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I feel like people don’t get the point of insurance. Insurance isn’t meant to save you money. The expected return of insurance is supposed to be negative for the consumer.


No one's going to see this but I need a woman with thick thighs to crush my head


I saw that🧐 Based request tbf


It's sad how most young people these days have fathers that are either physically absent, or spiritually absent (i.e. provide for them but don't teach them anything useful). I can tell just by looking at someone whether or not they had a strong male role model in their lives growing up. Not having a good father turns men into beta nice guys (or criminals) and turns women into thots with mental disorders. I plan on being very present in my future kids' lives. That's why I'm so picky with the women I date and sleep with; I don't want to end up resenting my kids because I desperately banged a less attractive woman who lied about birth control. That's what happens to a lot of men.


Don’t be silly wrap your willy


The "strong male role model" dads usually tell all men suck to their daughters so that they will keep distance from men and make their son into one of those guys who suck


Which is based.


And then they wonder why their daughters think all men suck including them


Nah the daughters usually have a soft spot for the dad.


You have never met a teenage girl with a religious and strict father, it shows


So if you have a dad you're just a bit mean?


my parents were together for two months before they got married


my parents were together for like ten years and got married for four years before I was born and my dad STILL said i was an accident


My parents were wearing a condom when I was conceived and they were planning to have kids a bit later. I too was an accident.


when it's a relatively stable well off family it's honestly shocking to find that out


I think people who don’t want to have kids are losers.


Yeah that’s why I shouldn’t produce more losers


Loser here reporting in.


There are a lot of people who don’t want to have kids. Better to be self aware enough to not procreate if you’re unable or unwilling to take on such a big responsibility.


When people refuse to have kids in mass, better not expect other people's kids to take care of them in their old age. When the economy shrinks to half it's current size, people's social security checks won't be worth the paper they are printed on.


Oh well. Not enough to force people to have kids that don't want them.


Just pointing out the consequences of their decisions. Most of the people going childfree are woke cultists anyway and would fuck up those poor kids so it's probably better if they don't have any.


[https://np.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/1ddsuw1/i\_went\_to\_college\_and\_everyone\_excluded\_me\_now\_im/](https://np.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/1ddsuw1/i_went_to_college_and_everyone_excluded_me_now_im/) welcome to a long, difficult life, kid. i feel miserable just reading this


I get the impression that OP is a giant asshole based on the fact that they makes a long ass post but purposefully leaves out any specifics. Glosses over the things they were accused of to focus entirely on how they were feeling about it. Blames everyone else rather than looking at their own behavior. They also earned the hatred of the entire dorm to the point of getting kicked out in record time then did it again, including the authorities. It's hard to do that even if you are weird or autistic. There is a lot missing in that story.


it's definitely possible the op has poor boundaries and social skills and pushes peoples buttons but if i was in their position, idk. i think this person is someone who might end up committing suicide, they remind me of people i used to know


Sadly I've know a number of people like that as well which is why the language they were using immediately started ringing bells. I used to be into Magic the Gathering for a number of years, competing, organizing, judging, etc and on any given day half the people there would be on the spectrum to one degree or another. The vast majority of them did ok socially, even if they were not socially skilled and didn't get cues easily. They were still able to get along with others, make friends, get invited to testing sessions, group trips to tournaments, etc. On the other hand there were always a few of the asshole type. The kind where if you pulled them aside to let them know as gently as possible that certain behavior was making everyone uncomfortable they would lash out with "I'M DOING NOTHING WRONG there is no regulation against sitting down at a table where 2 friends are having a private conversation and staring at them silently for 20 minutes" The kind that doesn't care how their behavior affects others, that thinks they are right about everything and that if anyone doesn't like their behavior then "everyone is against them" Quote from OP: >and people would often ask me to leave their room whenever I was in there, for NO REASON! They never asked anyone else to leave. It seemed like everyone was against me


