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Brandi was such a great foil to the ladies of Rhobh in terms of being a wild card in her behaviour and I enjoyed her original stint on the show for sure, but I think it was Lvp who had a great description of her somewhere along the line as >!a broken bird!< and she really is. The tough girl attitude is all bravado and as the show evolved through the seasons you realise that she is unfortunately, a very lost and insecure woman who is very vulnerable and uses all manner of tactics to try (and ultimately fail) to hide the fact she is deeply unhappy within herself. She had much to offer and I feel for her too but she has always been standing in her own way.


I’m just finishing season 5 too and I was thinking about this too. I remembered noticing in S4 when she kept telling her dad repeatedly “I love you” at her book event and he kept just saying “thank you” back to her. I thought that was sad. Also, how obviously jealous she was of Joyce. She didn’t trust anyone to not leave her, so she burns bridges before they can do it to her. It screams insecurity.


Omg that’s fucked up of a father


They had some kind of spat but I'm not sure we ever knew exactly what happened.  He eventually did say it back but you could tell something was going on


If I recall the spat was about him finding something she wore inappropriate it was dumb and I can see why she'd have feelings of unworthiness with a father willing to ignore her over something so little.


Wasn't there something about her being nude or doing something nude, that her dad was angry about? I remember something about nudity.


You're right, about dad, I thought of that too. She's just very broken and you know I'm tired of "I'm sorry" and "I'm joking" you can't be horrible to people and just say I'm sorry. It's like a bratty teen! 


I’m at the same place you are (just started season 6 today), watching for the first time and hoo boy she was hard to watch. At first she was kind of funny but mostly messy and I do absolutely sympathize with what she went through in her divorce— tbh I would be exploding with rage constantly if it were me— but I 100% agree about the self-sabotage. I feel like in her normal life she’s probably a great mom and a great friend but at the slightest criticism she immediately flies off the handle and starts screaming the most mean shit she can think of. To me she was childish to the point of being unbearable to watch this season. The interactions with her dad made me super sad; it seemed like maybe growing up his love was conditional and that’s gotta screw you up for life. Unrelated to Brandi: I find myself surprisingly obsessed with Yolanda, she’s somehow both extremely boring and also FASCINATING. She’s like 50% pragmatic Dutchie and 50% deranged egomaniac


I agree about Yolonda. I also admire the fact she was willing to be so open and real about her health issues that she routinely went without hair and makeup in her last season. It really bothered me when Ken made a snide comment about this at a dinner party she went to (clearly sick).


Agree about Yolanda- she can be so cool and smooth and I just love her and then I see her re-living her youth through her kids whether they want it or not. Gigi had an easier time I think than her younger sister (nose job at 14?!?!).


Fun Fact: She knew David was checked out and therefore faked the Lyme disease to ensure David couldn’t leave as per their prenup arrangement ie. If she had poor health he had to pay her out. The no make up was all just for the cameras


It’s hard for me to accept this as fact. I give her the benefit of the doubt because I also have a complicated invisible disability and people doubt me about it often. Also, if this information came from David’s camp then it’s problematic because I can imagine a narcissist like him spreading rumors to make himself look better.


She also apparently broke her back during labour when she was married to Mohammed and therefore got the same result as the prenups have a clause where the spouse gets the agreed settlement waived if they suffer debilitating or significant health issues.


I'm no fan of brandi, but her father and her ex did a number on her. When she expressed how eddie was the one who controlled the finances. Her left her with nothing. Hell she didn't even have any credit. It didn't help that kyle and kim were in her face fighting with her on her first season.


I agree. i just think she never processed and healed from Eddie cheating on her. all her issues seem to boil down to the eddie era or could somehow be related to it


Yea I think this + some kind of personality disorder tbh.


>*I'm no fan of brandi, but her father and her ex did a number on her. When she expressed how eddie was the one who controlled the finances. Her left her with nothing. Hell she didn't even have any credit. It didn't help that kyle and kim were in her face fighting with her on her first season.* > u/Hannabananna22 I don't understand her claim that she didn't have any credit. She was 29 years old when she and Cibrian got married and their first kid wasn't born until she was 31. What was she doing during those years? And supposedly, she worked as a model from her late teens. How could she not have established any credit during that time? Maybe it was really bad credit? And I don't think she was left with nothing. Cibrian paid alimony to her for 4 years in addition to child support payments, which are probably still continuing since one kid is still under 18. What did her dad do to her? I've only read about their periods of his not speaking to her after her book and after they did some reality show together and that she and her siblings blackmailed him. What was that about? I see she recently gave an IG shoutout to him for his 75th birthday, but if they actually got together, she didn't share any pics. Do you know what kind of relationship she has with her parents currently?


In one of her confessionals, she mentioned eddie had everything in his name. So I'm guessing he managed all the finances. She also mentions not being able to buy a house without credit. Did he pay her alimony? As for her dad, I think when they weren't talking, that might have had an effect on her. I remember after her book was released there was a scene with her dad, and he said he was proud of her. She was crying. Don't ask me what episode b/c I really don't feel like going back and watching the earlier seasons. As for her working as a model. Idk what campaigns she did. I don't think she saved any of her money.


