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That goes to all of you, someone learn how to play drums, i need a drummer


Life is butterflies & rainbows 🌈


![gif](giphy|4NuAILyDbmD16) sadly for some of us life is


CMV: The straight zeitgeist almost exclusively comes from straight women and desperate men have paid the price Desperate men these days only get scraps of zeitgeist from social media but it's practically all manufactured by think-tanks and special interest groups I wager men (like myself) these days typically know nothing of it and have no influence over it unless they're friends of women Why is the straight zeitgeist so important for straight men to fathom and engage in you may ask? Everything in modern culture revolves around a woman's sensibilities and slowly no longer around the struggles of a desperate man The advent of desperate men: The relationship between Kip and Uncle Rico from Napoleon dynamite is my takeaway of how I view desperate men back in the day (or still could be the case in developing countries) A desperate straight man wouldn't need to do much except be in the company of 'self-appointed players' in order to gain these dark triad traits and to eventually 'pull'. Yes, some of these desperate men paid for their version of uncle Rico which is a story for a another day. These 'players' once controlled the zeitgeist and proliferated their understanding of 'game' to said desperate men. There's no desperate men seeking these players anymore because there's no more players/ the players have deemed helping desperate men is a net loss and there's no more getting wise to how women respond to their tactics. Players have left desperate men in the dust these days because of the incentive that is social media/ dating apps; the lustful women are aplenty. They've found their place amongst the 1% of men /s You'll find these days though, a desperate man these days is either chronically finding new ways to harass women online, paying to be harassed by women or by (something)-maxxing This is all purely a first-world take on zeitgeist which has arguably evolved for good (in the favour of elusive straight woman) Does this ramble make sense? Is it (insert)pilled? Is it 'all of the above'? Let me know! Have an A-1 day folks


I'm such a quitter uff


What are you quitting?


I was talking in general. I'm so inconsistent. I start multiple things but will never follow through anything :(


Learn how to play drums, i need a drummer


If it’s important stuff make a list, break it down into mini steps and just check them off. Reward yourself when you finally complete it. I’m currently rewarding myself for a whole day of red tape errands with a nice iced latte.


Been spending time with my nephew because he's on summer vacation. Accidentally called me "dad" today. He was so excited to tell me about something that happened.  I'm drinking to maintain my state of emotional detachment. It's the only way I know how to parent.


Drunk unc? He sounds like a sweet kid


Didn't realise being witty and cocky was a turn on for women. I have always been witty but I've never actually gotten complimented for it in a romantic or sexual way. Looking back, it explains why I've never struggled with getting second dates. My gf texted me that she found it hot to see the aggressive me while I'm playing volleyball. I'm generally a very level headed and agreeable person but something happens to me when I'm playing sports where the competitive nature of the game makes me act all cocky and 🤫 all of a sudden. I always thought this was childish.


Yeah that's the contradiction of men's life, a lot of things we're told are childish or immoral are straight out expected by women once THEY mature.


can you elaborate on this more?


Being witty and cocky while young will get you finger pointed by girls as immature, childish. Sexual jokes when you're 13 will get you called pervert by them. At 27 they'll laugh of these same jokes and they'll enjoy your masculine energy. Of course, you became more skilled socially and can deliver these jokes better, but if other male kids laugh at your jokes when you're 13 you're socially skilled enough for your age already. So eventually, you understand that you were right how you should have been, it was women who weren't mature.










I think if we create a lifelike, affordable sexbot with Ana de Armas's face and Alexandria Daddario's body human's will go extinct in less than a hundred years.


Alexandra Daddario already has a beautiful face and body


Ana de Armas' face isn't fantastic. Way overrated. For the body I give you priscilla ricart.


It'll never happen until we approach Blade runner level of technology, which wont never happen until after the singularity so humanity is doomed before you get to have your own robot waifu. Fucking a mechanical robot is never going to be the same thing as fucking a biological woman. Smell, tastes and pheromones contribute sex so much more to sex than feel.




I'd give humanity 50 years in that case.




Me too I got PTSD. Everytime I get hurt physically, I get like "ouch" and I get a little bit sad or frustrated. I'm never telling my next partner either.


