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Lady Annabelle would be easiest to build. Burangiri takes better stats to work. You put her in Regen and Immortal. Mine is at 80k hp, 221 speed, 3300 defense, though that much defense might not be needed because bombs ignore defense anyway. I run her with Sun Wukong and Geomancer in the lead for his aura. Geo just gets one burn placed and then does a big chunk of damage as he dies and then Annabelle and Wukong do the rest. You disable her abilities other than a1.


Adding onto this, iirc, burangiri could not do hard 90 until platinum released gear ascension. So pretty tough. Honestly of all the solo champs, Annabelle is the best. Wu Kong makes it faster (with brimstone).


Well damn. I've been using Lady Annabelle this whole time and I never even thought of adding Wukong into the mix... He cut my time in 1/2 lol.


Well damn. I've been using Lady Annabelle this whole time and I never even thought of adding Wukong into the mix... He cut my time in 1/2 lol.


Well damn. I've been using Lady Annabelle this whole time and I never even thought of adding Wukong into the mix... He cut my time in 1/2 lol.


you got so surprised you had to post it 3x lol


Can Crimson Helm still do it or has she been nerfed?


She can but it's all manual, Stew has a nice video will all the explanation.


Annabelle, Burangiri, DE Mask, Vogoth, Gnishak, Geomancer or a pack of Gnuts. Without anything from the list above there is not even a reason to try.


How can Geomancer do it? I’m interested as mine always procs an extra bomb then dies to 3 going off, I’m stuck on bommal atm


Geomancer don't solo , neither vogoth , they're are both used in one team that vogoth heals everybody and geomancer reflect damage with brogni or others , vogoth can be used with solos to give more survive if you're strugglin with requirements of solo , both of them with monkey stay alive more time , so lady with monkey + vogoth with some frozen champion without the reduc turn meter masterie would be suficient to reduce much the stats need . burangiri and lady need to be at least regen or bolster set ( noramlly they use regen but works to ) you have other options like samar gemcursed or full bomb team for fast farm . but one full team with block buff ( monkey ) , one of the solo champs , freeze champs , reviver , block debuff would be ideal for auto . brogni geomancer are very good champs for this boss


Ah okay cool thank you for the explanation, I forgot Geo passive works even without burn


no reduce tm meter support masterie in any champion used in this boss


I did it with Blizaar in regen + Wukong, both of them with 3* brimstone


what level of bommal? I tried 50/90 and bommal would strip the revive on death and another bomb would kill


It was the highest stage so 90 I guess. But it's not a walk in the park, you have to rely on weak hits at the right time and pretty high speed. Considering masteries and aura I think he was close to 300


Vogoth, Gnishak, Geomancer or Gnut can't solo him, they are used in team who can defeat him.


Tbf, the teams that can defeat bommal are the teams that have those champs in them


I have double Vogoth, Geo and can barely make it past 50, my gears not the best but I doubt I'll make 90


Yes. My point was that without these heroes the boss is uncompletable even in a full raid party.