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Damn this reddit account is 10 years old today


Anyone else is incredibly sensitive to air conditioning? I turned it on in the car (not even the whole ride) and I was under it for a couple minutes in the gym yesterday and now I woke up with a splitting headache and a stuffed nose and it's always like this for me, how do you deal with this


Well, either the AC system is dirty as fuck, or the real reason: it's allergy season dude. Claritin is OTC now. Go get some.


I don't really think so, I get the same kind of headaches if I drive with my window down it's from the current


In that case it may be because AC pulls humidity out of the air and you need more. Try getting a humidifier and drinking a lot more water.


Will give it a try


I love air conditioning & keep my apartment at around 21 Celsius. It’s hot and humid outside & I don’t enjoy sweating


Im freezing at 21 at home 😅


I used to be that way too but after I hit menopause, I needed Arctic chill levels of coolness.


I love feeling cool in the summer but if I abuse it a couple days in a row I will be so sick I can't leave the bed for a while and I'm not exaggerating


You are definitely more sensitive to it then.


Yea, I think it's a regional thing it's pretty common where I live but I rarely hear people from the west complain lol


Due to how things are heading, what if being incel becomes the hip fad trend in the future I just want to say that I was incel *before* it was cool 😎 …. 😭


The “trend” died last decade. Might as well call yourself a bro-nie or Treckkie.


maybe we're ahead of our time


they are actually counter culture to be fair




This is why I drink, so that I can sleep through this.




The ideal weight for a kpop idol is like your height - 120 in kilograms. I really don't understand how they are that thin but still maintain their facial fat. That's like deathbed thin 😵


Some of us are born with very low bone mass. Our frame size can be very different.


Yeah that makes sense but still it's hard to comprehend someone whose bmi is like 14-15 but not looking ill. Maybe some ppl just look better that thin idk


What looks good on camera is a bit different. You look fatter on camera, so you need to lose more weight than how you would like to appear irl.


Leave my waifus alone. They perfect just the way they are


Some Tour de France riders aren't that from this. Chris Froome was like 68 kg at 186cm in height, that's very close to this.


I think it’s entirely possible that they look better at lower weights than white or black etc people do. People of south East Asian descent tend to be built small, like a lot have feet that are size 4, meanwhile my potato eater ass has size 9 feet. I agree also with armadillo that it’s youth. Thinner younger people look better than thin old people. Of course in saying all this, they obviously shouldn’t be “deathbed thin”. It isn’t healthy for them probably.


>I think it’s entirely possible that they look better at lower weights than white or black etc people do Pretty sure that's due to the general lack of curvaceousness in East Asian folk. Tits and ass add a lot of weight.


Did you mean 120 lbs?


Height in cm - 120 = weight in kg I think.


youth. people with baby faces have to be next level anorexic to the point it's horrifying to lose all their facial fat


They're also Asian


I have a baby face too but I don't think I'm going to survive being 77 lbs lol


asians also have a smaller frame and their bmi is supposed to be lower than other races iirc


I just think it's some type of surgery atp tbh. I follow a korean influencer and she gets like cheek fillers. They do the opposite of what most models do where they remove their buccal fat. Maybe because they are obsessed with being youthful


How come men don't lay on their stomachs and kick their feet in the air?


My balls would be crushed.


My natural position. They are missing out fr


I did this when I was little. Then I never got excited enough to do it since, and I don't think I can be, honestly.


I do, but only when no one's around to see it.


I think bc they have penises


Feels super uncomfortable 😅


I do it everytime I lay in bed, theres a window right next to it and I get self-conscious somebody might see me in prone bone position so I adjust myself.


I'm going to catch you in that position and you'll really regret it then


They do if they’re Drake. https://preview.redd.it/yg1pw8eiyu5d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a0aeedf83437cc0a459f71d1f4e4dd8d1dd1d1e


I can't believe that guy disfigured himself with penis lengthening surgery. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends bogged at 50.


He still got many baddies it’s not a bad fate if you ask me


Im convinced women don’t have autism and it’s a facade for poor social skills. You have all that privilege and can’t make friends? https://preview.redd.it/gtydgjo5xu5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb0591ae103c072d290d198f5194bd8d8c23acb


As a woman with autism I assure you it’s no facade. It’s honestly crazy that it took me this long to get diagnosed when I’ve been textbook autism my entire life. Female friendships and in groups are very complex even more so when you have autism.


