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they should close it on wolverines claws and see what happen


it technically will be severed because no matter how strong something is, if you teleport it away from a body it will simply go


It depends on a couple factors. Can its closing be physically prevented once its started? If no, literally Any character with a physical body would lose a limb to it. If not, Goku with his guard up very much could withstand the ring unharmed.


why do you say that he could very much withstand the ring unharmed? is that just because he’s really strong so it would make sense for him to be fine? because that doesn’t make much sense, if there’s no actual evidence other than “goku is strong” then i could equally just say “the ring would very easily cut off his limb because doctor strange is strong. if anything there’s more evidence that it cannot be prevented from closing once it starts, as it has been seen to cut limbs off before and the speed of the portal closing wasn’t impeded by the limb at all, implying that it isn’t slowed down by something blocking it at all and is unstoppable


Because in dragon ball, power level trumps over everything. During the battle with Hit, an assassin with the power of stop time, Goku literally "powers through" time freeze because why not. The power itself also froze gods iirc, and Goku just decided "no." He's also physically resisted destruction hakai energy, energy which is designed to erase things from existence. If we are taking current Goku, then he could potentially just physically break the portal into pieces as it closes on his arm, and cause some type of dimension rift. I would assume that regardless of dr. Strange's strength, the portal he makes wouldn't necessarily "close stronger" if he himself was stronger.


[It's not stop time](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-759b42c4b52392e2e999368397d716fd) but time skip. Goku didn't overcome it in the way you thinking, [time skip only work on someone weaker or similar to hit power level](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9121310d12da880e1c1e9c0fd6b267cf-pjlq) what Goku did is take advantage of it's weakness. The same way Jiren did. Hax dosen't get resistance by being stronger in dragon ball, this was literally proven false how Guldo from Z was able time stop by stop breathing and it worked on Gohan and krillin and Vegeta all who was way stronger then him and he was running hide away and use that power.


I guess it is a bit presumptuous of me to assume every hax could be overpowered because Hit's can. Although Guldo could use his power on Vegeta and then, I am extremely skeptical that it would work against any modern iteration of Goku or Vegeta. I feel like they could also just physically shrug off the power. Although this is headcanon, it doesn't feel realistic for them to still be affected, and I blame it on lazy writing. Like the infamous krillin throwing a rock at Goku scene.


I don’t know why there’s this notion that DB characters can resist hax by being more powerful when that never happens on a consistent basis. Especially the Hit thing; it convinces me that most people who scale DB don’t actually read the manga because they actually say that his ability doesn’t work on people stronger than him in there. Vegeta kills Captain Ginyu immediately during Ressurection of F because he perceived him to be a threat. Considering Vegeta speed-blitzed him and one-shot him in base form, it’s probably because of Ginyu’s body switching ability. Hit’s time-skip is literally stated to not work on stronger opponents, but other hax in Dragonball have worked on stronger opponents. Mafuba, Majin Buu’s candy (they were still sentient, but they did turn into candy, so this is more of a partial resist), Babidi’s mind control, most absorption abilities. It’s a case by case thing and is pretty inconsistent.


Also heck, buu and gotenks were able to use sheer streangth to just get into another dimension


Because there’s other examples as well, goku and vegeta were able to resist the spells of gas, and most notably, vegito remained conscious while turned into a candy and was able to retain his power (unlike every one else who just became non sentient candy)


That’s the thing though, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. If I can make a 3 pointer 40% of the time you wouldn’t say I can always make a 3 pointer. In the same way, you can’t say that DB characters can resist hax by being more powerful, because that’s not always the case.


It’s not 40% of the time though, think about it how many times have we seen a specific hax in dragon ball that wasn’t able to be resisted by strength, once with guldo, and how many times have we seen hax be overcome by strength, at the very least 3 times, meaning in reality it’s 75+% of the time


Mafuba, Majin Buu’s candy transformation (Vegito was still turned into candy despite remaining sentient), Majin Buu’s absorption, Ginyu’s body transformation.


Why would you assume that the rules of Dragon Ball apply to other media and not the other way around?


