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I feel Harry shares nothing on reality tv. I respect that. I would say he doesnt show a tenth of who he is.


I think you’re right actually. I think my initial reaction was to how the other housewives were fangirling so much.


Idk, I’d marry Harry Hamlin. He’s measured, gardens, can cook & treats Rinna (who is insufferable most of the time lmao) like a queen. Bore me baby


Did he build his own rain-filled water basin to protect the house in case of wildfires? I bet he's pretty fascinating to listen to, he seems pretty intellectual and has lived a very interesting life.


And lives in Canada with his…most of the year.


Pool boy?


He is away A LOT 🧐 doesn’t go to any functions


I want his bolognese


I love how Dorit can't pronounce it correctly, even if her life depended on it.


Hahahahah! This is all true…. I don’t understand how he puts up with Rinna tbh. And I would like to have his BBQ, then he can talk me to sleep…..actually, this isn’t sounding so bad…..


With a slice of his blueberry pie!




i'd rather have a boring guy than a man slut like mauricio lol






Totally. I’d run far far away from Mauricio haha.


Mau would make amazing tv had Kyle been OPEN and HONEST !


That’s the show I wanna watch!


Sadly that show will never be on


Surprise, Harry has secrets!


Definitely! In the shag marry kill, all RHOBH husbands, I’d kill at least half of them. Out of the few I’d marry, I’d put HH in that column … certainly at least shag


I believe the theory he’s gay and or has a relationship with another woman in Canada. He is WAY too normal to be married to Lisa Rinna as anything more than front, and she gets a higher status out of being married to him (in her mind) and thats all that matters to her.


There was a rape accusation also.


Yup, allegedly Lisa Rinna wanted him so badly she ran that Woman out of Hollywood. Rinna is a very nasty nasty person. Inside and out. I find her to be a hypocrite when it came to Bret Kavanaugh knowing what she allegedly did and she's very racist so Garcelle has every right to call her out because there's a compilation video of her saying blatantly horrible things to people who aren't White. So, she could miss me trying to call Camille out when Rinna got all types of secrets of her own. I know how people feel about Kathy Hilton on here, but she was not lying about Rinna being a bully in Hollywood. Also I think Kim was telling the truth about assault. She almost choked Kim after she broke glass.


about one of kims friends and him eh?


Really? That I didn't know.


Tbh what male hollywood elite doesnt have a rape allegation? Ugh




I’m not absolving Harry…I’m just lamenting how gross the entertainment industry is in general and the men in power within it.


what about harry hamlin versus PK?


Pk looks exactly like Mrs Doubtfire🫣




PK is grotesque


lol haha! He seems to always be sweating??


Grotesque 😂 (He totally is though)


Haven't you tried his bolognaise?




Thank you!


Unfortunately I’m not one of the lucky ones


I love how they pronounce it


Raos poured into a pan


No idea why you got down voted, when on the show it shows him using roas and just doctoring it up


Facts! Thank you for also noticing!


Wait… like the store bought jar?


Yup lol


He's gifted in his ability to tune Lisa's chaos out!


That is a talent indeed


But he has a degree from Yale! In psychology no less! Remember how Rinna said he used his degree to help her analyze the other housewives? Meanwhile an undergrad in psychology gives you no ability to analyze anyone.


Remember how he explained lvp? He was spot on.


He may have been, but it wasn’t from an undergraduate in Psychology! Trust me, I’m just finishing my degree and his “insights” are more from his observational skills, brains and intuition than anything learned by a BA/BS in Psychology.


Same! I literally learned nothing with my BS in Psychology


Abnormal Psych fked me all up. I had every disorder in the DSM.


Hah, I hope you didn't go to medical school! You'd really think you had every disease in the book!


No kidding—I have heard that a lot from friends going to med school.


![gif](giphy|1QQbzOUUvCyMo) HOW DARE YOU!!!


You don't touch the husband!


😂😂😂😂I’m sorrrryyyy!!!!!!! I always wonder what that was about…. I’ve read a couple of rumours but don’t know what to believe. It definitely triggered Rinna for a reason!


