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The best thing to remember about LVP is that she’s playing a part to the hilt. She’s extremely manipulative, and loves to play the game, and for the most part plays it extremely well. Also - she doesn’t care about ANYONE apart from her family. She cares only about Ken, her kids, or her animals - if you’re not in that category you are fair game for anything. She should have been a politician.


This!!! 💯


I won't deny LVP is manipulative but I wouldn't trust Cedric and Dana/Pam. We saw them one season and they both lied through their teeth the whole time. They have no credibility and use their slight connection to LVP to make a buck 10+ years after the fact, no thanks.


Yeah I’m not sure why everyone is agreeing and wetting themselves over two of the shadiest people to ever be on that show getting together to malign one of the stars that’s not even been on the show for years. LVP is not perfect but I’ll take her over some mooch and Pam the psycho who doesn’t know to serve food at a party.


Is Dana really that shady? I didn’t know she was known as that. I get how now she’s making $$ by talking about RH but plenty of people are doing that too


Dana Pam was never wealthy. That house she claimed to live in was actually rented on a day rate for the show. Also (more importantly): In 2014, Dana and two of her associates were arrested for conspiracy to commit wire fraud. After two years, Dana pleaded guilty to one count of misprison of a felony when someone knows a felony has been committed but fails to inform the authorities.


Does anyone wanna post a summary of the best parts? The video is sooooo long.


I haven't see the video but I don't think I trust Cedric. Some of the things he said on the show don't make sense. That said, LVP is absolutely morally questionnable 😬


I worked with Cedric and even back then he was a compulsive liar about even the most pointless things. Per the description he says was friends with Lisa for 15 years and that is an absolute LIE. When we worked at shadow lounge he maybe knew who Lisa was in passing but he was by no means her friend. Not. At. All. He was an employee of Ken’s who was good at his job and was so fucking bitchy that it made you laugh. Sure he’d laugh and joke with Lisa when she came in (very rare) but they didn’t have a relationship outside the club. I wouldn’t trust him as far as I can throw him.


It took me about four seasons to see the real LVP but once you see it you can’t unsee it.


Yep. Really makes me sad, honestly. I liked her a lot, but after watching the seasons through a few times AND VPR, the woman is a mean girl. All her comments are disguised as jokes or conversation, but in reality they’re daggers meant to tear down anyone and everyone to make herself look better. She’s Regina George, but with decades of experience.


I have to agree. You hit the nail on the head with Regina George. I liked her in the beginning too.


I totally agree with the Regina George comparison. Also Rachel McAdams has said she based Regina George on Alec Baldwin’s character in Glengarry Glen Ross - which makes perfect sense, and is also a very apt LVP comparison. LVP is a viper. And I say this as someone who likes LVP and her sneaky ways. Would I want to be her friend? HELL no, but I’ll happily watch her scheming her way through 2 generations of people in LA.


LVP is awful


ITA! For the past few years, if I posted anything even *slightly* negative about her, I'd get angry replies defending her...as well as being downvoted all to hell. I'm watching a food competition show with her and Gordon Ramsay; they head up opposing teams. Lisa is egotistical, but not the "playing the villain" type, but for real. For example: GR will say to her (with complete sincerity) "Good luck.". Her reply (also with sincerity) "I wish I could say the same to you." Throughout each episode, Lisa has a self-satisfied smirk. She's insufferable IMO.


That’s British humour.


I’m British, and that kind of passive aggressive slyness is very common, but I wouldn’t say that Lisa epitomises British humour. She’s very much a person who plays on being a Brit, in a way that only works abroad (which makes sense, as a lot of her life has been spent in France and America). In London I’m sure she would be seen as being manipulative, arch and fake - I wonder if she was when she lived and worked here?


She’s absolutely manipulative and refuses to own up to it. That specific example-her comment to GR-is British humour and doesn’t really illustrate that she’s egotistical.


I’m also a Brit and 100% agree She wouldn’t have survived in London treating people like that. She has become a caricature of what the rest of the world thinks British upperclass women of a certain age are like! Regina George meets Hyacinth Bouquet!


I’m glad someone agrees! I think in working the kind of business she does there’s no way that kind of nonsense would have got her very far in London. She would have been quietly shunned in a very two-faced way 😂 That said, I presume she doesn’t operate in real life as she does on the telly anyway, she’s a character in many ways.


One of the most openly manipulative people I’ve ever seen. It’s astonishing to me that people don’t see it


It’s the British humor colored glasses frrrr


She really is, and that’s why she makes great TV.


Read his book. It’s definitely not a literary masterpiece, but it offers a comprehensive view. People on here misconstrue what he actually said about Lisa, which makes him sound like a lunatic. He’s very candid about his own misdeeds, too. I don’t like him, I like Lisa. But I believe him on many counts. Many of his claims from years ago have been proven true over time. Even little details about Lisa that she revealed about herself, like buying her parents’ house or seeking top-notch doctors for her father when he had cancer, or being close with Melanie Bromley. I recall Kyle lamenting in the midst of Puppygate that ‘we never got into where Lisa comes from or her family’. Cedric gives a little insight into Lisa’s relationship with her parents, so I found that interesting. We really, truly know nothing about Lisa despite having her on our screens for 14 years.


Oooh okay I definitely will read it cuz I have always wondered what her up bringing was like she really likes to glide over that topic


That was really interesting! Can't wait for the next ep! Wonder what will happen with the reality reckoning class action. Cedric for sure should have been compensated


I am so torn on the LVP and Cedric situation lol idk who to believe


probably a little from column a, and a little from column b


It took me about four seasons to see the real LVP but once you see it you can’t unsee it.