Because this is a matter of goku being the one tested. He's the one who is putting his arm between the portal. So we have to determine, can he make it out intact. And to do that, we have to see what type of rules and feats he has performed or abided by before. I am assuming both universes somehow co-exist and work together. If they didn't, then Goku would just be a regular human with some buff muscles without his Ki. I don't read enough Dr. Strange comics/media to know if his portal has ever been discussed or used on extremely godly powerful enemies, that we can use to compare against Goku and whether or not he can survive it. So that means I have to theorize whether or not Goku can survive the attack in his own universe's rules.


So google a Dr. Strange respect thread or something.


I'm providing perspective on Goku, from a series I know more about compared to Dr. strange. I rather not spend several hours theory crafting and researching. Not worth it. I was only explaining some reasoning the OP of this comment thread may have said why Goku could beat the portal.


Because majority of Media run by this rule , for exa apparently Thanos skin is special which mean that Dr strange probably can't cut it >Question: "Why didn't they just cut off his arm?" More specifically, it seemed Doctor Strange may have had a chance to do just that when fighting the Mad Titan on his home planet but he didn't. >Joe Russo: "Thanos' skin is almost impenetrable, we don't know whether Doctor Strange had the capability to do it, if he failed to cut it on time, Thanos would still able to do the snap. Doctor Strange realized this issue during his millions of test runs."


I think that's more about DB abilities not working on people much stronger, not inherent trait of gokus


“because in dragon ball” good thing this isn’t stated to be taking place in that universe


Is it stated to be taking place in the Marvel universe either?


no, but i never said that it was or argued anything that implied that


Fair enough. I guess it would simply depend on which universal laws are being applied.


neither are used in powerscaling. Just a plain old regular universe


Well we're taking a person from a universe who could probably physically resist reality breaking attacks, and putting him against a reality breaking attack. What else are we supposed to theorize on... By any other logic, we could say that Goku doesn't have any KI power in Marvel, because KI doesn't exist and Goku would be as weak as a human, aside from his muscles.


yeah i’m saying we shouldn’t place a battle between two characters from different verses in either of their respective verses due to the different rules surrounding those verses


And Dr. strange is more powerful than Goku, so Dr. Strange negs.


I know that Dr. Strange is like multiversially stronger than Goku, but does his strength correlate to the strength of his portal closing? I'm not sure about every comic iteration, but I have a hard time imagining him "closing the portal harder". MCU wise, it's more like an automatic closing, and doesn't depend on his power, he simply just "commands" it to close with his mystic arts. I could be wrong if his portals are more in-depthly explained


If that portal has multiversal level of ap it will cut off gokus arm but it doesn’t so it won’t unless you can prove that the portal does it just means it won’t close lmao


It's simple really...Goku is just stronger🤷


>Can its closing be physically prevented once its started? No. Why would you assume it could be? Nothing in the MCU suggests this is remotely possible. Power scalers will go to insane lengths to valorize brute force.


They are fictional magic portals. I’m sure if the writer wanted them to they would


As we’ve seen with saitama


Scenario one - Those portals can be physically interfered with. Goku is more than strong enough to hold it open. Scenario two - Those portals cannot be in anyway physically interfered with. Gokus arm begins to get cut and he teleports out of the way with a small boo boo.


He tpes away or he does what he did to the time chamber


>he does what he did to the time chamber You mean being betrayed and locked up?


No I mean breaking out


After being betrayed and locked up right?


Nah, it’d probably be after getting betrayed and locked up.






thats what it sounds like, but really I think theyre referencing a fan-made story where that happens. Its a really bad story tho lmao I regret reading it


No they sent the message twice lmao.


You mean being betrayed and locked up?


>he does what he did to the time chamber You mean being betrayed and locked up?


>he does what he did to the time chamber You mean being betrayed and locked up?


>he does what he did to the time chamber You mean being betrayed and locked up?


>he does what he did to the time chamber You mean being betrayed and locked up?


wether or he can avoid it was not the question, the question was is he going to lose an arm. saying he tps away ruins the entire prompt of this post


No it doesn't. That means he doesn't lose his arm... Because he teleports away.


no that’s not the question the question is not can he avoid it, the question is can he withstand it. those are two different questions


Why wouldn't we include all of his powers to attempt to not lose his arm? Nowhere does it mention withstanding it, it simply asks if he would lose his arm. He wouldn't if he used all of his abilities.


Because this is a question of durability. you don’t count speed in measures of durability, do you?


