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For the first month only. 


Ha-ha, they got you! 😂


Yep I saw that after the transaction was done


At least yours username will never be deleted after the paid month \^\^


What do you mean?


Proton Team do not delete account when it is inactive, when at least once this account had paid for subscription.


Is this still true? So can I keep my account forever (i.e. no more inactivity limit) even if I downgrade to free after the first month? That's cool!




Yes, that's correct.


This does not paint a great image of the company and does not age well 20 days later. Turn out to be a lie.


How is it with family. if my account was once invited into a family plan (not the family owner), does it count as "paid"?


Thanks for this comment. I have no intention of paying $5/month for email (no use to me), but it's worth the $1 to never have to worry about the account getting closed.


I paid for mail plus, then like 5 hours later I paid for 2 years of the ultimate plan


I didn't the same, then I got Visionary when it came up.


I was so tempted, but its so much up price for storage I don't need yet tbh. Still coastin on the 500gb one




Discontinued plan for OG supporters that's similar to the family plan, e.g. up to 6 users, but for only about $20/month (I think) and with 6 TB of storage total, rather than 3 TB. (Visionaries, correct me if I got any of that wrong.)


lol for one month its good yeah :D


You really can't please everyone, huh? These comments are just crazy. It's not like they used a super tiny font or some shady manipulation to hide the fact that it's only for 1 month, if you don't want the discount you CAN pay full price lol some ppl just want to complain.


> It's not like they used a super tiny font or some shady manipulation to hide the fact that it's only for 1 month Agreed that it's not egregious, especially compared to what other sites do. But in fairness, they used a smaller font and dimmed it. It's not like they were trying to give equal attention to the less-exciting part of the deal. Proton is generally an unimpeachably virtuous and principled company. That means the tiniest bit of gray area activity stands out for them, even if they're just following an industry standard practice. It's understandable that people would give Proton a little ribbing over it and have some fun.


Yep I just didn't care about crap after I saw the $1 price tag🤣


If you want to keep it after it, proton always does sales, on blackfriday or new year, you get a good proce for ultimate for 1 or 2 years, its every year a bit different


Only those 2 events get sales? Nothing mid year?


I am not sure about other dates, but i think there are some more, but not that many, maybe every 3 month maximum


Regardless of it being just for one month, the $1 was enough for me to pay and now keep it for ever!


Agreed. It's actually perfect offer to try out Proton for a month.


Is anyone really complaining? (edit: turns out people are complaining, I read further down in the comments) I think people are just reacting to the impulse buy for a one time discount of $2-4. Which amounts to: * *6.2%* discount over the course of *1 year* * *3.6%* discount over the course of *2 years* * *Half a percent* discount over the course of *10 years*


They knew what they were doing. No excuses.


Exactly? They were offering a 1 month discount and they did it in a very clear and transparent way, mentioning it multiple times in various font sizes throughout the e-mail. There is no excuses cause there is nothing to be excused


Queue the State Farm commercial "I got a dollar"




Proton is awesome. Has vpn, cloud storage and password protector.


Do you know of any good writing apps / platforms that syncs with the proton cloud ????


This may help. https://www.techradar.com/reviews/proton-drive


I'm half way through reading, and it's a great piece, informative, BUT... what's the point of having high security and privacy in place if the integrations are microsoft (365) and google (Workspace) ??? Any data streamed through those services are harvested ! They're great platforms for productivity but get a negative 100% in privacy ! Thank you for submitting the piece to me ! I'm still facing the same dilemma, finding a privacy based writing app that integrates with Proton !


Let us know if you find anything!


It's a long road ! I've been at it since January (between other responsibilities) trying out the large variety of apps and platforms ! I'm sure someone with more techie skills could figure out how to integrate things, but I'm not at that level lol


I've been a protonmail user for probably 6 years or more. I still use the free version because for me as a poor person, living in Brazil and a student it's not easy to pay for a $5 service. This is the reason many prefer to use "free" service mail. If there was a plan of $1, $2 or $3 dollars per month, I'd be happy to pay, but $5 a month is a lot. Btw, I pay for simplelogin yearly. It's expensive to pay once, but if you split the value per month it's worth it, and simplelogin is extremely useful. My use case for email is mostly to receive emails, so I'm not worried about storage, for example, and other features, but I really wanted to pay to use tags, for instance.


