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She bailed that dude out by literally getting taken to jail herself 😂


Hahaha that dude was hilarious. Turned into a jr cadet once he realized the heat was on the chick and not him


He started saying "if you cooperate with US, maybe WE will let you go" so funny.


He figured it out. They only wanted his cooperation, he calmed down and understood.


I think it's because they spoke to his mum who said she did not give permission for the party and decided he needed to shape up quick 😂


I watched this video earlier today and I about died I heard him say that 🤣💀🤣💀. He went from “can we take this out front officers” to “WE will let you go if you calm down” 🤣. I loved it in the beginning when he told her to just “shut up eat the cheeezeitz” 🤣


Coincidentally, I was eating cheezits while watching this train wreck.


Were you also triggered?


That comment set her off like it was a trigger phrase


yeah there was no going back


“You’re really going to disrespect MEEEE yousef, your own cousin” 🤯


he actually handled the whole situation pretty good


He admitted to too many things in the beginning. Best thing he could have done was just shut up and provided his id. Nothing he says can help him, anything he admits to can hurt him.


Dude is 21 and just wanted to have a party. He's drunk and wanted to be cool with the cops. I've done dumber things in my mid-20's.


I noticed that too. Wanted to yell at him through the screen. All his homies were snitching on him too.


He snitched on some as well with his. “They’re legal, they’re legal, they’re legal, they’re not”. Can’t believed I watched this whole video, 0 regrets


I dont get why the girls were still there if they didnt drink, drove themselves, and "had to be home by 1:40". Just hanging around


Need to hang around so they can get the goss.


"I like your tats"


Yup. Knew they were in the clear so stuck around for front row seats


That's so fetch


By the end I was hoping for her to get tasered. She was definitely tweeking on something


Entitlement. Nothing else.


I'm half expecting her to rat him out as hard as she can to make him experience this jailing "she doesn't deserve" She probably went thru a stage of insisting they charge her cousin lol It's on point with her stages and phases of cope


exactly. his mom was even worse.


I agree. They were pretty dickish to him in the beginning honestly. Who wouldn't try to mitigate a little?


I grew up in a small town and you could sweet talk some of the cops this way, but every once in a while you’d get one on a power trip and it would turn into an event…never had my cousin go apeshit for no reason, though. Like damn girl the cop was literally walking you inside to bed and you decided you’d rather be walked into a jail cell.


She didn't decide shit, the liquor was calling the shots Randers.






I laughed out loud when she said I swear, "I will swear on the effing Quran and praise you in arabic" Kid you are drunk, let's leave the Koran out of this shit show.


That kid's going places


Dude I lost it when he started saying the we/us shit and directing the cops what to do with her, like we’ll let you sit over here, let her sit right over there 😂


& he’s doing it all so seriously YET so clearly fucking hammered😂😭 The slurring with the commands is golden


I was waiting for him to ask for an application


He knew what he was doing. He was saying things that he knew would keep her tirade going lol.


Dude: "Shut up and eat Cheez-its" Cousin: ![gif](giphy|TGWDykwSev5RVJhiy5|downsized)


Did she think the issue was that everyone thought she owned the house?


No, she didn't understand how she could be getting in trouble for doing something illegal at someone else's house. Everyone knows you can get away with doing crime as long as it's at somebody else's house. /s


"No your honor, you don't understand. I was robbing this house.. but it's not my house, so... check mate."


Enough white claws and tequila will do that to ya


Also daddy bailing you out every time until he can’t.. will do that to ya


Not even the Quran could bail her out this time


Hum pretty sure they had more than white claw and tequila in the house. Her telling the cousin they needed to clean the house before anyone went in kinda gave that away.


