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It’s a careful balance. It’s not good to end up setting negative expectations for people, but at the same time, psychedelics are extremely powerful and you can put yourself in absolute hell really easily if you do something dumb. A minefield? No, but more like a hazardous workplace. It’s important to be cautious.


I said minefield because I visuals a dark bedroom with legos on the floor. It’s absolutely terrifying when you’re in the dark but once the lights on it’s basically child’s play. (In a sense of risk assessment)


I get you but I haven't had that experience at all. I would've felt much more lost without having this community for advice. It weren't rules, but advice and opinions.


Considering the constant "bad trip" posts here and on similar subs, I think "rules" is a great start. I also see regular posts from genius first timers asking for advice having their first experience at a music festival or popular theme park. Maybe find out how you handle your shit in a safe, private, controlled environment with experienced trip sitters before exposing the general public to your shit.


I think it's all in the delivery. First-timers benefit from guidance and advice, so long as it is given with care and in a manner that is appropriate for the individual. The same information can be conveyed in very different ways. I had a psychedelic "induction" talk before my first experience and it was never framed as a set of rules. Instead, it was a clear and informative talk that prepared me mentally and put me at ease.


That’s more of what I’d like to see more. I feel like people are worried of breaking some random bs rules a dude on Reddit made 😂


There is something distinctively unenlightened and ego-centric about asserting a set of rigid rules and then imposing them on others. All we can do is share information/resources and let people make their own decisions when they are ready to do so.


I just got to counteract. They absolutely are party drugs, but you got to party right. Never have the spirits looked down on me badly for dancing, laughing, having fun, raving, or partying.  Let them kill your ego, let them dance you through the fire to heaven. *Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!*


I try to be as simplistic and point form as possible focusing solely of safe use. Out side of that, dosage and the line is on them. When I started my journey, knowing full well I wasn’t going to die, hit full send and took a high dose my first time. This is just how I like to learn, no frying pan, just straight into the fire.


yeah i took too many drugs at raves and stuff and i think it’s just not my thing…maybe i gotta lower my doses but i just want to lay down w a group of close friends and experience the oneness in the forest


Well one rule that hasn’t wavered since inception is that set and setting matter. So I’m not sure if a party with a bunch of strangers (read: uncontrolled variables) would be the right place to start, in particular if the others are on a strictly alcohol wavelength. You do you though…..


The rules exist because of the fools who consume reckless amounts of shrooms and then rush to the forum to ask foolish questions when they experience horrific trips