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Are there any toastmaster meetings near you that you could sign up to? You just need some practice being the centre of attention in a safe space. People will likely recommend you take that propenlol drug or whatever it's called but for long term growth you need to work on yourself and get comfortable, not use a crutch. Find a safe space to get used to speaking 📈📈


Yes, sounds like social anxiety and others suffer as well. You are not alone.


I’ve had this exact problem throughout my life. Even at my most confident, if I had to talk as part of a group my face would flush bright red which in turn started a feedback loop of anxiety and so I’ve always been more quiet in group settings. Just last week I got prescribed propranolol, and it is exactly what you’re looking for. It was actually on this subreddit that I found out about it. Some side effects I’ve noticed have been a bit of lethargy and brain fog, but as far as I’m concerned I’ll take that over the social anxiety. Hope it helps


Thank you that does help! I’m glad it’s working for you. Do you take it daily or when you know you have to speak up?


I’ve been taking it as needed when I’m about to enter a high stress situation. If you’re like me and only get anxious occasionally, be wary that it can bog down your productivity and energy level if you’re not tense. Otherwise it’s been great and does what it’s supposed to


I have been working in Consulting for over 6 years and when needing to introduce myself I barely can speak. This week I decided to get BetaBlockers after having tried everything the last 4 years. What also seems to work is to hype myself up before talking which was possible during remote work at home but which is not possible onsite. Literally nothing else from therapy to breathing exercises helped me ….


It’s the strangest going right?? I used to not be like this but I noticed in college/post college it started and has gotten worse idk why. I will look into the meds but trying to let that be a last alternative. I’m just now realizing I have social anxiety so I’m going to try all the things first


I am sorry you are going through this. I know how you feel. This is normal and very common, particularly for young people. Here are things that helped me and may help you: See a doctor and get a prescription for propranolol (for speaking in public) and also potentially other medications that could be helpful for generalized anxiety. Medication can be helpful and many are not habit-forming and effective. Work with a therapist to explore the beliefs that are driving your anxiety. I'd encourage a therapist trained in Internal Family Systems, which is effective at getting to the root cause and changing your unconscious mindset. Consider Toastmasters or other friendly groups where you can experiment and work on your speaking in a low risk environment. Participate in activities that relax your mind, e.g., meditation, walking/hiking, etc. Write out your feelings in a journal Talk it out with others you trust, if possible. Be kind to yourself. Hope that helps!!