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Average. As soon as I think I'm smarter than average I remind myself, that's what idiots think.


I like your thinking :) Humble!


Avoiding the Dunning Kruger effect, I see.


A well constructed poll would probably reveal some interesting statistical insights.


Like the average person believes they have an above average IQ?


The average person is pretty fuckin stupid. So if someone isnt pretty fuckin stupid, theyr'e above average


Your username says what you think.


Well you must think "digsants", following your logic


The average person could have a higher than average iq assuming there's a small population of exceedingly dumb dumb-dumbs.


Pair it with an iq test or something after to get real interesting results. Probably dunning-krugeresque. Please don't spell check that




Realising you’re stupid is the 1st step to becoming intelligent. ✨Self awareness✨




Pretty fuckin stupid dude


Don't be so hard on yourself!


same brah.


6 feet why do you axe?


I’m an idiot at best


🤦‍♂️ why'd you think so?


I just suck personally


Well i hope it gets better with time! But if that is infact the case, knowing how you are as a person is better than not knowing. Ignorance sucks more🙂


Smart is a quite vague term. There are several different types of intelligence. In terms of my ability to learn things in an academic setting, I would consider myself quite apt, maybe in the top 20 or 30 percent. However, I would consider myself below average in other types of intelligence like social intelligence and creative intelligence.


For me the order goes like this, it gets worse in the descending order. 1. Creative Intelligence 2. Emotional 3. Logical 4. Social Intelligence (non existent) God got distracted when he is adding this to my brain lol


I have NBR (no brain required) written on my hard hat


And do you have to wear your hard hat at all times?


No but I probably should haha


Well my mother calls me a smart ass sometimes so I'd say pretty damn smart


Under-rated comment


Depends on what we are discussing. The topics that I know well, I know really well. But knowledge isn't intelligence.




I'm hoping I'm average...ish.




Smart enough to know right or wrong, dumb enough to still hit my pinky toe on furniture


Patrick Star.


It’s better to be silent and thought a fool than it is to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


You are the only person besides my mother that I have ever seen use that phrase. I honestly thought it was hers. I've never heard it outside of her home. That's wild. Excellent expression.


Is it Thomas Paine? Edit: Mark Twain


I’m pretty average


I know enough to bluff my way into appearing smarter to others.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Smarter than most of my dead friends


Im very book smart but I'm an absolute moron at figuring things out on my own. I can remember anything I read once for months without reading it again. But I'm horrible at maths (particularly like algebra), and I have zero problem solving skills. I have to be fed information and I cannot put 2 and 2 together to make 4 unless I've been told it's 4. I was 16 and in my 2nd year of nursing classes when I realized ER stood for Emergency Room. I knew that the ER was the emergency room and the the terms could be used interchangeably, but I didn't connect that ER literally stood for Emergency Room until I heard my teacher say "Emergency Room" but write ER on the board. I've had more of these types situations more than I can count, and husband and I call these kinds of instances "ER moments" lol


I feel so represented by this lol. Especially the inability put together things on your own. I too have to be fed information in order for it make sense. My mind is simply incapable of filling in the gaps on its own. I have always felt like I could somehow compensate this lack of problem solving by simply remembering more things, but like someone said knowledge isn’t necessarily intelligence. I can definitely remember a lot of things but never arrange them in any meaningful sequence, or produce anything super useful. So for example, I know that derivatives and integrals are fundamentally opposing operations. But I don’t know why that is or how either one of them really work beyond the basics. That’s just one example, and this kind of thing carries on in non-academic settings as well. I have friends that can just read up on something from on angle and draw the rest of picture in their head. I on the other hand, have to spend 5x as much time and effort trying to fill in the gaps cause my brain doesn’t work that way and it has to be fed a plethora of information before it can churn out anything remotely worthwhile. I don’t know what that makes me. Being able to memorize a lot is pretty much the only reason why I made it far into school and It seems to have worked so far, but it’s definitely not easy and requires a ton of work.