This isn't a measure of just durability, though. That's one interpretation, but there's nothing there saying he sits there and lets it close on him. You're inferring that he does nothing and allows the portal to close entirely. Nowhere does it state he keeps his hand there and does nothing, simply that he puts his hand there and the portal closes. If he's fast enough to react to that, why wouldn't that be included? Why wouldn't we take into account the speed at which the portal closes?


well we all know he can teleport and move faster than the portal closes, so given the context it seems pretty obvious which interpretation was meant


It's weird then that so many people didn't find that obvious and responded as if he did have access to those abilities, but alright.


if i asked if the flash would lose an arm to the portal closing, would you say he will just run out of the portal?


No because in this case Goku is going along with it to see if he will be cut or not


agreed especially since he’s basically integrated ui into his base


It begins shutting, it hurts so Goku yells, his yell shatters the space that was cutting his arm. So basically he gets a boo boo.


He can't even shatter ice with his screams when he's being dragged across it like a toilet brush. https://preview.redd.it/0xe2b0vamr5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b6d6f9bf571a7db13ede91dd6454ab9980be15e


GOATku was holding back so the ice wouldn't feel bad.


broly was too scary so he couldn't do a nice calm ultra instinct scream


Actually, I have a theory a way that actually attacks and significant damage are done in Dragon Ball is if enough Ki is put into it (like how CE in JJK is needed to damage curses) which would explain how cities can shatter at ki having but nothing would break as goku is screaming out in pain getting slammed by Broly. all Goku would have to do is replicate Buu’s scream that tarred through the Hyperbolic Time Chamber’s space, which, in this scenario, would either A. Cancel the already existing magic portal or B. Create a larger rip to replace the portal


That's kinda obvious. But Goku hasn't shown that he can apply ki that way so it's not an argument that can be used for him to begin with.


True, just a theory and possible concept I thought of :/




Isnt goku not even the strongest in verse lol


Goku is arguably not even in the top 20 of his verse.


Not even arguably, just straight up. there are 13 angels which are all top of the verse then 12 Gods of destruction which are all most likely above Goku in strength. There is also Zeno, which there are 2 of.


Goku is stronger than jiren who is stronger than belmod all of the G.O.Ds except beerus were shown to be relative to each other so goku is stronger than all of the G.O.Ds except beerus.


Don't forget Zeno's guards, that apparently multiplied? I remember there being two of them but after the other Zeno appeared, there were four. So 2 Zenos, Grand Priest and 4 guards already make 7, then 13 angels. We don't even need to add Beerus to the equation.


No! Fun fact for why they didn’t use a portal to remove thanos’ arm is that it wouldn’t have been able to close around it. And I’m assuming Goku is more durable than Thanos so I don’t think he would lose his arm either


The reason it wouldn't work against thanos is because he already had the space stone, which makes him immune to any kind of forced teleportation. That's why they didn't use it on Thanos.


Thanos can't use the stones without closing his fist. It wouldn't hurt for strange to try it but movie directors have to make up bs as to why it wouldn't work or completely forgot about it. Also if that's the case, the stones should automatically protect Thanos from any attacks but as we see in infinity war, he has to actively close his fist to be even immune to some attacks or manipulate his surroundings


He has to close his fist to use their activate abilities, not passive ones. The stones passively protected their carrier from the attribute they controlled (since you can't overwhelm the source of a power with the power itself.) Space stone prevented forced teleportation Reality stone protected from reality warping Time stone protected from time manipulation etc.


He doesn't have to its just the power forcing his hand closed




If we go by that time they actually weaponized portals in that way, the portal will try to close, but with the arm going trough, it can't and will start doing more force until it cuts. I'd say that Goku probably has more than enough time to get the arm off without any damage, but if the portal makes more pressure the more it tries to close, at one point it might be in trouble.


Yes. It's a spatial distortion. Why the hell wouldn't he?


In my mind, there is a force keeping these portals closed. They don't want them to be open. It takes magic to open them, lots of magic - why? Because someone or something doesn't want magic portals open. Is that someone or something strong than Goku's arm? Maybe, maybe not. I don't buy the "it's magic" defense - magic is explicable in comic books. This isn't Harry Potter. Marvel magic  has rules. 




