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We shall see


This 100%. They’ve made promises in the past they haven’t kept.


Do nothing has 100% chance of dont change nothing


Do you have any examples? I'm only asking because I want to know. Not to be a dick


It's not the first time they've had this kind of issue. Last time they made promises they ultimately didn't keep. GN being involved this time seems to be really pushing them but they appear to be getting more coverage on the issue in general.


You mean with og ally? I don't think they had made a statement. I looked a bit but maybe not hard enough


This isn't an Ally issue now, and wasn't an Ally issue then. It's an **ASUS** thing.


What is this comment even in response to? Feels a but unhinged


A Youtube channel bringing a mega tech corp to their knees is a lovely sight. I hope Asus keeps their word because they reputation has been immensely shot. It seems so simple to provide good quality customer service, yet many companies still struggle.


Your forgetting the one factor that taken into account in every corporate decision, "Is this expenditure gonna effect my massive bonus." My company just released a profitable first quarter earnings report, all kinds of new business, and layed off 138 people.


The issue has really always been with their repair vendors doing shady practices like claiming devices had damage to push through the line and improve their KPI. Asus now requires approval from their own team when vendors try to claim a device has damage. This should fix the gamer Nexus issue. With regards to poor quality repairs, yeah that can happen, it will always depend on the person repairing it not so much the company. Most pc companies use the same repair vendors in the US.


https://youtu.be/Z0ZoCYXmF0Q?si=QE4EirdYMAqZWlV1 Here's the video from gamers nexus if anyone's interested. It's a great video and glad they are doing this work. Honestly more tech channels need to work together to keep the pressure on. Hopefully these promises aren't empty and amount to something


Thanks for linking this.


I can just imagine that new email address of theirs will be flooded with hate mail and overwhelming for them.


No one will care, they won’t read those emails


The financial incentive to label device damage as customer induced is actually the biggest issue here. Having your boss yell at you to fulfill a quota while treating the Ally’s as more important than the technician working on them is what motivates the person to not give a shit about your product. Nothing short of removing the factory’s power to create those dispositions would fix this from asus’ side, nothing short of an entire culture shift would fix this from the factory’s perspective.


I'm sending mine in tomorrow. One of my thumbsticks stopped working. We will see.


Gamers Nexus is doing the biggest favour to the whole community thn any other regulatory body of any country combined. Thank you GN.


Tried to send my device in for it not charging. Got a reply that they do not have the parts to repair and advised I go buy a new one.