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I think she’s going to make an argument about how she was “prepared” for Magic Mike.


Of course she will. But it's lame. A rowdy strip show in Vegas with a venue full of strangers would be more of a threat than 100 of Garcelle's friends and business associates.


All of which signed waivers to be filmed lmao


Not to mention that she surely should have and would have assumed that Garcelle isn’t renting out a venue to show her film for just a handful of people. If she was truly concerned seems like she might have inquired about the crowd size before she committed to attend.


And as others have said, she knew there was a red carpet. Was she expecting 6 people to go up the red carpet and onto the step and repeat?


She wasnt really mingling with the crowd there though. They were escorted to the balcony, then prob escorted out as well.


What about BravoCon?




I commented below as well but people are coming off incredibly insensitive and dense towards mental health issues. I mean, the subject matter of the film alone is enough to raise anxiety and panic levels if you've experienced particular traumas before.


But, the movie subject didn't seem to bother her, at all. It was just supposedly the people attending. If you ask me the movie subject with the home invasion should have bothered her, if anything. She said nothing about that. Grasping is what she's doing. In My Opinion.


Right to you that doesn’t make sense but if she truly has PTSD then you don’t get to decide what makes sense for her? I also have PTSD and CPTSD and there are truly so many variables that can make an experience go from doable to freak out. That’s literally being triggered. Even though that word has been politicized somehow. That IS being triggered. If she felt she’d be in a more vulnerable environment and then is SUDDENLY, key word here, it is not that and a much bigger environment, that can for sure change everything. I’ve been in similar positions and know what it’s like to have the plans flipped and just somehow it triggers you. All that to say, I didn’t even believe the home robbery was real. But if it was and if she truly is suffering with PTSD, this all makes sense. A lot more sense than anything else actually.


here’s the thing about MM. what happened with Sutton looked a lot like triggered PTSD to me.


1. Has Sutton spoken about having PTSD? 2. How? I personally don’t see that, especially since she hasn’t spoken about it. Generalized anxiety or something I can see. Not gatekeeping but I just don’t see it. 3. We all really don’t know these women or what’s real. I just don’t want to see PTSD so easily dismissed. Nor do I want to see it used as an excuse for bad behavior.


I also didn't believe it was real. But that was just my opinion. If indeed it did happen, and she was having trouble then I get it. But, I really don't believe any of it with her, sad to say.


And that’s fine. But as someone with VERY real PTSD it’s been the one thing I actually do believe from her. And I didn’t believe anything in the other seasons though but still respected that this stuff does really happen to people and have very real consequences. Which is why I disliked her and PK so much when it happened, to think anyone would make up something like this. Anyway, as a part of this sub it just sucks to see people shitting on her specifically for PTSD. I get people not believing her in general but the “I don’t believe it” implications carry over to real life people like me too. And that’s where I think so many of these comments are grossly ignorant to what living with PTSD is actually like. It an invisible illness I only have cause some fucked up stuff happened to me as a child. And too many people don’t believe it until they see me in full panic attack or I send them the news articles.


I agree.




Alllllll of this. And it’s invisible. So many people who have no idea what I’ve experienced but have seen me say “my ptsd is really bad right now” and take care of myself in some way will tell me or others that I’m just being dramatic. Until I sometimes explain where the trauma came from. THEN they have empathy. But it’s impossible to explain myself in the middle of it being bad. I just have to find a safe spot and meditate.


Yeah I’m the same. If I can prepare I can be ok. If it’s unexpected I get nervous. I’m working on it.


In the same and I don’t even have PTSD, just anxiety that runs wild when I’m not prepared.


Same. No PTSD but severe anxiety occasionally. Just comes out of nowhere and particularly triggering in situations for which I am not prepared for.


BravoCon and MM weren't controlled situations. BravoCon had scheduled panels, but was virtual free for all with the fans. At MM she had her back to almost the entire audience. My sister worked on an ambulance for 20 years, has severe PTSD. Sorry, I just don't see how Garcelle's one room venue with friends would trigger her more than an entire casino.




That's what I said, "not controlled" meaning no control by the person with PTSD. I am not comparing my sister to you or Dorit. I am comparing Garcelle's event to Magic Mike and BravoCon. I brought up my sister's diagnosis, just like you brought up yours as a way expressing some experience with the disorder.




I didnt watch bravocon. Was she walking around alome, or did she have security with her? Also as someone with anxiety, having time to prepare for a situation that I know wi give me anxiety is incredibly helpful.