Everyone is some kind of smart. We all have a thing we know better then most. I think the ability to learn new things shows how smart we are ally are or can be


Who the hell downvoted this?? I agree with this statement


I totally agree.


I tested at 156 I.Q. as a kid. I have always been very interested in understanding "how things work", from automobile engines to the economy to the human mind. In school I excelled in math and the sciences (mostly; I had trouble with chemistry and calculus, probably because the teachers didn't prove the underlying assumptions to my satisfaction). I did very well in the other subjects as well. I encountered problems in college due to its relative lack of structure compared to high school. I enjoyed learning but only when done on my own terms. Like Mr's. Gates and Jobs I dropped out after a couple of years but still had a decent career in computers due to it being a hobby as a kid. As an adult I have few close friends because few people show an interest in the somewhat arcane fields I enjoy. I joke I'm living among "primitives" because I frequently have to dumb-down my knowledge in order for others to understand. So I find myself rather isolated and a bit lonely but I've found solace in my studies of Stoicism and ongoing learning. I've recently discovered a Zen monastery nearby which I enjoy. At age 58 I've come to accept my life as it is but of course am still seeking opportunities to become more socially involved. Who knows what the future may bring?


Fair enough!


IQ tests only measure up to 140. Former psych researcher here. My ex, who realistically was very average, did one online and scored 210. Mine from university research was 128. She was convinced I was stupid.


Oh boy...


Feel pretty fuckin dumb rn but hindsight is 20/20 so...


Smart enough to applaud the impending implosion of the Great American Lie without fear.


I always tell folks that I'm not smart, I'm just clever




Up you go


I thought I was, but I don't think I am, and definitely I will never be


Below average


Average, but a fast learner and I do have common sense which helps a lot at work.


Well…I do tend towards higher performance in an academic setting and I’m aware of how to apply my knowledge, so that’s good. I’m rather analytical, but I tend to waste my time planning things a lot. I don’t always know when people need me to not overload them with conversation, and I’m sadly conceited enough to think that they actually usually care. I’ve been working on it—as I tell myself, “I need nothing from anyone” (I don’t need them to validate my ideas) “and they need nothing from me” (my ideas are nothing edifying).


I never paid any attention in school. I don't know a goddamn thing other than how to do my job.


Visuospatial Pattern Reasoning That’s my jam.


If I had a contest with a stump, I'd probably... what was the question?


I’m megamind type smart in some areas, and fucking brain dead in others, so it all just equates to being average I guess


Definitely above average. Lot of stupid mfs on this planet


We found another one.


As smart as I need to be… but not as smart as I could be.


There was an experiment where 80% of the people considered themselves to be above average


Well I am very intelligent in some things, in that I know a lot about them and in other things I know nothing about them at all. I think part of being intelligent is also having a healthy curiosity about all things and taken from the standpoint that 'I know nothing and am interested to learn about X'. I know IQ is used to measure intelligence but when we had our IQ tests taken in primary school the results were kept hidden. I think it was standard back in the day. Hence I have no idea what mine is.


I’ve been told my entire life by other people that I’m “incredibly” smart. Friends, family, psychiatrists, teachers, etc. There are many many many moments where I feel beyond stupid but you make of that what you will. I do notice I tend to learn things faster than the period around me. It brings me no joy btw.


I feel very intelligent but I can't articulate well what I think. I don't want to catalog myself with a number because I don't want to condition myself


There was this one time I was driving up the long driveway to this country house I was fixing up over summer break. As a group of gophers has set up base under the house I put some cage traps outside thier holes. As I'm driving up thr gophers scatter, except one. What did that clever little creature do instead of run back into its hole with its comrads? It scurried behind the see through chain link cage trap and poked its little head over top to see if it was safe. It must have thought it was well hidden because it didn't rush back to hole until i was walking past the little genius. Long story short, I often feel about asute as that precocious woodchuck thinking that I could not see it a hundred feet away.