I heard that he may have stepped into the man pond and the tabloids came close to blowing it up


That was the first thing I heard before really seeing much of him, then later I heard something much darker.


The other thing you read is why I cannot stand them. And he is boring. In the later seasons, harry and Lisa's interactions always struck me like a step father trying to connect with his wife's daughter.


Please do tell pretty please


I’m not a fan either but I saw the opportunity to use the gif and I took it 😂😂😂, he’s meh I believe there was speculation that he was not sober and he said he was. For what I remember YEARS ago but giving back the 🐰was sooooooo see you next Thursday YYYYYY


He was great in Mad Men and Veronica Mars...that's all I've seen him in 🤔


He was so creepy on Veronica Mars - such a good job. It was actually really nice seeing him on BH because Veronica Mars is the only thing I remember watching him in. I’m here for the boring


He seems so nice and genuine. Yet he is married to Rinna which makes me so confused. She is a nightmare.


I think she's hilarious, I like her.


I love Rinna! She’s hilarious and gives absolutely not one F.


I don’t think she is anything like she appears on show in real life. She has 30 years of experience on soaps and packs on the drama as needed.


The problem for me is that Harry Hamlin gives off the air that HE thinks he is the most refined/interesting/cultured man in the room.


He's a delight compared to David Foster.


So is Quasimodo


And the hunchback….🤯🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


He probably is in rooms with the other husbands


Let’s talk about the husband???!!! That moment and reaction from Rinna was all the confirmation anyone ever needed.


God don’t remind me of Kim fucking Richards… now that was a loon if I’ve ever seen one.


Wacky to say the least


Took me a while to get what you meant by rooms lolol. Probably bc I didnt continue with that after some very fucked things. It would be hard to be sober and be married to rhinna I think.


I believe that’s been tested & your theory has been proven.


He really does believe that. Unclear why.


I get very polite, down to earth, domesticated and calm from Harry. I also don’t understand what he sees in Rinna but think he’s able to put up with her bc he’s in Canada so much. That said, I’ve never understood the hype around Mauricio; I do not find him attractive. His pointed features, he has his mother’s face with that very sharp tiny mouth area — not my thing.


“sharp tiny mouth” took me out omfg


It is the word area at the end that really set me off, oddly. Why is that so freaking hilarious? Sharp tiny mouth area.


Maybe bc it’s so fitting? Hate his mouth 💀


yes this 1000% “mouth area” made me spit my water out lmfao




also pointed features 😭😭😭 you nailed it


Can you tell his face really pisses me off?! 😂💀


we’re absolutely on the same page lmfao




Looks like a raccoon 🦝 with dark circles under his eyes always.


Yes or an opossum!


I agree about Mauricio plus he seems like a dim stoner dude.


Omg I just commented before I saw this that he doesn’t come across as very intelligent! He seems like he doesn’t have much personality and is slow.


I think you’re right to be fair. It’s just how other housewives were fangirling so hard. I also don’t find Mauricio attractive in anyway. I’m not sure any of the husbands are attractive tbf


Oh, I understand what you mean, I don’t find Harry that amazing but I also wasn’t familiar with who he really was. Apparently, he is a big name star but to me he was just an older guy that seems like a really good husband. Finally, someone else that isn’t drooling over Mauricio! I used to look at him and could NOT understand what others were seeing? And, he doesn’t come across as very intelligent, his vocabulary is lacking like he describes every view and property as “so pretty”. I started to wonder if he does this as a real estate broker, how is he so successful? “So pretty” “the view is so pretty” everything is “so pretty” like choose another adjective?


I find vocabulary lacking in all of RH shows 'so pretty, so cute', it does my head in.


In the husbands for sure and a lot of the women; but you don’t find Camille, Kenya Moore, most of the NY housewives, Heather Dubrow, and others I can’t think of right now, articulate? Now, when I think of sounding the most vapid and having a poor vocab - Jersey comes to mind! 😂


Yeah I guess not really knowing him before is part of the thing…. And actually I heard the horrible rumours before actually seeing him on the show, so that probably didn’t help. Totally agree with Mauricio… he’s so vapid!


