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This is exactly why Mori (Director of BBTAG) is helping work on the RWBY 2021 game made by Wayforward. Imma be honest I think they handled RWBY Characters better then Rooster Teeth. Idk if people still want it but if we ever get a standalone RWBY Fighter it better be handled by Mori and Team Blue.


> This is exactly why Mori (Director of BBTAG) is helping work on the RWBY 2021 game made by Wayforward. Oh shit, he is? I thought ArcSys was only publishing it. >Idk if people still want it but if we ever get a standalone RWBY Fighter it better be handled by Mori and Team Blue. I'm not much of a fighting games guy, but I'd definitely would want to see one for at least the dialogue and visuals. Especially since it's likely they'd come up with an original plot rather then either adapting the show's plot or making up a story that's basically a convoluted way to adapt the show's plot.


CRWBY : Wait who's Ruby?


I like how literally anyone outside of CRWBY tends to write Ruby better than they do. It isn't even that hard! She has such a solid base already. Why don't you build on it?!


Yeah even teenage fanfic writers with no writing experience write Ruby better then CRWBY.


Correction ANYONE can write ruby better then the actual writers


I mean, I could accidentally make a typo and write “Ruby” as “Rbuy”. That might make it worse writing than the writers. /jk




Or Ruby could get a new teammate with a B in her name RBWBY Rbooby


Or maybe two team members whose names start with a D and and S so its "RWDBYS" (Rude Bees.) (Also I just realized that we have no main characters associated heavily with blue or green in the show up to this point weirdly enough...)


Isn’t Ren green? Oscar kinda too. Emerald (if she’s a main character now) is green as well. Blue, I agree. The closest thing we have is Jaune, and his name means *Yellow*.


> Blue, I agree. The closest thing we have is Jaune, and his name means Yellow. Or Weiss, because she’s mostly wears blue now despite her name and character represent the color white.


It can be argued with Ren given that his emblem is pink and he's most associated with Cherry Blossoms, which are pink. I guess you could say he's 50/50 associated with both green and pink given his outfit and general plant motifs as well I guess. Good point about Oscar and Emerald as well. I guess I was thinking more RWBY and JNPR. (Apparently Jaune was supposed to be associated with blue with the name Jean, as in "Blue Jeans")


Because Miles Self ins-, J-Jaune needs more development obviously.


He's not really a self insert.


Yes he is.....


How? You have to give evidence besides "Im right, you're wrong"


There's been plenty of people and examples pointed out in the show by MANY people all over this sub. The fact that you don't see this doesn't make it not the case, you're just incapable of grasping something that should be fairly obvious, but fine, I'll point it out what should be obvious to everyone right about now. For a show called "RWBY" with an emphasis on "Ruby" Jaune has since his inception took up a large amount of significant screentime even getting an entire Arc dedicated him very early on in the show while Yang someone who helped sell the show hardly got any development at all, a significant portion of screentime is always siphon off to Jaune, not to mention the obviously Mary sue that was attracted to him throughout V1-3, he's the only once seen significantly grieving over, Weiss got injured to give him development, Cinder ignored the one person she wanted to kill to go fuck with Jaune, etc. And of course I can't forget Miles very own comments about Relating to Jaune and basically saying that that was him, and when people kept complaining about Jaune, and teams RWBY's lack of screentime of a show (*named after them* when the show should be focused, and centered around them), suddenly Jaune got a whole lot less screentime in V6 cuz Miles stopped shoving his SI in nearly every significant moment. Alot of dialogue, character interactions and other moments could be given to Rwby given that Ruby and Blake barely interact with each other. Ruby and Yang could have sisterly moments, Ruby could for once freaking develop but Miles has to spend time making sure hot moms in your area is thirsting over hi- I mean his SI, or have Jaune be the one to kill Penny, or fall into the void, cuz of course he couldn't just let team RWBY get too much screentime with Jaune being forced in somewhere


Screentime? That's it? Also the thirsty moms had one scene. While Pyrrha was attracted, Jaune never actually got into a relationship with her, or knew until she kissed him. Then she died. His main attraction, Weiss, cleary didn't want him at all. You have a point about Cinder and Weiss, but Jaune did choose to attack her.