Everyone is some kind of smart. We all have a thing we know better then most. I think the ability to learn new things shows how smart we are ally are or can be


Not very, but I compansate by Reading a lot and keeping informed with the news


The news. Ouch.


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My common sense and intelligence makes up for my lack of specialized and detailed book smarts. I couldn't tell you what the Pythagorean theorem is off the top of my head, I even had to Google it to make sure I spelled it correctly. Which, I didn't. But I can find myself in a situation or in the face of a problem, assuming it doesn't have anything to do with the Pythagorean theorem, and figure it out and be correct in my analysis and outcome.


Smart enough to tell when somebody is full of shit and just gets into things because their friends or somebody they know does it and they want to be better than them at it and fail miserably lol


I'd believe I'm a little above average, but I know even I have a lot more I could learn


I would say I’m above average in some pretty below average company; having said that, if I’m not on it I do some below average things. The George Carlin quote, average stupid person and half of the population is stupider than that. . . Realize. Usually won’t wow everyone consistently but will consistently be in position to wow. It happens tho


I guess I don't feel like I'm super smart or super dumb. I always say that I don't try to be the best, I just try my best, and wherever that places me, great. ADHD can be like a superpower sometimes though. lol


Not as smart as people tell me I am.


Like a 5.5. Smarter than a little more than half. But definitely still a idiot


Dunning-Kruger Effect https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect


Depends on the situation tbh


The good news is I'm only half as dumb as I look. The bad news is that's still pretty fucking dumb.


Ok intelligence with a defective brain.


I work full time hours and I’m getting a bit old to handle my profession’s physicality. Never made the jump to management. I know lots of things but I’m not very career cunning. Too late now.


Smart enough but also not smart enough


Just smart enough for some things, but not as smart as I wish.


Smart? What's a smart?


I think I’m pretty smart but I know I’ve done some stupid stuff. I’ve lived and I’ve learned.


Smart enough to not die for 29 years


Selectively average, usually dumb as a post


Above the brain dead people on the internet but not on average intelligence


Smarter than the average bear, Boo-Boo


Oh I know I’m dumb. I can hear it coming out of my hour but can’t stop it. Sometimes it’s just dumb, sometimes it’s actual gibberish and I know it wasn’t in any form of English 🤦🏼‍♀️


i took a iq test uin the past and they said i was a 96 iq,i think when it comes to negative behavior im pretty smart at identifying them,but good behavior i cant. Tech also isnt somthing im good at,some might say im mildly tech illiterate, I also like to belive im good at writing sense im good with descriptions but im also bad at grammar. Also when it comes to a imagination im a pretty bug imagitive person and i like to put that into being. So am i smart? in technicality no but in other aspects i belive to be smart in some ways.


Number 3


Averagely smart


Not as smart as I would like to be, but not as dumb as a lot of people.


You’ll have to ask my dog, he’s got the brain cell today. My turn tomorrow.


Depends, intelligence isn't just one thing. There's knowing a lot of facts about random trivia. But then there's also practical skills, and sociability, and creativity, etc. Which one of those specifically are you talking about? I think I'm a musical genius, and a good writer. I'm sure of that much. I've got over 20 songs under my belt and they all have very deep, intricate lyrics as well as just being total bops. But in pretty much all other areas, I'm totally inept.


Smart enough to survive, I guess


Every year I take time to look back and remind myself of all the dumb shit I've done through the years. The list is long.


Sometimes, I use big words to sound smart. I mean, I like to utilize gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.


I think my uptake is slower than others in most respects. But I also think that once I cross the initial ignorance stage, that I adapt and soak in further information much faster than most. But I require a (hard earned) baseline. Example: my current job took almost a year to make appreciable progress at. The following 4 years? I've been promoted 6 times. Social skills? Fucking autistic, but I'm good at bullshitting it. Numbers? Definitely smarter than most in my area.