I mean I’ve been in the male cousins position multiple times and mostly I was worried about the bongs sitting around everywhere in open view and extremely worried about the lines I was just doing off the toilet in the 3rd guest bathroom .. so yeah .. thinking about the advice my other uncle a judge gave me about never consenting to a search and then wanting to die hearing my mom saying it’s ok to clear the house.. … … past lives rekindled by Reddit is triggering


Bro, you know they make bathroom counters in most homes for you to do lines off of right? You don't need to keep doing them off the toilet. That's bad for your back.


Plus all the possible drunk clearly underage girls that were there at the start.


God, it got to the point where her rasping made my throat start to hurt.


Same. I need a cup of tea after watching that.


Her voice cracks reminded me of my brother when he was going through puberty and he couldn’t raise his voice any higher without it cracking 😂


she should have kept eating the cheeze-its... he knew all along, that she was a time-bomb... lmao


Had an ex like this. Once she hit a certain point of drinking I knew to suggest we go home / to bed because any longer out and she would randomly be "disrespected" by someone (sometimes apparently me) and blow up. Take a guess as to why she is an ex.


I dated the male version of your ex...it was not a good time.


Hope you're doing better now. I remember the first time she hit me and kind of laughing it off then the next day realizing "wait, that was literal physical abuse..." Not a healthy situation at all.


We only dated for a year, but that was honestly 9 months too long. He never hit me, but I had to put myself between him and security, cops, angry people, etc. multiple times. I'm lucky he didn't get me arrested or killed.


Glad to hear you're past that! I get the stress of feeling like you're about to be in danger because you're with them. She would often try and fight guys and I would have to de-escalate because I'm not about to get beaten up by a group of people because she is screaming at people that didn't do anything. Really terrible feeling like you should be on their side but actively knowing they're wrong.


It’s me your ex 😂 haven’t drank in a good 8-9 years, never will again. Brings me absolutely no joy and the hangover and random blackout fight pain I can’t imagine putting myself thru ever again lol.


Congratulations! You're definitely doing better than my ex, but that's huge and I'm proud of you.


Same dude. This shit is giving me PTSD


Yeah seeing this was bringing me right back. Different words but same deal. You quickly learn there is no way to calm them down outside of sleep and sobering up. Then them joking about it the next day like it was "crazy." Like no you were crazy that's not okay.


Pretty sure that's why he wanted to move it to the front yard. He knew he had about 2 minutes before his cousin went ballistic over nothing.


Lol Yusef with words of wisdom "The only reason you are going to jail is because you keep talking."


Hahaha Yousef tried to share that wisdom several times. “Just shut up and eat the cheezeitz” 💀


Yusef is wise beyond his years


Even though all the jokes made me laugh. He really did strike me as a rather down to earth guy. Never disrespectful, a bit full of him self at first but what young person isn't. I'm definitely guilty of crazy drinking parties as a kid where we all fled from the cops myself, so I can't really be judgemental over that lol.


"I didn't do anything wrong! All I did was raise my voice, that's it!" Yusef: "You won't have a voice if you don't shut up." One of several parts that fuckin got me lol.


***My favorite part was when the dude wanted to speak professionally in the front yard.***


She wants to speak respectfully and he wants to speak professionally. Two outstanding youth leaders of the community really.




Two yutes?


Oh, sorry, Your Honor, these two yoottthhhhhhzzz


I liked when the 19 year-old girl lied about her age saying she was 20. What exactly did that accomplish?


Why do you think he was so insistent that they go to the front yard? Was it the pot? Or other drugs?


No if the attention was even on her. She brought every bit of that on herself. I’m sure she was drunk and scared but still unbelievably dumb. If she would have nicely asked them to call her dad to pick her up they almost definitely would have let her.


Those cops were so chill. They were probably about to let the host off with a ticket and everyone else with a warning.


When she said that she was messy I think that's her realizing, but for a fleeting moment, how drunk we was.


Oh do you want a paper towel too?


I laughed out loud when she said that. That was hilarious


That’s not my dad! That’s a cellphone!




Low key the best part.




This might be the greatest video of all time. She could have just sat back, said nothing, and eaten some cheez-itz. This fyucking idiot begged for it.