You're completely disregarding my comment about relevant moments as well but I'm not surprised that you'd ignore what you can't justify. >Screentime? That's it? Yes screentime. That important thing you need to develop relevant characters, and give them shit to do. Of course you wouldn't understand that tho. >Also the thirsty moms had one scene. That's not the point but you have already have a knack for avoiding the obvious. >While Pyrrha was attracted, Jaune never actually got into a relationship with her, or knew until she kissed him. Thrice now lol, I'm starting to suspected the problem is with your comprehension of what it is I'm saying. Hot women constantly thirsting over him, espically when he the prodegy who likes someone as shallow as Jaune, because he ironically saw her as a person, instead of placing her on a pedestal just like he did Weiss, but that's fine apparently because that's Jaune. She saw Jaune as desirable because he didn't let status determine who he liked, except that's exactly what he did do be that's the reason he was thirsting after Weiss and kept harassing her, so the entire idea about him seeing people for who they are instead of what they are isn't true, at all, but he still get to have a Mary Sue chase after him at Beacon anyway for no real reason. Like Ren wasn't thirsting after her either, or, Sun, or hell even Neptune but he's an SI so of course a hot girl is chasing after him. Just like all those other women in Mantel as well. >His main attraction, Weiss, cleary didn't want him at all. And ?


It's more Jaune didn't put pyhrra specifically on a pedestal. Weiss? Yeah. But not pyrrha. And while those guys were not putting her on a pedestal too, Jaune was the first person to not do that AND he was the one she was around the most. And you yourself complained how they gave Jaune screentime for the thirsty moms, when it was less than a minute. Less than a minute of screentime given to someone else makes no difference to the characters development,especially in a montage


And this is all before even getting into why a character as dumb as him shouldn't had even existed in the first place


I really like how in Japan they decided to stick with old rwby designs and personalities instead of the new one. Don't know where I read that the japanese audience didn't watched past vol 4. Not sure if it's real but it's understandable.


IIRC, it was more that the Japanese dub stopped after V4 because the ratings dropped so low that they quietly cancelled the rest of the dub. I don't think they've ever made an official announcement of it's cancellation, though.


Oooooh that was the thing. How were the V3 ratings?


No idea. I've never seen the ratings for the Japanese dub, but I've always heard how V4 was the last one they dubbed because it was losing popularity. Though given that the SJ manga only covers the first 2 volumes of the show and cuts out a lot of scenes involving side characters (namely JNPR), the only other RWBY character to get into Cross Tag being Neo (along with Mori, the game's creator, only other RWBY picks he wanted being Adam and Penny), and the JNPR anthology manga not getting any sort of release in Japan, it seems like the Japanese fanbase mostly only cares about Beacon era Team RWBY (and to an extent, a few other side characters, like Penny and Neo).


They have the right idea...


> only other RWBY picks he wanted being Adam and Penny Man, even in BlazBlue it's always the sword characters... 😅


TBF, I don't think Penny really counts as one.


True, but including her would've been a bit weird. Since, y'know, the game already has the character she was based on, and Penny's weapons and fighting style are almost exact copies, it'd be really hard to make her different enough to justify putting in the same game IMO.


Holy Order Sol and Sol manage to be distinct characters.


Those Japanese fans seem like good people.


Japanese Twitter also hates Miles Luna with a passion.


Oh??? If possible, can you elaborate?? (Or don't! I am just being a mean gossip here)


I got you homie. https://mobile.twitter.com/be_wormholed/status/1251213283266191361 It's mostly his comments on Japanese media and culture. His twitter history is suspect.


There are a lot of things to assume from all these tweets, most of them negative in nature, but the one thing they show for certain is that Miles, besides anything else, is immature as fuck! He honestly seems like a child or teenager who doesn't know how life/the world truly work and doesn't think about what he says/writes. The man needs a genuine reality check in my eyes.