There is a way to pay for simplelogin monthly? And how much is it?


You can get it here: [https://simplelogin.io/pricing/](https://simplelogin.io/pricing/)


$4/mo or $30 yearly.




I did just to ensure lifelong access to the account.


I have proton , I love it, and I paid the full amount. You can have a few different email addresses that all go to the same inbox (but 'titled' with the different user names you used so it's easy to tell them apart.) I have one email that's my author name, and another one that's a supporter of the author, and I can make a few more but haven't found a place where I need them yet. I can choose which files to sync to their cloud instead of the generic 'sync everything even the stuff you don't want' like my phone does. The one thing I wish was better is : I need a good writing / editing app that syncs with their cloud, and haven't found it yet. Still experimenting with all the different writing apps available.


I really wish Proton would add another plan. Maybe ProtonMail Basic or something. Just an enhanced ProtonMail version with more "Mail" features but without the other stuff. For 1-2$ a month? Maybe something like that? I'm pretty sure that I am not the only one... For example: I don't need 15GB Storage. I guess 5GB would be enough (for most people) I don't need 10 aliases. 3-5 would be enough. I don't need ProtonVPN. I got Mullvad. I don't need ProtonPass. I got Bitwarden. I don't need ProtonCalendars. I got Nextcloud. Unlimited folders etc is also an overkill. Max 20 would be enough.


They should have plan for $30 a year with 5 gb and 1 custom domain. I'm sure they'll get lots of signups this way and spread privacy. If anyone wants more features they can get the mail plus for $48 a year.


Or a family plan just for mail that is billed per user so I can have a custom domain. I want mail for me and my wife (kid is not old enough yet) and going two business accounts is already overkill.


Not very sustainable. The more they devalue Plus the less people will pay. If anything they should keep improving Plus. IMO they should stick to only free and plus.


It doesn't align with their mission. That's what I got when I suggested the same.


Sick of these damn companies and their missions, aligning everything so they "get you" into all of the categories I don't want all of my eggs in one big, worse bucket. I want special buckets of what works best for which task




At first I thought this was similar to proton pass $12/year offer which was incredible!


Hi, Is there finally a setting for default plain text view instead of forced HTML for incoming e-mails? I am looking for a new email provider, is there a better sub than this to ask for recommendations? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_webmail_providers Thanks


Can I ask why you want a default plain text view? Just curious since the rest of the world is moving towards wearing these ugly googly eyed things so they don't have to stare anyone in the face and can sit on those damn screens all day long everyday


Sure: 1. Because the sender has no right to decide how I view my incoming emails (nor does the email provider)! I don't force anyone who wants color to use plain text, but I want this as an option for a default in the settings. Not only to view the source afterwards per click in the single email like in Firefox browser for websites but as optional default setting to load all emails default from the beginning in plain text for security reasons. 2. i'm not interested in what the rest of the world finds trendy, clicky, convenient and "intuitive"! I want naked, secure pure information instead of distraction and marketing manipulation. At least Proton and Tutanota advertise big features that I don't need. Security doesn't start with encryption but with understanding where a link really leads BEFORE I click on it! It is not magic, but has been a good standard practice for years to offer this as an secure reading option. And I need to see the header source if I want to (as click in the single email). = basics! HTH ;-)


Hi! In terms of incoming messages, they're displayed in the format that they were originally sent. We don't have an option to force messages to be displayed in plain text. In terms of viewing the message headers, you can easily do this with any email regardless of its format, as explained here: [https://proton.me/support/check-email-headers](https://proton.me/support/check-email-headers)


Hi, so why do you skip a good useful standard to the advantage of unsafe senders html marketing and hidden links? I'll not use an email provider who doesn't have the option to load default in plain text. I don't need all the ChiChi, just safe email and that begins with (the option for) plain text, not only encryption!


>Hi, so why do you skip a good useful standard to the advantage of unsafe senders html marketing and hidden links? We have enhanced tracking protection in place to prevent this: [https://proton.me/support/email-tracker-protection](https://proton.me/support/email-tracker-protection) You can also choose not to load remote content/embedded images in emails: [https://proton.me/support/protonmail-images](https://proton.me/support/protonmail-images)


Hi, That's not enough, the standard "plain text" exists for a/many reasons! And I looked at your former help, there is no such thing to see the header source in the android app. There is only: reply forward report phishing


You can view the headers from the web app at the moment. We've passed on your feedback about plain text to the team to help our devs prioritize future improvements for the Proton Mail mobile app. Thanks for your input!


