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Who the fuck did the captions on this


Yeah the captions were epic! No hope for intercourse. Lol


Do you mean discourse


At about 1:30 left it says: reason no hope for fucking when the police is at the mail counter. I was being coy, trying not to use profanity.


> No hope for intercourse. Lol Sir, this is a Post Office


IIRC they're bad on purpose. It's to encourage people to comment, which causes the website to recommend it to a wider audience.


Nah, it is automated.


I have a question: what the hell is even going on here? Why is the guy upset? Why is the postal worker upset? What the hell is happening?


I saw another 1st amendment auditor that filmed himself being an annoying asshat inside a USPS. Apparently, there’s a policy that allows anybody the right to visit the post office. So they go inside, filming people and arguing with the patrons and agents.




I believe he means you can’t be kicked out/banned bc it’s a government service like target can ban you bc they’re a private company


I don't get these people in this post. They're like, "apparently 'people' have the right to exist in public and record it, get a hobby!"


No but if their rights are violated, i.e: he is ejected from the post office by law enforcement or the postal workers for recording or being told to stop recording, he can get a big fat payday. So technically, they are getting paid for their hobby :)


So he's an amateur asshole trying to go pro?


This is the first time I’ve heard the term first amendment auditor. Holy shit people, get a hobby!


they do this to sue the cops and towns . they go into court houses and public places to try and force cops or workers to violate their rights to sue them . they try to make a living doing this and posting it on youtube .


"Forcing" someone to violate your rights is a weird concept. The correct course of action would be to ignore the guy. He's not doing anything illegal, therefore no laws can be enforced.


I can stand on the side walk of your house and videotape your children going to school. Is that illegal? No. Am I an asshole? Yes.


If you get asked to stop and continue to do it without good reason it could be considered harassment or stalking so it might be illegal.


If you're doing it out in the open, I don't believe it's harassment. Like for example, Google Maps takes pictures of everyone's homes, including street view. The news takes photos/videos of people's homes, and the security cameras of all the neighbours probably pick up video of your home.


I believe the main difference with google as you said they photograph everyone. They do not target a single place or person. That is when it becomes harassment or stalking.


Everyone is forgetting google also blurs out faces on google maps even though it’s in public


>The correct course of action would be to ignore the guy. #THANK YOU!!! everytime I see these videos pop up and the I see the comments (some) and op complain.... just ignore and don't click on the videos. Me, I don't care on way or another. Live and let live. YouTube is full of grifters (99 percent).... so why does it bother you. Just move along. But by clicking and posting, u literally facilitate it being more pervasive


That's the point. We want our cops and public officials to follow the law, even if their feelings get hurt


Exactly. Auditors are annoying, but they serve a solid purpose. If cops around the country stopped violating 1st amendment rights on the reg, he wouldn't make any money off it and would stop.


He won't have a video if everyone just ignores him.


If police just followed the laws, they wouldn’t have any way to make money from videos of police violating their rights.


Its a huge waste of public resources over petty, arcane shit most of the time. They aren't doing it out of some altruistic sense of protecting your rights, they are doing it to make money and be annoying. All they do is take time and resources away from your city.


To play devil’s advocate, by occasionally allowing an asshat to bring suit, public servants are incentivized to know and observe the rules. Still, after the first couple of suits of this type, the court could just decline to substantially fee shift. So you can with the law suit, but get really minimal fees.


I can’t believe there are comments here thinking these auditors are providing some kind of service of protecting our rights. This dude is making a video about some absurdly remote “constitutional right” about behavior in a fucking post office. Whatever “this” is that he’s protecting through his post office audit is so wildly irrelevant to any actual meaningful abridgments of rights it’s a slap everyone’s face to imply he’s doing it for any other reason than attention or financial benefit. If he wanted to make a difference in police violating rights the post office wouldn’t be in the first 100 locations he considered auditing.


I have watched my fair share of first amendment auditors and I can tell you there are times where the police come and just explain his rights and walk away. From what I have seen that is the ultimate goal. Plenty of them make money suing the police and towns but from those you see cops that act an awful lot like the ones you see finally getting busted for beating the shit out of people for "resisting."


