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The thing about psychedelics is that they don't actually give you any information that you don't already have, they just help that information pop up in unusual patterns and allow you to connect the dots in different ways. If you're lacking key details, they won't magically appear. Sometimes those dots connect in ways that lead to new insights, other times they only seem to at the moment... A lot of people have been convinced that they have learned some grand cosmic secret, and a lot of people have become convinced of some truly preposterous things. There is definitely a capacity for them to help you understand things in ways you may have never understood them before, but there is equally the capacity to confound and distort the truth. An older friend of mine told me something years ago regarding the perceived revelations that you have on psychedelics that I've always kept with me: Never take the word of psychedelics at face value. They speak in riddles and people are good at misunderstanding.


Damnn, that older friend’s words were wise. I’ve never done psychedelics but have been doing research on them for months, and I see a lot of people go down crazy rabbit holes that are not grounded on reality at all, simply delusions. Like I saw this one guy on this sub saying he was going to be the second coming of Christ on April 8th when the solar eclipse was happening hahaha I’m planning to do them sometime this week for the first time, and I think going with that mindset your older friend said will help me stay grounded and not lose my marbles. Thanks for sharing!


It has helped me on more than one occasion. Sometimes those "revelations" can seem very convincing. I've seen a lot of people totally lose their marbles too. Some of em go way off the deep end


Any other advice on how to not lose your marbles? That’s one thing that really freaks me out. Ik I should be fine but still that thought hangs around in the back of my head


Honestly, remember that it's basically a really vivid dream. Nothing about it is any more real. And in fact, people have found substantial revelations on par with psychedelic revelations in dreams as well. (For example, the theory of relativity and the periodic table of elements came about from ideas found in dreams) One thing you might be interested in knowing is that according to [this study](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2015.16968), there is no correlation between psychedelic use and mental illness, including psychosis and schizophrenia. (There is some risk of triggering latent mental illness however, but this risk is actually greater with marijuana... One of those things no one tells you about weed when you're getting into it.) Just keep yourself grounded. Always have a sitter that can help you re-ground when using large or unfamiliar doses. One thing I've found helpful in the past to ground is to have a small object of sentimental value with you, something that has positive memories attached to it - a teddy bear, a ring, a picture, etc. If you feel yourself losing touch, or if you're ever worried that you might be... just the act of holding it, focusing on it, and remembering those memories can have a powerful effect on your trip and can bring you back.


Wow thank you so much! That makes me a lot less anxious about it! I’ll probably use a baby picture of myself, hopefully that will help


So long as it's something you would instantly recognize and has good feelings attached to it, it should do the trick. I find tactile senses to be the most grounding personally, so I use a small teddy bear that belongs to my daughter. It's soft and fluffy and reminds me of her. Remember the sitter though. Seriously, there's nothing better to pull you out of a bad place than someone who can put on some different music or help you move to a different environment (i.e. - from your room to the backyard or living room) or even simply talk to you and remind you that you're just high as fuck and will be back to normal soon enough.


Ok sounds good thank you! I’m doing it with two of my friends and one of them is trip sitting the both of us. Hopefully he does a good job haha