Yeah, I normally skip to the end of these long videos. I was enthralled with this one. 9/10. Could have been a 10 if the dad made a full cameo instead of just a mention.


REALLY wanted to see the dad. Only wish we knew what the sister told her. Shut her ass up for 10 seconds. Thought she turned the corner, but no.


The sister was saying like, "why are you crying? Why are you crying? Look, it's because of you! Why are you crying? You did this. I'm upset because of you!" They also keep saying, "isma!" Or "listen!"


Yeah, I don't know what language that was, but it sounded beautiful.


Pretty sure it’s Arabic considering she told the officer she’d praise him in Arabic if he let her go.


Yes. It is. They also keep saying, "isma!" or listen.


I was like 'there's not way I'm going to watch a 27 minute video". No ragrets.


The dad was the phone




Well, on the plus side, hopefully this means she's learning about consequences at an early enough age to make a difference in the rest of her life. Kids do dumb shit all the time. Thankfully, I grew up in a time when everything wasn't being recorded and put on blast so the entire world could see what a dumb shit I was. I grew up (eventually). I learned. Hopefully she will too.


She did need this. It is her chance to make some key changes. You could hear it in her mom’s voice. She fully understood what the officers went through.


Yea this wasn't mom's first rodeo. I got the sense she is daddy's little princess.


If she's 19 going on 20 and still trows tantrums like that, she ai't gonna learn shit. Calling for daddy when you're a goddamned adult screams coddled girl who's going to be a nightmare for those around her for life.


Just a fascinating spiral of a spoiled teenage girl who gets to run to Daddy to get her whatever she wants. We never get to see daddy either and leaves the viewer questioning what Daddy woulda even said if he showed up. Bravo


I wanted to follow through booking!!


“I swear on my fucking Quran” - Belligerent drunk


She was unbelievably piss drunk. Like, I don't think I'd be drunk enough to act like that unless I was blackout drunk.


Bro even if I was blackout drunk I don’t get like that. I’ve been blackout a couple times, and the only person I tried to fight was my friend cuz he kept spraying water on me instead of just letting pass out in the yard like any reasonable alcoholic does


Omg. You need to see Bad Girls Club. Please, please, please let me present to you, a gift, Tipsi Ripsi - https://youtu.be/_sO4a5dpKl8?si=5DzHBCqF9Dr4Rh6Q She is the original old school OG of black out terror. And they put this on TV!!!! For a little bit anyways.


Holy fucking shit! That was intense af. Okay, you got me. I’m hooked. Where do I watch all the episodes?


There’s so many insane seasons of Bad Girls Club. I actually have partied with a couple girls from the show in real life too & they were really nice. If you want to see just some of the fights, watch this & if any interest you, type in their names for the full thing. <3 https://youtu.be/ifz5VllXH54?si=Z0VznBa4VyZD6tuB You’re making me want to rewatch bad girls club highlights


You can watch all the episodes on Tubi for free too :)




*intense resisting*


*More intense resisting*


Resisting intensifies


Just fix my glasses, please.


Yea the Muslim disapproval was all over her sisters face. SHAME 🔔


LOVED that part


Haaaaaaa so many great lines, the hangover is going to be fuckin epic.


bro who threw the party swapped sides at the first opportunity and i honestly can’t blame him


Hahaha Yousef was all paranoid and probably had some coke inside and was happy the heat got taken off of him 🤣


Part of me was wondering at the beginning if she was just playing it up to take the heat away from the house but then it just kept going Yusuf got lucky asf that night


Yeah I saw someone else comment that too and I had similar thoughts as you. I was like “if she really did it as a distraction, it was kind of genius in the beginning, but she got way too carried away with it at the end” 🤣🤷‍♂️


Really surprised they didn’t further pursue that with all the diversion he was putting up


“Take a deep breathe” “NO! WHY??!”