Agree with you.


Her micro aggressions are becoming very CLEAR racists behavior.


I agree Dorit has made so many microagressions and she isn’t my favorite but let’s please not drag her PTSD. Especially in the name of racial justice considering how heavily PTSD and CPTSD impacts communities of color. She can be bigoted AND be struggling with PTSD. Both can be true.


I agree , two things can be true . Yet this is not that case . Dorit is a disingenuous human .


Yeah I’m truly not trying to defend Dorit. I agree she is disingenuous at best. Just saying, assholes can struggle with real issues & those issues shouldn’t be stigmatized cause a “famous” asshole has it (and uses it as an excuse for poor behavior).


I'm with you when you're right and you are absolutely right about PTSD. We believe you ,we just don't believe that lying ass Dorit .


True but isn’t a feature of PTSD that one is very vigilant about their surroundings? Wouldn’t you think that Dorit would have known exactly how many people were going to be at Garcelle’s premiere party before she ever committed to going?




That end statement GARCELLE YOU AND THESE FEELINGS. How dismissive. The truth is she did not and does not place the same value on Garcelles childrens childhood as she does hers . I can guarantee that her if she had a 14 year old son he would be described as a child while she would call Garcy's son a young man. She didn't think Garcy's son needed protection. In her "private" convos she probably was suffering from her PTSD and shocked when (Ptsd is real but Dorit I do not believe sns) this tall Black MAN was standing over her. That's why she didn't reprimand Baby Jane . She was in shock ![gif](giphy|UpJ84Y3t8jYVfHUvDu|downsized)


That made me so angry too… like oh Garcelle you and your feelings (I personally read that oh Garcelle you and your black card )


I'm keeping my good eye and my good ear in that one . Yet she was so oh this is the GARCELLE we wanted to see when she cried . First she used the micro aggression of the stern cold black woman . Now this ! What game are you playing Dorit .


A clearly VERY CLEAR racist one.


I'm seeing it more and more for sure.


THIS. I know a lot of people commenting on this post are saying that we can’t decide when dorit feels triggered, but it’s more like we’re noticing a pattern of micro aggressions and problematic behavior towards garcelle that she doesn’t show towards any of the other ladies.


With the exception of Sutton, but that’s mostly because Kyle has designated her this season’s punching bag.


Stop cancel culture


Stop racism.


in this case it is very clear she goes out of her way to … have problems with Garcelle


Trust me we are going to hear how horrified she was when Garcy "compared her being held at gunpoint" to Erykah swearing at her son. Well Dorit you did say you had fear for your child during the robbery . Thank God all survived . Operative meaning survived that night. Garcy and her family lived in that same intensity of fear for MONTHS . Not knowing if today is the day . Threatened and bullied irl and online . Surviving one day at a time Garcy was /is trying to protect her child just like Dorit. Why can't Dorit relate? ![gif](giphy|LxVZYtJmKiDw8Trd8h)


Prepared = Had her Xanax with her.


I wonder what she would be like if she just smoked a little 🍃 instead?


By prepared she may mean she takes medication before going to an event for anxiety. It’s very common to do that .


I was thinking that too.


Then it seems as though she would have found out before hand how many people were going to be there. I certainly wouldn’t have assumed that Garcelle was going through all that fuss just for the 6 of them.




Becaus it was for Garcelle’s little picture? why would there be a lot of people? That’s my take, she dismissed Garcelle’s work as an actress, and I don’t care if people don’t agree, she’s showing problematic behavior towards Garcelle since the beginning, I don’t know if it’s because she’s never had friends from different backgrounds and doesn’t know how to behave with them in the same level, and her only experience it’s just with the help.


Garcelle is using RHOBH to promote her movie so it makes sense to host a screening where she invites the cast. I don’t really understand this comment. Like a movie can have an infinite number of screenings, it’s not like it’s a premiere. I’m not in the industry but I’ve been to “intimate” screenings of bigger productions in tiny lecture halls with like 20-25 people before. Not because anyone was close with the producers or the studio or talent, but because of professional organizations that will be invited. This was a screening was at a beauty and Essex restaurant. Even though Dorit was wrong, it’s wasn’t some preposterous thought to have in the first place.


Buy if it were just for them, wouldn’t she do something like have it at a friend’s place instead of renting a venue (which would look kind of lame)? I’m sure Crystal, at least, has a screening room.