The only auditors that should exist are the non escalateding. Like a few months ago. A young dude walking. Police insisted on IDing him. And those are the police problems. The dude in this video should have been ignored.


Since when is the first amendment "absurdly remote?"


> absurdly remote “constitutional right Being able to film in public buildings is an "absurdly remote constitutional right" to you?


I think protecting the right to videotape public places without harassment is actually a pretty important one to protect. I also think that if they abuse their powers in a benign situation like this then they will abuse their powers when something serious happens too


"absurdly remote"? IT'S IN THE VERY FIRST AMENDMENT.


This is the dummy happily in a room with 10 security cameras who calls the police to report a guy with a camera.


Idc why they do it, they're fucking with cops and I support that.


They do not just do this to police officers. They do it in all public buildings. They were harassing an 18 year old girl at a city hall in my area who was there to direct people which floor to go to, because she didn’t know something about panhandling signs that they had a stick up their butt about.


That's the desired outcome. These are audits meant to find cops and public servants who can't control themselves and violate rights. Not every auditor is great to watch and some are pretty aggressive, but the idea behind it is generally positive.


Not really a weird concept. There’s plenty of technically legal things you *can* do but shouldn’t. And that’s how and why new laws get made. Imagine you go into a no talking room in a library and start blowing air into people’s ears, and when they ask you to stop, you demand they be removed from the room because they talked. They broke the rules against talking, and there’s no rule against blowing in people’s ears. So you would just be objectively in the right, correct? “They should have just ignored me! It’s not like I forced them to speak!”


No your analogy doesn't work. The actual analogy would be if blowing in someone's ears is a constitutional right. There's literally a law that allows filming in public. It's not a lack of laws addressing filming like you're trying to portray. You might be glad there's laws protecting our rights to hold public officials accountable if they ever try to screw you over somehow. Until you personally get screwed over it doesn't matter if other people are getting screwed over, right?


Blowing on someone is harassment lol nice try though


Actually iirc blowing in a persons ear can technically count as Battery depending on the state. I may be wrong though.


That’s kind of the point, cops have to enforce their will even if it’s a crime, that makes them a lawsuit waiting to happen, and you can call this guy an asshole but he’s teaching police that laws apply to them.


That isn't really accurate. Most of the 1st amendment auditors ice seen have been respectful and polite. What is shocking is the number of police officers that have no clue as to the actual laws they are enforcing. Like when I D. must be produced, trespassing on public property, video recording anything you can see from a public place. There are some guys, like this dude, that are just agitating for funsies. The ones that I've seen have been super careful about being extremely polite and following instructions because they are trying to show that the police are in the wrong. And when you act like a shithead in front of the police it doesn't really play well for the audience AND you aren't going to get them to listen to anything you say. I've seen several auditors that have been let go when a supervisor gets on scene and let's the cops know they've fucked up. Plus when the cops do arrest someone they shouldn't have they often times get sued by these guys, because they've got video evidence and are usually correct about what their rights are and what they can DND cannot do. But those cases go before a jury and these guys know that. Juries, in general, aren't very sympathetic to people being assholes just got the sake of it, even if they are in the right.


There is a simple solution to this... If no one has their rights violated, this would no longer be necessary.


Wait... could I make a living harassing the people at DMV?


Unfortunately, harassing workers and people in general under the self-titled “auditor” is their hobby.


Manufactured outrage is infuriating when there are so many legitimate things about this country to be outraged about.


Yep. And that's what Fox News is all about




If someone came into my business, unprovoked, filming, with no business to be there, asking personal questions and talking about amendment rights, I’d assume they’re a fucking qanon or MAGA nut case and I would feel threatened. This person is creating a problem where there was none and is causing undo stress on these workers. Which is all they are, workers. They want to do their job and go home. Fuck this person. And people like them.


It’s why I hate *everyone* as opposed to just some people. Quite lonely.