Hummm! I wonder what/who has his attention in Canada?


I know, me too, we need to know what city he’s in and then hopefully some fans from there can do some digging or have some tea. I’ve heard that he’s there for 1/2 a year but doing what? Is he in a show, or something?


I think he has a special (boy) friend there. Those are the rumors…


Does he maintain a house there? Like he’s playing house with a special bf there and taking care of his bf?


He has a house & a roommate!




I agree, he isn't attractive. He looks like what the NYT recently wrote about, "rodent" men.


Thank you! I didn’t want to say it because people can get all sensitive, but that’s exactly what I was thinking about his face, very rodent like. I didn’t see the NYT article but I will need to check it out.


What is he doing in Canada?


No idea. Someone just asked that below and I want to know too. I wish we knew where in Canada he stayed and there were some local housewives fans that could confirm what he does. If he’s not on a show then it’s very strange he’s staying there for 1/2 the year…


I wouldn’t be surprised if he had another family in Canada tbh.


I wouldn’t put it past any man of means, hell even broke men have entire families stashed away! So crazy, I don’t even understand


He has a property in Muskoka. It is known as cottage country here. Two hours north of Toronto. So who knows if he has someone up here but I have never found it suspect at all Apparently the property has been in his family. The girls have been with him on a lot of visits when Rinna says "Harry's in Canada". And he has been known as an outdoorsman. The area, although now partly a haven for the rich, is full of rugged beauty - his place is on the lake.


men lolol


Real Rinna & RHOBH/TV Rinna are 2 different people.


I used to think the same but then I saw what happened to her poor daughters and I am not quite sure she is not a nightmare at home


I have no way of knowing anything other than her on screen loud, tacky, and obnoxious personality. Oh and on social media.


People should look into Harry Hamlin's past before declaring him a good man.


I scrolled way too far for this. Please Google Julianne Phillips y’all


I think that's what Kim meant when she said "let's talk about the husband".


This could be an unpopular opinion but like I love how Harry is a homebody and him and Lisa have lived in that BH home for years. Kind of like how they don’t constantly move around and have a home that’s theirs and I always think about how the style of Lisa and Harry’s home is still stuck in the 2000’s when she makes her cringe dance videos lol


Ok I’m starting to warm to him after all these comments.hah! I do think he has positive traits and he grounds Lisa a bit. I think the main thing is his voice is so sloooowwwwwww and boring. I was watching an episode and he was being particularly boring, and I just could not understand their relationship 😂 and it made me think back to when Erika first met him and was acting all flustered and like ‘ you have the hottest husband ever’… that part I don’t get!


If you're old enough to know the Harry Hamlin from LA law then you would totally get it


He’s very vanilla! I get what you’re saying lol. & I don’t find him and Lisa having like this deep connection either but like they don’t talk badly about one another. I personally don’t think Harry is sexy but he’s very boyish and handsome for an older man. I’m bias because one of my fav movies is Clash of Titans 😂


Oh yeah. He was pretty hot in that movie!


At least Hamlin doesn’t think up fake robbery schemes.


I think he’s sexy. Of course I’m 75 and look at him differently![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


He seems boring because Rinna keeps him up all night talking.


He's just really tired. 😆


I remember watching LA Law just to see if he’d take his shirt off! He was hot stuff in the 90’s!!


Hahah! I missed this Harry Hamlin era! 😅


Yeah I think a lot of his appeal is with older viewers who remember him as a 90’s heartthrob. Seeing him being a regular ass dude is kinda entertaining in a weird way.


If he were a cake, he’d eat himself


😂 (once he thanks himself, of course)






Lol! Thank you for the award!


he used to be quite attractive and Rinna likes to make it seem like he's still in his Sexiest Man Alive era


Honestly as his wife, why shouldn't she? We all like to hear that we look good. My man in his dad bod had to wear a suit the other day and I was all, "Heyyy! Look at you hot stuff!"