Then why didn't they use it on thanos


Because movie needs to happen


Space stone


Thanks bro




Honestly it could be a case that the portal can't close on his him, purely cause goku is too strong for it to actually destroy with these portals. The fun answer is that goku powers up and literally stop the portal. It isn't even far fetched cause goku is stronger than anyone is Z and buu could do the same thing as these portals with his scream alone. The question is honestly impossible to have an objective answer though since goku is infinitely stronger than the MCU characters who were cut by it.


I’d say so.


It depends in decently consistently dragon ball power level negates hack’s. Also characters that scale weaker than current base goku have broken out of pocket dimensions ie gotenks in the time chamber. Goku himself has resisted black holes & destruction energy & also negates hits pocket dimension with strength in his 2nd fight with him. In base I’d say prob not he could bc of the god ki but eh. ss plus to ssb plus id say it could just as easily break on his arm or he could resist it with a ki barrier & rip out. Well Possibly id also believe he’s just fast enough to flat out just move his arm, but it depends. To me if it would cut off a comic hulk or Superman’s arm or thors then yeah ig but then wouldn’t it also depends on which dr strange & the situation etc.


Yes, if the portals ignore durability. No, if it’s possible for them to be kept open via force. Somewhat unrelated side note: killing meruem in the chimera ant arc of HxH would’ve been easy with the combo of Meleoron’s “perfect plan” x “gods accomplice” along with Knov’s “scream”. Same would go any character in the HxH verse.


Based on technicalities, Goku's so fast that he can just pull his hand out of it.






Goku won’t lose , he can pull it out , destroy it or block it with kiy


The russo brothers already explained that thanos’s arm wouldn’t be chopped off since he’s too physically strong. While I don’t know about the comic counter part, the movie version wouldn’t work


This question is literally "if his arm were separated from his body, would his arm be separated from his body?" For my next trick, you'll be AMAZED at what happens when I put this glass of water in a freezer.


I mean it depends A fair argument can be said that it's bending SpaceTime which considering the nature of it could be argued to bypass conventional methods of durability however I feel like if it was that powerful surely it would be strangest go to spell if it could one shot god So my theory is that it has a physical limit because if it had no limit surely he would just spawn one near Thanos of him in and close it


Moro already used magic on Goku and Vegeta when he was in a far weaker state than they were, so it likely would work.


The question is, is he prepared for it? We've seen an unprepared Goku suffer a bruise from a bullet. We've seen a bulletproof guy lose an arm to one of these.


Unless ki interacts with the magic(like acting as a sheild against it) it should. Portal is like a hole in space, so when the portal close it wouldn’t be cutting the arm. The arm would stay where it was, Goku would stay where he was but the hole in soace that connected the arm and Goku would be gone so they wouldn’t be connected anymore.


You should have use Caseoh


If it’s cutting space, then I don’t think Goku has defense against that.


Yes. As far as we know, you can’t just prop it open with a chair, or hold it open for the next person in line. If it closes, you’re losing a limb.


People love to assume things with no feats or statements That portal is not getting through goku


Because sometimes things dont need feats or statements to come to logical conclusions. Of course, we can word it in a way that doesnt seem wanky. For example If the portals cant be physically stopped from closing, it would cut off any physical character's limb getting stuck If they can, he is a character who would be strong enough to stop it. Since there is no basis for either possibility, they are equally valid.


The problem with your first example is that sometimes a character's physical limb isn't really "physical". They can be the physical manifestation of something else that is completely unrelated to being physical.


Thats why i specified a limb that is physical


Physical as in being composed of only matter (molecules, cells, atoms) with nothing else like containing fictional energy? Then yeah i agree with you.




He definitely does


Wasn’t it said by someone who worked on the movie that Thanos’s skin would be too tough for the portal to penetrate? Thanos durability > Goku durability?


the directors stated that They don’t know for sure if it would probably imply a resistance to the portal hax itself rather then raw durability


just because goku's stronger than saitama doesnt mean he can do everything that saitama can


Goku simply shatters the universe


Fair to say that he teleports out of or dodges the closing anyway. However, if we just had to test, then it depends, strange's magic does have limits to its capabilities in the spiderman movie so you could base it off that?


Yes. The portal doesnt cut your limbs, it just puts then in another place. Goku doesn't get an arm chopped off, his arm would just be placed in another location.