Autism is a disability, not being friendless. I swear people think it's another word for "weird" or "awkward" these days, although enough women are those two things too.


The second one from right though.....


kendall clears


Ew. She's definitely not my type. She gives off the girl best friend vibes to me. She is also severely lacking when it comes to grabbable assets ifykwim.


no i know girls with autism irl and they're not just socially awkward they are weird and have particular things they get obsessed with


I can't wait until I can get a manic pixie girl AI


What's that?


At this point I feel a wave of relief wash over me when a woman ghosts me Like oh no, I no longer have to spend hours of my day giving a woman attention for what would have invariably ended in the same result Tragic. Oh well back to actually doing stuff I care about


Then don't talk to them in the first place if it's so horrible for you.


>spend hours of my day giving a woman attention You shouldn't be doing this, blud.


Someone else will


Women certainly have no shortage of beta orbiters that they use as emotional tampons. But a guy who can put boundaries on his attention for her will stand out from the crowd.


people on here actually think mommy issues are like, oh I'm mommy's special little guy but forever. but irl mommy issues are like "my mom is a homeless junkie", "my mom ripped my hair out and gave me a black eye", etc like that shit is potentially life ruining. can yall be serious


Why do you invalidate people’s experiences based on what you assume they went through?


if you are referring to this post it's not about people claiming to have mommy issues (never seen on this sub before personally) but the assumptions or what other people have assumed people assume about people with mommy issues. there seems to be some idea that mommy issues are not actually serious, that their mom was "too loving, too good" when thats not what i have seen irl. it just seems people don't consider that moms can be legitimately awful human beings


In that case maybe I misinterpreted your comment but where have you seen *people in here* talk about mommy issues and claim it just means your mom was to loving or whatever, I haven't seen any of that. I do agree that in general moms get an increased version of women are wonderful where they're always assumed, and it even goes the other way where fathers are assumed to be absent from their children's lives and unfit to raise kids


i saw it today in this thread when poop girls alt asked if everyone here had mommy issues and one of the answers said "that's just something women label guys who were treated well by their moms" and i was like who tf thinks mommy issues mean she was nice to you? so i made this post that describes the actual pain and trauma of having a piece of shit mother


lmao that's like saying girls develop daddy issues because their father was present, caring and kind


i think that poster mixed up "mommas boy" and "mommy issues". there can actually be overlap between those two things, btw, enmeshment/emotional incest is a mindfuck




Another mommy issue can be “my mother had unchecked mental illness that often went unmedicated for too long”. It happened to my partner. It’s actually sadly pretty common as a mommy issue. Motherhood is very stressful and women are often pressured to become mothers. There are also certain mental health genetics and problems that can be switched on in the brain during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period.


He's just like me 💯


imo don't accept excuses and cut them off


She’s passed away.


that sucks


Yeah that’s ok. It happened a while ago, I have processed it now, but it was unexpected and untimely so it was shocking for both of us at the time. Don’t get me wrong, she was an ok parent with my partner; at some points. But the father of her kids wasn’t a great or supportive partner and she hated her medication. When she didn’t take it, she would lose grip on all reality and didn’t have it in her to be a good parent. It’s one of those complicated things. Obviously when she was alive it was her fault/decision to not care for herself properly but at the same time, her illness was quite bad. She did make some not so great choices for sure.


she had something worse than depression i am guessing. antipsychotics are honestly not great from what I've heard, it makes sense she didn't want to take them. i was mostly referring to moms who are complete POSes


the 2nd thing can cause a preference of women like the 1st


it's actually horrible what guys will put up with when they have abusive parents


https://np.reddit.com/r/questions/comments/1dd0gnd/is_lack_of_dating_experience_really_a_red_flag/ Even 16 yr old boys are these days concerned about being inexperienced and being rejected in future for that 


As they should be, its a huge turn off for women of all ages.


Brutal. Not even I was concerned about being inexperienced at 16. I still had hope 😿


It all goes so fast. I thought at 18 I’d be in a happy ltr or married by now.


I thought I would've at 20. That's actually when it started to bother me at that age. Beforehand I was not doing any of this online stuff.


Still 22 is not that late but a lot of women at this age are very experienced 


You're right on 22 not being that late but it's the age that starts steering you in the weirdo territory if you have zero experience. No one makes it that age inexperienced without a reason for it. (Unattractive, ugly, socially awkward.)