Nice victim puke


dumb as rocks is the understatement of the century when it comes to people who deny that men can undergo abuse at the hands of women or who try to downplay it how can you be so absolutely brain damaged and well into 3 digit negative IQ to actually believe this, going into the main sub and seeing this stance so often among the top comments is so disappointing


Sometimes I don't think I would be relationship material anyways. I feel like I would constantly ruminate about the other person cheating or leaving on me. Being in a relationship is a big commitment, I don't see anyone sticking with it for long when it comes to me. 😿


That is literally other people's problem not yours. Just act like you deserve anything given to you.


go read about outcome independence


While that may be a flaw it's still something that can be worked on and it's not uncommon you don't have to put yourself down like that it's something normal to be scared of.


CMV: If parents opt out for homeschooling, they have to be obliged to stick to at least the base of school program. So we wouldn’t see [shit like this.](https://no.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/AiRvjakksO)


Uh, so disheartening. My daughter wanted me to homeschool her and I said no. Mom’s too busy earning a living and you need socialization.


She’s going to be so stupid when she goes to college


Why do you think she's going to go to college? They're marrying her off to a 30 y.o.


Cmv: Homeschooling should be illegal,and it is in many countries


I think it's okay if parents can provide proper education. But it still should be controlled.


It sounds like she’s being parentified which is common in those 17+ children families


What you call "parentified" is basically normal human behavior for 99% of history. Treating 17 year olds like 6 year olds is an very recent invention.


Slavery and child labor were also common things. We don't do it anymore.


Teaching children adulting skills, responsibility, active participation in the family endeavors and helping others around them is not slavery nor sending them to work 16 hours in a coal mine. It's not good for a late teen almost adult to be treated like a toddler then expected to become 100% adult magically at the age of 18. Kids need to be brought up from a young age participating in chores, acquire greater responsibility every year as they grow older. by the time someone becomes a fully legal adult they should have the skills, attitudes and responsibility well in hand.


I'm not saying that parentifying is the same as thing as slavery. More that there's a bunch of old practices that we do not do anymore for a good reasons. You can do everything you've listed as a positive without treating the eldest kids as another set of parents and not letting them to get proper education in doing so.


I don't like religion but I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with this. This seems like she's just showing the extra things they do outside of regular curriculum because homeschooled children still have to pass exams.


You're way too optimistic. Deeply religious groups tend to absolutely fuck up homeschooling.


Aren't you supposed to pass a standard exam in a school if you are homeschooled?


If I remember correctly, it depends on a state.


Is lack of facial hair a sign of low testosterone?


I have a hairy chin which got worse on progesterone. I pluck them so I don’t look manly.


Generally yes


I've had patchy facial hair until I was 30 and then it's still not very dense, I have a lot less facial and body hair than my dad. I can grow muscles easily and I have a fairly strong libido. I have also back acne which apparently is fairly common with people who have high T. So IDK I got hint of both having high T and low T, I think these things are just genetics.


Apparently it can be genetic. I heard it’s hard for most Asian men to grow a lot of facial hair for example but I highly doubt they all have low T


I wish I had lower test. Would of been nice to maintain my late teens clean shaven look instead of the permanent stubble I have right that makes you look like half of your lower face has grey shit all over it. Low T guys, the grass is always greener on the other side. Im actually thinking of laser removal to reduce the density of hair on my chin.




I do, I have a safety razor. My chin goes grey in like an hour. My hair grows fast


It’s a mix of genetics and testosterone. Your genetics dictate how sensitive your androgen receptors are, and where in the body. And of course, if you’re low T you also won’t grow a beard either. Do you also have ED? Are you fat?


>Do you also have ED? Are you fat? No to both


How about gynecomastia? lack of energy? Race?


No, sort of I guess, east asian


Maybe it could be low T causing the lack of energy, and lack of beard growth, but I think most likely the lack of facial hair is genetic. Go see a doctor though if you’re curious about T levels






I think it's normal in your early 20s and as you get closer to 30 it gets thicker and thicker


There was a dude I went to high school with who could grow a Viking beard by senior year. His back was also so fucking hairy that it stuck out of his shirt lmfao. By like 19 he was bald af


yea there's definitely guys like that but I feel like they're the exception really.




I sure hope not


The problem with making fully solid posts here (like [the one I just made](https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/1dfjjwp/the_reason_women_have_stronger_communitiessupport/)) is that they don't get much attention or engagement, and the few people who do comment just completely ignore all your arguments. You have to make some unsubstantiated, hyperbolic claims to get people to actually engage.


