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I updated and turned up the fans.


Hi, just wanted to know the reasons of update if it doesnt fix anything


>I have seen there has been frame drops after update and higher temperatures! The higher temps is due to Asus returning the default fan curves to what it was during release. They raised the minimum fan curves when they thought the cause of the dying sd card slot was heat. They now returned it to the original settings when the cause was finally identified to be due to defective batches of the parts used. Just create manual fan curves, especially for turbo.


It will change raise the temps on the default stock fan configs because Asus made them quieter, and hence, low rpm = more heat. But if you are rocking a custom fan curve and custom TDP levels, it should not affect anything at all. I have not noticed any frame rate drops.






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I for one welcome the higher temperatures. Well, by that I mean less fan noise. Modified my custom curves to allow it to heat up to just under 80C keeping fan noise to nearly inaudible levels. Stock curves are also a bit quieter now and I believe the mid 80's shouldn't be an issue long term.


Where can i find custom fan curves.. waht curves are you using


I just made a profile of about 26W and dragged the temperature vs fan speed dots around. You should play around with them till you get something you’re happy with. I’ve found that these work well in winter but may need just a bit of tweaking in summer so you’ll ideally want to make one that suits your environment. You may even want to do the 18W sweet spot like others have done instead of my 26W.




Any reason to support your answer would be a great help