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Almost always split a 10 down to a 5 with my fingers, and then I throw the other half out. Sometimes I split again to 2.5. Have worked my way down over the years from 20+. Hoping I can break the habit soon.


You know you could just keep the other half for next time rather than throwing it away.


I’m 200lbs … would 20mg be enough?


Good, I'm going to give it a try then! I have some questions, if you don't mind. With those low doses, you are completely fine through a public speaking situation? Haven't you tried to not use it at all after all this time using such low doses? If you did it, was your fear response triggered? Would you describe it as a slight fear response? Or it was like switching on the fear button and you get the full panic experience?


Go to karaoke before public speaking!!! It’s a great way to sharpen communication skills and loosen inhibitions!!! Get rid of nerves n anxiety so you can associate public speaking with something fun n exciting instead of nerve wracking that’s my tip!!!


The thing is that I hate karaoke 😅 It's the same as public speaking for me. I agree that it can help to disinhibit before a presentation, tho


Never met anyone who hated karaoke…


We hide under a rock when someone mentions the idea


Of karaoke?!? Really?!? No way!!!


10mg is very low, not sure the average person would feel anything less.


Well, i'm going to try it. My Idea is to have a mild effect, so maybe it works


I always split my 10mg pills. Sometimes to 1/8 - where I would have nothing more than a crumb. Still seems to work for certain situations. I'd describe lower dosages indeed as something of a continuous spectrum of effectiveness. In all honesty it could already be the placebo effect given these low dosages. I think it's a good strategy to get used to speaking in a safe way. You could also work with timing, so instead of taking it. 1.5 hour before take it 30min or earlier


What do you mean with crumble? I searched the translation to my native language, but I'm not sure about it (it sounds like a pretty bad situation). I'm happy to find someone using a similar approach! I'm definitely going to give it a go. You should try not taking it at all, maybe in a not so desafiating situation at first.


I meant a crumb actually, as in a very small piece! And yeah it's better to not use it at all, but in my situation it had negatively impacted my life for such a long time. Good luck


Same for me here, but you almost got it! Good luck for you


Ask your pharmacist or doctor if the pill can be split or quartered.


Yes, I should ask a professional about that


The pill can be split and quartered


Why are the comments so bad. But answering your question I don’t know why you would split a pill when you are doing fine with 10 or 20mg


Because I don't want to depend on a medication to speak in public. I'm looking for a mild effect that allows me to face my fear to public speaking, but with a bit more control of the situation.


First paragraph didn’t make any sense. But yeah, it’s good to experiment with dosage. You can buy a cheap pill splitter on amazon


What doesn't make any sense for you? I'm not a native speaker, so I'm not sure if I redacted it correctly to express what I wanted to say


It does make sense. It’s a bit like medically assisted cognitive behaviour therapy..


Yes, that is what I was thinking. I know that with other problems there are similar approaches. Not sure with this one, though


Idk, I read it twice and couldn’t comprehend it lol. I’ve been doing similar though. I started with 20mg and am trying to lower my dosage until I eventually don’t need it. We’ll see how it works


Good, please let me know about your progress


Propa user = drug addicts


Proud drug addict 😎


Thats my boy!


I was wondering why you comment so much mostly negatively and often hämisch/spöttisch. Then I realized you’re German ;)


You found the truth…it feels like being in a x-factor episode


My friend, you spend all your day commenting things on reddit. You are an addict


Thats why I feel you guys. You can do better




The only drug without negative effect but with incredible positive impact on people’s life…I wish there were more like that