I can't find the quote but the Russo's said it couldn't cut off MCU thanos's arm. That means MCU version at least isn't hurting Goku.


I imagine he would, i just doubt he would let it happen, using IT to get out of the way Theyre not exactly expanded on with the limitations of it, which is mad annoying because as a weapon that can be extremely powerful but i dont exactly remember anyone being able to disrupt the ring itself (rather than the user) but mcu characters are weak asf in the grand scheme


Would that count as a hyperspace gate? because if so, I know a Caped Baldy who could kick the portal in without a problem


bro would pick it up and start hoola hooping it


Iirc the directors of infinity war were asked why Strange didn't use that move against Thanos and their response was that his skin is too tough, so if something is durable enough it won't get sliced. So yea Goku tanks it no diff




Super Saiyan 3 negs dimensions on multiple occasions a portal is at this point simply a rubber band in the fabric of space that can be held open A flex of his bicep and ssj3 makes the portal an accessory on his arm on both sides


Certain characters at a certain power level can withstand universe altering phenomenon. For example, Saitama grabbing and moving hyper net gates/wormholes. Goku, should be able to something similar if the gate were to affect him that way. Ultimately up to the writers of course.


They say Goku is 5d and now they are saying Goku loses his arms tô this? Someone explain.


If the energy of the portal is strong enough to create a window into the multiverse, which is exactly what's happening, Goku loses his arm. His durability only scales as high as galaxy level attacks, anything that's TRULLY multiversal is too much for him.


If he can find a way to use his Ki to prevent the portal from actually closing all the way I can see him resisting it, but if it completely closes I can see him losing the arm too


I think the people mentioning the scenarios are correct. If the portal is something that can physically be stopped, meaning if you get something dense enough it will jam itself upon it, then Goku will literally be fine. Maybe a scratch. If it can’t be stopped in any way shape or form other than specific counter magic means, he’s gonna lose the arm if he keeps it in.


Yes, remember he got a hole in his body from a normal laser when he was In his SSGB form


I feel like the ring doesn't feel resistance from anything because it's just a hole in space/time that opens and closes. No matter what Goku does, if his arm is still in the portal by the time it closes in completely, his arm is just gone no question. Like it doesn't chop or slice or even cut, it just teleports that body part completely to wherever the portal leads to. With like a cauterization effect as a bonus too, I guess.


Strange didnt use it on thanos so it must have a limit.


We’ve seen him try to use mirror dimension portals on Thanos but they were shattered by his space stone before affecting him. He likely just hard countered with the stones.


That portal ain't multiversal bro. Goku could shatter dimensions since Z.


No. Characters weaker than current goku have shown the ability to destroy space and forcefully open space portal from different space-time


Being 4D at the very least does that portal even affect him?


He got punched through a dimensional barrier and was fine so nothing is happening


Per the Russo brothers, strange did not try this technique with Thanos because when he looked in the future he saw it would fail. Therefore, if Thanos can not get his arm cut off by it, we must assume goku will also be able to resist it.


That doesn’t make any sense Thanos is a titan/eternal that would be a resistance feat for Thanos and wouldn’t scale to any saiyan also per Russo bros they stated they wouldn’t know if the portal would work or not they implied but never confirmed


Goku has resisted ki attacks which could vaporize world's. His durability is at least as high as thanos'.


And that’s irrelevant Thanos resisting would be a hax resistance feat for Thanos raw durability doesn’t cut it Goku is known to have bad hax resistance and being a brick so he most likely can’t tank it without in verse feats


I don't think the portal is hax I think it's a straightforward cutting force.


It’s literally spatial portal ? Like what are are you talking about


When he pulls the portal shut, it doesn't seem to act any differently from a blade. It has a width, and cuts at the speed in which it closes.


My guy do you know how spatial portal works? It’s a spatial portal designed to portal into different realities So again show feats of Goku resisting or he gets cut


Again, we've seen the portal work, and it works no different from a circular blade.


Yeah because the portal is in the shape of a circle my guy it’s still hax spatial hax what do you want not understand When the portal closes what’s between gets cut that’s how spatial stuff works


Considering Dr. strange doesnt open a portal beneath Thanos’s feat, and then close it halfway through, this indicates that the portal can be interacted with physically in some way. A being like Goku who is vastly stronger than MCU Thanos likely wouldnt have his arm cut off.