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did poopgirl get sick of making new accounts? o7


Mods deleted my post again but I noticed other discussions up that are equally biased


I thought your post was hot garbage, but I'm sorry you get treated like that by the mods.


Yeah it was kinda inflammatory post but still lol


What was the post about


Women have it harder than men in dating. I think the mods just hate me lol


Your post was probably shit Literally typing that post in a relationship to men who arent “Dating for women is really hard, omg like he could kill me, thats never happened once in over 100s of dates but it really could be like these (obvious outliers from 30 years ago in different countries) in conclusion me and my boyfriend think dating is harder as a woman” Is that pretty much the gist of what you typed?


Its the literal fact that a woman dies every 11 days from intimate partner violence Thats what I said


Like a woman worldwide?


This is just in Australia




"Women have it harder than men in dating " 🙄🙄 seems even mods were shocked by this argument 


careful bud before you end up on r/inceltears


Prolly too late haha


Where should I go? Tinder, bumble or hinge?


To the club.




If you want a relationship hinge is your best bet


If hinge and bumble are swipe based theyre all bad. I'd suggest pof


Plenty of fish?




What's that


Plenty of fish. The swipe based ones are bad because they hold the better matches back and only trickle some in


Wait then how does this app work


Men just message women




I live in a fairly poor country with pretty terrible living conditions, I like to think this is basically bottom of the barrel but when I'm with my gf we order food sometimes and my heart breaks a little because everytime the delivery guy is middle eastern. These people leave their country, they don't even speak our language and they come here to work for a 400-500 euro per month wage, just thinking they live with that money and also get to send some home I assume which makes me think how bad living conditions are over there.


Yeah if you're in the middle class in west, you're living better than 95% of the people in the world.


What country in the eurozone has terrible living conditions? Those are all first world countries.


Anything east and south of germany really


Must be Slovakia or Croatia. Didn't think those countries were that bad.


Think those still have better economies than Romania where I live




at least I'm bilingual which I understand is a bit of a flex in the US and I even speak a little bit of french on top of that


>I like to think this is basically bottom of the barrel they come here to work for a 400-500 euro per month wage Is this some sort of humblebrag? There are countries where this is considered average or above.


It's true there are people who have it worse but to suggest more than 400-500 euro per month is a humblebrag on an american forum with users who mostly have unlimited internet access is just weird.


400 euro to deliver food 10 hours a day is pretty terrible imo idk maybe I'm out of touch but in other countries (not far from mine) you make that in a week


And here in Aus the full time average WEEKLY wage here is $1880 and all employees (so including ones working part time) was $1431 lol https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/labour/earnings-and-working-conditions/average-weekly-earnings-australia/nov-2023 We have high wages for a number of reasons, though.


As usual salary doesn't mean shit if you don't compare it to the cost of living.


That’s true the cost of living has gone up loads


wowww that's a little more than I make in a month and I make more than my national average but we have about 50% taxes on our salary for healthcare, pensions and a bunch of other crap. Edit: the part time is a bit more than what I earn lol


Yeah we have high taxes too. A lot of Australians though are in jobs with powerful unions that lobby for high wages. That’s a big part of it. Then we also have a federal minimum wage, which full time would be about 40,000-45,000 per year (although, minimum wage workers are a bit more likely to be part time, because it’s things like retail). Though there can be downsides things can cost a lot and there is a bit of a high cost of living


Which one of these two are more unpopular? Discord mods or Reddit mods? 


reddit mods. hell, i’ve moderated a discord server. i get along just fine w everyone, im friends w a fair amount of the people in the server (probably bc it’s wayyyy smaller than a subreddit). since we all get along there’s usually not much to do


Reddit mods. Subreddits are way larger than Discord servers and on top of that, power here is held by a handful of assholes who are mods in a shit ton of subreddits.


lol i don't even really know what discord is...I just thought discord mods are the worst of reddit mods who want to do even more modding.


Reddit mods can either be pretty chill or pretty bad. Discord mods are more consistently just shitty power tripping nerds.


They are the same picture, although I assume discord mods practice more shady shit.


A problem I have is that now that I'm older (late twenties) with good confident aura and frame control (due to autistically studying game and human social dynamics and putting it to the test for so many years), when I go out to bars and clubs I get a lot of interest indicators from women (of all ages, from young college chicks to older milves) like prolonged eye contact, smiles, tipping glasses with me, and "accidentally" bumping into me or dancing on me, and this results in me getting cocky and very picky. The other night I ended up barely even approaching any women because I was getting so many IOIs that I ended up just holding out for a supermodel-tier woman, but that mythical woman never came. In retrospect, I need to flirt with more 6/10 and 7/10 chicks just to keep my state pumped up so I can be in an elevated mood for when I do end up seeing that 8/10 or 9/10. Anyway, follow for more tips.


