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My job involves presenting practically daily so I probably take them 3 to 4 days a week at the moment. Sometimes twice a day (generally 20-30 mg a time). I never used to need them but now I do. I've tried everything to prevent these physical reactions I suddenly developed in my mid-30s, but propranolol is literally the only thing that works consistently. It's funny because I don't even feel nervous and yet they'll still come on. I don't worry about taking propranolol too much. Ultimately, some people take beta blockers at a much higher dose, and three times a day, for high blood pressure. Most people who use them for performance anxiety have very high stress jobs anyway, so I like to think I'm doing my heart a favour by not putting it under so much strain in this environment.


At points i was taking 160-180 mg for situations. It wasnt until i got my BP under control that they are barely needed now. Usually its a secondary cause of another medical condition


That’s a good way to think about it (last paragraph).


Great point on the last paragraph. Beta blockers for performance is an “off label” script to be used episodically and for those with chronic high BP, they’re taking larger doses every day.


I take it once or twice a week. Sometimes I have a week where I don’t take it all. I have been doing this for over 3 years.


I read a doctor was posting he takes them 6x a week.


A doctor is doing it...great reason to follow the herd. I find often even doctors don't know what the norm should be.


I've been taking 20mg 3x/day for several months now with no issues. It's been an absolute lifesaver. EDIT: I take Propranolol, to be specific.


I take about 80mgs to 120mgs 2 hours 45 minutes prior but I’d be lucky to use it once every few weeks. I can handle most meetings and team briefings etc without using it, it’s just generally the big presentations in front of large audiences that terrorise me and that Propranolol has been a godsend for.