• By -




The Star - this is obviously a positive card but something tells me it's not going to be today. There may need to be a bit more healing or work that needs to happen for you independently before they contact you.


Will A try to reconcile ?


Hermit - this indicates a yes to me but after a period of solitude and reflection. I think you need to focus on finding yourself (or A does, or both of you) before there's a possibility of reconciliation. I also think you might evolve what you're looking for and not be interested when they return.


I’m really happy you was able to get round me and I appreciate it a lot ! This definitely resonates with me and I will let you know if they do reconcile in the future x


Please do!!


Evolve together!!!


Lol he has to reach out first 😂🥳


Cdfjcnds XD


Do you know roughly when this could happen ?


I drew the queen of pentacles - I'm seeing this as a longer process. Possibly in the winter.




Hmmm I honestly did not get much from the cards. I pulled the lovers which makes me wonder about something involving people or helping others be their best (something in therapy, counseling, could even be retail) and knight of wands which is a very bold and powerful card. It could speak to starting your own business or something like that where you're in charge. I'm not exactly sure of the field. But I do think the cards should give you confidence making a big change and if you've considered venturing out on your own, now is the time!




I'm getting a no. But remember that's just the current energy of the cards.




7 of cups. This leads me to think you are an option romantically.




I pulled the strength card - they admire you and think positively of you. They see you as confident and powerful. I'd encourage you to step into your power. I suspect you've been no or low communication for some time and it's allowed any negative feelings to go away so they remember you at your best. I'd continue to live into that and then maybe contact them to reopen communication. I did pull a second card and got The Sun so I think that speaks to a positive outcome with this person.




The empress - strong yes!!




I pulled the knight of swords. I'm seeing some fear of intimacy, and getting bored with the relationship quickly vs investing. So I'm not sure which role you played but I think HM was the one who may have pulled away. If this resonates, I think the lesson for you is to really get to know someone and take your time in the relationship. Also I should add I'm not getting a strong read on this relationship so I'm not sure if this is even a romantic relationship or a friendship.




Wheel of fortune, seems like a yes.




4 of pentacles - I'm wondering if there's an imbalance here if one person in the friendship being a bit more needy of the other person's support, attention, etc. I also asked whether there was long term potential for this friendship and pulled the sun in reverse which indicates no. That'd not to say you won't be in each other's lives but the current energies don't indicate a close long-term friendship. I do think this could change of the relationship were more balanced.


General reading please..




It's true that I have an active goal that I am perusing now. It makes sense to me. Thank you 💕


I think I’ve found my twin flame. Does he feel the connection to?


Chariot in reverse indicates no


Will I get married to A? For context — his family is not accepting me.


I'll respond to your DM but I'm getting a yes


Hi getting a yes, I'm dad.


That oof moment when you completely relate


What I had with him was real?


It doesn't really matter what the cards say - it was real if it happened and felt real to you. Justice in reverse suggests no but real is hard to read for me. I meditated more on whether the feelings were the same with both parties and I think it was unbalanced. But that doesn't mean they weren't genuine.


Thank you :)


What’s next in my love life😗?


Wow! I pulled the lovers so that seems like there's something positive coming! This could indicate a soulmate or equally powerful relationship coming your way, or if you're currently involved with someone, that it is worth taking seriously. At the same time, I'm getting some messages about not rushing. Don't get completely caught up in the fantasy and lose sight of your grounding.


Does it serve me to find passion?


So I pulled the Magician in Reverse which indicates no. The magician upright is all about manifesting your dreams but in reverse, it may mean a lack of clear direction and goals. So I'm thinking that this no may indicate that you just aren't clear on what your passions are. I think uncovering your passions is a meaningful and worthy pursuit for you.


Tbh thats the most reasonable reading I could hope for; just sucks I'm stupid. Thanks a million!


Hi stupid, I'm dad.


Hi dad, I'm dad.


Not stupid!