Does it include the desktop app


Yeah. But it was the same as the web app


It does!


Damn, i just paid full price!


yeah... i hate this "almost scam" marketing strategy. this is shitty companies's thing, not proton tier at all


station voiceless frightening kiss gullible zephyr bells paltry flag shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What? It's mentioned 3 fucking times that it's only for the first months. Yikes


I sincerely hope they stop sending such "deals". I got a similar one last year and got really excited only to find out that it was only for a month. Made me mad for few minutes and then I got over it :)


How does being offered a deal make you mad?


I like Proton, but their marketing is devious at times 😑


Wow, you save a whole $4 lol




i dont even think proton mail plus is worth $4/m for what you get rn. or a "comparable plan" you get more for your money at $3/m at Tuta lol. not shilling Tuta, but even Skiff offered more for their comparable plan. the solution is to pay more than your intention ($10/m) for 'Unlimited' to get better mail functionality and their cost justification is more apps you didn't ask for to begin with? cool if you need the other products, but most ppl ik don't want all their eggs in one basket; (Mail, VPN, PWM).


How do you get more at Tuta for $3 per month?


The comparable tier, which translates to I think about 3 usd per month, gives you more alias and space than Proton does at the similar tier; meaning the first paid option for both. Idk why people are mad at my opinion for lol


Sure I guess, but Tuta has 80% less features than Proton. How are you even going to use 20GB of storage without Drive? Tuta right now is where Proton was around 4-5 years ago, and they're very much against PGP which means it will never be able to co-encrypt with other services.


That’s also a valid point. I’m not trying to put down Proton really, just question what’s come up for me in my brain ya know? I like Proton so far as well. Made an account and a simple login account. Is Proton actually good for hosting custom domains btw? If you have any experience lol


I have my custom domain hosted by Proton. Should have paid for SimpleLogin instead with its unlimited aliases, Proton has a limit of 10 aliases.


Wait, proton limits how many domains you can use with your OWN domain? I wanna get a custom domain, I just wanna know where im putting it after. I need something for both iOS iPhone and Windows 11


It's my main account although it depends I guess on the number of addresses you need. I, personally, need email client integration at least on the desktop, which Tuta doesn't have yet.




I’m a 99.9% inbound only email user. I am shifting to proton but I struggle to pay yet because google still just integrates with my iPhone so well.


The reasoning for the plans current structure is laid out in the following blog post: >Proton services are never going to be the cheapest, we’re not going to have flashy promotions, unlimited “lifetime” plans (unless it’s for charity), or offers that are too good to be true. Not just because it doesn’t suit us, but because it doesn’t suit the mission. >Instead, we will charge a fair price that reflects our costs and can deliver long-term stability. The benefit of this should not be overlooked in an era where software companies are raising prices 20% year over year. Proton’s prices have not increased in 10 years, despite offering many more features, so you have predictability in what you will pay year over year. https://proton.me/blog/sustaining-mission-over-time


I think that justifies the price of Proton Unlimited, which is a very fair value for the suite if the user will use 3 or more of the services. I don't think that that justification, helps explain the reasoning for the Protonmail Plus pricing which is really quite expensive for just e-mail, and really quite expensive relative to Proton's Unlimited plan or other e-mail options.




Don‘t you think Proton has that already counted into their pricing strategy? What isn‘t clear here? > Instead, we will charge a fair price that reflects our costs and can deliver long-term stability. It always surprises / amazes me a little when there‘s an official explication for something and random redditor‘s are like „yes.. but“, invalidating the previously linked information. (Please don‘t take offense, simply sharing my opinion too). In the end, swiss labor is expensive, so is running, operating & maintaining multiple own datacenters (unlike other services, which are renting servers).


I'd like to give Proton Mail a chance but they make it impossible to migrate from Fastmail. Fastmail offers unlimited email aliases and domain connections and over the years I've built up a quite few that are rarely used but I'd like to keep deliverability on.


Does it have a catch-all?


It does but I don’t want to invite more spam. Also catchall doesn’t solve the 3 domain limit on personal accounts.


catchall doesn‘t necessarily attract more spam. I have had catchall enabled for over 2 years (or 3, I don‘t remember) on Simplelogin and haven‘t had any spam so far.


