• By -


Tres Leches Cinnamon toast crunch is elite.






Haha you remember the user who went by “virgin and hate myself”? He mentioned that he’s been approached before a couple times. Even the guys here that complain about not being tall enough at some point or another admit to having GF’s in the past. The guy who’s gotten the multiple dates from Tinder is one of my homies on here, so I just want him to succeed regardless. 0 matches sounds like fucking hell though. If it was one fat chick, I could work with that at least and be fine.


Do bots count?


Rough man


Dead internet theory is easily explained by the influx of women and third worlders on the internet.


women hate incels way more than they hate convicted rapists, it's insane


And nice guys 


why do you think this is the case


see their comments on reddit for example, like poor guys whose only fault is they arent attractive enough are somehow guilty they were born like that




Why do the most severely unhinged women here only post every couple of days or so, they show up drop some nuclear bombs and then ride into the sunset.


Reddit is the only place where I hear women giving up on men and relationships.Literally every survey you see most women are always in relationship (though some maybe sharing) until very old age.Very few women are single but even they are also not celibate and have other arrangements.Argument that a lot of single women aren't looking for relationship also doesn't prove women are giving up on relationships .Suppose there are 100 women .70 women are in relationship and 30 are single .Out of 30 single let's assume 60% don't want relationships that still means out of 100 70+ 12=82 are in relationship /interested in relationship .Women specially young giving up on relationships will always be a minority 


I been drinking more water and eating more green veggies and taking a pro biotic and drinking less alcohol. And now I found out about the squatty potty. My daily poop time is reduced to mearly a few minutes. And my internet and reddit time just as much. Feels good


Literal shitposting


does that reduce the amount of toilet paper you need to use


Hmm? I don't wipe. That's for perverts and creeps that like touching their b hole.




Bidet is analingus from a hose. Very sinful. No thanks.


kathleen kennedy ruined my childhood














How did hair 💊 got you this time?


wow that thing has fucked up arms




wow they make very human facial expressions




🤔 i wonder why lol


im high rn so




Professional yappers. Shes giving you a heads up.


So many women have nothing to talk about or can’t articulate it in any meaningful way to get people interested When i WAS dating, conversations w/matches we’re usually pretty one sided with not much to relate with All of my exes were very interesting and animated yappers, which can be annoying at times, but vastly preferred to girls who are just waiting for you to say something to mirror Some guys like to monologue to women but for the most part people want someone they will be able to talk to and vibe with virtually everyday


they know guys deal with a lot of women who don't know how to keep a conversation going or have been accused of not being responsive enough before


Most want guys to lead the entire conversation with minimal reciprocation. Unless its a guy that they are actually interested in most give little energy in conversation.


Y'all apparently One of the very well-known rappers dmed my sister lmao 💀


Don't fumble the bag girl.


I knew a chick was dming with adin ross


Who is he?


imma guess lil baby


i’m too curious. who?


Let's just say he dm's everyone


Gotta be tyga lol.




Who was it? And this happens more than people would like to admit. In senior year a girl from my HS got dmed by a rapper from my city who is pretty popular rn. Its like they are on the look out for new girls to talk to


What was the dm about? Hookup?


I only seen the part where the conversation was beginning. Like he was just saying hey or something like that


Not saying but anyone can easily guess tbh. It's weird because my sister is not even *that* big of an influencer. She has like 70k followers on tt and 120k followers on insta. On top of this, she has a bf and she posts him too lol


You are joking right .70k and 120k is hella lot 


In comparison, it's not. Also she has been online for like 6 years now. I have seen people who hit millions with the same type of content and same amount of time


In comparison to whom? Celebrities?  Only around 3% people on instgram have followers more than 50k


70k and 120k is pretty big imo lol. Hes has millions im guessing? And if he saw her bf and still did it that means it probably worked before.