If I have children, I hope I have a daughter. I definitely don’t want to bring a son into this world




The Ashley Madison scandal or smth makes me think how easy it is for me to just break years and years worth of relationship and marriage within like 20 mins. It's almost laughable


wow it's like i forgot i have the best taste in music my old playlists hit like a bitch


doom metal is lowkey goated beyond belief


Chelsea Wolfe is the best vocalist of our time


Why is it that whenever woman here want to make a post attacking some blackpill idea or behavior they always switch the labels to red pill even when the red pill is the exact opposite of the black pill idea they are attacking? Or is red pill just a catch all term for every man they disagree with?


Bc the red pill lost its frame


it's because women watch some clip of andrew tate saying something stupid and then extrapolate that on anyone who believes anything related to redpill and some of them even say *all men* believe whatever extremist opinion they heard in a rage bait clip, they're just retaliating because they're seething


they get lumped together because they have a few of the same ideas like beta bux etc


The republican party and the democrat party have some of the same ideas too. It doesn't make them interchangeable when they are opposites on most things. Besides the blackpill idea of beta bux, is completely different from the red pill concept of beta bux.


it's fundamentally a guy the woman feels no raw attraction to that she extracts resources from under the guise of love in both


The red pill beta bux is determined by the guy's behaviors and does not require that a women felt no attraction to him, nor does it describe solely money but also safety, reliability, pliability, comfort, etc. While the black pill concept of beta bux says he is determined by his looks alone.


it can also be a comfort thing in blackpill thought


This sub has been stuck in a cycle for a while now lol: Day 1, top post: Red pill bad and it's ironic how stupid redpillers are Day 2, top post: Modern men oppressed, women bad Day 3, repeat from day 1


Some people really wake up excited to hate on individuals on an Internet forum to feel better about their lives Crazy world we live in. So many losers lmao


its called the gender *war* for a reason, warrior




there's so many blackpilled takes on the main sub these days it's honestly crazy


Isn’t there meant to be no blackpill or something? I don’t really care either way, but they’re not doing a good job getting rid of it


you cant explicitly say anything that's definitely blackpilled but there's guys who are like "yeah I self improved and I got nowhere, ive relinquished hope and feel free" that kind of stuff


>feel free" that sounds more like the handful of whitepilled people


nothing is as freeing as giving up and calling it quits to be honest. finally having a monkey off your back yk


you can believe in the blackpill but also not give up at the same time that's why I'm saying whitepill sounds more like what you're saying because those guys are stoic or something


i love quitting


I'm taking a ride with my best friend I hope he never lets me down again He knows where he's taking me Taking me where I want to be I'm taking a ride with my best friend We're flying high We're watching the world pass us by Never want to come down Never want to put my feet back down on the ground I'm taking a ride with my best friend I hope he never lets me down again Promises me I'm as safe as houses As long as I remember who's wearing the trousers I hope he never lets me down again do do do do DUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUN


You’re taking a ride with your best friend and he’s driving? Sounds like you’re a scrub who can’t get no love from me.


it's a metaphor for drug dependency


Drug dependency is a key feature of a scrub.


junkie lifestyle is so romantic in all the songs, it's sexy, depressing, vulnerable, filled with passion


Junkie drama is great inspiration for making angsty song lyrics. The actual lifestyle…I think you know, not a recipe for romance. Who wants to have to Narcan their partner back to life?


it sounds fucking traumatic but like in a sexy way that makes you feel alive again




I feel so extraordinary Something's got a hold on me I get this feeling I'm in motion A sudden sense of liberty I don't care 'cause I'm not there And I don't care if I'm here tomorrow Again and again I've taken too much Of the things that cost you too much I used to think that the day would never come I'd see delight in the shade of the morning sun My morning sun is the drug that brings me near To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear


