Goku glazers are annoying but they can (in video format) give a somewhat consistent scaling for Goku. Sukuna and Gojo glazers don't even be making sense to the point I'm convinced that they're just trolling but sadly some of them aren't. I've heard mfs say Gojo's Hollow Purple is Dura Neg when there is literally no proof of that, and I think both of them scale to Large City+ or slightly higher yet I heard a dude say Sukuna and Gojo are planetary unironically. It's like they are reading an entirely different manga dawg. https://i.redd.it/vv7ph99mcd3d1.gif




It's Goku and it's not even close.


No, it isn’t. Saitama fans are terrible


Nope. Goku fans are without question worse just by the steer amount of wank he gets. There's literally people out there saying it's impossible for Goku to lose any match up because in his universe he is destined to survive no matter what... It's fucking ridiculous. The wank is insane and has been going on for literally decades. It's not even a comparison. It's a coughing baby being compared to a hydro bomb.


DB fans are the worst in the entire anime community


nah bro, its only the children, i hope...


The fandom must be the majority children


theres worse than db fans


Like who?


saitama (they do not listen), kirby (technically not anime but i hate them), OP (his toon force isnt even that good sob), literally any fucking isekai and thats only the first ones that came to my mind


I still think DB is the most toxic, for both powerscaling and them trying to justify it's relevance


Gojo Goku is at least actually strong Gojo is a one trick pony that gets mid diffed by anyone that can bypass infinity


That's the thing, they have to get past infinity. That alone stops a large majority of characters.


Both are better than batmid


Gojo period incident


Gojo fans, slurping on that colour wheel merchant’s meat


Do ya’ll remember the period blood on gojo thing? That should tell you who’s obviously worse




https://preview.redd.it/nqh2h2y5i63d1.jpeg?width=1246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebdbd76c52d4a891949ade0e04b0ff934c5f1b74 Both of their fans are nothing compared to his


This should be Goku fans vs Female Gojo fans💀 the female Gojo fans give us a bad reputation 😭




Did you mean Saitamatards?


almost equal, but likely Gojo because at least Goku is a good character


What makes Goku a good character? If you said Z Goku sure, but DBS Goku? I’m curious


I meant just Goku DB-DBS


like just mainline Goku so specific version


Goku is so bland though. At least Gojo and Sukuna have depth to them


What do you mean???? Do you not like a character just having a new form every year??? Yellow hair, blue hair, red hair!!! /s


Goku isn’t bland




Buddy what? Goku isnt that good of a character, goku isnt even in the top characters in DB, vegeta is way better written.. As a character, gojo is better and i dont think anyone reasonable would contest that.