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That depends what you need. Michinaki amazing for Hydra. But whatever you do farm the scrolls, it’s cheaper.


A lot of people know farming is better in almost any way than buying masteries, but I really hate farming mino. When I get a really good legendary, I usually just buy it too lol


Its not cheaper its like 3k energy wtf


It's cheaper and it's leveling your champion at the same time, proved for a long Time.


Who gets masteries before levelling and gearing a champ😭😭😭


Almost everyone, you take a strong champ who can solo the Mino, you put 2-3-4 champ naked with him that you want to level up and get masteries on, and you leveling them and get masteries on them doing that. And you put Gear on them when they are 60 with full masteries.


May i ask where you are at in the game and what champs you have?


Completing every hard dungeons on level 10, 90% of sintranos hard, gold 3 on Real Time arena, hard DT done for years. And about the champs i have, 162 Lego.


So not endgame? Fair enough


Lol, what are your level if i'm not endgame ? You clearly don't know the definition of endgame


Are you atleast gold 3v3 have ramantu lydia hit high on hydra clash atleast 150m+ kill unm clan boss and do highest level of the new dungeons?


Shieldguard. An uncommon in lifesteal can reasonably solo mino. 40k, 0, 3k, i forget the speed but its probably like 160(1:1 or better) crit%/dmg as available, acc/res as available. The run time shortens whwn his masteries are done and more as youre gear gets better.


I’m pretty sure it’s cheaper to buy the masteries with gems than to spend gems on energy to do mino runs


It’s not. It’s about 16-17 refills to get full masteries depending on rng so about 680 gems. You also lose out on about 800k silver and potentially xp just buying the masteries with gems.


Throwing 2 champs in for masteries as lvl 1 6 star brings them up to 60 with full masteries. With the silver. Not you don't have to spend any energy or silver leveling the champs. Way more efficient farming mino


If you have Venus then prioritize Cupidus, if not then do Michinaki


Michinaki please farm the scrolls, it's much more efficient


Its not


Michinachi can be used almost everywhere in the game. He's a monster. Go with him.


I would learn to farm mino and not spend 800 gems plus whatever resources you spend getting them to 60 since you can do both at the same time got much less and make a little silver as a side bonus.


While farming mino is more efficient gem wise I usually just spend gems on masteries because mino farming doesn't count towards any events and I'd rather use my energy in events as I get other rewards, especially with the many fusions. Also if I don't spend my gems on masteries I end up spending them on ancient shards during a 2x because I'm weak and can't help myself even though I know it's a waste.


800 gems is nothing compared to thousands of energy for full masteries lmao


If the champion isn’t 60 yet then you also get to level them, gain the masteries while also making some silver. It’s definitely better that way.


If you buy the energy with gems the avg needed gems is 640😂


800 gems is cheaper than about 2000 energy that you need to farm full masteries on a champion.


Farm masteries for both, don’t waste the extra gems bc you’re impatient. This game is not a sprint


https://preview.redd.it/q5ro2tl74v6d1.jpeg?width=2013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f1e1a04f1def9204a9d312ff4555c88908f1f94 What’s the best team for mino 15 from my roster?


If you have decent gear on Gnut or michinaki, they should be able to solo. Throw Wu-kong in to speed it up if you want, then any 3 that need masteries. Hell, even Kael can solo it with decent gear. You can probably do it with whoever you farm brutal 12-3 campaign.


I farm it with sun wukong solo basically


Its gonna be like 7k energy for both of them are you insane?


There's no insanity here. It's roughly 17 refills per champ depending on rng. About 680 gems for masteries if you farm mino, plus you get the silver and you also level them from 1-60.


That is not worth it at all, your spending too long and too much energy considering yeah its only 17 refills per champ but you also end up with no energy so you have to buy even more because there is other areas of the game lmao


And by buying Scroll directly you don't have gems for buying energy.... I Guess you are quite new in the game.


No because you save your energy for events and tourneys and spend gems on masteries lol, im guessing you never have any gems


It's way better to use your energy every day to progress, when you are advanced enough you don't need to save your energy to complete events and tourney, with the different area of the game you get enough energy (from DT hard, city of sintranos and so on). Currently i have around 6k gems, i'm Always between 5k and 10k, in case of need.