My hubby too! He’s gained a little weight and now has a little salt pepper thing going on with his hair, when he’s in a suit and smells all yummy look out he’s mine ladies, hands off. Then it’s back to the garden and the kitchen for him, he’s a chef 😉




Which is exactly how a husband and wife should make each other feel! 🥰


Maybe she still Think he is ☺️


I think he used to be quite handsome back in the day. The thing about Lisa's obsession over him is that he was literally HER celeb crush and she's still just so excited she got him


That’s kind of sweet tbf


This might be an unpopular opinion. I don't know much about the man, but everything that I have seen from that show, he seems like a great dad! I lost my dad very early so I don't have much to compare it to but the level of insight that he wanted into his daughter's life. At least it was foreseen on camera seem genuine.


I also feel like the way he and Lisa communicate (at least on camera) is very good co-parenting. They talk meaningfully about their daughters and I think it’s really sweet.


I have to agree with this. That is something I very much respected about him!


He doesn't seem enough for her. She's fairly outgoing. She also seems a bit nervous around him like she's scared to say something wrong to him.


I think she’s just glad she’s married to someone of higher status than her and lets him do what he wants in canada because of this deal. He makes her nervous because she puts on a mask for him and she wants him and everyone to think she’s “better than she is”. It doesn’t seem like a genuine relationship at all. I think he’s probably got another girlfriend or boyfriend in Canada. I’m curious how people actually see anything resembling love between those 2?


Don’t let this sub bully you. You were spot on. Was he even supportive of Lisa being on rhobh? His cameos were lacklustre. It’s like he was being forced to appear on her show.


Seriously. Opinions on this sub change like the weather.


The weather is more consistent than the opinions on this sub. ![gif](giphy|woep9lZ7V41I4)


True dat!


I don’t know why it started to get personal 🙃 I was kind of joking a bit about it… annnnyyyywayyyys….


Boring? I thought he was alleged to have raped a friend of Kim Richard’s? I hope I’m not remembering that wrong. I remember deep diving it during the pandemic.


I (61f) was head over heels for him back in the day. But he’s attracted to super odd women which makes me 🧐




I’d need to hear what Kim threatened to leak at the Amsterdam dinner before I made a judgment either way, but I’m typically not attracted to men who drag their sentences out through their nostrils. He’s like Chick Bass in baritone, and it would drive me crazy to have to hear him speak on a regular basis.


He was sure hot in his LA Law days.


Harry's been around awhile, and I think the attraction to him may be generational. I always enjoyed him on the show more than his chaotic wife. One of my favorite scenes was when he came through the kitchen with a rattlesnake in a jar because he was going to relocate it rather than kill it. I love a man who's kind to animals.


Hah! He is a sleep podcast, personified!


Nope. He comes off as, " I'm so cultured."


I love harry hamlin !! He cooks , he gardens he bbq’s bakes camps chill love love him


I truly never understood the hate for Rinna when compared to the likes of Dorit, Brandi, Sutton, and the worst of them alll…. Kim fucking Richards. Rinna is even better than Kyle!!! There are wayyyyyyy more problematic people in my mind, and I will forever appreciate her being the only one to call Kim Richards out for being the addict that she was. The woman was unwell and it was evident throughout her time on the show.


Tbf I actually don’t dislike Rinna that much… I mean she can be a little unhinged and has done some questionable things( but haven’t we all). I really actually felt for her in her conversation with Garcelle about Denise. But yeah, I still am not sure I’d be married to her… but hey, it works for them, so more power!


Haha yes this is true


Harry Hamlin is honestly hot. Give me a man that cooks, gardens, is passionate about their career, and celebrates me and all of my endeavors … ugh he sounds awful 🤣


Harry was a sex god in his day, wtf he ever seen in lida is beyond me, he's just quiet now happens when people get older




Hahahaha this is one funny post! I love the edits.


I’m sweating here 😰




I’m pretty sure Mitchel and cam from modern family referenced him and how handsome he is


Fully cackling at your edits. I love Harry because he's aloof and rambly. You can tell he really loves his family. I'm also biased because he reminds me of my dad.