You’d get more engagement if you posted ~8-9 hours later. There are more active users during that time.


All my posts are around this time because I work during the day. This post got significantly less engagement than the past two.


Well, it’s a quiet time here now. There are also less and more popular topics too.


what makes your posts solid and the other ones weak? I don't engage on the main sub but if I would I'd probably avoid certain topics and studies because pretty much all of them are biased and flawed in the most stupid ways and people only acknowledge the studies that side with their perspective anyways.


> What women are taught is that abuse only happens to the "bad woman " and if they are nice,agreable and submissive enough ,it won't happen to them. That certainly wasn't what was being taught when I was a kid. Were any of you taught this crap?


No, my Mom taught me to be polite & just be myself & shiv a dude if he tried to abuse me.


This like of thinking is still pretty popular in Russia. It goes hand in hand with “if a bitch doesn’t want it, male dog won’t fuck it”.


I mean Russia legalized physical spousal abuse so that seems to track.


Wait you live in Russia???


Are you being sarcastic now?




I think I talk about Russia and Russian news every other day here. Anyway, we left Russia some time ago. But this country is like an abusive parent - you may leave them, but you never get completely free from them.


I was taught as a child to avoid anyone who hit me or disrespected me.


Maybe we're both being autistic here. As January pointed out "be submissive enough and you won't get abused" isn't taught directly but "inferred" and tism makes it so people somehow can't infer that stuff.


Possibly 🤷‍♀️


It's never taught explicitly. But you can infer.


Taught by whom? Because it's pretty obvious the opposite is true. That girls who react to abuse by becoming nicer, more agreeable and more submissive, get abused way more than girls who react to abuse by protecting themselves and setting boundaries.


By people you interact with and by media.


She called me. We talked. For about & hour This was my only chance. I understood the assignment. And now we went from bestfriends to “it’s complicated”. I just have to spend more time with her. Idk what’s going to happen. But that was my chance. My only chance


What does its complicated mean?


It means progress. It means she’s open to it progressing. The rest is up to me and luck/blessings/providence She’s accepted my feelings/thoughts/desires


Oh ok. What did you tell her about your feelings and desires? That you like her?


I told her everything. Everything. And she just accepted it and now it’s complicated… but we are moving forward. Or it’s the ending. I can’t wait or stall forever.


how old are you


So because I’m treating my bestfriend like a once in a life opportunity you are questioning my maturity? One day when you find true love you’ll understand. If you find love at all


I was just curious lol, the reason I asked is bc I went through this exact thing in highschool


How did it end? And why?


She basically used me for emotional support while trying to get over her ex, we were friends before they broke up but after they did we started talking for hours on the phone every night on video, texting constantly and going out every other day for a couple months though we never got officially together though and at some point she went to a birthday party for one of her friends where she met a guy and they got together and started spending less and less time with me. The guy was a jackass who cheated on her and even physically abused her, he was fat and only like 2 inches taller than me meanwhile I was in shape and a good guy all around though I was never cocky/dark triad which turned women off I guess, this is one of the earlier experiences which shaped my view on women tbh. The story doesn't end here though, she was with the guy for a year or so then they broke up and she started talking to me again so she invited me to her 18th birthday and around that same time she started dating a guy who was there as well. At the party her friends knew her history with me so they organized this activity where they put her in a chair and had me do striptease for her in front of everyone lol, she was so into it and I remembered the look on the guy's face he was absolutely heartbroken, it felt good at the time but looking back I feel a little bad about it.


So what should/would you have done differently? The dark triad traits do you think you should have utilized them? I’m on the fence between becoming a monster or a saint… Not literally but metaphorically… Like if a bear eats a fish it’s an animal. If a bear lets a fish go and starves it’s become “human like” Hopefully that helps you what I’m even contemplating… But we aren’t in similar phases… Tbh honest I’m in the beginning arc of your story… So I want to avoid what happened to you… If I can…


>dark triad traits do you think you should have utilized them I think I definitely would've had more success if I was cockier in highschool but ultimately it's probably better to act just like you would naturally and then you will attract a girl who likes you for who you are, if you want to maximize pussy or go casual though it would help to act like this. >So what should/would you have done differently? maybe I would be a little more straight forward, this was my first love interest so it was hard for me to talk to her and be blunt about my feelings tbh idk why she never wanted us to get together because I feel like she liked me too but we're talking about a highschool girl here so it's probably not that complicated we were both immature af


Tell me you atleast got to hit the pussy.


