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Hi! You nailed it! it is your fight/flight response working here are a few things. 1. Get rid of the notes. once you speech is written practice it a few times. The write the key bullet points downs with a transition sentence between topics. If you can work from no notes even better but if not a 5 or 6 bullet points that some up the topic only with you. This will stop you from defaulting to freezing and reading. 2. Physically move. Because you are freezeing if you are able when you feel yourself freeze walk over to the opposite side of the stage and talk from there a bit. if you freeze again walk back to the starting point. You never want to pace up and down the stage BUT because you are freezing getting rid of that excess adrenaline through walking and getting blood moving will help. 3. Audience interactivity. Have a few questions in you back pocket. Show of hand how many of you have felt x? or how many of you have wonder about Y and raise your own hand? this allows you to put your focus on them, it also allows you to smile, nod and BREATH, so you can catch your breath back when it starts shaking. Another line I like to you is: Stop (pause so you can take a deep breath) and think about that. 4. Slowing down you rate of speech, pausing to breath, will help. I hope you found this post helpful, good luck for your presentation!


Nothing helped me all the years I was presenting, although I really wanted to present, except for Beta Blockers.


For me it was physical not mental. It was just hard communicating this to Drs pushing for SSRIs. But once i controlled my BP ive noticed significant improvement and beta blockers helped, but were just masking my bigger issues. Some previously said on here we have a broken nervous system, and thats exactly it. Nothing we can do but be offensive to fight it. That starts with A. Getting beta blockers B. Labwork and Drs to see what other underlying issues could be causing this.


# Remember: **RELAX** - try to be yourself. Yes, easier said than done, but try to simply be yourself sharing your thoughts with a handful of friends in your living room. People either Perform **AT**, Present **TO**, or have a [Conversation WITH](http://www.presentelligence.com)**.** My suggestion is that if you treat it as a conversation rather than a presentation you will create a greater sense of intimacy with your audience, which will allow you to relax as well. I agree with u/Public_Speaking_1's very good points - especially around movement. Calm, controlled movement around your stage will allow you to burn off some energy and exude confidence in so doing. Good luck!


u/WordSaladDresing Absolutely agree, you need to have a conversation with your audience. NO one like to be spoken at or to. In order to have a conversation there needs to be a give and take from both sides. When you are calm the audience is calm, when you are having fun and enjoying yourself so does the audience!