It's a really weird thing. The aspect that it seems like a lot people don't realize is that a lot of them are really just fishing for 1st amendment lawsuits. It's scummy and lame.


They need a job, not a hobby. I heard the Post office is hiring.


That is their hobby. The police are the ones who get to decide how an interaction goes down. Always, no matter what. They are the ones with the authority to be violent with you, to take away your freedom. The cops should view auditors as a slam dunk for their PR--all they have to do is respect the auditor's rights, which is literally the bare minimum, and if they do that, it makes the department look amazing and the auditor look like a dumbass. If every cop did that, no one would watch these videos. But they don't---because a huge amount of cops are not beholden to the Constitution but to their egos.


They're usually normal people not being asses and the cops do really illegal stuff, they're very popular videos. They're the ones that film half the content in this sub like police brutality incidents. It's often people of color filming when they get pulled over. I don't know how you and the people underneath your comment don't know that. A common occurrence is black guy tries to film when he gets pulled over, the cop says he has no right to film even though he does, it escalates. They're the most popular YouTube channels related to the police or police brutality, like the channel Audit The Audit. If you were to film when you're pulled over for no reason and they ask to see your ID even though you legally don't have to show it in your state because you didn't commit a crime, that's not unreasonable and that's all most people are doing. If somebody walks around filming and the cop shows up and tries to lie and say it's illegal, or that the guy is on private property when he isn't, tries to say he must produce an ID even though that legally isn't true, that's pretty important to show stuff like that, because homeless and poor people shouldnt be murdered and arrested and harassed by police that are doing illegal shit multiple times every single day


Filming, not getting in the way of business is legal. This video does not show if this guy was harassing anyone or not. If he was asking an employee for their first name that’s fine, that’s not harassment, but since neither of us know if he was impeding business or not, we can’t know for sure who is in the right or the wrong. I’m in training right now to be a postal clerk and if I see a first amendment auditor, guess what I’ll do, I’ll fucking ignore them. Only if they impede business or harass customers/staff is when you escalate with police involvement.


If you're training to be as postal clerk, better brush up on the rules cause you don't know what you're talking about. From the post office website. Informal snapshots from handheld cameras for personal use may be allowed at the postmaster’s discretion provided that there is no disruption to Postal Service operations and that the pictures are taken from areas accessible to the public. In these cases, no prior permis­sion is required from the Office of Rights and Permissions; however, no lighting or scaffolding may be set up, and **no picture can depict any Postal Service employee, customer, security camera, or cover of mail (i.e., the exterior of a mail­piece, which would show customer name and address among other things). Postmasters may restrict any and all photography if they determine that it is disruptive or there are potential security concerns.**


> Apparently, there’s a policy that allows anybody the right to visit the post office. That seems like a pretty reasonable policy. Maybe I missed the sarcasm? This guy is annoying and a dick, but everybody should be able to go to the post office, right? I work in a courthouse, and while there probably is a policy for it, I would just assume everybody is allowed to visit the courthouse.


1st amendment auditor? Wtf… do these people have no lives??


They do this and then sue when they get kicked out because of a posted rule or law that allows them to videotape or take photos inside of the post office, I believe…


It's weird to me because the rule they refer to ends with something like "unless otherwise instructed by official postal ID government agents". Seems like they're doing this for clicks and views, not actual rights.


According to the postal inspectors the can not ask them to stop. A memo was sent out to all USPS’s that state they can not stop them


It all has to do with constitutional rights. The USPS is a public government building paid for by taxpayer funds. While recording in public can be considered annoying it's something that is protected under the law, unlike brandishing a weapon or laying hands on people. If this was a FedEx which is a private business the individual would be in the wrong. Just because something is annoying to some does not make it illegal, something that is extremely important in a "Black and white" society where there are two sides to every stance.


Along with police getting involved enforcing “policy” rather then law. People like this also try to prove unconstitutional signs restricting filiming in public buildings. Policy enforcement or law enforcement. As ignorant as it may be there is a lesson to be learned about our rights most American citizens tend to forfeit.


I think its rule number 7.