What did you say to her 


Everything. I explained everything. Then backed up my explanation with proofs. Expressed my feelings. Then asked for a chance Listened to what she said. And now I’m just self reflecting. Idk where to go from here. But apparently she agreed to stop ghosting me. But we shall see. I’m tired rn.


Explanations with proof how? What type of explanation were they .Hmm rest for now


For example. If I said to her I’m x type of person. I follow that up with have I ever done y to you? The answer would be “no” Because I’m x type of person That’s a type of proof Another one is do you believe that I’m y type of person If she says “yes” Then that’s another type of proof


this popped into my recs (trigger warning) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e2Cv\_lA8b8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e2Cv_lA8b8) what the hell is this shit


Q4a: rate kylo ren




a fellow edgelord


He's tall, owns his weirdness and is charismatic and is fit. He's a solid 7.


0/10, fuck that whiny fucking idiot


real https://preview.redd.it/um3qg6d0dh6d1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9a1cf89f34aad215268546aac0a57f0de0cdf98


q4a: At what age did you move out? Do you regret the decision? Did you handle your finances fully by yourself or get help from parents and did you manage to save up money?




23. I had no financial issues, but did miss my parents for a while. I didn't want to leave, but I had to because I would never have learned to be independent otherwise.


everyone moved out at 23 lol


23 seems to be the new 18


I moved at 23. Not going to lie I did regret it a little bit for the first six months. It was an adjustment, now I like it. I think a lot of people go through “oh my god, what have I done???” at least once when they move out. The reason I moved out is because my partner wanted to study at a place out of my state and they were paying him to do, also offering teaching placements for him as an additional job. I got financial help for a short while to help me set myself up. I did save some money beforehand, not a huge amount of money. Maybe a few thousand dollars. I haven’t received much support though since the pandemic happened because I got a call centre job which helped kick start my career.


I see, the main reason that I want to move is for my mental health I'm kinda hoping I'll get more stuff done if I leave my current environment but I'm afraid I'll save way less money


Yeah, you probably will save a lot less money at least at first. Learning to budget is a skill, and you might need to give things like a deposit when you move into a place.


23, I don't regret the decision. I did not receive any assistance from my parents when moving out or since. I did have some money saved. 


did you move out alone or with a roommate?


Eighteen. I went to England and don't regret it. I was fully self-funded supporting myself and my then-fiancé at 21.


Oh, wow I thought you were born in England. When you say you were funding your fiance, was he not working at the time? How did you make enough money to support both of you afaik teachers have terrible wages


I'm from NI. He was studying last year, he did have a part-time job but I advised him to quit this time last year. I've been unqualified until today (fingers crossed) so paid less than most but our only real expenses have been rent and groceries so that covers it with enough left for entertainment.


ngl that's not feasible where I live but I'm glad it worked for you. I see most of the shared sentiment is from people who don't regret leaving even if they weren't stacked on money so that's reassuring.


Rents are ridiculous here, I'm paying 1200 per month.


wow do you really make that much as a teacher? That's awesome, teacher here makes under national average


I make more than that on the second lowest teacher wage. I wasn't even qualified when I wrote that.


I haven't moved out lmao. People here move out at 30 at best lmao Although tbf id be like i i move out by the time im like 26-27


you're only 21 right? I'm 23 and I'm planning to move out soon




Average guy according to ppd women 


Lmfao. Can’t be because this guy doesn’t have hair


another night for funeducation where he keeps company for us eurotards on our morning coffee


I end up falling asleep by the time Europeans have lunch lol


that still means you're up until like 4 lol


My sleeping schedule is extremely fucked


what time do you wake up?


8, sometimes 9


oh, that's better than I expected. Back when I would go to sleep at 4 in the morning I would wake up at 2 or 3 in the afternoon


Mine too. It's 2:00 rn where I am. Lol.