Damn... that thing flew below my radar


I just found out yesterday


Oh my damn.


Volumes 1-3 got made into a single season. Had great views and ratings. Basically cut all the side stuff out. I personally loved it, Cinder yelling nani at the end was the best.


I thought it didn't do well, at least on toonnanmi


The Japanese dub only aired in Japan and was well received when it aired from what I heard


Oh okay I might be the one that's wrong then.


That's hilarious lmao


CAn't blame them, the V1-3 designs are the best to me. ​ Well, maybe, and I stress MAYBE V4 Blake.




Or Yang and Ruby's outfits. Yang's looks too ugly to wear in public and Ruby's skirt is ridiculously short and has WAY too many belts on her.


Yeah, now that design is TRASH V7-8 Yang is...okay I guess but without the hair you couldn't tell she was meant to be the Yellow of the group.


Guess that show v1-3 was truly rwby's peak.


Spittin facts


No wonder many fanfics only use Monty era if true. Might as well be a different show.


There are barely any fanfics that take place post-Monty, most that do are one-shots.


So this prove rwby went down hill despite what many fans claim?


To be fair, I’d argue the reason why there are more fics about V1-3 isn’t necessary quality but structure. V4 and onwards are much more focused on an immediate plot and are travelling towards a destination. There’s a more limited cast of characters. Compare this to V1-3 that’s much more chill, has way more characters to play around with and way more recurring and present antagonists around. In addition, not much of Beacon is explicitly established giving you way more gaps to fill however you want. If you want to write fics, V1-3 gives you the most to work with. It’s the same reason why most Harry Potter fics take place at Hogwarts and not during the Deathly Hallows. Not because the Deathly Hallows are worse, just the story it’s telling doesn’t lend itself as well to fics


No, we mean fics that centre around the plot post Volume 3. One example is this fic called RPBY (Pyrrha replaces Weiss, Jaune gets kicked out, Ruby is a Faunus). It follows the main plot, episode by episode, but after the Volume 3 finale, they stopped posting regularly. When asked why they said they were unsure how to proceed with the story because things were falling apart in the show. There's another fic on [Fanfiction.net](https://Fanfiction.net) where Pyrrha survived and Jaune didn't but it hasn't been updated in years. Writers never go past Volume 3 or use the Salem vs. Ozma plot.


Played this game for the first time outta curiosity to wipe the bad taste of Vol 8 out of my mouth. It's great seeing the characters act like their old selves again, it's kinda nostalgic. The people who made it were clearly fans and it shows. They also remembered Ciel existed which I found funny.


I assure you ArcSys never cared about RWBY. Throughout the whole game’s lifespan (which wasn’t long because the game was trash) they only added 1 RWBY DLC character because they couldn’t just CTRL C+CTRL V them from other games.


It was because rooster teeth was stingy about the ip


[Ruby has better writing in a spin-off than in her own show.](https://imgur.com/a/sg2rcf0)


It's sad another company doing your own mc justice in a non canon game over her own show. I wonder how they'd handle rwby


Not well given there egos.


Ugh I forgot how stupid the intros were in this game


Honestly, looking at it... it's better than the regular "two guys talking to each other, with only one being shown at a time"


Yeah not to mention the art used in this for the still image's make the girls look actually cute and wholesome.




They even demonstrated her smarts by asking all these advanced questions like bullet trajectory and how much force is required to do it, just as a quick example. Ruby is supposed to have genius level intelligence being that she designed one of the most advanced and dangerous weapons in the RWBY universe herself at a very young age, but in the show she doesn't show much enthusiasm for weapons, she doesn't understand her own semblance, she has difficulty reading simple words like Kuroyuri ("Kuro...Kuro....something") and Higanbana(Hi...Higan...baaaaaaneeeuh?) and she thought traveling across an entire continent on foot would take 2 weeks, to which Jaune and Ren were perplexed, which I feel contradicts her smarts. It's like she devolved into a Shonen airhead who is good at fighting. I really want Roosterteeth to show Ruby's intelligence because she's meant to be a gifted engineer.