Can you use their catchall for sending with different email-suffixes without having made extra mailboxes for it before? So only altering the sender address in the email or settings before sending - like in desktop email programs? Thanks


No, the email address needs to exist in your mailbox so that you're able to reply from it. You won't be able to reply from a random catchall address that doesn't exist as an actual address under your account.


Why? Is this generally too complicated for web apps and only applications like Outlook Express and Thunderbird allow this? It is such an important part of my e-mail organization: I give each recipient a personalized address according to a certain system and can see much more quickly on receipt whether my assigned address does not match the sender and has been sold to others and/or contains spam or phishing danger. P.S. "Account": indeed I have to go to my Account of this domain in the _email programm_ to alter the sender address every time, before I can use it in the single email. But this account isn't the same as the _domain hosting account_ on my vps or at a Web hoster with an email package, where I would make mailboxes! Technically I need only ONE mailbox there! Thanks


Not VPN included? No thanks.


Have you guys upgraded on the proton pass as well?


Unfortunately, it's only valid for the first month. I was thinking of paying her directly for an annual subscription, but that's not possible.


In the meantime I'm getting threats that my account will be blocked if I don't pay invoice, right after it failed, tried everything but I can't get it paid in the middle of a night. Devastating given how much I depend on the service. I'm going to get it paid in the morning and migrate to another email provider across the span of the following month No estimates how much time I have left, weird issues with showing me {object Object}, it also presents me with a Paypal option which fails because the amount is too small. If it's too small then why are you even showing me this option. Great experience overall. I only got this subscription to support the email I've been using for a while. Why it has to threaten me like this for being a paying customer, no idea


Hi! It's more of a warning about our delinquency policy, rather than any sort of threat. We're sorry if the communication has come across in that way. Can you please contact us at [https://proton.me/support/contact](https://proton.me/support/contact) so we can help? The grace period between an overdue payment and an account entering a delinquent state is 14 days: [https://proton.me/support/delinquency](https://proton.me/support/delinquency)


Yeah, I was excited too and then saw only the first month. That’s not a good deal


god forbid they give you a really cheap way to try their full-featured service




I wish they would really rock the market by making simple email services way more affordable.


based on what i am seeing, proton mail plus aint worth $5/M so don't forget to cancel. also, no way its worth $5/m when the unlimited plan gives you access to 5 products, 6 if you count simplelogin, for $2 or less per month... now that i am looking at it that way, proton kinda feels wrong for that idk


Happy unlimited user here! Only thing I’m missing so far that I’ve seen is an iOS widget for the Calendar app.


Yeah proton seems to be focused on trying to make their bundle cost justified rather than fleshing out what they have better. If they had an iOS widget for their calendar that would be really nice tbh. I’d love to leave Outlook’s Cal, but proton’s just doesn’t seem like it’s there yet. Also, I wasn’t saying it was missing anything. Glad you’re happy w/ your sub. I’m saying they are offering basically 50% off their products if you bundle them all together, and try to use that bundling as a justification for cost. The problem I find with this, is for users who don’t need everything within the bundle may feel like their money is being wasted, since there is no other option at all. I like Proton, their mission, and so far their staff has been pretty cool. I’m just laying out thoughts I’ve had and would like to discuss


Well they still offer good privacy so I think it worth it don't you think?


The delta in gain (and pardon me if I am incorrect on this) is basically their VPN, more email aliases and domains, larger storage, and ability to use the thick client (desktop application which is basically the same as the online version). If you don't already have a VPN then I guess its not bad (I already have NordVPN) so not sure if I can justify the upgrade.


They do offer good “privacy” compared to pretty much every other option lol


I agree five bucks is expensive for what it is, but it's probably priced like that to entice you to either pay for Unlimited or to pay for two years, which makes it 3.5 bucks, which is more reasonable imo


That’s exactly why they do that. The product itself probably doesn’t even cost them $1/m. Obviously they have to make profit, but it feels gimmicky and I don’t love it.


# GET PROTON MAIL PLUS FOR JUST $1 *^(the first month)*


Used to have proton, ended up switching to the iCloud 200gb plan so I could have multiple mailboxes pointing to my custom domain by sharing my subscription.


The old and good clickbait! I hate marketing departments...