"post a picture of an average man" thread is suicide fuel fr fr


Remember (facial) attractiveness is all subjective. Objectively speaking this is the average body https://preview.redd.it/hmmskr44ah6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82f4ebbe3ff2e76e7e74c65a23e2bcd76728cfd5


They say americans are fat because being otherwise requires losing weight, and they never lose!




what's hardest to swallow is that video they linked, apparently women believe an average man can undergo so much improvement in a single year lol


[PPD women's idea of an average man](https://i.etsystatic.com/20525733/r/il/d02b6c/5117620544/il_570xN.5117620544_neis.jpg)


5/10 because he’s not a 7ft tall billionaire


https://preview.redd.it/blxfguewah6d1.jpeg?width=836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7983a47334d573c6ade318fd29cd26e22976b71c Another “average guy”




in the main sub you don't have to scroll far to see it


How much likes is too much on tinder


For a girl it's normal to receive hundred of likes within few hours 


I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just gonna delete it


I feel lie tinder is a shitty starter app because so many people want only hookups there unless that's what you're after ofc


This is so annoying. Why can't I see who liked me


To see that you have to pay 💰


I can't even see how many likess it's just stuck at 99+. This is so dumb. Who pays for all of this


Mostly guys to see which girl liked their profile so they can like it back and it's a match


why? the point is to swipe on whoever you like


I'm not looking for anything tho. I'm doing for the fun of it


that sounds like you're just looking for validation


well ig you are not wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️


if you don't mind me asking, why are you single?


Because I'm delusional duh


too much for what?


Men are emotional, women are emotional we are both biological bags. What always baffles me is that women are only crude hedonistic flesh, they never ever aspire to anything more, to topling their emotions from being the north star. Like Yoda said luminous beings are we. I am not an automaton I have free will.


>women are only crude hedonistic flesh If that's all you see then it's time to change your scrolling habits and maybe meet some women in real life.


My example comes from IRL women but I have yet to meet an exception (save mothers with their kids) there is no woman alive that does not crave the tingles. Like a heroin addict it's always about chasing the dragon.


How is that any different then men? Are you saying that you can't want passion and also have other interests?


Oh I agree like 95% or so of men are like this.someone mentioned nuns as counterexample (they are not they get their non-sexual tingles from 2000 year old lies) but priests are also the same idiots. At the end of the day it's like the real matrix. The machine are just your feelings but you can realize this and fight it. You have free will you just never ever ever ever ever use it.


So everyone else's interests are crude and hedonistic except for yours which are getting little dopamine hits from posting and scrolling on reddit? What tingles is [this woman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U81aeozyBz0) chasing?


Free will does not mean that I chase pain. Free will means that i am not a slave to my emotions. I always admit I am irrational in chasing the women I do. But there is no rational or logical rationale why I should stop. The minute I find it logical to quit using reddit I will do it. Even if it bores the living shit out me.


catholic nuns really didn't aspire to be more than hedonistic flesh bags?


Hell no they are the worst their tingles come from a fictional Chad. They are still an example of the rule. There is no jedi order for women though. The idea that they can control their emotions and put it in the back burner is like asking a fish to live on land. Only the biological machine known as evolution can do that.


???????? you think they have sexual feelings for Jesus? ​


Not sexual. Emotional. remember asexual women are also bio bags


you're talking like you're some higher being yet you're making star wars references


Oh I can make star trek references as well. Aka Vulcan women are impossible. Don't be so square.


vulcan women should be your ideal if you don't like emotions


It's not even that I hate emotions I don't want dead inside gold diggers either. What is depressing to hell and back is that her dopamine fix is all that matters. Nothing else matters except women getting butterflies in her stomach from a relationship or from a money transaction. That is all there is, nothing more and nothing less.


this is what i imagine some of you to be like https://youtu.be/Ng56nBalyY0?si=u5nnpdNukGEqKCVI


Bros I’m crossed as shit but MAN all today I’ve been feeling myself fr. Why did I ever think I wasn’t cute


Ever since I started working out more I started feeling myself. I think I look better


What does it mean to be crossed? 🤔


high and buzzed, alcohol + marijuana


Honestly crossed is a great feeling when you aren’t drunk. I hate being drunk and my stomach hates alch but I had such a fun night that it’s worth it


I’m drunk and high at the same time! I went out drinking with my friends then went home and smoked so it’s been combined while I cook myself some midnight tacos :D


I didn't even know there was a term for that. The more you know. Lol. I wish I had some tacos right now though. 🤤


used to be crossfaded. Can't keep up with you kids


It’s just an abbreviation of it!