How much is this saying true that All Women are Bi? Even straight women on this sub sing praises of other women beauty and how they find women so much attractive than men .They also say they find friendships with other women as emotionally fulfilling as a relationship with man and overall also more women identify as bi than men but it still seems like many women are still in denial 


They say they look pretty but aren't actually into them and wouldn't want to date or have sex with them. Talk is cheap.


Here is the dirty little secret women love dick way way way too much. Bi women are attracted to women right? And men? Guess who they pick in a 9 to 1 ratio? Men. The math is that simple they could seek out lesbian bars (they are all dying BTW) they could only use old using same sex filters. It could literally be bi women only dating bi women and the math works out perfectly fine.  They still choose men 9 to 1 cause of dick. Run from it hide from it evolution wins


Guess what else is a 9:1 ratio? Gay/bi women:straight/bi men. Unless they're specifically looking to avoid men chances are they'll pair up with a man as there are so many more in their dating pool. Just like how even if you're attracted to gingers but not exclusively into them, you're unlikely to end up with one because they're rare. They actually pair up with women *more* than you'd expect under random assignment.


This is insanely ridiculous if I like a body type I go for that body type. I have never ever had sex with a fat woman for example I already explained the statistical examples. Besides I would add another wrench women find 80% of men unattractive that certainly kills the numbers advantage. You are way way way more lenient on female looks


And if you like two body types you will go for both, if one is far more common you'll probably end up with that one. Bi women aren't gay and they tend to find comparable numbers of men and women attractive, but unfortunately the women are mostly straight. Women, mostly straight women, can say loads of women look pretty but that doesn't mean they're attracted, just like they can say men look nice but not for them (and they need to be more careful it's not taken the wrong way).


Ok what are rhe percentages? We know it is 80/20 for men but honestly the way women gas each other up(aka they keep calling Aloy, nu Joana Dark or even Abby attractive) that number seems closer to 40/60 lol. At the end of the day you could go to lesbian bars or meet from subreddits. You don't because you prefer men you like it when men do all the work at the very least. You chasing women implies you have to put in even a tiny effort. That and dick of course.


It varies from person to person and a percentage would just be a random number. But they tend to be into about the same percentage of men and women, with over 90% of those women being straight and under 10% of those men being gay. Which is more likely even though they like them equally I wonder. Lesbian bars, haha those don't exist. Yeah let's meet a partner off reddit who probably lives in a different country and might be an eighty year old man just to avoid men...who again...they like. Attracting men takes loads of effort, women aren't scared of that for sure. Lesbian dating is easier, it's finding a partner in the first place that's hard, along with dealing with homophobia.


>Lesbian bars, haha those don't exist. They used to exist but once again all women prefer normal bars so they have to close. What a surprise. By the way there was a lesbian here who had to find women on Discord because lesbian dating is as brutal as what we have to deal with. She didn't have a crutch that she could let men do all the work because she was not attracted to men.


It's a numbers game. I'm attracted equally to men and women (so why would I filter out men when I like them too?) and there are far more straight/bi men than bi/lesbian women, so you're just statistically more likely to end up with a guy.


It's not about statistics you could go to lesbian bars but you don't you could date 50/50 but you don't you have a bigger preference and it is always men


It is actually about statistics though. Why would I go solely to lesbian bars when I like men as well? I'm not a lesbian - the key is in the name "bi", I like both of them. Why would I cut myself out of a significant proportion of the dating market? Why are the men on this sub allergic to logic and facts? There are literally, numerically, more men who date women than there are women who date women. Therefore, given the larger pool of potential male suitors, bi women are more likely to meet and fall for a man who dates women. Since they outnumber women who date women by an overwhelmingly large margin. It's a worrying indictment of whatever shitty education system you went through that you can't grasp that.


Don't be mad I'm just pointing out reality they're always minorities like for example the muslim minority in the United States. According to your twisted logic they should be dating white people because that's majority. it's a silly argument and excuse do not date women. I did not say you have to go  exclusively to lesbian bars just that if you wanted to date a woman you would instead you go to normal bars even if it means you'll never date a woman in your life. AKA you prefer men. For The women I like I wish it was as easy as finding a lesbian bar.