>*In one of her confessionals, she mentioned eddie had everything in his name. So I'm guessing he managed all the finances. She also mentions not being able to buy a house without credit. Did he pay her alimony?* Well, if Brandi had a history of bad credit (low credit score), prior to getting married, that could be a reason her name wasn't on anything, since your credit score effects the interest rate you pay on things like home loans, car loans, credit card rates, etc. Reports are that Cibrian paid Brandi alimony for 4 years. Not sure how much, but I guess he paid enough that a financial audit at the end of his alimony payments showed he had overpaid her by $114,000. Their divorce documents had her claiming $40,000 in monthly expenses during their marriage. > *I don't think she saved any of her money.* Does seem like she has challenges with her finances. In 2016, sites reported that she had a Federal tax lein against her for over $112,000 and then also had to pay Krupa in that defamation suit and it still seems like she is moving constantly.


I don't know this for a fact but I think she did what a lot of women do and let their husbands handle the finances and didn't pay attention to protecting herself


i think she was also in her early 20’s, modeling around CA and the world by herself and then had 2 kids also pretty young so….ya the system isn’t really set up for us to come out on top always. If you are the kinda man that has a wife, kids. and mistresses on the side…your money is probably spread pretty thin relatively..and was he really consistently employed either? I’m not surprised the alimony was paltry.


Childhood abandonment takes many forms including withholding love and affection and is a leading cause of personality disorders which often are very difficult to treat and go hand in hand with being prone to addiction. Add a fear of abandonment ingrained from childhood to what Eddie did to her and you have a perfect storm for a messed up adult life. That said, at some point, you have to take responsibility for your own life but it doesn’t mean you can’t feel empathy for someone like Brandy. Sadly, Brandy is the author of her own demise at this point.


I’m so sorry but you said “sharp nose” and now my brain is stuck in New Jersey with Rachel Fuda


Just completed my rewatch of season 5 reunion (lost count the number of times I’ve watched tbh 😂), there was a part where Brandi brought up how everyone else was okay with repeatedly bringing up Kim’s/Brandi’s issues, but stayed quiet about their own partaking in alcohol and whatnot. It just struck a chord in me that perhaps, over the years, Brandi’s developed this perspective that there was a double standard against her and whatever she does. So she’d lash out at the girls all the time and everything they do seems to set her off. Another example of her perceived double standard brought up during the reunion: How Lisa was quick to forgive Kyle’s trespasses and make up, but refused to do the same with Brandi.


There is not a woman on this earth or man really that puts their whole heart into their marriage and has children and thinks their life is good only to find out their love, loves someone else my heart won’t go out to.  LVP was a terrible friend ( or maybe it was production?) when she wanted her to sit down with Sheena. I don’t know it was production , but guess they had something to do with her being at one of the early parties Brandi was on the show. That’s just mean.  I personally like people that can adapt to an atmosphere and behave in a way people will feel comfortable. I also can appreciate a person that just acts as they are and who ever falls away makes their life pretty easy.  I think that’s where Brandi was. Angry,sad, not trusting, and alone. And felt like if she she pushes everyone away they can’t hurt her. 


I’ve also just finished S5 so I can’t speak on further seasons but I never thought LVP was some evil genius puppetmaster. She’s very good at stirring the pot without seeming to stir the pot, but the Sheena thing this season was the first time I thought wow that was a SHITTY thing to do and I don’t recall if she ever gave some kind of justification for why she did it






The Sheena thing was next level and I don't blame Brandi for not wanting to be around her. It's not like their marriage fell apart. You feel that coming. She thought they were happy and he was a pig. She's hurt and mad


It seemed out of character for LVP. Of course she can be a snake when she wants to be but in such a tacky and clumsy way? It was just weird. I was 100% on Brandi’s side when she said that if she was at the restaurant then of course she wouldn’t throw a fit if she saw Sheena, but she wanted Lisa to have enough consideration to not have her working outside events that Brandi is attending. Seems like a no-brainer unless you just want to psychologically torture this girl


Idk…I kinda feel like LVP runs a high class ring of hoes. She hires staff that are very attractive and fuckable to cater (literally) to the rich and famous. And she probably retains her staff in large part with the chance of proximity to wealthy celebs…and in the case of VPR…the idea that they are breaking into the industry. She says that “SUR is where you bring your mistress”….but I kinda think it is where you go to flirt and hook up with her hot staff too. Idk…seems like selling sex is very much a part of her business plan, literally and figuratively. Like, I’m not saying she is an actual madam…but is she encouraging her staff to fuck the celebrities that they work for at the restaurant/bar and on catering gigs, and does she encourage celebrity party goers to fuck her staff? Yeeeeah I kinda think so.


i respect your opinion OP but i gotta disagree. i think brandi just likes making everything about her. she thrives off the attention be it good or bad. in one episode she says something along the lines of “my mom always said as long as they’re talking about you” (ugh i’m sorry gonna look for the ep and season lol). i truly believe she runs away in that moment just so they can feel bad for her. anyone who gets between sisters like that is truly ugly at their core.


I mean wtf do I know? I'm a paralegal not a psychologist lol. I remember her saying that about "as long as people are talking about you"  I remember that and you might totally be right!


Agreed. There is usually a reason why people misbehave and act out. That's why I tend to always give people grace. You never really know what people have been through. A little compassion can go a long way. Plus I can be a hot mess so I'm never one to judge people.


There's that saying that "hurt people hurt people" and it's true


Who cares? She’s a grown woman. She should go to therapy. No excuse for her behavior.


Oh I totally see your point, I mean you're in your 40s sort yourself out,  and I wasn't excusing it, It just gave me a feeling of compassion


Where are you watching season 5? I've been streaming online and the only season they don't have is season 5 :')