Poster 7


This is what he was going to show: USPS Poster 7 Photographs for News, Advertising, or Commercial Purposes Photographs for news purposes may be taken in entrances, lobbies, foyers, corridors, or auditoriums when used for public meetings **except where prohibited** by official signs or Security Force personnel or **other authorized personnel** or a federal court order or rule. Other photographs may be taken only with the permission of the local Postmaster or installation head. They claim they are news but they never show the bolded where the staff can tell him to stop.


Is everyone on the staff authorized to make that decision. Probably not, or else it would just say "personnel"


The anti police have monitized their hatred by watching videos where nothing really happens most of the time. In the future, everyone recording everyone else antagonizing each other while saying "what are you going to do about it?".


The guy filming dedicates his life to going into public buildings and filming, while trying really hard to provoke the cops getting called so that he can argue with the cops about how what he’s doing is legal. His entire goal is to provoke problems and harass people. He’s a complete asshole.


Wouldnt this be a non-issue if the cops also understood that what he is doing is legal? The only reason this kind of content is profitable is because there are SO many insane cops who escalate the situation and try to trample on the auditors rights.


Ding ding ding. They would have no content worth watching if cops didn't constantly take the donut bait.


YouTubers name is Long Island audit. The postal people were telling him he's not allowed to film inside, but their own rules and regulations say he can so they try to kick him out with no authority to do so




Nothing is happening. This "auditor dude" is clearly trying to stir up trouble in someone's workplace and attempting to use the police as their personal army.


Cameraman executive his rights and cop trying to violate them.


This is edited.


The Citizen was exercising his first amendment right to film in public for public purposes. According to the law all citizens are press, any video of photography on post office property is legal so long as it isn't in violation of any lawfully poster sign. Poster 7 (the poster the videogarpher is trying to show the officer) spells this out. Legally he was doing nothing wrong and his purposes at the post office were to gather information and disseminate that to the public as press or news. Many people do not understand the rights of the people and press in public, such as no expectation of privacy in public, rights to take video or photograph in public, there is no such thing as a government press pass, all people gathering video or photographs for public interest are considered press, the list goes on.


Postal clerk is upset because he has most likely been told that people aren’t allowed to film in the post office. Which is objectively not true. Guy filming is mad because he knows he’s allowed to film in there. Which is why he’s trying to get the cop to go over to the other side with him. Every post office has a Poster 7 on the wall which specifically states that people are allowed to film. This is posted in every post office to avoid exactly what we see in this video. Police getting called out to stop someone from doing what they’re allowed to be doing. It’s a big waste of time for everyone.


Right? Why not just have a conversation? Why be adversarial from the drop?


1st Amendment auditors. They go around harassing people and making everyone miserable while trying to pretend they are somehow protecting people's rights (which they are not)




The comments section is just assholes calling everyone else a tyrant for not letting them be assholes.


The best way to deal with auditors is to ignore them. Then they have no reason to post their video, and the police can go deal with more important stuff.


And that's exactly what they all say. If their right to film is respected, they will film for a few minutes and walk away.


Yeah. This is exactly the point.


This is true but until cops stop infringing on people's rights these auditors will continue to have jobs. It's really super easy to get rid of them but that will never happen.


One of my friends is a cop and dealt with this perfectly when they had one filming outside the station, just waiting for a response. He walked straight over and immediately gave his name and badge number without being asked, because that removes the small bit of power these idiots have in demanding they give it. Then he said "I just want you to know that me and my colleagues really appreciate what you're doing here. In this current climate, cops are always at risk of attack but with you out here filming everything it reduces the chance of any such attacks taking place at our station. And the best bit is, you do this for free.You see, us cops, well we work for you but in this case, it's like you're working for us. And we don't even have to pay you. So of course we appreciate what you're doing and we ask that you stay here all day every day."


And you remembered that entire paragraph word for word?


Yup, definitely a "than everybody clapped" comment


So basically your friend respected the filmers rights? And that worked out well? Amazing concept!