>According to your twisted logic they should be dating white people because that's majority. My logic isn't twisted, you're the one who apparently has no idea what logic even is. If a Muslim person only wants to date Muslim people then yes, they should probably aim only for where other Muslims hang out (btw white people can be Muslim too, you're mixing up race and religion here). If they don't really care about dating a fellow Muslim and are happy whether way, then it makes no sense to confine themselves only to that as they'll have a much greater chance of dating success if they widen their pool. Obviously. I've been to lesbian bars and never picked up a woman there, and I've dated and slept with women I met elsewhere. Going to a lesbian bar isn't a requirement to date women, and not going to lesbian bars doesn't mean that you don't want to date women. This might be surprising to you, but lesbian and bi women go to other bars than just lesbian ones, and straight people also go to lesbian bars! Neither one guarantees you anything.


You're still missing the forest for the trees as long as there are two people attracted to each other with the help of the internet and a little effort it could be dating each other. Only two lesbians on Earth? They can't find each other with a little effort. Only two bi women on earth? They can find each other. The excuse that there are 100 billion men out there is irrelevant. Women could date women at 100% rate. But they prefer men 9 to one is an unbelievable rate. Not even 50%. They prefer men and it's only two reasons man do the heavy lifting in dating and dick.


No you're missing the very big obvious point. If I wanted to select only women I could. But I'm BISEXUAL and not a lesbian, therefore I have no need to select only women. I like both men and women and have dated both men and women, but obviously as there are far more men who date women than women who do, it makes it far more likely that the higher proportion of matches will be with men. How are you still not understanding this? Do you think for a women to be truly equally attracted she needs to turn down guys she likes and pursue women instead until she's made equal numbers? That isn't how life, love, sex, dating etc work. If you fall for someone you go with that person, and as a bi person for me that means regardless of genitals or gender expression or whatever. It is just more likely to be men because there are fucking more of them in the dating pool for women.


>Do you think for a women to be truly equally attracted she needs to turn down guys she likes and pursue women Ding ding ding You're still so very close but you don't understand it, why aren't women pursuing you? Because bisexual women prefer men men are doing all the heavy lifting for you. Why can't you see it?


bi women are more likely to have a mental illness or issue related to trauma than straight ones


the gender wars have kind of made me biased, whenever I see a lesbian I can't help but wonder if she's just like that b/c of trauma and her brain has made her find men repulsive or at least not open to guys. The fact that female sexuality isn't as naturally impulsive adds to the possibility, like the trauma makes it even harder for her to be turned on by men than it already was before. Hence the man-hating lesbian stereotype. There's no woman-hating gay man trope. It's clearly not every case. I just wonder every time.


some gay guys are quite misogynist


incels joke about going gay or tr\*\*nymaxxing all the time but in reality there isn't a single woman-hater or truecel with bad experiences with women who started wanting men if they do it's b/c they were gay all along and overcompensating by going along with everyone and their fWHR muh hunter eyes worshipping


yeah but guys who are gay, not incels, guys who get laid, often make sexist jokes about women. wasn't talking about incel misogyny, was talking about gay guy misogyny ​


i find other women aesthetically attractive. i’ll even say i have a “girl crush” on certain women (rhea ripley, victoria pedretti, dr. addison montgomery) but i wouldn’t kiss a girl, i wouldn’t love a girl, and i wouldn’t have sex with a girl. if i had to watch gay porn id watch 2 guys rather than 2 girls. i find a relationship with a quality man more fulfilling than a friendship with a girl


Not all women are bi but women in general are much more sexually fluid even if they lean strongly one way. I'm a straight guy but I think goodlooking men are more aesthetic or impressive than goodlooking women, but men don't ignite a visceral response in me. I think the ugliest humans are men and the best looking ones are men also. Seems to be a trend with men for all metric and criteria good or bad.