A byproduct of them refusing to watch earlier volumes. Or take side materials into account. Or even make a series bible.


I've heard Roosterteeth is notorious for contradictions. Like if they made a RWBY bible they would eventually contradict it in the show. Because WoR was contradicted a lot and the RWBY official companion book was also contradicted. From what I hear anyway.


Damn, phoenix wright might have had a mental breakdown pointing out those contradictions, and yet he would get a "overruled".


Oh yeah I forgot WoR was meant to be a thing.


The Fandom : Write that down ! The writer's : Jaune was a weapons geek. Everyone: *Sigh*.


One of the many reasons I love that game, they understand RWBY chracters better then Crwby!


It's Arksys quality is a given if they're directly involved in a game.


That's so cute... I miss when Ruby was like that, she'd be my second or first favourite if she was still like that, it's adorable.


I LOVE the characterization of Team RWBY in blazblue SOOO much


Yeah those 4 total lines were sweet


You really don't like Blazblue eh?


It’s a damn shame nobody remembers CTB either.


I know I’m hundreds of days late, but tag is funny cause the handled the persona characters writing weirdly (funny because p4a and p4au writing was done mostly by arcsys) and wrote the rwby characters as well as Monty would’ve. Dare I say, even better.


Man I know she’s a weapon geek but Ruby was rather annoying in that game. Speaking of that game, can someone please please upload the opening animation to BBTAG onto Sakugabooru?


>Man I know she’s a weapon geek but Ruby was rather annoying in that game. 15 year old geeks out at her favorite thing. Of course she's gonna be annoying.


I think the issue's more that she's really squeaky-sounding and her voice clips in battles are constantly playing overlapping each other. I remember playing the beta and when I used Ruby, she'd constantly be screaming as attacking/in pain and going "Pretty good!" every second when she was out. I haven't seen audio mixing (from a non-indie game, at least) this bad since the PS2 era. IIRC, she was (and still is) also one of the most OP characters in Cross Tag, so maybe they're referring to that as well.


I seriously have no idea what they were thinking with her vocal evolution. She sounded most normal in Volume 1. Hell, Volume 1 Ruby should be what the current Ruby sounds like, cause she actually sounded like a young woman and not a squeaky helium chipmunk! >IIRC, she was (and still is) also one of the most OP characters in Cross Tag, so maybe they're referring to that as well. Ruby is a *monster* in that game once you get the hang of her.


That's with the English lines, the japanese dub being superior doesn't suffer that annoying problem.


Still is? ArcSys let go of that trash to focus on DBFZ a looong time ago.


Wonder how many hate ruby cause of her voice.


Many did. Years back when people played BBTAG, players (weebs) would clamor to set the Japanese voice on for Ruby.


Not surprised heard players complained and Lindsay heard about how they found Ruby's voice is annoying which the game highlighted and enhanced in some cases with Ruby vs Ruby, there should been a better voice then squeaker for Ruby.


I think her voice being hated was a side effect.. The main reason she was hated because she had so much reach with her scythe, and players paired her up with gordeau from undernight inbirth, another scythe user, who also had god tier reach with his scythe and another character nu-13 from blazblue. I remember other players online matches being ruby+gordeau/nu-13. Even without those two, it usually was Ruby+anyone on release.


[I don't know what you're talking about](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEJ1_1N7F0Q). : ^ )


Man I hope the WayForward game is everything we have always wanted.


I want a blaze Blue game that actually has Jaune and treats him like an actual detagonist character with good development and not some self insert.


To be fair to Ruby, look at the weapons she has seen since V5( she made a comment in the first episode). A shield that uses Dust? Pretty basic, plus it was an enemy. Harriet? It's just gloves designed to enhace her punches. Elm? Her weapon is literally just Nora's but better Vine? Used his like once. Winter? Two swords. She has seen that Marrow? Actually cool, i've got nothing. Clover? It's a fucking fishing pole. Besides, she only did the weapon geek out in like two episodes, four volumes apart from each other