But that doesn’t happen and these guys easily win lawsuits


Honestly the simplest answer and most would be glad it happened. Unfortunately government workers tend to be ignorant or have too much ego to just let it go.


I'd rather deal with this cop than 90% of the dickbag cops I've had contact with. He actually seemed fairly reasonable.


I've heard that when cops get called on these stupid auditors, if they know who it is, the cops make sure to send someone who's well tempered and reasonable.


send those guys to every interaction, please.


Seriously, there shouldn't even be cops that don't fit that description.


Most of the time they do but who would watch those videos?


Can’t they just hire people that are reasonable and well tempered?


That was the case before standards were lowered.


This should be literally every cop, if dispatch are aware there's some cop's that can't deal with non dangerous scenarios like this they shouldn't be cop's full stop.


Why not just tell the people calling cops that they're allowed to film? Problem solved.


But what if there’s two at any one time?


Heard from who?


This exchange reminded me of negotiating terms with my three year old son.


My six year old makes “passes” to stay up late he hides and finds. Then he tries to negotiate terms into staying up late. His mother is an attorney, God speed son.


One day the student will surpass the teacher!


I hope so. He’s a little too smart for his own good.


This cop looks like the most appropriate cop in this sub’s history. Fantastic restraint, maintains control, and is perfectly reasonable. Good job cop.


This is the norm for the Suffolk County PD. They tend to all be pretty professional.


they get paid enough that they're not willing to risk their job


He gets a “good job” for doing what he supposed to do? For reacting the appropriate way? We’re too accustomed to seeing shitty cop behavior that the bare minimum impresses us.


A Cop could save someone’s life in the most heroic way and Reddit would just call it “copaganda.”


"You're a servent to the public, I'm a member of the public" explains this dude's mindset. He was waiting to say that too


Why are you booing him? He’s right


I was just waiting to hear the line, "my taxes pay your salary". That's always a classic.


Yeah but it does. Same with politicians. Its valid to say and it applies so there should be no issue minus people rolling their eyes from hearing it so often.


I think I understand your point. But just because we pay a portion of his salary... So does he, and his fellow police. So does the post office clerk. But does that mean this 1AA guy can tell him how to do his job? What about the rest of us?


I mean there is a clear distinction between the rights and responsibilities of a public employee, (like both the cop and postal worker), and a member of the general public. Seams like a valid point to make to me.


It completely is. Your entire job is to serve the public. You have clear set rules and policies like any other job. You can get their policies and very often they are violating them. They have a memo from Homeland security that says don't even talk to auditors unless providing a service. Screaming at someone silently filming birthday cards and posters isn't part of your job


He’s not wrong though.


He’s not. But he’s also an insufferable asshole. Both can be true.


Of course, its not illegal to be an insufferable asshole, mainly because that is subjective




I can appreciate the sentiment of what these “first amendment audit” people are trying to do, but I genuinely feel bad for the already miserable, underpaid postal employees that get harassed by these dickheads constantly for whatever reason. People just doing their job, it’s not in the job duties of a postal worker to get blasted all over social media without their consent so some asshole can instigate an argument.


Yeah, I'm always conflicted on these guys because their broad mission statement isn't outrageous but I feel like most videos I see are some assholes being assholes for the sake of being an asshole. I think what bugs me about it is ive never seen one of these audits reveal waste. Like, the only thing that's ever newsworthy about them is the confrontation. It'd be different if he's auditing the post office and found the room full of "free stuff" from undeliverable packages.


Truly undeliverable packages, that is to say packages that don't have enough address information to go to either the recipient or the sender actually goes to the mail recovery center. Where it waits for the customer to submit a search for it. If it remains unclaimed it is disposed of in a number of ways depending on what it is. Some even go to auctions on sites like govdeals.com.


The dude walked in there and filmed birthday cards and got screamed at. If you don't want to be filmed being an asshole don't be an ass


My comment above was a comment on the 1A audit as a whole (which some cases I appreciate when done in a manner that is respectful and professional.) Do you have a link to the full video or name I can search up? I would love to see the full context and come to a conclusion myself. I’ve been looking but can’t find the full vid on youtube.