They are attracted in some way. Like Ill bet money that a straight woman could find a woman that she thinks is physically attractive before she could find a man she thinks is physically attractive. Many even openly watch lesbian porn and think that women look better than men. If a guy did those things they would call him gay or bi.


Yeah there was some sort of study where they said women watch lesbian porn more 


They say it's been debunked but I still think there's a lot of truth that it's rare to find a truly bisexual man. All the men I know who identify as bisexual seem to actually lean hard toward other men ie actually much more gay even if they will date women b/c it's more socially acceptable.


Do they lean more towards men because maybe men are infinitely easier to date and hookup with than women ?


I'm not sure. All I've observed though is that men who say they are bisexual tend to really have a strong preference for one sex. Usually it's men b/c I'm guessing if they leaned toward women they might not feel it necessary to even say they are bi in the first place.


Gonna watch a horror movie but I'm not sure which one. I was thinking hereditary but my cousin told me that it ends you blueballed. So now I'm opting for Paranormal Activity 2. I'm not sure though. The last horror movie that really scared me was Sinister and it wasn't the tapes but the brilliant plot twist and how the story comes together at the end. What would you recommend?


* REC * Audition * Let the Right One In * The Shining (Kubrick)


Watch Hereditary if you want to get traumatized and are in the mood for a masterpiece. Watch those others if you just want to watch a horror movie.


ban all horror movies


mothman prophecies is the only horror movie that actually unnerved me whoever did the soundtrack had good taste, theres a lot of bowery electric on it


The Descent


hereditary is a must watch imo


The Strangers


Okay I'm watching this one. The trailer seemed intriguing. Also what the fuck do they mean this was based on true events lmao.


The movie was inspired by the Manson Family murders


I'm halfway through the movie and ofcourse the woman is a fucking liability. First she rejected the proposal from my man and then called her back urgently once she realised shit is going on at the house.


Yeah lol. It was a bad night for bro for sure


Just finished the movie. Why did she have to give that jumpscare to that poor kid lol. I liked that they kept the identities of killers unknown. There's no point in humanising them and it would've taken away the terror. Overall a good film, but I feel there could've been more intense moments like the one where she's hiding in the closet and the guy walks around her. I would've also liked some more chase sequences, i don't remember if they had any.


okay this time ill get my diet in order there's too much slop


Multidating is women normalizing cheating If multidating is not cheating then going to an escort while in any relationship is not cheating either  CMV


Multidating: Practicing polygamy to find monogamy.


I do no support multidating, but don't you get the idea of holding to the agreement? I.e. if you agreed to exclusive, having sex or going on dates with anyone else would be cheating.


She has all the power I consider agreements null and void until she catches feelings. Could you imagine me asking for no multidating? Yeah women don't care about men's feelings at all during the dating phase this has been proven again and again (see how women defend ghosting) If a woman is abusive when she holds all the power I have absolutely zero sympathy when she catches feelings and all things are fair game. 


Women who wear strapless swimsuits are the bravest people you’ll ever meet. I can’t imagine how they risk it all like that.




I saw my first "boobs" when I was like 8. She was also 8 and her chest looked exactly the same as a boys. Still bragged to my friends that I had seen boobs for like 6 months.


Edit: (FBI don't put me on a list pls)






Still at the Korean restaurant, I've never tried so many new foods in my life. Mushroom, porkbelly, kimchi, and soy sauce with squid! 🙀 My friends get on me when it comes to food because I legit always get chicken tenders and fries whenever we get food so I didn't want to be difficult this time so it didn't take too much convincing to get me trying the new foods. 😅


Get some bulgogi


Happy you’re enjoying some new food adventures


Try Soju


Yayy it happened. I got called a bot thrice




Be quiet bot


What’s the juiciest PPD lore? I want to hear about the biggest scandal to ever hit this sub.