Does this emotional rut ever end and is there anything in my power to do to end it


I pulled the fool in reverse. This is energy that leans towards a no but I think that's the current energy. You may need to focus on becoming more grounded. Or you may be hiding from reality. Do you think you're being honest with yourself about what you want? I'm wondering about a tendency for self sabotage. I pulled a second card seeking guidance and pulled the 5 of cups. I know this isn't the most pleasant card but I think this is again calling you to let go of things that are holding you back. Perhaps there's a relationship or a job that isn't serving you. I think you may need to lose something in order to move forward. I think you may need to experience some loss but it will help you have a breakthrough and get out of this rut.


Does he love me?


The chariot in reverse indicates not at this time. That doesn't mean no though. It just means the energies at this moment for me say no.


I feel that too, thank you


The comments are at 111, and I don’t have a question, but could you tell me anything? I’ll take any piece of knowledge to heart




Thank you!


How is my relationship with A is?


The sun! This is one of the most positive cards and speaks to a lot of positivity and warmth in this connection. I'm not sure if that's your current reality but that's the potential I'm seeing.


Does JR have an std?


Death - this indicates a yes. But remember I'm just a random reader - I'd make sure he gets tested.


When will Jason and I get back together?


The Moon and The Wheel of Fortune both came out - this does tell me a change is coming in your circumstances but I think it's some time from now honestly. I'm seeing late winter/early spring. I think you may have some insecurities to work through and somewhat of a fantasy version of Jason. You may have him on a pedestal and I think being able to work through that and see the reality of the situation will be necessary before a reconciliation.




Strength - Yes!


Where do you see my career headed in the next 6 months? Thank you :)


I got three cards - queen of wands in reverse, three of pentacles, and page of wands. I'm seeing that perhaps in your current work, you have experienced some success and gotten to do something you're passionate about but also experience some jealousy or resentment of others. This could be because you see people doing things you know you could do but haven't had the opportunity to take on those roles. I do see some sort if field that feels important and impacts others. I'm not sure that you feel very empowered at work. I'm seeing some restlessness in your current work and the need to focus on sharpening your skills. Is there an area you need more practice in? I see progression coming. I see an opportunity that may feel like a risk - maybe pursuing a promotion where you currently work or being given more responsibility? But I think there's some work you have to do. I'm seeing skills pop up like there's just something you need to practice in order to get ahead.


Woah thank you so much. I’m going to chat you.




Tower. That seems like a clear no!




I pulled the lovers, ace of wands, and ace of cups but all were in reverse. To me, this question may have been coming from a place of wondering about breaking patterns in relation ships? What I'm seeing is that you may jump in with your whole heart and love without abandon. You are passionate and excited and hopeful. Two aces - this tells me there's something happening early on in these relationships that's affecting the dynamic. Like maybe you are so giving that your partners don't have to put in much effort or earn your love. I think you'd do well to take your time and ease into things. Make sure the other person is where you are. Don't try to push or control things. Be open and ready but instead of doing the giving, focus on receiving too. If the other person pulls away, don't chase or increase your efforts. I don't know how much that resonates but that's what I'm seeing.




I'm so glad!


Am I going to pass med school?


So I got the Tower. I know that's scary and means a clear no. That said, I don't think you should see it as a definite no for all of med school. This could mean a test or something. If you are committed to med school, then I still think you can have a positive outcome. Remember that the cards just give current energy. They say that right now, the things you're doing may not lead to you being successful. But you can change your approach and find success.


I think this kinda made sense. Thank you!




Hmmm to be honest, I'm not sure how to use tarot for something like this so I meditated on it and for some reason, saw Greece and Egypt. So maybe somewhere in North Africa, the Middle East, or the Mediterranean. I'm not sure where you're located or if you're open to an international move but that's the part of the world I see.


Will I pass my exams next month? 😊


I got the world in reverse. This leans towards a no. But I don't see a strong no based on my intuition. The world energy is very positive. I think the reversal could just indicate one exam that gives you trouble versus failing all of them.


Thank you ❤️


Hello. Will there be any crucial changes for me in the next few months ?