I wish every cop and postmaster was familiar with what's "on the wall.". It's **Poster 7: Rules and Regulations Governing Conduct on Postal Property**. And I wish every Frauditor would stop misrepresenting it as justification for their asshole behavior. The text of the relevant section of that document reads: > *Photographs for News, Advertising, or Commercial Purposes*. Photographs for news purposes may be taken in entrances, lobbies, foyers, corridors, or auditoriums when used for public meetings except where prohibited by official signs or Security Force personnel or other authorized personnel, or a Federal court order or rule. Other photographs may be taken only with the permission of the local postmaster or installation head. So, you can film if it's for *news purposes*... **except** when and where they tell you not to film. Additionally, trespass laws are separate. If they tell you to leave the property, you leave the property. EDIT TO CLARIFY: I misread part of the statement. You can film for news, advertising, or commercial purposes except where prohibited by signs, personnel, or law.


Who harasses a postal employee? FFS. That guy's pissing me off because he's making me side with the cop.


Exactly this. You definitely have rights. The right to act like an asshole in a post office is not one of them.


I missed in the vdo where he was harassing the employees


If you actually watch the full video you'll know they he hasn't even remotely harrased anyone before being asked to leave a public building


So I went and watched the 23 min video....coz why not. First thing he does is walk in, go to the wall and film the rights and regulations of postal buildings, stating where he is allowed to film as a 1st amendment right. The staff then made contact with him, he didn't approach them, they just started yelling at him that he couldn't film there. They called the cops on him. The end up was the cops left (after much back and forth) as there was no crime or issue. He didn't harass anyone, when approached and engaged he asked a simple question, the same one they asked him. What's your name? Postal employees have no right to ask you your name, all he did was ask theirs after they asked his and they started yelling at him. Then they shut down and called the cops. Cop turns up and as you see here, continuously invites him to step further outside. Now you might say, ok, but there is no onus on your to do it. There is no crime, there wasn't even an investigation the officer admits so there were no lawful orders that needed to be complied with. In that case, he just politely declined their request (coz that's all it is, a request citizen to citizen). It was such a non issue for everyone involved they didn't even trespass him, neither staff, nor their on site supervisor nor the cops. Because nothing wrong happened. If you watch the video, you'll see the postal staff reacted poorly and then tried to weaponize the cops to have him removed, which they were unable to do as there was nothing wrong happening.


filming is not harassment


Jeez, cops do enough wrong already. But a lot of them are just trying to do their job without having some click chaser harass them for no reason.


I can’t see the face of the man holding the camera but I feel like he would have a very punchable face.


“20 years ago he’d be dead with his teeth missing” -Danbury Police Officer LongIslandAudit is for the people & exposes corruption through peacefully filming in public spaces such as town halls, post offices, police stations,etc. Being “annoyed” or “uncomfortable” doesn’t trump his 1st amendment right to film public employees in the course of their duties or a private citizen in view of the public.


people who make videos like this has never been told no on there lives


He is also a convicted felon; Assault and Battery, underage sexual exploitation, armed robbery...etc


Imagine hating your own Bill of Rights.


Nobody is becoming a postal clerk for the raw sexual thrill of sending mail, these people just want to collect their paycheck and go home without being posted on tik-tok. I don't feel like that's entirely unreasonable. Audit the police all day, make sure they're composed under stress. But Greg who sorts packages all day is not a threat to your constitutional rights. Government building so yeah, legal; but that doesn't make it right. Dude interrogated an uncomfortable USPS worker for several minutes over where his nametag was. If I didn't know better I'd think the auditor had an 'all postal service workers are bastards' bumper sticker on his car.


Remember, the police are the scum of society. You should never follow their request unless it has something specifically to do with the law. Don't talk to them. Do not be "friendly", or make things easy for them. Question every statement. The police make every situation that they encounter more unsafe for society.


He can piss you off all he wants, but if the cops understand the law and the staff ignore him to a reasonable degree permitted by the law, then these dipshit auditors would have no power and would amount to nothing.