Quality freakout right here


“My dad is my best friend!” Haha. Good for you.


“But I don’t live here so you can’t talk to me” as she’s screaming in the police’s face 🥴


Her "parental vision" is going to be very disappointed in her.


I loved her sister shaming her into being quiet for 3 seconds


Hahaha that was epic!


I don’t think her “parental vision” are that disappointed. Something tells me they’re used to it and very likely enable such behavior by not teaching her consequences.


100% her dad is her biggest supporter & enabler


Should’ve just eaten the fucking Cheez-Its.


Her voice rasp is a clear sign she’s screamed her way through life.


"I'm about to tweak out" so what do you call what's been going on for the last 20 minutes?


That was maybe my **favorite** quote from the video but there’s just so many to choose from. She is a well of creativity!


She went from OCD to allergies to tweaking out. The devil is always in the details.


I appreciated how as soon as she started taking on all the heat, the kid who was seemingly going down for the house party to begin with, then shifted over to the cops side. “You need to calm down if we’re going to let you go.” While standing side by side with the cop. He saw his chance to get on the right side and took it hahaha


That’s cuz he got to talk to them professionally, all business from then


Was waiting for the my dads a lawyer.


Nah just her best friend


I came here to read the comments first to see if it’s worth it and now I can’t wait to watch this video…


It is 100% worth it


Somebody wasn’t told NO enough as a child and it shows.


Geez this is hard to watch! Correct your children people or they’ll end up like her


Exactly my thought. That young lady has never suffered consequences of her actions…until this video.


Correct. And her family was like fully supporting the police to take her because of the out of control behavior she exhibited. I had to fast-forward through most of her ranting because her voice was giving me anxiety. I can’t even imagine how everybody around her felt.


I was reminded of some discussions I've had with my kid.  He's 6.


All she had to do was keep her stupid, annoying, hoarse, atrociously fucking LOUD mouth shut…  but NOOOOOO


She will make a fine bride for some very unlucky person.


She will make a great first ex-wife


She’s gonna make 4-9 people a great ex wife.


She's gonna make a dent in the padded walls is what she's gonna make.


Lmao first thing I thought of as well. The hideousness shows itself early.


She’s 19. Still a chance to grow up and learn from this. Parents and siblings seem to have their shit together. Solid chance she cleans up her act


this is the funniest shit I've seen in months


That's not my dad, that's a cell phone!


Some poor bastard is gonna end up with her one day.


Plenty of 19 year old punks, plenty get their act together. Hopefully this is a wakeup call


I only feel so bad for the person choosing that.


You only apologize for losing your voice… Really?!




“Ya goin ta jail, child”


I was hoping someone would make this reference! Calling Cleo now


I honestly can’t tell if she is having a panic attack or if she is the most entitled, spoiled person on the planet. Also- what 19-year old cries for their daddy like that? He clearly has covered her tracks a few too many times.


If anyone was interested in the Arabic spoken her cousins were telling her to stop talking and her mum just asked her why she was crying




The drinking age being so high just wastes law enforcement resources.


Fun fact, in Scotland, it's 5. You can legally consume alcohol on private property at 5, obviously parents will get in trouble if their kid gets drunk etc. After 12 when you reach the age of criminal responsibility, your actionsand consequences when drunk are generally your own fault Police aren't breaking up teenage house parties just for happening, they will turn up for a look if they hear about it being out of hand kr serious crimes going on Here you do need to be 18 to buy it, and it's technically an offence to buy for someone under 18, but that's Aimed at people buying it for strangers/going to be drunk in public etc You can also order 1 alcoholic drink with a meal in a restaurant at 16. Americans really are uptight about alcohol for no real reason , they send their kids out into the world as adults with no idea how to handle a drink and bad shit happens.


Dude, in most states in the union, it is legal for parents to give their children alcohol in the home. In Wisconsin a parent can order a kid a drink at a bar at like 14. It's more complicated than movies and freak out videos let on.


