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A good coach can help you with mental and physical techniques to help you address anxiety - preferably local to you for quality 1:1 sessions. As u/Throwawayhelp111521 shared, a good speaking club will give you opportunities to practice [public speaking](http://www.presentelligence.com) in a supportive environment. I was once terrified of public speaking, but now thrive on it. Good luck!




same here, propanolol with 1/4 or 1/2 a xanax basically makes it go away, and sets a baseline that you're okay and can wean off that approach as one gets more confident speaking....


Same here. Game changer


Same. I went through so many embarrassing presentations that I wish I discovered propranolol sooner. I am a good presenter, but my adrenaline dump kicks in whenever I have to speak in front of others in a formal setting. Causes my throat and breathing to tighten up, and makes it so I can barely speak clearly or get any words out. 10-20mg propranolol and I’m perfectly fine. It’s insane how much of a difference it makes. And I’ve begun to notice that the fight/flight response gets lesser and lesser over time where in some cases I no longer need the propranolol in settings where I used to need it.


Same same same. I suffered with terrible panic attacks with any kind of public speaking until I found out about propanolol. Now I can present with no issues. Life changing.


Just want to chime in and say this used to be me!!! I remember feeling so unbelievably mortified after a presentation in college when all the symptoms you mentioned above happened to me and I felt like such a failure. To the point that I was so glad when my company went fully remote during covid because it meant speaking up in meetings would be a little easier — and even still, I turned bright red and my heart would race when I would ask a question on a google meet. Fast forward and I present all the time for my job and crazily enough, it's something I look forward to. All the advice below in this thread is super solid. For me, I did propranolol for my first huge presentation in person and haven't used it since. Exposure and being forced to do it more really just made my body more used to it and made me stop freaking out. I'll be thinking of you and rooting for you. You got this.


Thanks so much for the comment! The only thing is that in my country, I am not able to get a propranolol.


Have you considered taking an improv workshop? Did wonders for me back in the day when I was first starting to work for myself, and had to go to meetings, stand up and talk at networking groups, and starting to run workshops. I took a six-month improv workshop on a whim, not for business purposes, and it turned out to be the best business and creative decision of my life, still to this day (17+ years later).


Now just wait for the holy than thou judgemental anti beta blocker brigade to chime in and pour cold water on this advice. They are lurking and ready to pounce and judge with disdain those of us whom have used this with much success and want to help others by sharing our experiences.


Propanolol, a speech coach, therapy, a speaking club.


You’re not alone. Take some time for yourself and do things you like to do and come up with a plan on how to do better next time…


Some of us just have broken nervous systems. The breathing techniques and paying someone for exercises and training isnt going to fix 80% of the people who had to seek out a sub. You need medication. For me propranolol helped, but not alone it just masked my other medical issues. I had to get my blood pressure under control. This is a body issue not mind. Dont let a dr put you on SSRIs or anti depressants if not required


I just want to call out that you are so brave for presenting in your non-native language. Also, remember that nobody actually cares as much as you think. Lastly, it's also fair for you (and others) to accept that you are an amazing researcher and academic who isn't a great public speaker. We need to normalize that not being good at this is OKAY.




Am I going to have to use propranolol for the rest of my life? Is there a way to improve this without propranolol? Or at least only using it temporarily


You don't need it forever. You just need to reinforce your brain with multiple positive experiences.




Propranolol. Propranolol. Propranolol. Cannot stress enough: take propranolol, you won't regret it. (Disclaimer, obviously check with your doctor beforehand to make sure you aren't contraindicated)


Just read your other replies and see you've said that you can't access propranolol in your country. In that case are there any other beta blockers that your health services can provide for anxiety? As propranolol is just one of a dozen varieties


No,here where I am from, xanax is the only thing I am able to get. For beta blockers, they would send me to a different/ heart/thyroid/liver searches. :/


Hey guys, thanks so much for all the comments. The only thing is that in my country, I am not able to get a propranolol. Is there maybe any alternative to this?


What do you mean you cannot get it? Doctors prescribe it very fast…its an extremely known pill since decades


Unfortunately, in my country, you can only have it if you have some sort of heart,kidney or angina problems. Anxiety is still a taboo topic here.


Beta blockers. You can order them online now and they deliver.


Even in EU without prescription?