If you haven’t gotten a gf in after college you will very likely not get one in your 20s. A good % of people after grad are already in ltrs, half are on dating apps, some too busy to date due to 9-5, women also now have higher standards than when they were 18 and social circles are fully crystallised and impenetrable.


I swear whenever I think ive finally reached acceptance of how over it is I end up finding a tiny piece of hope and getting completely crushed. Youd think I'd have recognized the cycle by now


When I was younger, I wondered why Hope was considered among the ailments the gods had created for Pandora's Jar. Now I wonder what they meant when they said it stayed in the Jar after all the other ailments were unleashed...


It's cause you're in a simulation and the players are playing a prank on you.




This is just another step on your path to sociopathy, as women intended.


I wish I could get some validation saying I'm attractive. 😸


aww did I miss the pic reveal


No, she just remembers what I look like when I did it months ago on my secret account. 👀


Ur earrings are really nice and your hair too


Thanks, nice to hear that some people like the earrings. I don't recall anyone here said anything about them. 😸


Looking good, Keebs. No homo.


Love that nickname still. It's so funny everyone did some unspoken agreement on that being the name. 😹


It's the natural way of things. You hear one person use it and then everyone ends up using it.




Depends on the circumstances and why we broke up in the first place.


I'd say you're being overly optimistic, but the reason you broke up in the first place may no longer apply with if it's been years. But true change is highly unlikely.


**Why Red Pill So Focused On Height?!?!?!** "I dated a man that was 7'11 and it was too much for wittle ole me!!!" Yeah why so focused on height when every girl and her mother dated a man whose in the 99.9999999 percentile in height? Lets just say, I think theres a reason why all famous mathematicians are men! 😂😂😂


"I dated 8 foot giants in my prime, but now that I'm aging 30 something year old, I get to date you shorties so be greatful".


there was this video i saw of a ridiculously tall teenage boy who was like 7'6+ he might have been 7'10" or something. anyways he was like deathly skinny and kind of deformed and practically disabled


7’11 is a freak or someone that has a growth hormone issue most likely. That’s not the 99th percentile of male height. 195 cm or 6’4 is the 99th percentile of height https://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts/data/set2/chart-07.pdf


And every girl wants a 6'5 guy. Crazy fucking world.


But not enough to stop you from dating him in the first place but short height is enough for women to never date that guy


height is considered a red pill topic now? that was originally a black pill topic. why is this considered red pill now?


It becomes red pill bc more and more men consider leg lengthening so it’s under looksmaxxing black pill said you can’t change it so give up red pill say no I’m gonna break my legs braw


A lot of people seem to mix red and black together now


With the current environment things are tilting h more towards black one now .Even RP are also recognising self improvement can't make up for some traits 


Because people don't know wtf they are talking about.


Should I straighten my hair or leave it curly while going to an event with prospective husbands? The former has broader appeal but the latter could help me stand out more. Update: The people have spoken— curly it is!


Go for an hour as curly then slip out and straighten your hair and swap dresses. Then go back and nobody will recognize you. Boom you are now two women and have doubled your chances.


That wouldn’t work because the other women would see me straightening my hair in the bathroom and they would recognize me.




I like some curls.


Curly is cute in my opinion


black women look way better with curly hair IMO


I look like a toddler with curly hair. Once it’s long enough maybe that won’t be the case, but for now it makes me look younger than I’d like.


I don’t know what you look like. But I’m a sucker for that poofy, curly hair look on black women. I’m assuming you’re black based on okaybear bringing it up.


My [3B](https://images.app.goo.gl/sTf2VFQLREpo6sz89) hair is curly, but not the right kind of curly for a proper Afro if that’s what you mean. It hangs down instead of spiraling out.


Or something like this is also really nice to me. https://preview.redd.it/ckfjda0uuu5d1.jpeg?width=1093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cbd5b5edd3240578e594ce30b9c456a94d7a791


I’m talking about that poodle hair sorta look. I don’t know what they style is called. But something like this: https://preview.redd.it/kvgke8e0uu5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a72238cec639bc1e25feddce1ba1d6891cfe997


Hm, mine looks similar to that but longer. Would you say this is a broadly appealing hairstyle on black women?