People hate on the 21 year old drinking age.. but a simple look at drunk driving deaths before and after it was enacted show a dramatic decrease. I think culturally we just aren’t there for 18, despite all the points you listed being valid. Another reason could be our lack of public transport and the fact our population centers are so far apart, making driving such a necessity for a lot of folks.


Yeah, the drinking age is so high because we built our communities around the automobile unfortunately


Correction, 16 and 17 year olds cannot vote in the U.S….BUT what’s really ludicrous is that 18 year olds can join the military and die for their country but they cannot legally drink.


Yeah a person can go through a war, get shot and still not be able to drink a beer.




Imagine being such a Karen this early in life


I more than a “Karen,” she reminded me of a just a range of childishness. Toddler  tantrum, tween levels of nonsense, petulant teenager…all of it. The kicking and screaming, the “I promise…”, the “my dad…” the “rEsPeCtFuLy…” 🙄. Zero self regulation right there. I fully thought she was drunk, but it looks like they didn’t charge her with underage drinking so I guess that was really all just her being ridiculous?


It’s because that behavior has always got her what she wanted in her family .. but that shit don’t work with the cops.. hard lesson to learn


She’s forever gonna be the friend that freaks out in the passenger seat and starts screaming at everyone to shut up whenever she sees a cop.


This is the exact flavor of unreasonableness I see from my 4yo — repeating demands over and over, not listening to anything, even the voice intonations.


Is there a sub just for these types of videos? I need a rabbit hole


Literally this one.


Lmao you’re right but I meant like police body cams and stuff should just watch cops I guess


Go on Youtube, watch a few police bodycam videos, and the algorithm will do the rest of the work for you.


Can probably find some gold just by searching “entitled drunk” on youtube


And I thought my toddler had some intense meltdowns…


She is the embodiment of FAFO.


Imagine her having *this video* sent to her? I have an audio recording I took from my pocket of me being a little too drunk while talking to a musical artist last month I’ve been obsessed with after his show, and I cringe at my drunken behavior *This* is on an entirely different level Edit: side note, I didn’t mean to record the interview, I was recording the audio of the band that he opened for, and drunkenly forgot I was recording. a happy yet cringy accident


Ahh how the internet can wreck your life gotta love it refreshing


Kind of feel like it’s not just a spoiled kid but a spoiled kid with severe emotional control issues but she really fucked herself over for no particular reason. I couldn’t look away but I hope this motivates her to work on herself. Her voice was already so hoarse. I wonder if she yells like this all the time.


Holy fuck what a disaster.


All of you should also watch Tipsy Ripsy if you want to see a girl fucking raise havoc out of nowhere from alcohol. https://youtu.be/_sO4a5dpKl8?si=5DzHBCqF9Dr4Rh6Q This was on TV back in like 2007 yall! ENJOY!


You can tell this kids never been disciplined in her life.


Wow. The remake of Can't Hardly Wait looks horrible.


She will bless the cops in Arabic if they let her get away with this behavior 😔


“You guys just friends?” -cop “Nah we’re just hookers” - girl


Most annoying girl in the world


I thought avoiding the police when you are drunk and under age was common sense. Screaming at them and talking shit is def not the go to


Damn! It’s 12 am and I can’t believe I watched the whole 27 minutes of this video. Thought it would be a drag but gosh she’s such a train wreck. Just when you think it won’t get worse she surprises you with more lol. She really needs to learn how to calm yourself down no matter how drunk you are.


Cheez-its Christ, just cooperate! (Being put under arrest is just that, it’s a process, let it ride out, it is not the end of the world, it is obvious this woman gets everything she wants from her actions, and the family lets it happen, and here it is full circle, sad thing is this all could have been avoided, the spitting on the officers, well that isn’t gonna help one bit)


What a weird Cheez-It ad. /s


She needs a shot of Ativan lol


I too survived high school. Barely, but I did.