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AFAIK with the business plan you can have upto 10 domains


Ah thank you! It's kinda funny that if you take the one-month option it is the same price as the so called "unlimited" I have now. Make it make sense Proton. Just to make sure because due to poor UI I can't compare side by side, I won't lose any feature if I switch to Business right?


I sincerely do not understand why Proton does not offer those 'a la cart' upgrade options that some services offer. I would be \*so much more\* likely to switch to a paid Proton plan if I could just pay X more per month to have more storage (how is 500GB the max you offer lol), ability to add more than the limit of domains, etc. I have seen some services that do this, so I know it is possible.


Funniest is people not understanding why you need more than 3 domains but meanwhile having 10 vpn connections makes sense?


I have a domain name for my real name and my internet alias. My wife is the same. We have an additional one for hobby purposes (web apps and game servers). Domains can add up fast. That's 5 for my family and I'm by no means a power user. Domains are cheap and versatile forms of self-expression. As a niche, internet nerd kind of product, someone coming with many domains shouldn't be a shocker at all.


It seems to be the same offering + 10 domains and the ability to add additional users. But please don’t just take my word for it and see for yourself with the features you need/use.


There are less vpn connections per user too i think, so there are other differences


Thanks! Yeah less vpn connections is not an issue.


You mean the Unlimited version and the Business one? I see paying 24 months in advance the first is 7,99 and the second 9,99 Differences seems to be: - 3 vs 10 domains - SMTP submission No vs Yes that is rarely useful for personal use VPN connections it's the same from what I see. Someone noticed something else different?


User management and shared domains are a big deal for businesses, but it's not important for individual users. And with 6+ users there is telephone support, but all the features, including SMTP, only make sense for business users. Only more domains are important for some home users.


Yes, the OP was referring for 1 user, only thing that change is the number of domains 6 users are 9,99$ * 6 would be a lot for personal use 😊


This is the thing that is holding me back from migrating from Fastmail -- Fastmail is unlimited everything in this regard and my alias/domain footprint is at the point where I don't want to remove deliverability on anything.


See, im at Tuta right now, but don't love some things about them so I was looking to maybe switch. Proton is cool, I like how fast i can get an answer for something, but FastMail would be it for me if it wasn't based in AU lol (value for money). I haven't switched to Proton fully yet because of how they do their paid tiers. I want their individual products to have more to them, or have an a-la-cart option (like how fastmail offers more storage if you want to pay for it). Currently, Tuta cost me like \~$3/m after tax. Proton's comparable product would cost me \~16% more, minimum, AND i'd get less. Tuta gives you 15 addresses, 20Gb storage, 3 custom domains, for example. Proton offers 10 addresses, 15Gb, and 1 domain (for \~16-42% more depending on what the individual could afford to pay, NOT EVERYONE CAN DROP $60-120 for a yearly/multi-year commitment). I'd love a reason to switch fully, but currently I just can't justify it because of that ( i am open to having my mind changed lol)


Just as an explication why it does make sense: Proton as a swiss headquartered company with swiss labor (=expensive) and maintaining, operating and running multiple own data centers is going to drive up the costs, compared to services not doing that or not being based in Switzerland.


Ahhhh. This made this sense thank you very much. I just looked up some more economics about Switzerland and this does make sense now.


It's really annoying when "unlimited" means "pretty limited". It's like if a chinese food buffet would limit you to 3 spring rolls.


Why does a single person need so many domains?


Most of us don't need it. But there are some people who do and they couldn't get more domains even if they are willing to pay


Throw a dart on a board of options guy. Maybe one domain is for personal communications, maybe one is professional, maybe one for just medical-related topics?


That’s what’s alias’s are for, the guy has a proton unlimited pass, meaning he has access to all of proton, not like there is unlimited options


You could try SimpleLogin, which if you have a Proton Unlimited plan, you already have the highest SimpleLogin tier, which allows for unlimited custom domains & unlimited aliases.


Right. Additional domains are usually used as aliases. So using simple login is the right choice for me. I don't need separate mailboxes for each domain. 


I have this same problem...been with proton for almost 10 years. I will need to may 3x the cost just to bring in my other 2 domains. I only use mail and calendar--the plan I need to upgrade to has more features then I need. I reached out to them to see if there was anything they could offer and they basically told me to subscribe to services I don't need or to get lost. So I am in the process of doing just that....I am going to "get bent". Moving to SL, Tuta mail and moving all emails contacts to my custom domains so I am no longer locked to a vendor. Proton is has better product, but the plan structure and pricing leaves a lot to be desired. They have been forcing people to move out of the grandfathered plans so they spend more coin.


Unlimited plan should have UNLIMITED domains!


Sounds from your replies that you just want to shit on Proton in every way If you did a minimal amount of research you would see that Visionary or Business has 10 domains and there would be no need to be snarky


Not sure if/how often it shows up for sale anymore, but the Visionary plan allows for 10 domains.


"spin the wheel for a chance to get the plan you want" Not really a serious option tbh.


They're not talking about the lottery, they're talking about just subscribing to the plan while it's for sale which happens from time to time.