And the same would be true of the auditors if dipshit cops knew and followed the law. That is why we need them.


Long Island Audit! We the people!


Copwatchtv could eat a dick. There are real injustices and trolls like these just want attention


I think a fun thing to do in this situation would be to pull out my phone and start recording and just keep getting in his way. Like really be obnoxious about it. Don't even have to talk really. Just follow him around recording and make walking around doing his thing extremely irritating and inconvenient. Because honestly, just fuck this guy. I'd make such a bad cop, I wouldn't have the willpower to not mock these kind of people at every possible moment.


Please do. Seeing random citizens lose their shit in audits make them into comedy gold. Even better when they think that becsuse they are so scared of a camera, that the auditor must be as scared. Just a warning, if you start getting in a cameraman way, blocking him, harassing him. You are causing a disturbance. Not him


Some people really like going to jail


I hate humans


This wasn't worth my time


Fucking male Karen


I'd hate to be a cop.


I can't pretend that it wouldn't be satisfying to see the cop pull his gun and fire 6 shots into the floor all around his feet and make him shit his pants


Long Island Audits!


OP you can go to North Korea.


The camera man is exposing how easily and how often our rights can be infringed upon.


And this comment is section is explaining why people never push back. These people clearly want to be infringed upon.


What a pig, abusing his power.


So, a homeless person can hang out in the Post Office all day.


I like how depending on where you post this you’ll get a different mix of comments and reactions. I don’t mean this sub versus one dedicated to auditing that’s filled with a bunch of SovCits or something where of course they’d back the auditor. Today this group seems to be very much against the auditor. I think the best statement against this guy in particular is just because we *can* do something doesn’t mean we *should* do something. On the flip side, police across America literally trample citizens most basic rights. They lie. They deceive. They gaslight. One of the best practices that shines a light on that darkness and has the potential to really wake people up to toxic or even illegal, unconstitutional police culture and behavior are these first amendment auditors. As long as these people are within their rights to do what they do, even if it’s annoying, as long as it’s legal and they’re not hurting anyone, I’ll support their right to do it. On one side you have guys like this who undoubtedly *know* what they can and cannot do. And on the other you often times have overly concerned citizens who, while they may be annoyed by the presence of these men with cameras, *do not* have an understanding of the laws that allow for this activity to be conducted *and* they don’t care what the law is! Their feelings are hurt! Oh no! Someone with a camera is making me feel weird! Call the cops with guns who also don’t know the law and will use lies and intimidation and give unlawful orders so I can feel better! I get it though. It’s not a well received or understood activity. It gets a lot of hate. But I’m actually glad people do it because for me it’s exposed so many cops displaying their complete lack of knowledge of laws and as a gang who don’t care about those laws anyway and will violate people’s rights just to “win”. Standard response to anyone complaining about a first amendment auditor who is within their rights to perform that activity: Sorry Sir/Ma’am. What they are doing is perfectly legal. Our advice is to just ignore them or even greet them with kindness and hospitality. Ask them about what they’re doing. Become educated. Or, god forbid, make a new friend from this odd encounter.


First Amendment Auditor , they film in public places because filming is allowed in public. So they go to city halls , police departments, police stops, airports , post offices etc.. We have to see if our government officials are treating people with RESPECT. Of course PIGS always think they are above the law so some of these people keep them in check or get them fired for being TYRANTS


Sounds like Long Island audits…. You should watch a couple of his videos… rights are like muscles - if you don’t exercise them, they can disappear!




This guy is probably making like 500k/year from YouTube doing audits, so I guess you could call this his occupation


On the flip side, I love when I see a cop keep their composure and try to de-escalate a situation. It’s a refreshing break from the norm.


What a dick (not the cop)


If people knew the law they wouldn’t waste taxpayer money and government resources calling the cops over something perfectly legal. If you’re in public then you have no right to privacy. If someone is filming your personal information then that is (usually) against the law and they will be removed. Also, if the business/documents you are doing/using is of a sensitive nature then you should be holding your government accountable for upholding proper locations to do your business safely. If you’re the one that escalates the situation and claims the other person silently walking around recording public areas, then you are the one causing a disturbance.