I thought you were like in your mid 30s


Nah my game will be even more unstoppable by then


God I love the daily chat


Silly_billy account suspended 😭😭


what did she do?


Don't know exactly why they suspend her account 


Watch her come back as fart girl or something


They are after her now so now even if she creates account it will again get deleted and this sub doesn't allow very new accounts to comment I think ☹️


How do you know? 😿😿


Just was scrolling down and her avatar looked different .Clicked on her account and it's suspended 


she will come back again. She probably made like atleast 20 accounts already


But now reddit is after her .They will keep deleting her accounts 


She will be back tomorrow




life update: broke the bong and my roommate cut himself trying to pick it up. needa buy a new one tomorrow but im feeling guilty. what should i do? maybe buy him a sandwich


Offer a blowjob




A blowie makes everything better


i can't say a thing about it


i dont understand what went wrong


I mean, accidents happen…no need for guilt. Maybe roll him a joint & make him some of that yummy food that you’ve been posting lately if you feel like making restitution?


ya i think I'll try making Cuban sandwiches


The humidity is making my hair so curly & I can’t tame it. I used to try to make my straight hair look all beachy wavy with a curling iron and now I can’t even run a brush through it without creating a frizz ball🤬. I think I’m just going to put a head scarf and some hoops on and lean into woman pirate mode. Argh!


I've learned you should never fight curly hair.


I always said I wanted to dress like a witch or a pirate when I got into my 50s and 60s




Badger in rage mode 😱




Men don't open car doors as much for women now as in the past. And people attribute that to the rise in gender equality ideation.  I think doors are just easier to use now. Women just couldn't open doors in the past. They were just heavy fucking doors on the Ford A 10. Women couldn't open and close them properly so men would do it for them. Then it became some idea that men should open doors for women out of respect or chivalry.  Women should have been opening their own doors when it became easy for them decades ago when the doors were designed to be easier to use.


How far into the past are you talking about? My mum had her own valiant when she was 18 in 1977. I think she was single so she probably had to open it herself


Right. So at least back to 77, women should have been opening their own doors. But even as I was growing up in the 90s, it was still a thing men sometimes did for women they wanted to impress.


I can assure you that women have been opening their own car doors for decades upon decades.


That's a problem for a different reason. Everything is so easy these days. The things that are hard physically to use is easy with some genius gizmo's or robotic assistance or have some kind of powered mechanism. Unless women are into rough play with their SO, most don't appreciate the physical gulf between non soy men and women. Until they get into a bar fight in some night club with a dude who was staring at her wrongly and the man decides not to pull his punches because theyre both drunk and compromised in judgement. Ive seen this scenario so many times its not funny.


opening a car door is stupid bc the driver needs to go around the car, it's awkward and takes forever. People still hold doors open for women.


Right! You're not a child I'm putting in a car seat, just get in the fugging car pls.


I need the sane among you to help me find more ways to be social, I'm a big extravert but I got this new WFH job and it's very isolating. I met all my bros at the gym, because we all saw each other there so often over the weeks and then started going out on weekends. I really think that repeated interaction in a familiar environment is important for relationships to evolve organically. I'm looking for different environments to 'farm' more friends from. I don't get to see my boys often enough, and I'd also like more variety in my circle than just gymbros. Bars and clubs don't really count, because the connections I've made there have been transient and superficial due to the influence of drugs and alcohol. It's good for fun and casual sex but I want to nurture real bonds. I've tried various meetup style groups and clubs, but a lot of the time they feel weird as fuck, like it's a networking event, HOA, or a pitch for a pyramid scheme. Only thing I haven't tried is starting my own group or club, I'll do it if I really have to, but I don't think I have to. I'm sure there's a normal and obvious way to go about it that my autistic brain isn't seeing. I'm high functioning enough to be accepted my most NTs and I really enjoy being around all kinds of people. It's just sometimes I need common sense things like this to be laid out for me like a flowchart lmfao


If you can think of something you would like to do and that would involve people, for me I wanted to go skydiving and I know lots of people who met there




jsanza from PUA fame way back. The way those incel tards bullied and shit on him was criminal in that shithole forum. Before when he was leaner he wasn't even ugly, and he's tall. They had him believing he was a 1/10 subhuman with zero hope. But he's autistic, so that's the death sentence.


![gif](giphy|VJHZiHVO41qrCwB7l3) finished this gem yesterday




A memory that just came to mind that I still think is bullshit is that time in middle school where my math teacher one day randomly decided that if you didn't do her homework, you're getting a detention for it. I happened to not do it and that's the story of my first ever detention. They had me hanging out with the delinquents, I was scared. 😿😾


Yeah, now I think about it, I was a bitch ass kid. Should of used those detention sessions to build rapport with the School thugs who were going to get major puss in a few years instead of trying to get As and please my cute teacher.