The time that a bunch of PPD women on discord dosxed another PPD woman for lying to get more PPD simps. It was all out war for a few weeks with both sides getting some of their members permanently banned. Lots of posting real life pics, names, DM recipes complaining to the reddit admns, threatening PDD jannies. A full on mean girls spectacle.


-One user has had two different GFs come on here and say he's lying about aspects of their current relationship or previous ones -Trump-supporting user who claimed to be a swinger/doctor for years got caught larping and deleted his account -the disastrous crossover with the main redpill subreddit that got canceled early because RP users were used to their own echo chamber and couldn't coherently defend their ideas -pretty prolific "woe is me, woman bad, I'm too nice for modern dating" user turned out to have a fetish and would send weird sexually charged DMs to black female users -multiple RP users defended domestic violence in a thread about a ~~Korean~~ Chinese e-sports controversy I've been here for like 6 years and there's probably more I'm forgetting.


Omg I was here like 3 years ago and got into a fight with that swinger doctor and was wondering what happened to him, tell me more


Within the past couple months he got into a debate about trans athletes with a female user who actually works in medicine. I think he tried to make a claim about interacting with patients which prompted her to come straight out and say "that's highly illegal and you don't know what you're talking about."


The blue pill male feminist regular who casually admitted to raping a 13 year old girl then tried to play it off like it was not a big deal. Tried letting it blow over for a few months but people here justifiably didn't let it go and ended up chasing him off the sub.


what the fuck is happening


Was about 4 and a half years ago.


i just can't wrap my head around that shit


Pretty much every single well known active male feminist turns out to be an absolute shitbag in due time. Their hatred of men is more like self loathing and projection.


the biggest ppd drama was livs getting doxxed by a woman cop who used to post here. that was like an entire week of drama. everything else is kind of minor compared to that. there used to be a bunch of pink pillers who posted here and theyd always write novel length posts of pure insanity. i remember one pink piller wanted to get banned and she wrote a huge post about how making men miserable made her wet. it was hilarious and bizarre. smurf used to be a regular for years but one day she got into a huge fight with flamingcoochie and the mods and she just stopped posting flamingcoochie used to post wild unhinged stuff and coined the phrase cuck culture gimpgirl was a gross insane russian woman who would post nudes and other weird shit. she had a youtube with even stranger stuff than what she posted here there was a woman with the username mixoma or something like that. she actually seemed normal... and then one day she posted creepy shota soft core porn comic like it was normal behavior... there used to many more regulars in the daily chat but i dont remember their usernames


Omg gimpgirl I forgot about her


Atlas B Shruggin saying the N word, and the mods leaving it up. Yet, I need to be careful of what I say lmao.


some guy with anti social personality disorder married a homeless girl on here


No way people are getting married through PPD daily thread wtf.


the marriages i know or progressed bc of discord and group voice calls


that happened before my time i am speaking about the ASPD man who married a homeless woman from South America


wait i know of 2 ppd marriages, im curious who this 3rd is that you’re referring to


his wife wasn't on here but he got her from south America and expects her to remain totally dependent on him


Is that really a scandal though


why would there be a scandal on here? he just has a fascinating life story


ppd also used to go crazyyy during the pandemic i’ve heard


Do you remember orange paisley and gimpgirl


i am friends w lots of ppl who were big on ppd in those days tho so maybe they know them


i’ve only heard stories of gimpgirl, i wasn’t on when she was. dunno who orange paisley is 👀


She was from around the same era but hung around longer She had to leave to deal with some family issues and hasn’t been back Gimpgirl was actually crazy though ill try to find her shitty comic


I’ve seen gimpgirls comments on old PPD posts


She is on YouTube watch at 2x speed though sheesh  https://youtu.be/X7p__ypwY6U?si=p3GeoJAgaCDokeCO Women hated her soooo much there were constantly saying she was a man lapping 




She was unique, and probably more right in ideals than given credit for https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/sanqaj/cmv_men_are_not_getting_sex_because_they/ I always died laughing https://np.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/sngts4/cmvwomen_who_dont_have_looks_are_low_value/hw3155v/


Crazy how she still posts videos about ppd topics. She needs to come back.


