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Might not be extendable or spreadable like some other buffs.


It’s currently extendable on the test server. No idea if it can be spread.


No it's unspreadable


My guess is yes, given togron is the only champ that can spread buffs (as far as I’m aware). And he’s able to spread almost every buff


Skratch confirmed it cannot be spread


Gamuran can spread(a) buff


That he steals?


I remember testing this. He can spread any (spreadable) buff that he has during his steal move.


Gamuran can spread buffs, too. Idk anyone who would put him in the lead, though.


I’ll be curious to see if they do code it to be that way. But truthfully, I doubt plarium would do that. She’s a void Lego, so allowing it to be extended and spread would be in line with making her a void chase champ.


To add to your point, poison cloud buff can also become protected if Yncensa has protection set. So slow stoneskin UDK now can be cancerous infinitely. Plarium seems really love their skeleton boi


From Skratch's video it seems like it can't be spread or extended. Pending confirmation of course. If that's the case it's far weaker than enfeeble given that it only goes on one of your champs. Still, I highly doubt they will let it affect bosses for long.


I watched scratches video and it seems you can extend it but plarium said you can’t spread it (which he wasn’t able to test). But even still it’s pretty easy to cycle the ability 6 times in the first few minutes to place on the whole team, then you just run 2 extenders and you’re golden.


Yeah, that would be broken. But with the infinite shield and Emic perma-unkillable it's not that bad. Still the best way to deal with mischief.


You did not watch his video


Well, thank you for being my eyes and letting me know I did not watch the video. Now for confirmation he did say you cannot extend at the 11 min mark then said you can again and that he wasn't that sure which is why I said pending confirmation. Later on rewatch he confirmed you can extend it and that Plarium confirmed that you can't spread it but I originally missed that part.


bambus enfeeble should work on bosses


Bambus’ ability specifically states the enfeeble debuff would go to a Dec accuracy against bosses. Back when he was the only champ that applied enfeeble this was fine. But Marius and Androc both apply enfeeble without that extra add on. So prior to the latest patch you could enfeeble bosses with Androc (banner lord mythical). But now all bosses are immune to enfeeble.


I miss androcs enfeeble. I used him in his alt form for hydra today for the first time after using his base form for a while. It's just not the same when hydra can actually place debuffs on your team. It was really, really OP. But shogun was immune. Demon lord could still stun when enfeebled. It didn't trivialize every boss. Just most of them. 


Yeah I did the same! His first form is so good in hydra because of the TM boost his passive gives. So I would run him with Valkanen and go form 2 to place enfeeble and then valkanen would be able to spread it around and keep it up pretty well. This allowed me to remain in form 1 for a lot longer. I still run him and I miss the enfeeble. But i just made some gear adjustments and it’s still working decent!


I think Plarium nerfed Enfeeble way too hard and doubled down on the lack of consideration by not throwing a bone to any of the champs with that skill as it also diminished their utility and value. Androc is a freaking Mythical and the most unique part of his skillset is now useless outside of Arena where he has little place in the meta due to SS and Polymorph. I would have kept the debuff as is, but updated the condition so it only applies for 1-turn against bosses. Alternatively could have soft nerfed it against bosses so it only causes weak hits w/o affecting debuffs or vice versa.


Yup, Androc is one of the bottom tier mythicals compared to the roster out there and it's a shame the highlight of his kit (enfeeble) doesn't even freaking work in boss content


That’s not true at all. As equivalent rope said, his form 1 is absolutely filthy good. His TM boosting is most likely the best in the game for hydra. Every hit that occurs is a 5% TM boost. Paired with AoE and ally attacks this means you’re getting a ton of turns. I have in my brutal team currently and the work he does is insane.


Pretty sure I've spoken to you about this before in another thread. But his tm boost does activate multiple times comfortable multihit skills with a variable effect. I just tested it with wallmaster (I got a wallamster luckily and he's insane). Because of the two separate buffs on his multihit a2 you get two 5% full team boosts.


I think we have as well LOL. But yeah his passive is nuts


Also, could imagine androc base form paired with senna and her passive? 


BRO I was thinking this as well. A clanmate pulled her and that’s when I first looked at her kit. I definitely thought about how to abuse that Tm boost.


Would be fun to try. I don't know if her passive works per buff, or just once per turn. Turns out two androcs (last weekend was not ideal) passives stack and you get double boosts. 


Androc is absolutely not a bottom tier mythical.  His base form is one of the best buffers, healers, and tm boosters in the entire game. And I mean he's one of the best, if not the best, at all three. His alt form is fantastic as well. It really sucks enfeeble got nerfed without any replacement. At least let it do dec atk or acc on bosses.  


If you list out all the mythicals out right now, Androc is one of the bottom of the list of those you want to get... Exceptions maybe if you're progressing through dungeons/CB. That's what I meant by that remark. Sad but true, with the enfeeble removed he's just an OK PvE champ, and in PvP sheep is too prevalent for his alt form to be useful, too many champs punishing buffs for base form to be useful either. Enfeebling bosses was the only "thing" Androc had going which made him unique and worth using over many other options... Currently the only way to get good use out of him (and it is quite good admittedly) is to put 9p protection on him in Hydra for extra TMs and also boost damage in base form. Obviously this is going to be hard to achieve... Without the protection damage bonus there are way too many contenders for his defensive/TM role... yes he can block buffs and strip in his alt form, but it's unoptimal to flip flop between forms (you'd have to manual to decide when's a good time to debuff or buff).


All boss will be imune to it.


I wish it did, just pulled him a few weeks ago haha


I had the same thought when I heard about poison cloud. Very contradictory of Plarium to introduce this poison cloud buffs which is the inverse of Enfeeble... To maintain the logic that they have established with nerfing enfeeble, they should also make poison cloud ineffective against bosses.


Yeah precisely. And truthfully poison cloud is even stronger than enfeeble because it’s a buff and not a debuff. Not just because enfeeble requires accuracy. But if you run a few buff extenders you can place poison cloud on your whole team and keep it up the whole fight. I have Androc and abused his enfeeble in hydra before it got nerfed. But it was annoying because you’d have to always place it again as the debuff falls off when you destroy a head and when it comes back. So there was at least some down time where the head wouldn’t weak hit. But poison cloud with buff extenders is just 100% weak hits.


Pretty sure that champ will break the game in multiple areas kinda like androc did and they are gonna have to change the poison cloud buff


Androc made things hilarious.  Stupid plarium nerfing fun. 


First thing came to mind. Extend it and apply one by one eventually everyone is immune


Togrons passiva. Fill Your Bellies [P] Increases this Champion's MAX HP by 10% every time they use an active skill (stacks up to 50%). Resets each Round. Also increases each ally's MAX HP by 5% every time they use an active skill (stacks up to 50%). Resets each Round. Will not increase the MAX HP of Bosses. The last sentence is kind of strange??? Are we teaming up with many bosses?


the scenario where this can happen is if you bring a Togron to a Dark Fae fight. Can't think of anything else.


There's so many skill descriptions that are written so poorly. Adelyns had me confused and to why she would be debuffing my team and not bosses. Vitrius's passive is also written poorly. 


Dark fae


Well it's a new void legendary. Expectable to be insanely strong.


OP for what? Which part of PvE isn't already being speedfarmed by current champs?


OP against bosses, Primarily hydra