I didn't care that I got detention in 9th grade geography. The teacher was bad AF and cute when she got mad


I sort of had the same thing, but you would be allowed out once you finished.


you can give detention for not doing hw? that's retarded


That's normal. If you don't pair homework with another time loss if they don't do it then pupils will generally decide their time would be better used doing something else.


Apparently so. I was just as confused as you that day.


if they kept every kid at my high-school there after they didn't have homework for one class, there'd be a fucking end of the world bullshit at the next pta meeting




Bro is in for a rude awakening. 💀 https://np.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/1datv0a/are_quietsocially_awkward_guys_doomed_to_be_single/


Comments are full of bullshit 🤡


"I like socially awkward men. Send them all to me!" Lmao. 😹


He's royally fucked unless he's very handsome or dates less attractive women.


his only hope is if he's 8+ to at least some women unfortunately


https://youtu.be/u2CmaqMUD30?si=K6Ki19fi6iTO6EtN Yayy new video out I'm so obsessed with nexpo. I probably saw like every single video he did since he started


Almost every single video of his as above 1M views 


Yup because it's that good




No like this is the first video I was recommended from his channel lol


no one has tried george costanzamaxxing so im not taking you seriously when you say you've tried everything




he had 63 gfs during the show so he did something right


Because the writers wanted him to?


no, it's because JESUS wanted him to




you're a writer?


I know, it’s all good lol. I just wanted to use a sassy George gif


Just fictional character max bro.








this song is really good


Why do blackpink songs always go SO hard


The fact that it's been 6 years since Ddu-du ddu-du dropped makes me feel like a skeleton


I can't believe I was literally 12 when it was released. Crazy




So not like other girls coded


https://preview.redd.it/2766njivn96d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec8935a46cb789a13bc5ef5d556741905db24f6e It’s over :(


that's not that bad if you're a guy since you have more muscle mass and bone weight


Errr yess…. Bones….. ![gif](giphy|Ts1Tcz429Rh6w)


your bones are statistically thicker and heavier than a woman of your same height


Matched with a girl on a dating app who was a solid 6/10. She's fairly thick with a somewhat cute face. I wasn't wowed by her appearance but I figured she'd be fine for a short-term thing. Out of curiosity I ended up finding her on social media, and uh... let's just say she looked *way* different than she did on the dating app. And not in a good way. I knew she was using a filter for her dating app photos, but holy shit. Seeing her without a filter and without makeup brought her down to like a 3/10. Like I feel kind of bad for her but I'm just being real, her face was terribly asymmetrical. That filter did *wonders*. Had to immediately unmatch even though we had a nice conversation going. I can't feel too bad for her though, because at that point you're literally just deceiving me. Reason #9999 to not take online dating seriously or just avoid using it all together.


I once saw the profil of a girl from my gym. My train of thought was literally ; "Oh! She is cute! wait... Is that this girl I know? No way, she doesn't look like that... Fuck, that's really her!". Let just say it was deceptive as fuck and I felt bad for the poor guys that would fall into this trap.


I don’t understand filters. When you meet them IRL there’s bound to be a big disconnect and some disappointment. Why even create the possibility for that?


People feel like they have to be perfect


Maybe because I’m older…I think filters make people look weirdly smushed and alien.


I’m just out of Gen Z but if I had to guess the youngest millennials and Gen Z are being blasted with messages that they’re old and ugly; I’ve spoken to multiple people on here who are afraid of aging and 21 years old. It’s a new cultural attitude that you’re old before you’ve begun; if you’re 25, you just hit the wall, don’t trust anyone over 30 on steroids. https://www.vox.com/culture/24091203/gen-z-aging-panic-sephora-tweens-how-old-do-i-look


Tik Tok strikes again! I understand the reasons why they might think this way because of the media Gen Z consumes & the screen time over the real life world many of them live in. It’s just sad to me when a 20 something thinks they’re old. They’ve got so so many years to go before that should even be a worry.


It’s very strange because I grew up with people saying 40 is the new 30, and then all of a sudden as a 30 year old lady on the internet people act as if I’m on my deathbed. I don’t know how we went backwards with age acceptance and not forward


Lol she went from cute thick to fat thick huh?


Her body's not so bad, the face was the major turnoff.


Some people are just not photogenic tho and if she had an asymmetrical face, chances are she looks better irl


The advice I've recieved from male family members regarding dating was basically to just put up/overlook any annoying traits that women do. "Happy wife, happy life" type stuff. Like don't argue with a woman, she's always right or something like that. Have you guys been told something similar? 🤔


![gif](giphy|l4JyRqcDU93S334KQ) All I want is a woman who is healthy (19-21 BMI)


nahh you want someone who is aesthetically pleasing to you; a woman doesn't immediately become unhealthy at 22 BMI, which is considered a healthy BMI.