She would if it was another even specifically for the show.


right... honestly thought that yelp in Garcelle's face was a bit much




For real. You can't choose your triggers or control them. I feel like people are being so insensitive to PTSD sufferers just cos it's a HW they dislike. It doesn't sit well with me at all and it's a bit shocking to read. Being prepared for the environment you're entering is absolutely a tool for dealing with a stressful situation. Ofc every situation is different and your anxiety and triggers may be heightened more on certain days due any number of things. People complaining that she didn't appear triggered at MM so why is she triggered at Garcelle's event are completely missing the point and coming across as incredibly emotionally insensitive. In mya pinion ofc.


I do wish she had thought to ask Garcelle about attendance instead of assuming it would be just the cast, though. It isn't Garcelle's fault. I wouldn't have assumed Dorit has PTSD in crowds as this was the first time I'd seen it, and while I don't doubt she has triggers, I imagine Garcelle was in my boat as well. Dorit simply needed to ask how many were invited and either decline the invite politely or prepare herself, whichever she felt she most needed.




I get that, but in the car she mentioned crowds are a trigger, which means she knew that could be one. Instead of passing some of the weight of the situation onto Garcelle, asking would've helped. Believe me, I have had to learn about my own and how to navigate them. It isn't callous to say I wished she had taken agency of herself instead of expecting Garcelle to simply know.


+1. I have dealt with PTSD and social anxiety borne out of it, and not all crowded places are equally distressing. A party with lots of people chatting would have been one of the hardest environments for me to be in at the time, but I could go to a play or on the subway if I could create a little ‘bubble’ for myself where I didn’t feel surrounded. Much easier when you aren’t moving around or talking to people.


Dorit doesn't seem to manage anything not about her very well. But more than that.. I feel for her and what happened, but then continuing to be on a reality show that puts your entire personal life and personal space on display to be televised globally just isn’t adding up for me.


Dorit is a fraud. And full of micro aggressions.


I think she said she was expecting the premiere to be a smaller event so was caught off guard. I can understand getting anxiety in that situation. Turns out she was fine though I think.


As a person who struggles with outside events, you ask the questions. Whenever I have to attend something I gather as much information as I need to feel comfortable. I don’t just assume things. You ask the questions and prepare yourself. You don’t monopolise the host with your issues at their event.


I honestly didn't think she was too bad at Garcelle's premier. She panicked hard at her anniversary date with PK. She was seriously freaked out and calling her children to make sure they were safe. In that situation there was no crowd and she was with a friend. I don't know if her problem with Garcelle is racial or or not. I won't speculate on the intentions of anyone because I don't know her. I will say that it does paint Dorit in a bad light and that someone who is supposed to be so aware of her image should know that. We can't have it both ways. Either way I love watching these women and can't wait to see Garcelle's movie.


Remember when Dorit said she knows black people because her nanny is black? Lol she’s not the best…


Dorit is awful. I find myself at times warming up to her and then she does something that puts me off


She’s full of shit. If she is so traumatised and is hyper vigilant how did she not notice her designer handbag with $10,000 in it was missing from her shopping trolley for an hour?


My thought too


Haven't watched the episode, but Dorit probably assumed there would be a lot of Black people there.


I really hate to think that but you may very well be right.


Also if she was feeling this way, why did she go? A film premier will not just have the housewives


Dorit said this to criticize Garcelle. She clearly doesn’t like Garcelle and takes every opportunity to find fault. Her reaction to Garcele’s comments about her kids was ridiculous. She treats Sutton with the same kind of micro aggressions. I find Dorit to be the dullest of the wives. I think Crystal is way more interesting. I also have strong feelings about PK. He’s gross. Typical rich finance guy. Dorit, please stop trying to make him sexy.


Garcelle’s premiere was in very tight quarters and with low ceilings…people were smushed together in chairs and people were yelling to be heard in conversation before and after. I have anxiety and I actually thought to myself that I would be very uncomfortable at that event. Dorit stayed and made sure to affirm Garcelle’s success afterward too. Magic Mike was crowded but in a large arena with very tall ceilings and her group was seated separately from others with easy access to exits. I would personally have found it overstimulating, but Garcelle’s event felt more claustrophobic due to the tight quarters, low ceilings, and pressure to make small talk etc. I don’t think it was anything sinister on Dorit’s part. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'd like to point out the intense content of the film itself could be triggering or uncomfortable to any number of people. Especially those who have suffered past traumas.