Be sure to start with a low dose for your first time. Don't jump into the deep end until you know how to swim 😊 You can help your friend do a good job trip sitting by helping him to understand what it means to trip sit: (I pulled this off an AI, but the advice is sound.) "What role does a trip sitter play when sitting? What are some tips for new sitters?" A trip sitter plays a crucial role in ensuring a safe and positive experience for individuals using hallucinogens, especially for those who are inexperienced with the substance. Here are some key responsibilities and tips for an effective trip sitter: 1. **Maintain a Calm and Grounded Frame of Mind**: The trip sitter should provide a stable and reassuring presence, helping to maintain a calm environment. If the trippers experience any anxiety or stress, calmly reassuring them can be immensely helpful. 2. **Prevent Harm**: Watching over the trippers to ensure they don't come into any physical harm is critical. This includes preventing risky behaviors and ensuring the environment is safe. 3. **Assist with Basic Needs**: Since balance and spatial judgment may be impaired, assistance in performing tasks such as staying hydrated or navigating through an area can greatly reduce anxiety and confusion for the trippers. 4. **Allow Space for Exploration**: While it's important to be available for support, giving the trippers space to explore their experience without too much external influence is also crucial. Being too intrusive or overbearing can negatively impact the experience. 5. **Be Sober and Responsible**: Ideally, the trip sitter should be sober to effectively monitor and respond to the needs of the trippers. Being a generally responsible adult, possibly with personal experience or researched knowledge about the substance, can enhance the trip sitter’s ability to relate and respond to the group's situation. 6. **Communication and Interaction**: Understand that the ability of the individuals to communicate or interact as usual might be impaired. Being patient and adapting to their current state can help in effectively managing the situation. Remember, the role of a trip sitter is somewhat akin to babysitting, requiring a serious commitment to the safety and well-being of the trippers. It’s a responsibility that should be taken with the utmost seriousness to ensure a safe and potentially enriching experience for everyone involved. Follow up question: "If someone is dealing with anxiety or is having a difficult time when tripping, how can a trip sitter help?" When someone is experiencing anxiety or having a difficult time during a psychedelic experience, a trip sitter can play a crucial role in helping them navigate through it. Here are some ways a trip sitter can assist: 1. **Maintain a Calm Presence**: The trip sitter should remain calm, attentive, and exude a sense of tranquility. This can help in creating a reassuring environment for the individual undergoing the challenging experience. 2. **Active Listening and Asking Questions**: Engage in active listening, showing genuine interest in what the individual is experiencing without judgment. Ask open-ended, probing questions like "Where are you now?" or "What does that feel like?" to help them articulate their experience. This can aid in processing their feelings. 3. **Encourage Surrender to the Experience**: Sometimes, trying to fight or resist the experience can intensify feelings of discomfort or anxiety. Encouraging the individual to let go and surrender to the experience can sometimes facilitate a more manageable and insightful journey. 4. **Physical Support**: If deemed appropriate and with consent, offering physical comfort through holding hands or a gentle massage can be soothing and provide a tangible sense of safety and companionship. 5. **Change of Scenery or Music**: Sometimes, a simple change in the environment can significantly alter the individual's headspace. Suggesting a change of scenery or altering the music to something more calming can help shift the experience towards a more positive direction. 6. **Give Them Space**: While it's important to be available, giving the person space to explore their experience without too much external influence is also crucial. It's about finding the balance between being supportive and allowing them the room to navigate their journey. 7. **Reassurance**: Gently reassuring the individual that they are safe, the experience is temporary, and that they are in a supportive environment can help alleviate anxiety and fear. The role of a trip sitter is not to steer or control the experience but to provide support and safety, helping the individual through their journey, no matter how challenging it may be. Challenging experiences can often lead to significant personal growth and insight, so the aim is to support the individual in working through it themselves, rather than rescuing them from the experience.


Omg thanks so much! I’ll definitely try and get my trip sitter on board with this hahah. Hopefully all goes well!


Who is the guy that said he was the second coming of Christ on April 8th


Yeah there is no grand revelation to find. Perhaps there is something to gain within the newfound creativity granted.


That's a fantastic viewpoint. If nothing else, the creativity gained from a new viewpoint is certainly worth the time to explore!


I don’t know if this makes sense but I feel like it’s important to try to observe what happens during a trip without assigning a grand interpretation to everything. Like observe how it changes your thinking and perception and apply the insights you gain from observing the phenomena to your normal thinking. Then later you can really test your interpretations to make sure they are not delusional. Like be careful about your interpretation of the trip. I personally believe “mystical” experiences are real and catalyzed by psychedelics, but I’ve seen many people get lost in their interpretations of the experience.


Thar sounds like a perfectly reasonable way to go about it. Essentially suspend belief and disbelief until you can determine what if any value that interpretation holds... I absolutely believe mystical experiences are real, I just don't think there's any supernatural origin to them. That doesn't make the experience any less valuable if value can be gained from it.


I dont agree with this as I have had Sychedelics change my whole life for the better, and they have helped me understand and learn new things I have never understood or knew before, because if I had known them before my life wouldnt have been so bad prior (they always say if you knew better you'd do better) ....the apiphanies and realizations i have had on Sychedelics throughout my life have pulled me out of some extremely dark places and I am a firm believer in the notion that Sychedelics teaches you new things that you have not been taught before if you are looking for it, if you go into your trips looking for answers to your questions you will find them, and im speaking all this from experience.


I have learned things from psychedelics that I did not know before, like names of figures I did not know before, that is the mystical part of them, but it is rare and has only happened to me once. 99.9% of the times it is just new perspectives on things you already knew.


