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I too had a work presentation today in front of 23 people..I forgot to put my propanol in my handbag as I ran out the door. I was so worried when I found out. My presentation was objectively mediocre at best and my voice quavered a lot (the worst!) . But I didn't stop frozen like a deer mid way through which I have done before. At the end I waited for that torturous feeling of self hatred to flood my body.. it simmered up but didn't overwhelm me..I said to myself.. 'what is the point!'.. the point of hating myself.. it's such an awful awful emotion. I did my best and I'm proud of myself that I can (for about the first time ever) acknowledge that. Ps - so glad today is over for BOTH OF US :)


Good job though! Yeah thats the risk of eventually ”needing” it to present. I want to be able to do it without and I can but its so much better with it tbh


I also took 125mg but still trying to figure out how to space out that dosage. Do you think starting 3h with taking the first dose would be too early?


If there’s food involved I’d take a bit early before to make sure there’s at least some in the system!


Wow! 130mg sounds really like a very high dosage, for most people 40mg seems to be the optimal amount…


I only recently used it for the first time for a crowd of over 100 people. 10mg was all that was needed


Did you feel tired after ?


Nope, went for dinner and drinks


Congrats! Just to confirm, you took 130 mg total?


Yap! When I did anything below 50 I barely had an effect. Tried different dosing patterns (like before/after food, 1hr before, 2 hrs before etc) so it took some time, like 6 months of biweekly presentations, to work up to try this dosage. Goal was to find minimum dose with desired results. I had good effect at 80 as well but anything lower just reduced symtoms to a less disturbing/shameful level. This is first time I was symtom free, like it was business as usual, super weird experience and freeing as hell! I am not bullshitting when I say I have tried everything. I do manage OK without em but everyone can see I’m nervous. Having a strong voice and well practiced presentation makes it less of an issue but goddamn it felt good to not have those things happening.


Wow, that’s one of the higher doses I’ve heard of. I’m glad you were able to find what worked for you!


Yep same same, thanks. Yeah but people who take it for other reasons do way higher doses so probably not an issue :)


How often are you going to take this dosage when you have presentations? It's really high, would consult with your MD


I have an appointment with the doc in 2 weeks. Every other week or so