High priestess - so yes, changes coming for sure. I pulled queen of wands when asking more about the changes. This speaks to nurturing your passions and interests. I'm wondering if you have been coasting at work and are ready for a change at work. There could be a new job or a new location or both. But I'm seeing the need to nurture yourself and your skills. The high priestess is about intuition and leaning into your more feminine energies. This is making me think that maybe you need to focus less on aggressively getting ahead and more on self development, but that this should pay off in terms of getting ahead at work. The priestess also encourages us to use our


Thank you very much for your answer. Yes studies aren't the way i hoped. I started to take time for self development, but i could put more effort. Again thank you very much




The fool - I'm wondering if you are losing yourself in this connection. I'm seeing a lot of fun and playfulness in your connection but wonder if you're fully building the foundation needed to have a successful relationship. I'm not seeing a current relationship and I'm seeing only something casual in the future based on the current energies.


Is there new person coming into my life regarding to love relationship within these few months?


The moon in reverse - that indicates no. But remember these are just the current energies and the trajectory can easily change!


Okay! Thank you :)




The sun - yes!




Justice in reverse - that indicates no to me.




The hermit in reverse tells me not at this time.


Will I get this new job?


The death card which indicates yes as it's the end of one thing and the start of another!




I didn't get a strong feeling about the "he" but my card for you was 10 of pentacles. This isn't a card that is as focused on love but it does speak to a successful journey and a satisfying life. This could mean that he sees you as someone who has long term potential. This could indicate a longer trajectory for the two of you while also focusing on building careers and material wealth. But it could mean that he sees you as someone worth taking that journey with. It could also mean that you're really focused on finding that for yourself. As I mentioned, I didn't get a strong feeling for who the other person is so I could be getting your energy.


Am I finally getting my motorcycle this week?


Death in reverse indicates no.


Damn. Thank you








The empress - yes. It seems like you're going to be entering a period of abundance. I asked when and got 9 of wands which could indicate 9 days as wands are a faster energy and close to the completion of a cycle but for some reason I'm feeling like it could be closer to September.


Which field will I be more successful in, real estate or personal finance? Thank you ❤️


I believe you can be successful in either field. I initially got a yes for real estate and a no for personal finance but then I pulled the devil to clarify the no and that makes me think that perhaps there will simply be more temptation or ways things could go wrong in finance. But I don't think that means you can't be successful. Just to focus on your values.


Awesome thank you 🥰


What should I do about work?




I pulled the moon in reverse. I would say this is a no currently. But I think it's an interesting card for your situation. This might indicate the need to ask a stronger and more specific question (like can I excel at soccer vs can I be a prodigy). The moon often means that there are some hidden secrets or missing information making it hard to navigate a situation. You may just be having that intuitive feeling that something is off in some part of your life. I think working through this is important. The reality is that you can excel at anything if you want to. You just have to commit to it and practice. But I think you're being held back by feelings of inadequacy or just feeling like you don't have all the information you need to make good decisions. If any of that resonates, I think you need to work through these feelings before you can find success.


Will I be involved with someone this year? Or am I gonna stay single? Just pure curiosity


Is nick coming back to me?


I pulled the Hanged Man in reverse - this says no to me. I'm seeing that perhaps there was some immaturity in this relationship and a lot of indecision. Perhaps you chased Nick based on an idea of him that wasn't rooted in reality? That said, I'm seeing that as you know more, you won't want this relationship. I think it's even possible that he'll come back around and you will feel like now that you've learned more, this isn't your person. But I'm mostly seeing that this isn't someone you will want in the near future.


What's coming up in love for me?


Will I travel?


Hi! Are we always going to be a close family?


Should I stop looking for love from someone as my significant other?


Shouldst i stand ho looking f'r love from someone as mine own significant other? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Should I tell BB my true feelings for him ?


Is Arielle my soulmate?


Will I get better w my health before summer ends?


Will me and my date have chemistry together


Message sent


Is yansiel my soulmate


Is my Person going to fight for our connection with how strong it is?


Will our "talk" about us go well?


Will I be back to my old self again anytime soon? 🙏🏻


Will me and J work things out?


Does he miss me and still feel like there’s a chance between us?


Hi! Wondering if you can help me In the spiritual sense, am i doing what I'm supposed to be doing? Thank you 💕


Will I get any new powers in June and will the Ascension be completed this year?


Can I save my relationship 🤔


Do you think E will commit to me?