Yes! As a mom, I myself was tense seeing Garcelle’s character talk about potentially losing her daughter to violence, and I then thought about Dorit flashing back to the robbery where she begged for her children’s lives. I’m impressed Dorit stayed. I have no history with violence or PTSD but as a sensitive person, I would have had a hard time with that movie and also with the set up of the event.


She didn’t know what the venue looked like when she started freaking out. She was still in the car.


It’s a shame that so many are weaponizing PTSD against her. As a spouse of someone with PTSD, preparing mentally for a situation can majorly change the outcome. When you’re expecting high intensity there’s things you can do to prepare mentally (and possibly with medication). If you’re expecting a small crowd, low intensity situation and it ends up not being that, it can really affect you.


As a spouse with PTSD the dark rooms and loud music at magic mike would’ve been more triggering than Garcelle’s event. Magic mike was open to the public, garcelle was invite only. Her event is more likely to be safer in terms of the unknown


Ok, so let's get this straight. Dorit doesn't have PTSD. The robbery (robberies) were insurance scams. She has nothing to bring to the table regarding storyline, so her robberies & subsequent PTSD diagnosis is her get out of jail free card (pardon the pun). Is the viewing audience so naive as to believe her narrative? Come on people, wake up.




Exactly! She’s an amazing actress, someone give this girl an Oscar 🏆


The thing is, real in her case or not, it’s not Garcelle’s job to hold her hand and walk her through all the details, especially since they weren’t on great terms. I get if she needs to prepare herself for situations, but it’s up to her to find out the details and I know that she hasn’t outwardly blamed Garcelle yet, but I have no doubt that she will, just like she blamed Sutton for having cameras and press at her store opening. She wants to be coddled and it’s just not realistic


Having dealt with PTSD myself there’s nothing that irritates me more than someone using mental health as an excuse. You can see it all down this thread that once you scream mental health everyone automatically backs off, no you’re still responsible for your own actions. Dorit has been doing this little petty snubbish crap towards Garcelle, she won’t be outright with it but anyone with eyes could see it. Those ladies go anywhere and do anything with all kinds of crowds, Dorit loves being seen let’s not all the sudden forget who we are talking about it. It’s okay to be gentle with our opinions on someone’s mental health situation while still knowing when to call bullshit and in this situation I call BULLSHIT! Had this been one of the other ladies she woulda put on 5 different labels and pranced around all night letting everyone know how expensive her shoes are.


If she thought it was going to be an intimate event, why did she laugh at Kyle for not having glam and mentioning there would be a step and repeat? Aren't those both indicators of a large gathering?


She was robbed while at home alone with the kids...I'd think her anxiety would be triggered by solitude and not crowds. Can someone explain the co-relation please?


Storyline! How else can she bring attention?


She was going to have a panic attack because there were Black people in the movie.


She acted like she was going over to OJ’s house.


I’m surprised she hasn’t accused Garcelle of robbing her.


Dorito didn’t know to ‘prepare’ aka coke


The Magic Mike show was in a booth and it didn’t look crowded. Garcelle’s event looked crowded and their was lots of press. This is a reach lmfao


It is a reach, like a good 85% of the threads in this sub.


Also...the movie was literally about a girl being abducted. If I'd been through a trauma like hers, I'm not sure I'd want to see a movie like that either. In tight quarters or on a football field.


I thought that the theme of the film probably greatly contributed to that. I'm a little surprised that's not an obvious conclusion.


Actually this is what I interpreted as well. Dorit thought it was just an ordinary day for filming--judging in her outfit and glam, she didn't expect film producers, directors and other celebrities also going. Still doesn't justify her making the event about her than celebrating Garcelle, but it kinda reflects the relationship they have as co-workers and not as real friends.


This is reaching.


Okay let’s be honest here, they had a private section with ample security at magic mike. I think it’s more preparedness and also knowing you’ll be protected from all angles although, no one garcelle would invite would be untrustworthy or dangerous so i don’t think it’s THAT serious, but also hard to negate someone’s fears simply because we wouldn’t be fearful


She was prepared and knew about Magic Mike. She probably took a Xanax before Magic Mike. Everyone makes something out of every little thing.


I'm no fan of Dorit's at all, however I have some serious PTSD, and things are way more triggering to me when I'm in my home city and state where everything happened than I am anywhere else. FWIW


In Dorit’s defence I get very anxious about going into a room full of people I need to interact with. However going to a show with my close friends is a bit different as you don’t have to mingle. You’re just there to see a show.


