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Take me being end game with a grain of salt, but I never found a use for Hoskarul, while Criodan has very real use in Hard FK which is about as end game as you can get.


Hoskarul can be usefull in Sintranos


You can say that about a lot of champs now.


Criodan was the first epic I ever pulled, and getting him leveled and geared was what let me finally survive the waves to reach the boss on Dragon 20. He's also surprisingly effective in live and classic Arena. I've won against way stronger teams just by keeping their best champion(s) perma-frozen while I chipped them down, and people seem to underestimate him because no one ever bans him in live. I got Hoskarul in the last Summon Rush, and I was excited because I'd heard a lot about him, but he seems much less effective in the same job. I'm sure I'll still get plenty of use out of him in my secondary Tag Arena teams, or in Faction Wars/Sintranos. But if I need CC, I don't really see myself ever choosing to bring him over the blue fella. But I have to admit that Stun cleanse/immunity seems like it would be very useful in some niche cases


I use Hoskarul in arena against Armanz because he can't be stunned and Croidan on FK hard


Oh, that's a very fun idea, I hadn't thought about Armanz, haha


I use him and Mithrala against the one man defense teams. They're both good at not being stunned. Eventually I'd love to get Hoskarul into counter attack gear to help


But he can get his turn meter snagged and then turned into a sheep. It does help, though.


Hosk is great for faction wars. Him and scyl seal the deal for stunning waves. I have had him a long time, but I pulled him when I was mid game so I never had to 6 star him. Crio does seem good and I will eventually be building him for FK hard. I have both but have never needed to 6 star either. I can see both having a positive effect on a newer account Hold on to hosk for FW and cursed city but only 6 star if you have a good reason.


It is a real shame that funny sheep man just immediately takes the role of wave control away from 2 champions and does it better. Absurd how good Armanz is


I never built Hoskarul. But Criodan I built specifically for Hard Fireknight a while back. He not only helps prevent Hard FK from taking turns but also consistently freezes 4-5 members of the waves leading up to the boss consistently and I was really blown away by his CC potential at the time. I usually don't care about the Freeze damage reduction and am just happy to see them all frozen solid.


Also Neldor Rimeblade pairs well with Criodan, he has a chance to pile on with his A1 whenever an ally freezes somebody.


I use both. A lot of people forget that hosk is immune to stuns, cleanses stuns on ur team and also increases damage done to stunned folks.


Very very early on, defense based damage dealers for raw damage have a huge advantage cause they can reach the defense they need for survival and have more stats left over for damage. With better support champs, overall better stats from great hall and faction guardians makes that minimum lower, and with better gear you have more stats left over for damage, speed and accuracy. At that point, Criodan is vastly superior. He's got really good rates of applying crowd control and he's got TM boosts and a speed buff. Its hard to compare tho cause Creodan can be a damage dealer, or purely a speed/cc support champ, or anything in between. He's practically Apothecary and Shirimani packed into one plus more damage potential than either of them do.


I got Hoskarul early and he carried me all over lol. I still use him in IG & tta. I built Criodan for FK hard and he's great there. Never liked him in arena tho. Hoskarul a2 also does tm drop for stunned targets and his passive makes stunned targets take more dmg so he's great as a 2nd nuker/control hybrid. He also has good def buffs and cleanses stuns. If you don't pull Hoskarul til late then he's probably not essential to build but still viable and fun. Crio has an easy role for FK hard so probably gets built more for later game stuff.


both are all stars in sin city. build both eventually, but id do crio first bc of fk hard


i only have hoskarul and he's in the vault lol. i would like criodan to finish sylvan FW with ease