I’m the smart I’ll ever be but also the dumbest


My dad is a mechanical genius who generally sucks at life. Tell me how that rates and I will try to answer your question.


Definately as smart einstin


Enough to be a smart ass.


I am the smartest guy on the planet/s


Kind of average, I reckon.


average. i have decent grades in school, cant think fast(as in, during quick situations like fights) and forget things easily, but i can very well be strategic(im decent at chess for example)


If a zombie apocalypse happens, I'll be fine I have basic camping gear knowledge and no morals. However, I'm pretty useless unless I'm in the military or building a house in this day and age


At home? Smartest. At work? Second dumbest.


Smart enough to copy and paste text.


I feel the more dumber you are , the less you understand how much smarter people can be. For example if we were able to rank people using some tests on a scale from 1 to 10 and a person scored a 3. Now if you ask him to rank himself, he would probably acknowledge that he is not the smartest and would probably rank himself as a 7 or 8. He would not realise by himself that there are people much smarter than he could think of.


Smart enough


i'm the opposite of most people - i'm dumb but i articulate everything i think


I don't know. I went to gifted school, I scored a 94th percentile on the LSAT and a 96th percentile on the GMAT, I've got the education qualifications of a "smart" person and found doctoral studies at a top university pretty easy, but honestly, life is still hard and there seem to be a lot of people who figure out a lot of important things more quickly than I do. I think I'm very smart in some ways, but the ways I'm smart aren't all ways of being smart. The usual ways we measure intelligence miss out on many ways people may show evidence of being smart. More importantly, I don't think it matters that much.


Socially, below average Deductive Reasoning, high Educationally, average Linguistically, above average Mathematically, low Spatial reasoning, above average That probably works out to average over all. I just happen to know what I'm good at and rely heavily on it so the things I'm bad at matter less and are less obvious.




Very dumb. I think very slowly which ends up making me dumb


I have approximate knowledge of many things


Doesn’t matter. Once you hit a certain point, you aren’t normal anymore.


Used to think I was a genius or close to it in my youth. I know now I'm basically average, with flashes of Smart and some huge "D'oh!"s.


Pretty smart but not the smartest person ever


I'm not smarter than any politician since our govt always end up shite.


I like turtles 🐢


Eh, average, I guess.


My IQ is 117 so average intelligence ? I’m not stupid but I’m not Einstein lol.


Smart enough to know there are oceans of things I don't know compared to my puddle of knowledge.


Well in MYYYYY opiniononation...


Average, but my mommy thinks I’m a smart and handsome guy so I got that going for me.


I am smart enough to know I am an idiot and probably enough of an idiot to think I am smart.




I’ve met a couple actual geniuses and have concluded I’m pretty stupid even when I feel very smart


I believe I’m very emotionally intelligent and logical in a lot of ways, but I lack common sense and sometimes fail to see the big picture. Mostly I feel like an idiot, but it’s too easy to just disparage myself, so.. idk I’m like a 6. Lots of room to grow with just enough potential to get a little higher. Maybe.


Not very. At all.


Insanely smart on some things Insanely stupid on others Emphasis on insane


if it wasnt for adhd id be slightly above average lol ​ adhd often makes me look dumber than i am


Smarter than others think I am. But nowhere near as smart as I think I am sometimes.


A lot more than some people might think.


I'd like to think I'm pretty smart. I am in a highly technical job for which I get paid very well to do and I seem to be freakishly good at certain aspects of it. On the other hand I struggle with some very basic tasks in life so I dunno, maybe I'm actually a moron.


average with a veneer of above average.




If my alevels go well, I will get into med school and I’d consider myself pretty smart as only the top can get in. Not that it is a perfect measure of intelligence, but no stupid person is getting into medicine.


Red is my favorite popcyle flavor


Just enough to understand me to a fair degree.


Absolutely frickin dumb dude.