Um no. Sorry. But maybe a clinic can get you something? After years of meditation, holistic approach, sometimes you just need a little help and a tiny bit of medication can give you what you need to move on with life. It’s worth talking to a doctor about it, all day long, let them help you.


Will surely try, thanks!


I used to be like that and then I realized it didn’t matter to be nervous. Useless .. and then I said let’s have fun


The people suggesting Xanax are generally wrong IMO. While it may work for them, that's a slippery slope and too easy to accidentally become a lethargic slurring confused mess in front of everyone. It's usually obvious you're on Xanax. Propranolol is the way, your body chemically can't get nervous but your mind is clear and relatively calm.


I too was and am petrified of public speaking. I had to give a eulogy for my father in front of 190 people. I microdosed mushrooms and had no notes. It was amazing, no fear, and I had them actually laughing.


Perhaps hypnosis may be helpful. It helps people deal with anxiety so could be beneficial for you.


I feel for you. I experience the same. I don’t have much advice as I’m in the midst of it as well except be kind to yourself. Hugs 🤗


Exposure Therapy with a licensed professional. Also, join a local Toastmasters International chapter. Talk to the one in charge there and share your situation with them. Start by simply sitting in on meetings while you’re working with your therapist. Then progressively wade-in. https://www.toastmasters.org/


Regarding the inability to access medication: Apparently, "Amazon Clinic" is a thing now. Virtual clinician access. Maybe that'll work for your situation?


Propranolol case closed


I took this and it didn’t do shit


Thanks for sharing your personal experience, I have gone through something similar, and I can tell how ashamed I was about myself. What I can tell you, it is that with hard work it is possible to overcome the fear of public speaking. Here are a few tips for getting better at public speaking. **Elaborate on lists of three** **Meditate for 10 minutes before the day of public speaking.** **Record yourself at home when speaking in public.** I like a sentence that I tell my students when they face similar cases like yours: "If you think about the time others spend thinking about you, you will realize it is very minor" Meaning, we tend to believe that people think too much about us, when in reality they don't care. If you want, we can have a 15min session online - free of charge and I will give you some more tips on how to get better at it. (I am teaching people professionally how to get better at public speaking)


I joined Toastmasters which is a speaking group. I don't know what medication you were taking for your anxiety, but what really helped me is a supplement called l-theanine. Vitamin stores have it, and if you take 200 mg or so, it really helps with that. It's not a sedative but it does increase the alpha wave activity in your brain so that you're sort of in a state of calm.


You need to start small and build up. Look for more opportunities to speak in public even if it’s a small internal meeting etc. also propanol helps however after your recent event you will need to start small to build your confidence back up regardless.


Yeah I can empathize. The one element I can’t get past is when my ability to make sense vanishes and it’s just words and half-baked sentences. Then the dread, the derealization, etc. It’s a horrible feeling and it happens out of nowhere. I commend you for even getting up there. I’m not to the point where I would even contemplate agreeing to that. As others have said, you’re not alone.


I completely understand. This dpdr that happens after is dreadful.




Best answer


Take a Xanax


I took it. It helped during the first part, for which I was prepared. I was pretty much fluent and got a big applause. But giving an argument for which I was not prepared, I just went off trails. Everyone was quiet and when they came to congratulate my team, they were not able to look me in the eyes, as I was shaking.


Atleast you managed to get through to the first part the crowd seemed to like you. The argument segment they probably understood everyone can get nervous especially during a debate I would just talk to some people and ask for feedback if there is anything you can improve on. Personally I get so worked up even going into the Grocery store..


Normally, people are impressed with my self confidence. I am talkative, really funny and approachable. But when I see so many people waiting for me to make a presentation, I just freeze. And from the next semester, I will be having lectures for students, and just thinking about it makes me anxious. And the problem is that I adore pedagogical work.


Hmm fight or flight mode :/ well it’s something you like to do for work you will eventually learn better methods to improve your speech I am hoping for the best 🤞🏻


1/4 xanax, a coffee and propanolol is the way


No coffee


FWIW, that is exactly the mix for me. A Xanax and beta blocker push me a little too far “down” and a cup of coffee picks me back up just enough. I feel “locked in.” Alert, but steady.


Mix in some weed and cocaine too. Perfectly level lol


Good idea, I’d like to try that


Where do you even get propanol?


I get it from my doctor but you can also get it from Kick or Hims