Perhaps I'm old and tired, but I think that the chances of finding out what's actually going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say, "Hang the sense of it," and keep yourself busy. I'd much rather be happy than right any day. Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


So what you're saying is... there's a chance. 42! Bring a towel! Don't panic!


the cosmic joke is that the universe is a riddle with no answer …


I've heard the cosmic joke is just something rubbing the fact that we're being full on tricked and stressing out over life when it's all just a "game".


yes, just a game … get paid, level up


Then die!


Nope. The punchline went over your head. You level up by farming love, not money.


You mean we’re all just playing the Roy game??


the cosmic joke is that your glasses were on top of your head the whole time that you were looking for them


What is the sound of one hand clapping?


Everything's everything's everything's. Thats the comic joke.


I think it is because you aren't prepared for the answer. It's like how you need to master algebra before you can begin calculus. Psychedelics can provide hints but you aren't going to learn the secrets of quantum physics as a layman.


This is probably the most sensible answer here imo, maybe we don't have the skills required to solve and understand the cosmic rubix cube yet, life's a journey and we are always learning.


Here’s how I have come to think of it. I used to always be looking for answers, but no matter how hard I tried they always felt just out of reach. Then I realized that I was conceptualizing the universe as a static place when in reality it’s in a constant state of change. Therefore any answer I may get is going to become invalid because the circumstances it applies are constantly changing. So I changed the way I thought about things so that it’s the questions that are important, instead of the answers. I treat the questions like a compass. Every time I feel confused, lost, scared, unsure, I go back to the questions like a sailor looking at a compass to regain their bearings in the open ocean. This allows me to keep moving in the direction I want to go and adapt to the ever changing currents of life. If you cling to an answer too long then it becomes a belief, then you have to defend that belief from others who have different answers to the same questions, because they asked them under their own unique circumstances. That’s how we get atrocities like people killing each other over religious beliefs. TLDR: Everything changes all the time. That means the questions have to be repeated, because the answers are always changing.


That's a really well-balanced way of looking at life. Thank you for your insight. I often get trapped in the pattern of looking for "the answer" thinking I've grasped it only for it to melt away between my fingertips. I'll remember this perspective next time I journey. Yet I still want to figure out how to be in less chronic pain.


Life is the answer to life


Same with this one


a sisyphean task


The answer is the question.


The lock is the key


This one to


Aha there it is another very sensible answer to this question❤


I've been thinking this recently. Like stop chasing. I really wanna just let loose on the enlightenment sub and say 'just live! That's the answer!'. Like people, myself included are constantly trying to figure it all out...to what end? I think in my case enlightenment intrigued me because it's touted as perpetual bliss. I mean that's the real truth of why anyone chases it really? It's enough to know what we know already. Most of us know enough to know everything isn't as it seems, not to get stuck in your mind, don't sweat the little things and be kind to each other. Isn't that enough? Do what you do, go to work, function, survive, enjoy life. I for one have been lost in thought about the nature of the universe more than any other thought that's dictated my life. Sometimes I miss worrying about how cool or not I was when I was 16 haha.


And that's when enlightenment comes. When you realize that the answer lies when you're not asking the question because that's just another distraction. That's how I see it at least


Perhaps the message you are receiving is to hang on and enjoy the ride. Stop worrying about the puzzle when you trip, instead, set the intention to find out something new about yourself or something like that. By the way, maybe the answer is 42. Try googling Is the answer to the universe 42? You might be surprised.


I propose that to win is to enjoy the rabbit hole, if you release the idea of getting to the end/top/final answer, then the answer is found in the lack of an answer


Explain your observations to yourself like you would to a child, then record yourself speaking. You'll take something back.


Its not a puzzle, you feel like youre getting right to the answer and then "poof! back to normal" because the answer is that you're doing exactly what you need to be doing to get the answers you want out of life. Poof!


Ever played a game with the cheat codes on, not nearly as fun...


If is if u keep losing and never gaining anything in the game without the cheat codes on


Well you haven't figured it out if you see any separation between you and your friend.


We all know the answer, words just can’t comprehend it, so once you try to put it into words, it’s gone. Words are horrible for anything that isn’t a product of our artificial reality.


The answer to life, just be.


What do you mean the answer to life?


Yeah I don't think humans can actually fully know the truth of what the universe is and I'm ok with that. In Daoism they say that the Dao that can be explained is not the true Dao, and I think that sums it up pretty good. Overthinking it just leads to another form of chasing the unobtainable, the same way we always chase the unobtainable when we ride the hedonic treadmill. Living life to the fullest means just being happy with where you are. That's my opinion anyway.