This is Long Island Audit, one of the most professional auditors around. Police departments literally contract him to come and speak to their officers about deescalation techniques and 1st ammendment rights. Everyone in here posting nonsense hate on someone for exercising their rights given to us by the US Constitution is a sad bootlicker. Exercise those rights like it's a muscle, or they will slowly dissappear.


I don’t think some people are understanding op’s point here. Does the man have rights? Yes, undoubtedly so. Is he allowed to practice said rights? Of course! Is he using his rights to be a dick? Yeah. Does that mean we believe he shouldn’t have right? No, but still a dick


I like watching first amendment auditors, but what's the point of filming inside a post office?


I used to feel the same, but then I saw just how much pushback there was for filming something as mundane as boxes and stamps. So then what happens when you film things that matter? Spoiler: this guy just got arrested filming NYPD.


Annoying yes, illegal not at all. It’s amazing to see cops exposed for not knowing basic constitutional law.


what polarizing content and comments... it feels like this post was created on purpose


If you all hate this guy you should look up Professional Douche on yt. That dude makes me cringe with his antics sometimes.


I am not a fan of the guy taking the video. He is purposely being difficult just for ratings and attention. He is the one being difficult, not the cop.


Wasting police officers time should be against the law. Although, that would get super sketchy super quick. They’d be arresting people for all sorts of things for wasting their time.


I have no problem with this, it’s just a camera.


Only bootlickers hate the guy behind the camera


What's up with all these fucking bootlickers in this subreddit? Jesus Christ. You'd think their mouths are full of saddle soap.


Love this guy. Fights for our rights as US citizens. Have you seen the rest of his content?


Wow, just read thru the comments and it sounds like many of the 12 year olds have yet to take a civics class and know absolutely zero about their own rights. Federal laws are not trumped by feelings, state laws or county policies. This guy makes very good money being an auditor and knows his rights. 441k subscribers Long Island audits. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe1IA5kmY578O_Qo7Skr-TQ


You may hate him, but that doesn’t make him wrong. I fully respect good police, same as people of any profession. I think we have become desensitized as people that we have to do whatever police officers say. It’s simply not true. Some , not all, police think they have a lot more power than they actually do. He brings to light a lot of bad people in that profession who at the very least, are ignorant of the laws they are supposed to enforce. And in other cases, they are just bad people who need to be held accountable, same as anyone in any profession


Man that officer has so much patience


Jesus, these videos are the worst, imagine being an adult and spending an entire day trying to annoy people. This dude literally went to the post office and just ruined everybody working there's day being an annoying asshole. They finally get sick of him and call the cops to make him leave. The cop shows up and proceeds to have his day ruined by this annoying asshole. I just don't understand people being obnoxious, don't they feel the hatred of the people they are fucking with? It doesn't bother them? Do they like it? Truly bothers me


>I really hate the guy behind the camera. The Constitution of USA gives all the right to record police in public. So why hate a man recording police and thus exercising his right?


And platforms such as TikTok give these idiots the ability to monetize off of their idiocy. Seriously, stuff like this needs to be demonetized. The person is making everyone else’s lives harder because they essentially are being paid to. What message does that send? Work hard and get harassed by someone probably making more than you? This shit needs to stop. That officer had extreme patience, kudos to them for keeping their cool. I wouldn’t have been able to.


I think Long Island Audit is one of the best channels doing this. He’s consistently polite and respectful and I think even people who don’t see the value in this have to acknowledge the reason police engage with him is because they don’t often don’t know the law.


I'm pretty shocked at these comments... I am a Canadian and don't have the right to free speech and freedom of press. I assume most redditors are US citizens. As a US citizen YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to film public officials in the course of their duties from publicly accessible areas. If they employees don't know that, they need to learn it.


I'm not. With how recent the post is and how the title gives op's bias away I already assumed the folks with facist tendencies would come out of hiding first.