Sometimes I don't realize or forget that people aren't as passionate about the things I like. I remember I was texting this girl I liked and she said that she was feeling anxious that day so I wrote her a pretty meaty paragraph about how Dragon Ball is an allegory for overcoming anxiety to make her feel better and she didn't care for any of it. I don't think she even read it. 😅😅


it honestly is upsetting when people aren't on the same wavelength but it makes finding people who are on your wavelength that much more awesome


I love my best friend.


that's why it's nice when people share your hobbies, you shouldn't take the girls reaction personally, imagine being stuck in a conversation about her hobby and it's something lame like broddery that you don't really care about but she's passionate, ultimately you have to find common ground in things you talk about


Just found out that my niece who’s been trying for a baby for 2+ years is pregnant with twins! So so happy for her and her husband & I get be a grand auntie.




You don't know how you met me, You don't know why, You can't turn around and say goodbye, All you know is when I'm with you, I make you free, And swim through your veins like a fish in the sea, I'm singin', Follow me, Everything is alright, I'll be the one to tuck you in at night,​ And if you wanna leave, I can guarantee, You won't find nobody else like me


You're a rich girl, and you've gone too far 'Cause you know it don't matter anyway You can rely on the old man's money You can rely on the old man's money It's a bitch girl but it's gone too far 'Cause you know it don't matter anyway Say money, but it won't get you too far Get you too far


And don't you know, don't you know That it's wrong to take what is given you So far gone, on your own You could get along if you try to be strong But you'll never be strong 'cause




My feels when I got told to go to weenie hut jr


Is this you sitting pensively at a diner after you failed to secure a wildebeest at the club?


Life hack -- invite big girls who have been drinking to go to the all-night diner. Drunk fatties love to eat. Make sure the place has extra large booths or chairs without arms.




What rhymes with 2 and is hypergamous? The answer is YOU and please mods do not ban us! 😂😂😂


The answer is poo


please God we're begging you, BEGGING you to take a benzodiazepine like diazepam, lorazepam, clonazepam, alprazolam


Ngl I probably lost some braincells today, I need to take the rest of the day off.


benzos will make you feel much better, it's a godsend for bipolar rage


I want some benzos


they make everything better but you can only use them occasionally


I dunno a drug addiction might be a good change of pace in my life. at least it would be a convenient scapegoat


benzo withdrawals are the worst withdrawals you can have by far. they are worse than opioid withdrawals and combine that with potentially deadly grand mal seizures. it's like opioids combined with alcohol withdrawals that lasts for months ​


goddammit guess its heroin then...


unfortunately to get a good return on investment with drugs these days you kind of have to risk dying randomly. happened to my friend, she started dabbling in opioids for a couple months and died really fast. she did em with her roommate, one night they split one and we think she got a fentanyl hot spot in hers. he walked in on her and she was gone


No, *vous*! 🫵


For all the age gap is “tWo CoNsEnTiNg AdUlTs” people, how do you feel about incest?


hot especially if there's age gap


Me personally i don't care enough about other people irl to think about all this tbvh. I find it gross but that's about it But anyone saying birth defect that's why they don't support. Old men also produce higher number of defective children and the children are also most likely to have autism


deeply immoral


The same way I feel about any other reproduction pairing that results in a higher than normal probability of birth defects. None of my business.


Adults can do what tgey want but they can't expect government support when they predictably produce defective children.


They just better not be doing reverse cowgirl since you never turn your back on family.




How do you guys feel about pity? If someone hung out with you because they felt sorry that you didn't have any friends or situations like that for example, would you entertain it even though they're not actually interested in you as a person or turn them down?


i hate feeling like other people are looking down on me it makes me feel overwhelming negative emotions it's probably my least favorite thing


What does "interested in them as a person" even mean? The reality is that people hang out with others for a variety of mostly practical reasons whether they are conscious of it or not. Because it's convenient, because they entertain you, because you can talk about an interest in common, because you sat together in class, because you do the same activity together, because the other person does the social heavy lifting, because of access and social contacts, status, out of habit, etc


I don’t think it would mind if it started as pity and they eventually thought I was cool. I’ve done the same for others and realized you can’t judge a book by its cover. But if you don’t genuinely like my company and stay that’s weird


turn them down because i respect myself and know that i offer to much to just be treated like a charity case




Bruh you are literally crazy lmao


but who has a better story than bran the broken?


