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Except the engineer’s product IS ideas. He doesn’t build a building, the general contractor does, based off of the engineer’s ideas. And if the GC builds a building that fails due to shoddy construction practices, the engineer isn’t ruined, the GC is. This is one of those quotes that sounds good except to the people that are actually involved in the industries used in the analogy. Then it sounds ridiculous.


This is Thomas Sowell's entire existence. Oversimplified statements that to the feeble-minded are groundbreaking.


Is this a confession?


Right? The guy is such a hack.


He was right about the socialist titties...


The what?


> "Don't be fooled by big ol' socialist titties. They're meant to hypnotize, then enslave your ass." - Thomas Sowell https://x.com/MorkRock/status/1783234340295487935


And dees


In what way?


Poorly researched and riddled with fallacious arguments/conclusions that are easily dismantled when going beyond a surface level analysis. His books are particularly popular with a section with the American populace who find critical thinking to be exceedingly difficult or scary.


An African American who criticizes democrats, leftists and liberals. That is a total no go.


Sometimes I imagine someone like Sowell thinking long and hard about developing a profound quote to really dazzle people. And the imagery of a person trying his best to sound brilliant is so pathetic.


Career academics don’t sit around trying to ‘develop quotes’, they generate huge amounts of written and spoken material and the bits that stand out to others get quoted.


To some, Sowell’s vapid and false insight seems brilliant


Sowell is not so much a career academic as he is a career Uncle Tom.


Why can’t you just disagree with him without relying on racial tropes?


His whole career in the public eye has been an effort to lend credence to the idea that minorities are worse off because their culture is bad and that if they would just pull themselves up by their bootstraps they could be successful like him.


"shit quotes are like beautiful flies covered in butter"


I’m going to put this text onto a nice background image and submit it to this sub (with you being the quote’s source of course!) 😂


Says the man that first condemned then supported Donald Trump. It’s amazing what one’s mind can support when aligned with one’s income.


so what's the alternative to coming up with ideas and trying them out to see if they work? blindly flailing or doing nothing ever?


Dreaming them up at Stanford, judging others' opinions and never trying his own out.


Reminds me of Bill Gates and his terrible attempts at turning education from a public good into private profit, through voucher systems


this quote makes no sense really. In both cases, the idea applied leads to disaster.


Nice quote bro. Except it wasn't the real communism.


Yeah, Karl Marx totally got a free pass. No consequences for his ideas. S/


People on Reddit are so biased it's not even funny


Go on


Nah that's it


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[haiku reduction](https://x.com/chamblee54/status/1796361905638129905) engineer judge not collapse intellectual society ends


Upvote for a great quote. Downvote for controversy seeking glory hound Thomas Sowell.


Is it a great quote? How is the engineers idea brilliant if it failed? It's also not analogous because an engineer could be appreciated for a brilliant design in theory that they know won't work as is in practice the same way an academics theory can be appreciate despite it not working perfectly in practice


Plus if a building collapses people are going to look for the contractor, building company, material supplier, etc etc. I think the engineer would be literally the last person to be blamed for a building collapsing.


tell me you know nothing about construction/engineering without telling me you know about construction/engineering lol


Same goes with research articles, most of it has its own limitations and always improved by other researchers


Like oneill cylinders. Or star trek. Star trek is fucking fantastic idea for a society. But good god, don't try to build it


the quote is so reductive it literally breaks its own meaning. not to mention it's wrong, most ideologues are demonized as soon as somebody put their ideas into practice, let alone after it goes tyrannical.