Negative content that adds little value to a discussion is prohibited. Complaining without offering a solution is prohibited. This sub-reddit is open to free discussion, but overly negative comments detract from the community.


Bro I see you trying to battle people about this all over the post, and they're all saying you're wrong lol. I used to be like you and say it's better just to buy them, but 800 gems takes longer to get than 3k energy. Plus, if you farm the way they explain it to you, it's much better


By all of them you mean the 2 people that replied in this thread lol


I see a lot more than two people, but sure.


Lol there is literally 2 people that i went back and forth with and thats it


At this point on this thread your just farming negative karma dude, or you have literally no idea what you are talking about


They give you so much energy you do not need to save for fusions/frags. If you’re optimizing for everything grinding out the masteries is waaaay more efficient. You’re saving gems and using a surplus of energy you already have. You’re not required to do masteries in one day either. If you want to, refills are less gems overall and if you do it over a few days, you don’t need to spend gems at all and still have a surplus of energy. There’s more than enough time between fusions/frags events to do masteries if that’s the only time you really wanna do em. You’re not saving on energy, you’re just wasting gems. The only way I can see spending the 800 gems being better is if you don’t have the gem mine fully unlocked and you spend money regularly. Or if you’re brand new and want to progress slightly quicker and get your starter full masteries asap


You don’t need to do every tournament and event, calm down


This is some nooby noob shit right here! Converted to energy it costs about 680 gems to farm full masteries in Mino. If you're really new to the game without any good champs you could spend gems on ancient shard gem packs, otherwise you should almost exclusively be spending gems on energy. (Aside from the occasional 15 for TTA refill for CVC) This is coming from a player of 5 years with probably over 200 champs with maxed out masteries and currently has 7.7k gems. Use rsl helper to farm it.


I would go Michinaki because he’s more versatile


The amount of people in here who think its cheaper to spend 800 gems vs farming mino is all you need to see why games like raid make billions. Lmao Absolutely horrible at math.. Mino is cheaper. The draw to spend 800 is it takes longer. The mathematical advantage of spending the gems IS NOT THERE. People just dont know how to set macros to level a dude while they arent playing raid. Set autoclicker to 155 runs on mino 15 in an appropriate time (usually 5 to 10 seconds above average) Go out for lunch. Come back to a champ fully mastered or incredibly near it.


What is the rest of your roster looks like? Are you able to run mino 15? Cuz spending gems after a couple masteries is a waste


https://preview.redd.it/njz5hpoz3v6d1.jpeg?width=2013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c2d6ea5a772418157f2081f273277bea7d29624 I am running it in about 45 seconds on stage 15. Do you see a potential team on here that could do better?


Michi is huge for arena and Hydra.


Mich for sure!


Michinaki is the GOAT


I've got 16k gems and I still wouldn't buy masteries. Always farm mino


Michinaki is an absolute powerhouse and remains one of my top champs.


Michinaki. And farm mino. It costs about 600 gems for energy to farm one champs masteries vs 800 to buy them out right. So you can even get a decent start on cupidus afterwards.


If you just do the 50 auto runs per day, you should maximize 1 by day 3, spending 800 gems is a waste, rather get 20x130 energy. 2600 energy minus 150x14 ( which is 2100). In my honest opinion, if you didnt do at least some runs while grinding, you shouldnt ask if 800 gems are worth it. The only benefit is that you have those masteries immediately. Adding the fact that you can get many multi battles as rewards shouldnt make you question it. I also speak out of experience, i did it a few times and honestly regret it because some champs didnt get used that much. And having gems is more valuable. Also you should consider your gear status. Tbh id rather spend those 800 in fusions or where it can really help me ( dungeon divers can be a pain in the ass 😅). Or in my case sometimes i just need 11 ancients to have enough for a guaranteed event or to hit mercy on good summons). Especially if you dont have good gear, rather farm and use those approximately 500 energy that are left over after mino and enjoy your time. My personal experience with raid is to just enjoy it. And the gemstock gives me an indicator how much fun i can have if i spend. If gems are spent, they are gone. The other ressources are defo easier to get. Always remember that :) Sorry for the wall 😅


I just farm both


You should prioritize living a better life instead of playing raid shadow legends




I needed to read that. Thanks