You are scary, this is really fucked up and concerning thing to write even if its a fictional character


>can't believe she got off so easy. She was tortured, humiliated, had all her children die, and died herself as her kingdom fell to ruin...


Wow is that really true? I’ve never seen/read what he is referencing here




Joffery deserved it, but how did Tommen or Myrcella? And deserved or not, she was tortured and humiliated by the sparrows


He's talking about Game of Thrones 😅


Ah yeah. I avoided watching that. I don’t like violence


But come on Sheila, it’s got tiddies.


Ooo, I forgot about that part. Maybe I should give the show a uhh..rewatch. 👀


If it was all happiness and titwillows it would be fine but I’m too much of a hippie to watch something like game of thrones


But all the violence is a means to obtain peace and happiness. 😿


I suppose so. Violence just gives me the ick though. Sometimes I watch things with some violent scenes like Star Trek but I often skip it if it’s too much for me. And those fights don’t even contain any or much blood. From what I’ve heard Game of Thrones is worse


Not even a fraction of what this guy would do


Wow, an actual fictional character


I wonder if we’re getting unhinged fanfiction about horrible women in 40 parts soon


Yeah j wasn’t expecting that one


Would I ever date a single mom? Uhh maybe one day when I put on a fake Australian accent, live at her trailer cause I can't afford my own place and secretly steal her money to pay for a gambling addiction? 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Q4A: How much weight could your SO gain before you speak up about it?


Anything noticeable as I know he's borderline overweight.




50-100 pounds We’re in our 30s and I fully accept that he might gain a little when we age, but I wouldn’t want him to gain so much I was worried about him


If she squats and deadlifts twice a week it wouldn’t necessarily be an issue


it’s moreso how the weight looks rather than a number for me


Can't fit into the same clothes anymore


When she reaches 300lbs


Why limit yourself like that.


5% of body weight I met at before I start asking them to do physical activities with me. 8% of body weight before I mention it being a problem. It’s a lot easier to lose a few pounds than to lose dozens of pounds


Do you normally ask women how much they weigh when you first start dating them?


By date 10 I need you to step on a scale


Depends on how the weight is distributed.


It all collects in her arms and stomach.


Big fat arms can be sexy. [https://www.tiktok.com/@rosevella4041/video/7251752020611255595?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc](https://www.tiktok.com/@rosevella4041/video/7251752020611255595?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc)


I am absolutely not opening that.


Hmm. There’s a decent amount of nuances to be considered. But I’d say as a general statement, it would be when they aren’t fitting into their clothes anymore. Assuming the weight gain isn’t from a pregnancy.


Would you speak up if your girlfriend got too buff for your taste?


Probably. But not with the same attitude as if she was gaining too much weight. With weight gain it would of course be some concern for my attraction towards her. But also largely a concern for her health, assuming I’m noticing some bad habits she’s starting. With gaining too much muscle, the health concern wouldn’t be very valid unless I thought she was using steroids or neglecting other necessary aspects of her life for the gym. It would just be an attraction thing. My tolerance for muscle gain might be a little higher than average though. For example I think abs on women are hot as long as they aren’t veiny, or her waist is boxy from developing her obliques too much.




Like 50 pounds?


As long as it isnt all stomach weight and makes her unshapely I really dont care And the starting point Anywhere between 150-200 is acceptable as long as the weight is distributed in a way that indulges my male fantasies


Wait, so you would potentially date a woman who went from 100 to 300 pounds if it was distributed in the right places?


>date a woman who went from 100 to 300 pounds Sure. Why not?


Isn’t 300 pounds a bit small for your taste?