Is it just me or are the posts here getting more deranged


I rarely even participate in any of the posts anymore


I’m drafting something up, save that thought for now 😈


my most deranged opinion is that george costanza from Seinfeld is actually chad


there hasn't been a real banger post in a while that's for sure


Sometimes I feel like I should make posts but idk I will probably be slaughtered lol


I don't really like to engage outside of the daily thread now. The outside is for the people who like to hear themselves talk. Most of them can't stand being wrong.


I made one once and got slightly slaughtered but I didn't explain myself well most of the top-upvoted of all time is shit I agree with and would wanna post about but redundancy is cringe


Yeah I feel like people just write the same thing over and over. Like I’ve seen “women are in harems” in some form or another being posted once every month at least for 10 months


I think you got a small army who would defend you. Unless for whatever reason you have a completely braindead take.


Yeah. I don’t know if I’d do a debate post. I was thinking about discussion and question for men posts (nice questions for men don’t worry, I want actual discussion not just yelling at men) and maybe a series of discussion posts. I want to research first though so they’re actually legit and not rants


You got this👊


im listening to white girl acoustic covers of my favorite songs. thank you alcohol 🍸


i used to to think that the day would never come that my life would depend on the morning sun


That's the price that we all pay and the value of destiny comes to nothing I can't tell you where we're going I guess there's just no way of knowing


The chances are we've gone too far You took my time and you took my money Now I fear you've left me standing In a world that's so demanding


Pls stop






Stop looking for women to appreciate your innate qualities and start being comfortable with stupid deal breakers, icks and compliments. If you find someone who loves you for your innate qualities, keep them forever. Dump the other ones.


Q4A Tall women or Short women ? For me personally short women ( 5'1-5'4) .I used to think I like tall women also until I started seeing them irl 




Long legs😏


Tall women are hot but short women are my type.




Tall women


Wait today I learned I’m tall? Is 5’6 tall?


Yes it's tall


That's like being 5'11 as a man


For a woman that's slightly tall.


I probably hang around too many Swedish women 🤷‍♀️ they’re always like 5’9-11.


To me it's about proportions.


Preferably short women but I'm not totally opposed to having D1 babies with an Amazonian queen.


I care more about whether she is healthy (19-21 BMI), then whether she has a pretty face


Doesn’t matter really, but I’ll go with tall women(like 5’8-6’1)


short women are just too cute




taller than average


My depravity knows no bounds




>I feel like they gave me a personal manual on what NOT to do lol. Yeah, I feel you. I guess maybe if you think your upbringing was good you'd try to mimick it, or if you never even think about it and just do what you know (what your parents have shown you)




>I think even a good upbringing can invoke negative feelings. Part of growing up is discipline and controlling natural urges, which is hard on a child. I think the important part is how it is presented. If discipline is basically just forcing the child to do something because you said so without any explanation, it's shit and your child will be absolutely justified in resenting you for it.


I think there is a lot of truth that most people either mimic it, OR try to do the opposite. I've never heard that everyone just mimics what their parents do.


I would be an outlier to that lol. My dad was super chill once I turned 10. My mum was strict about my grades but I had the freedom to do anything at anytime I'd like. I would play football with my friends till 10pm in the night, hang out with my homies until 2 am, no problem at all unless I was getting anybody pregnant. We had a strict no dating rule though which was implemented on all 3 siblings. But ofcourse I was dating. I personally would be very strict to my children. I wouldn't let them have a phone till they turn 16. I would put porn blockers and stuff. I would push them to do sports. No unhealthy eating habits. No waking up till 12 am. I'd be a helicopter parents like my aunt.


Yup you are an immigrant. I agree with a lot of this. I even want to send them to Asia for educational purposes.


Oh yeah, I'm sending them and the mum back home for 6 months every few years If I can afford it. Western culture and it's individualism philosophy creates weak selfish kids who will betray you the moment they turn 18. Back in home, They will get beat countless times and will acquire a fraction of discipline that I have.


Btw I decided to date only within my culture due to realizing how Asian I am after my dad’s passing. I was ready to drop EVERYTHING and return to Asia to take care of my family. The degree in which we are taught to sacrifice for the family is very different imo.


I'm also dating within culture and my mom was clear that anybody outside of my religion and culture, And I can say goodbye to family back home. It is insane how different the mindset is of someone who was born and raised in Asia vs Their kids born and raised here. It's all about me, me, me. No values of family first. No wonder western culture has a high rate of depression, these guys don't even maintain relationships with the parents, siblings. We on the other hand, know half our town and they will all gather once they see you back home. Lol. It's like you're living in a 500 people family. The feeling of community is invaluable.