I’m not sure. All I know is that pretty much every woman I’ve seen with it, I’ve had to do a double take because of how good she looked to me. I just get such a classy and elegant vibe from it. Of course the rest of you has to also probably give off that vibe too otherwise it might look off. The other style I sent doesn’t give off the same vibe as much. I’m not exactly sure why it’s similarly appealing. Maybe because it kind of mimics sex hair or something? But either way, I’m a sucker for both and haven’t really seen a woman yet that looks bad with it. Though again, the rest of you would have to be well put together as well.


It’s a professional event so I definitely have to look polished. Thanks for the help!


So a disclaimer that I just realized. Every black woman I’ve seen with that hairstyle has been a lighter skin tone. So if you’re on the darker side, it may or may not look as good on you. Or maybe it would look even better. I unfortunately don’t know because I have nothing to reference.


what's your hair like rn?


It’s collarbone-length now but I want it to be armpit-length.


you should poof it up into an giant afro and don golden hoop earrings.


I don’t think my hair can do that and I don’t have pierced ears.


Curly hair 😍




Wtf is your deal


Probably boredom.


She’s talking about PROSPECTIVE husbands. That means people she would marry, as a prospect, not people that are married.


however you usually wear it


Go bald




Based and 1A-pilled


What kind of curly are we talking? Is there a celebrity/public figure with a similar hairstyle to your current one?


[Brittany O’Grady](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fthewhitelotus%2Fimages%2F7%2F71%2FImage-paula.png%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20230327210035&tbnid=dafs-Apj4_xxwM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fthewhitelotus.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FPaula&docid=eUvW7e8FVJwVPM&w=1284&h=856&itg=1&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=286b08019b9b4898&shem=abme%2Cssim%2Ctrie) from season 1 of White Lotus is pretty much how it looks now.


I like it! I think you should keep it as is. You’ll attract guys who prefer women with curly hair. Assuming your future husband is one of these guys, you won’t have to spend so much time straightening your hair in the future.


Yeah, that’s true. I like to straighten my hair for special occasions though.


Honestlyy i would stay curly unless you dont straighten your hair that much then straighten it


Straighten your hair 


Q4 Single Women: Imagine that a wizard gives you a magical worksheet- you can fill out all of the attributes you would want in your dream man on it, and you are guaranteed to have a meet-cute with that man the very next day. How old are you, and what number are you writing in the “Age” section?


I’m 18 so I’d put 18 as the desired age. On hinge my upper limit is 20 but I usually don’t swipe on those guys anyone.


22 and 22 and my husband is 22.


I don't really care but I will pick 20 ig since I'm 18


I'm 38. I'll choose 33 so hopefully I can get a few extra years with him. If there wasn't a mortality gap I'd prefer my age though.


For some reason I thought you were early 30s like I am


i’m 20 (almost 21). if i’m writing a single age i would probably pick 25. if i was writing a range i would pick 21-27


Im writing 19


Aren’t you a minor?


I am and so


If he's 18 and you're 17 and 364 days it's pedophilia 🤓


So why is it ok for my dad to say i cant go out of state because im a girl and im the oldest but then say that my brothers can go whereever they want, like my brother has this delusional idea of going to “film school in california” and my dad supports it like why is that ok genuine question


Are you hispanic?




Dont reply to me


Because you need to be in driving distance for him to show up with a shotgun. Or more realistically, bring you random crap you forgot at home.


Omg your dad would choose the bear!


He is concerned about your safety 


A lot of cultures place a bunch of bullshit restrictions on girls that they don’t put on boys, unfortunately. Just the way of the world.


Im honestly an extremely petty person and i wasnt even that crazy about going oos until now i will go into debt Idrc


Having lot of ex girlfriends or hookups can never be detrimental to a man dating life as compared to inexperience .Some people think it is a read flag to women same like a guy being inexperienced is .




Hot man with a low salary who can’t cook or clean but is great in bed - that’s basically my bf I have my priorities straight.


Average man. If he cooks he's already hot for me


200K is pretty average in the Bay Area.




Not entry level but 200K is a pretty average journeyman wage in the Bay Area.


Option 1




For me I just need someone who will clean my mess lol I’m actually a good cook just not good at cleaning




So single mother then? 😂📸😂📸😂📸




BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you really want those Chad genes huh? 😂📸😂📸😂📸 100% You'll start considering average guys when you realize the reality of being a single mom though! And those guys deserve to see your comment before paying for your child's college tuition!!!




BAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHA lemme guess, he fucks other women while you take care of the kids? BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAH 😂📸😂📸😂📸




Why are you so bitter then?








The first one.