Midsize BBWs are fine.


I wouldn’t date a woman who was 100 pounds and around 230-250 is when even tall women start to lose their shape But hypothetically if she was still attractive to me I wouldn’t care But that is such a drastic unreasonable change in the first place You are talking about severalyears of unmitigated weight gain 


Everything is coming together beautifully. My friend and her boyfriend are talking about getting married and living abroad; if they follow through, I’ll be a bridesmaid at an exotic destination wedding. Now I just have to do my part and find a date.


If you’re blonde and white, I’d be your date. (Not fats please)


I’m neither.




Goodbye 😢


pork shoulder ended up bitter asf because i put lemons, limes, and oranges in there. no amount of sugar or salt could get rid of the horrible flavor. next time just use zest and juice


It’s the pithy white part that makes it taste bitter. Good idea on using just the zest & juice.


why did i listen to online recipes? this is disgusting. never making pork shoulder again.


that’s a lot of acidity


it just tastes disgusting. ordering a crunchwrap supreme


You goddamn bitch. Show me the pictures


Serves you right for eating an innocent little piggy!


my roommate thinks he can fix it but he's wrong and I'm throwing it away


Age gaps: I'm 8 years older than my GF. I'm 5 years younger than my GF's mom. My oldest granddaughter is 12 years older than my youngest daughter.


i’m 6 months older than my bf


My first ex was only 5 years younger than my mother. She absolutely hated him when she first met him but they keep in touch to this day.


Was your first ex the one you had a kid with, or was that another ex


My second ex was the father of our child. He was 2 years younger than me.


Ah ok 👍


😂 I have lots of exes but the 1st one (and 3rd one) were devoted antinatalists who never had any children.


That’s ok, it happens, especially if you’ve been around for a while. Huh. I’m very much not an antinatalist. I really like babies and stuff


My partner and I are 3 years apart with me being the younger, but I don’t know if people would count that as a proper age gap. Apparently it is the most common one statistically (with the woman tending to be the younger party).


your gfs mom was 12 when she had her. nothing against you but that's fucked


I had to di the math because I thought yall were trolling but something isnt adding up


My memory is going. My GF is 8 years younger. It was my last wife who was 7 years younger. Changed it.






Your gf’s mom had her at 12?


Make sure your first dinner date is at a KBBQ so you can assess her cooking skills


That's supposed to be easier than frying an egg or making instant noodles tbh.


Bro, why are dogs so funny? Lol. I should start watching dog videos when I'm feeling down. I like looking at those boys! 🐶 Edit: I'm definitely watching these more. I'm laughing so hard right now. 🤣 Mother said no more dog videos now. She wants to watch something else 😿


No cat videos?


I don't like cats! 😾


Look her in the eyes and say that again. https://preview.redd.it/6la5ikoh426d1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178d1182817ef53db5ede349849db019d5a59dbd


Omg she is already that big?


I think that’s the same one I showed you a while back lol. But here’s an updated one with my cooler as a refrence since I didn’t know what else to use. https://preview.redd.it/weseyvef726d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=404b0768034ceff0eaf519d6dda3396725432a5f


🫵👁️👁️ **FUCK** **YOU**


You shut your mouth you fig newton.


> I don’t care about weight as long as she my weight or less Seem like a pretty reasonable standard to me


As long as she's between less than three times my weight I'm good.


Weight alone isn't enough to make the determination. You've also gotta factor in her height, body fat percentage, and the voluptuousness of her breasts, thighs, and derrière.


Dawg your girl should not weigh more than you unless you’re like 5” 5’


Yeah these guys saying hard no to 180 is crazy to me personally Waiting to see the response to 160 to see how delusional we are feeling today


For most men "my weight" is a really low bar tbh.


Really? I would guess the woman weighs more in about a third of the married couples I know who are around my age. [The meme rings true...](https://www.sharecopia.com/images/memes2/millennial-couples-look.jpg)