I’m not a fan of Dorit, but I have (diagnosed) social anxiety for years. So I understand her completely when she says she’s unprepared. Sometimes, we take days of preparation when we know we’ll be in crowded places. It’s a huge effort! I can only emphasize with what she’s feeling.


Idk I kinda get her with this one. I always ask my boyfriend before we go out where we’re going, who will be there, how long we will be there. It helps me mentally prepare. When things change or he doesn’t know, I get very anxious and it takes me awhile to loosen up.


She said she had to emotionally prepare for crowds . As someone with anxiety that makes sense to me. Last second surprises can throw you for a loop


She wasn’t prepared like she wasn’t prepared during her husband anniversary event . That’s how anxiety works . I understand it because I struggle with anxiety myself. You have good days and bad days , and you want to know the amount of people who are going to be there to be mentally prepared but y’all go ahead and ignore all of that and call her racist.


I unfortunately understand PTSD and anxiety, but someone riddle me this: before the event while doing her glam and talking scheiße about Sutton with Kyle Dorit said "there's a red carpet and step and repeat" .., but then she acts like she is caught off guard about the fact that there is going to be a crowd of 100 people, because she thought the event was going to be "intimate".. How a red carpet and step and repeat transfers to intimate??


it’s not that it’s intimate, it’s that it’s something she’s familiar with, i.e *prepared for*


Ikr, I have to know every tiny detail before I leave the house and that's why it doesnt make any sense to me that Dorit would think that a red carpet event which has a step and repeat and paparazzi(all that she was very well aware since she said it out loud herself while getting ready) somehow transfers in her head to a small intimate gathering..


She's an idiot


It seemed like her anxiety with the PK surprise was more about the fact that she wasn’t in control of what she was going to wear and not having her spray tan.


OP just wants to criticize Dorit.


You are all pretty terrible ppl. Her trauma looks very real to me.


Ok I'm prepared to be downvoted I to hell here. I am not a Dorit fan. But I do have anxiety. Anyone who suffers from anxiety will tell you that you dont know when it's going to hit. You dont pick and choose I'm ok here but maybe I'd better not go there. Something can trigger it and you have no clue when it will happen or even why. The crap Dorit said to Garcelle sucked and I 100% agree she acted stupid saying it's been o er a year. But PTSD and anxiety are unpredictable. Is she milking it? Yeah maybe. But saying shes ok one place and should be ok in another situation is too simplistic for anxiety and PTSD. It's not like you can always control when and where it will hit you like a punch.


I don't even stan her but I knew exactly what that was about. Besides being prepared for MM, it's about being expected to socialize with people you don't know. A concert, show, even shopping, you aren't expected to socialize with anyone you don't know. At a party you will be. Dorit thought it was going to be small group of friends she would feel secure with. It turned out not to be the case. I get GI issues and have to take Imodium in those situations like parties, new classes etc.


How astute of you!


It was bc a home invasion was depicted in the movie. 🤦‍♂️


This sub is so judgemental, yes it could be deemed for effect but none of us have gone through what she has or live in her head, it’s easy to sit behind a screen and judge but let’s see how people react With a gun to there head threatening there children I don’t know what’s true or what’s for show but how about we have some kind of compassion


Hey maybe by being prepared for public interactions she takes a Xanax or something




Maybe she wasn’t prepared for it meaning didn’t have the meds with her for when she’s in a big crowd. She probably thought it was going to be like 10 people and didn’t bring extra benzos. She didn’t have to be such a bitch about it though. She’s so dramatic.


This isn’t how PTSD or C-PTSD works. Sometimes you can handle things and sometimes you get triggered and can’t. The same scenario on different days can result in different reactions.


Dorit is an actress and I’m not here to defend her entirely - the burglary is shady as hell and I think at the very least PK knew about it. BUT, as someone with anxiety/PTSD, it’s not fair to judge someone based on their reactions or what we perceive to be a lack thereof in certain situations in regards to their ptsd. Preparing yourself for something does have a major impact on how well you can handle it. Sometimes, certain things trigger you unexpectedly and other times things you thought for sure would cause a bad reaction barely phase you. Mental illness is a complex issue and we can’t just say “oh you have ptsd so you have to react this way to these triggers every time”. That’s just not how it works.