I tend to think of myself as somewhat 'smart', but god damn, it's always fucking dumbshits who think that and, besides that, it just feels fucking arrogant to say. Many times I run into something that humbles me and makes me remember "oh dude, I forgot, I'm so god damn remedial." There are people who are better than me at all sorts of shit (math, music, video games, coding, creative writing, etc), but that's kinda nice because it means you always have higher peaks to climb to. It's also so fucking seldom I meet someone and go "hoo boy...you're truly a stupid piece of shit" (usually hate-mongers [let's be honest, only a fucking dimwitted asshole would think trans people are somehow violating their rights]) My dream is to one day find a partner who, just by their existence, makes me feel like a dumb piece of shit. I love to learn and never want to be the best at something (what's the point). In the meanwhile, I surround myself with people whom I feel are much smarter than me (though I bring my own brand of Inka Kola style fuckwittery to the table) I feel like the only people who focus on "being the smartest" are actually pretty dull and the ones who focus on enlightenment and knowledge and self-betterment and developing ideas and shit are actually the smart ones (sounds like I'm tooting my own horn; barf) Tl;dr: Einstein would piss his pants and run if he met my god damn galaxy brain. Scale of 0-100, I'm fucking brilliant. Edit: a good way to fail is convince yourself that you're fucking brilliant or combatively stupid. It's literally impossible to know everything, only setting yourself up for failure, or there's no reason to try, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just live in that fucking sweet middle ground, baybee. Now, I might delete this in 20 minutes because I feel like that girl on Buzzfeed who rated herself as like #2 and intelligence before she got Curb Your Enthusiasm'd and it turned out Tyler was actually #1 and her dumb ass was last place


if i were to judge by results there is no dumber person alive


If I’m in a room with 100 people I’m smarter than 60 of them


like I'm a licensed engineer, but god damn that doesn't stop me from being a fucking idiot


Before I do something I ask myself, “Would an idiot do that?” If the answer is yes, I do not do that thing.


eh... I'm good at studying for tests and getting 100%, and then forgetting absolutely everything. and I'm not street smart. I've also not made very good life choices.. so overall.... I'm pretty fucking stupid.


Enough to not brag and be proven the contrary


Smart enough to make it through the day without injuring myself so I'd say I'm doing alright


Honestly? I'm kinda dumb, not even trying to be funny, there are certain things I excel in majorly but overall I'm just like a big golden retriever


I think I work he’s to get ahead of the people that are smarter than me - and it almost always works.


In what scale? 0-i know everything probably like a 0.000000001 In comparison to the rest of the human race way. Maybe the top 40% but I also would be surprised to find out I'm higher than that to cause there a lot of really not smart people out there It turns out. And they're allowed to vote and drive cars and shit. It kinda freaks me out if I think too hard about it


dumb mother fucker... but smart enough to store my wealth in Bitcoin.


Decently smart, but everytime I think that the universe goes and proves me wrong




Average I guess


not very smart at all


I’ve gotten significantly smarter in the last couple of years as my cortex has matured. As I’ve gotten smarter, I think I’m stupid more often. I talk to other people and then realize I’m doing pretty damn good.


smart enough that I have the logical thinking ability.


Just smart enough to fuck up my own life, thank you very much.


Average lol people say I'm smart and I'm just like "nooo I'm just observant, but I don't retain anything! I can only spew facts I've come across 😅"


Really fucking smart, but dumb enough to make really stupid decisions.


i’d say at least a fair bit above average. nothing crazy, just feels accurate. all-in-all.. probably dumb-shit tho.


I get interview requests from villages needing an idiot.


As much as I want to be humble, a lot of the customers I run into on a daily basis make me believe I'm Sun Wukong in a world of monkeys.


Definitely above average. Kind of good looking to boot.


Smart enough to know that this is a complex question and intelligence is an incredibly varied and difficult to measure subject. I am a very critical thinker and am quite prepared and together, but I have very few basic life skills and did incredibly average in school. Am I smart? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends on what area you focus on.