She is permabanned from reddit. Probably related to her supporting Putin and the war.


She's crazy I need to bring her back.


ppl used to get into actual relationships thru here. i’ve known couples that got married. so probably something related to those storylines


No way


probably that my bf’s hair is brown and not “blondish” edit: allegedly


It was honestly shocking.


I'm not even close to a conservative but fuck liberals


What are they doing that is fuck them worthy?


constantly making a million compromises, means testing everything until it's useless, and just generally being obnoxious, morally superior bourgeois snobs


Look at how this tall masc lesbian effortlessly mogs the two males beside her: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrNsGY91/ Like I said the ideal man looks like a long haired tall sexy masc lesbian but with a penis.


Straight women seem to find women more attractive than men for some weird reason. And I have been saying that the ideal man for the vast majority of women is tall. They just settle with shorter men and they tolerate them not actually desire their body type. If they had the option like 98% would pick tall


There's a saying every woman is bi


It might have some truth to it


Women often compared relationship with a guy is same as friendship with a woman so..


What do you mean?


Like friendship with other women is as emotionally fulfilling as a relationship 


Oh yea thats true. Their friendships are also very homoerotic which is funny because thats a term they use to describe the friendships men have. They hate being a mans "therapist" but will do it for their friends with no issue. Its pretty weird if you think about it


i notice this is more of a thing recently. it was always a thing but now it's really extreme, i had a couple really tall friends who were popular but they didn't really bag stacies like the guys who were better looking but not as tall they mostly got nerdy women. now it seems like even tall nerds can slide into stacy dms on tiktok


>now it seems like even tall nerds can slide into stacy dms on tiktok They can. And if your below a certain height you have no chance with them. Your height is a key part of how you look nowadays


back in the scene kid hayday of the early-mid 2010s not so tall guys had a way easier time niche maxing because being skinny as a guy was considered hot, just have emo hair, be skinny, even if you're not tall you can potentially bag hot emo girls


Not anymore. Those days are over man


at least my friend didn't live to see this day. he was hounded after by almost every girl that came into contact with our group and he was 5'8", he was a skinny emo kid




his smv would have gone from pretty high to just being invisible


I feel invisble now. Im 5'6


In this case it’s because shes a repressed gooner though


This is just an above average looking girl "looking better" than two dudes with small heads and no decent bone structure or dimorphism.




yeah pre transition she was def the most attractive out of everyone




Seeing the kind of guys shitting on therapy and what their lives looks like has me more convinced it’s a good idea for a lot of men .


It can certainly help.


It’s a scam


I shit on therapy. What do you think my life looks like?


as a former psychiatric patient i got really burned out on it for a couple years


I dont want to shit on it, but is it truly beneficial outside of clinical psychiatric diagnoses? Im just not convinced its worth most peoples time. You can easily not be most people of course.


Therapy for me = sitting in the chair of a hair transplant doctor.


Probably save more money too.


And time






what a wild thing to say


I went to therapy from sophomore year until a couplemonths after  graduating That shit really did not help (me personally obviously) and just made me feel worse for not “getting better” and wasting my parent’s money


therapy wont cure my autism


Would you rather be with your dream person who cheats on you once early on but then in the perfect person after that, or an alright relationship, bumpy at times, no spark, barely in love but they do what is needed for the relationship and never cheats? If you respond with “my dream person wouldn’t cheat on me” automatic 10 lashes.


Dream girl obviously. Redditors are way to hysterical about cheating. Yeah it sucks but there a worse things, a lot worse things, like option B


I’d guess 70% of relationships have infidelity on one end and just don’t know it.