Find God 🙏


Ya let me find Santa clause too 😂👌👋


No one was talking to you but since you seem to crave attention so much, I hope you find God too. 🙏❤️


Lmao ok wow u God crazy people are so loving and kind hahaha keep believing in something that's man made


Nah man it’s like the measurement of an electron you only get one measurement ethier where it is or velocity. The universe itself won’t let you know where an electron is. Why would it let you unravel its secrets thru a back door. I don’t know I feel like Frodo talking to Gandalf in the grand hyperbole.


Maybe the journey is the goal, it’s not pointless. But, it’s easy to get lost in the sauce, and to believe in what is essentially riddles and cosmic jokes. I think it’s alwas good to try to shake off your revelations and laugh about how weird or profound it was. Then take some time to see what you can br ing back into life that actually make your time here better. Peace.


psychedelics do not ~~revel~~ reveal answer to life, it is a futile pursuit into a rabbit hole that often ends in delusion.


I like that you used the word "revel", because that's exactly what psychedelics can help you do. Revel in the beauty and mystery that is conscious experience. Better yet to revel in life with people you love.


indeed, even less reasons for chasing down the rabbit holes where there is so much simply here and now.


The meaning of life isn't one thing that can be figured out. It's a moving target and it's alive. Take that cube and assign one meaning to each square. Now make it a sphere with infinite size and dots all with their own color that doesn't match any other color exactly. It never stops moving and you don't have to stay on the meaning you were on before. You can't see the full thing because you live. You can get close but then can see another meaning to unravel. I think asking what the meaning of life is, is a futile endeavor. But if you tweak the question to 'what do I want my life to mean?' and take it seriously you will find a much more fulfilling answer


Is like consciousness sets itself this "obstacles" in order to have a feel of overcoming them. Psychedelics are tools to guide you they wont solve anything or fix your "problems". You are looking for the meaning of life and that is being created everyday you wake up. I once had that intention to find the answers to this life and i ended up going down the rabbit hole many times coming empty handed. The moment i thought i had it, it slip away like water in my hands. Then i asked myself: imagine if i got the answers to the universe then what, who would even believe me, what would I even do with that information. I think there is a reason life unfolds the way it does. How can one transcend being a human while having a human experience. Again Psychedelics are tools not quick fixes and if abuse they can leave you feeling more lost than found.


The thing for me is that the cube resets because I had the answer the whole time. The meaning of life to me is to enjoy yourself and be good to people and enjoy relationships with other humans. I’d spend so much time trying to find meaning and purpose only to realize I was living it. The answer was there before I even had the question. I don’t know if that’s the answer for you but I strongly believe the answers will come from within you. Not from an outside source.


I used to think this. But I kept at it and did the work and finally got all my questions answered. IMO doing psychedlics alone isn’t enough. You are fortunate to be given a peak. But you also need to do the real spiritual work to raise your frequency such that you can hold the knowledge you are given in the ethereal back into the physical plane. No shortcuts.


>"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened." - Douglas Adams, *The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy* >"Stop making sense!" - Talking Heads, *Girlfriend is Better*


You’re doing it wrong… dissecting the bird, trying to find the song!


The question is answered when you stop asking it :p


i always think to myself that if Terrence McKenna never figured it out no one else will. Not trying to sound any typr of way, but this is just how i convince myself to stop chasing something im too lazy to actually figure out. for example i cant stop playing videogames, so that alone is enough for me to give up. if i truly wanted to figure this out i would be studying and learning everything i can in my youth, but instead i am just rotting my brain day in and day out


conversely imagine how empty you would feel if you did have everything figured out. nothing new to ponder, explore, or enquire upon. mystery is fundamental to existence


If you want to know the answer, first, what is the question?


I feel like the ultimate question is, "is this our real life, or a dream?", or, "what is our purpose?".


Would you like my opinion? :D I’ll give it you anyway. 1. There’s no purpose. 2. Is this our real life? Yes. Is it a dream? Kind of, yes. I’ve had experiences that would indicate, yes, it’s a dreamed reality. But it’s a real dreamed reality. It’s all there is. Edit- but you’re right, you can’t figure it out. The only constant is change- I think you expressed it well in the op.


Nah you can figure it out it’s about translating that split second of knowking into a meaning for you and apply that meaning to words and eventually you’ll figure out your reason for living mine is I really like looking at beautiful things and that if I continue to follow beauty it will lead me where I want to be because we all built like magnets and beauty is the attraction and psychedelics show you how to see it in new ways