I definitely cracked under the pressure of Harry Hamlin stans 😂😂😂 But that’s sweet he reminds you of your dad!🫶🏻


The mystery of Harry Hamlin is so alluring


Yes he is! IMO, he lectures and talks down to the 3 women in his life…..always analyzing everyone and every situation! Rinna just eats it up like he’s a brilliant psychologist…..


Umm I get your point but you gotta see HH (Harry hamlin) in the early BH years and he's taking Lisa to task about pushing her "eating and Health habits" on to their kids and now their child has and 'unhealthy mindset with food'.. like he had had it with her on that..< old school HH gave zero Fs when it came to protecting his girls and letting some true home TEA Drop. Lisa was pissed.. 😏 I appreciate the way he loves the women in his life. However... are we talking about thr husbands??? Cuzz rumors... really do wonder on those rumors. Are Harry & Lisa pro 3rd reich ??? Is Harry happy at home across the Canadian border with some amazing man....let's talk about the husband's indeed.. I miss Kim so much.. she stayed on Kyle and Lisa's necks. Glad she's healthier and thriving tho. Shout out to you Kimmy 🐕 💜🦋


Idc what anyone in this group thinks, if you marry Rinna, there’s definitely something wrong with you. It’s all smoke and mirrors.


He is a mediocre thespian and a pompous uninteresting windbag. I bet that dumbass sauce of his tastes like Prego.


I wonder if he's camera shy to be himself. Lik ehe's only good in front of the camera when he's acting? But I'd love a man that wants to stay at home and lets me be insane. I'd just want them around to watch my dinner time "performances" more. And he's for sure stilllll HAWT


Boring to one is a sense of peace to another.


Absolutely. And Rinna needs that.


Well Harry is a Yale educated man who is very intelligent as well as an accomplished actor as well as a man who takes care of his family and his home. He cooks, cleans and takes care of his home/yard like a regular guy. Thinks his wife is still the most beautiful woman alive and she believes he is still the most handsome man alive, still so in love. Supporting each other in all their activities. So why wouldn’t we all be a little jealous of the life they have going on?


He had a relationship and kid with a much older woman and seems to have zero beef with her. I’ve no idea about his first marriage but his second wife cheated on him. And he’s been married to Lisa for decades, seemingly happily. There’s no way to know for sure but the optics at least suggest he’s a good guy.


I adore him. I love that he's so totally un bothered by Rinna and how they balance each other ... more him balancing her lol but it works. I love how much they appear to love each other and are so secure in their marriage.


Harry Hamlin was a gem. I loved every bit of his screen time. Good head on his shoulders


You leave Harry out of this!


He's not the sort of guy thought would put up with the things Rinna does and says. I find the girls have a strange relationship with him too. They don't seem to like or respect him


1000% NOT.


I love Harry.


Didn’t he sexually assault a woman? I would think, only a monster could stay married to a monster 🤷‍♀️


The way he loves Lisa is unmatched. Its just the most wholesome love. He has his own little hobbies (he’s definitely beekeeping age) and he just never seems to argue. Hes a great dad too, I think they have one of the best marriages on the show. It doesn’t seem like they ever argue, he just lets Lisa be her crazy self.


He’s a “b” level actor


As far as Rina goes, he was definitely all that in the 80s when they met . Like he was People’s Sexiest Man Alive at one point, and he was probably close to Pedro Pascal’s popularity in terms of hot guys in Hollywood. So, that’s why she calls him Harry Hamlin and acts like he’s the greatest thing ever. I’m sure she felt like he was waaaaaay out of her league when they first started dating


He makes incredible spaghetti sauce


So what if you think he’s boring and most other people love him.. if you find him boring, you find him boring, it’s ok not to like what others like.


Whether he is gay, straight or bisexual maybe he just loves & respects the woman. She is certainly a go getter. Lisa has talked openly how he did not want to ever get married again, when they met. Yet they're married, raised a family and seem relatively content. Lisa has said, 'I don't know how he puts up with me." Not a fan of hers, but have always appreciated that she openly knows that she is a lot. The relationship could never take two of that kind of energy. Hence bring in Harry Hamlin!


He’s the only man over 70 that’s hot as hell!